Grounded (Flight for Life Book 2)

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Grounded (Flight for Life Book 2) Page 22

by Elaine Meece

  “Okay, guys. Take your items to the cash register.”

  “Thanks, Annie,” Gabe said.

  Shawn grinned. “Thanks.”

  At the register, she paid and handed each boy their own bag.

  Instead of driving her home, he headed for his condo. “Hey, I live in the opposite direction.”

  “I know. We’re kidnapping you,” Brice said.

  “Arrr. We’re pirates,” Gabe said. “Hey, Annie, have you ever eaten an octopus?”

  “It’s called calamari when it’s served as food, and yes, I’ve tried it. I didn’t like it.”

  Gabe’s eyes widened. “Oooo, that’s nasty.”

  “What about shark?” Shawn held up his shark.

  “No, I haven’t tried that.” She paused. “So, if I’m your captive, what do you plan to feed me tonight? I’m really hungry. Please don’t say fish.”

  Brice laughed. “Our favorite. I’m grilling burgers.”

  “That’ll work,” Annie said. “What can I do to help?”

  “Entertain them.”

  They pulled up into his parking space and piled out of the car.

  “I gotta pee,” Shawn mumbled.

  ‘You’ve always gotta pee,” Gabe pointed out.

  “It’s because he drinks too much,” Brice said. He unlocked the door and opened it wide enough for everyone to enter. “Make yourself at home. I need to get out of these jeans. It’s hot as hell in here.”


  Brice made his way to his bedroom and opened the door. He was halfway to this closet when he realized someone was on his bed. He spun around and stared. A naked woman lay on top of his bed in a sexy pose. It took a moment to recognize her.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to fuck you. Don’t say I haven’t warned you.”

  Annie came to the bedroom door. She gasped. Her eyes revealed total shock and disbelief. Her face turned cherry red. “My God. Renee, what are you doing?”

  “I figured he’d be alone.” Renee stood from the bed. “I’d had this planned since that day you interviewed me. You let off some strong vibes.”

  “We didn’t have an interview, and I certainly didn’t give off any vibes. How’d you get in?”

  “I have a few priors for breaking and entering. It wasn’t rocket science. You really should use your deadbolt. Using a card, I had your door opened in one minute.”

  Shawn and Gabe stopped in the doorway. Their eyes widened while their jaws dropped.

  Annie pushed them out of the room, then closed the door. “Get your clothes on and get out of here. I can’t believe you’d do something like this.”

  Still naked, Renee grinned at Brice. “Little Miss Hoity Toity will run tell Mom and Dad. She’s always been a tattletale.” She slipped a shirt on and pulled up a pair of Daisy Duke blue jean shorts. “You can deny it until the cows come home, that day at the elevator you wanted me.”

  “You’re the one who’s been calling me.”

  “Who’d you think it was?” Renee asked.

  Brice realized it hadn’t been Kayla Miller. Thank goodness, he’d never explained the nature of the calls he’d accused her of making. “Get out of my home, and don’t ever come back. You’ve embarrassed Annie and my sons. Now leave.”

  Renee turned to Annie. “You know if you and the kids hadn’t been here, I bet he would’ve fucked my brains out.”

  Annie’s rage erupted like Mt. St. Helens. She slapped Renee so hard and fast, it knocked her sister back on the bed. “You are disgusting. You swim in self-pity. You’re cheap white trash, and I’m ashamed you’re my sister. You have no one to blame for your life but yourself. Get dressed and get out of my sight.”

  Renee rolled her eyes. “I’m leaving. This is his fault for leading me on that day.”

  “It’s never your fault. You never take responsibility for your actions. He is my boss. You’ve already cost me one job. Now leave before he calls the police.”

  “Family love.” Renee slipped on some flipflops and headed for the front door. She turned and walked back to the nightstand and grabbed the condoms she’d placed on the nightstand. “See I can be responsible.”

  When the front door closed, tears ran down Annie’s face.

  Brice tried to pull her in his arms, but she pulled away. “Annie, that wasn’t your fault. Actually, I’m really relieved.”

  She faced him, wiping her eyes. “Why?”

  “I’ve been getting messages saying I want to fuck you since we went to Utah. I thought it was Kayla Miller. I wasn’t sure how I’d handle it. I’m actually glad it was Renee instead.”

  Finally, Annie stepped into his embrace and tilted her head forward, resting it on his chest. “I have never been so humiliated in my life. Never.”

  “Just to set things straight, there was no interview, and I didn’t send off vibes of any kind to her.”

  “I didn’t believe any of that.”

  “I can only imagine how embarrassed you are, but seriously, this is something we’ll look back on years from now and laugh about.” Brice realized he’d said years from now. That meant he planned to still be with her. “Let’s cook dinner.”

  “What do we say to the boys?”

  “Hell, if I know. Think Tristen is available to speak with them about what they saw?”

  Annie smiled. “Whatever Tristen said must’ve been good because Shawn has been great today. But I think today’s experience will require more than he can offer. I’m thinking more like a child psychologist.”

  They walked into the den. Shawn and Gabe sat on the couch.

  “Who was that lady?” Shawn asked.

  “She didn’t have any clothes on,” Gabe said, blinking.

  “Just some drunk lady who had the wrong condo.”

  Annie mouthed the word, Thanks.

  While they ate, her phone rang. “Hello, Cynthia.”

  “I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

  “No, well, actually, I was about to eat dinner.”

  “Then I won’t keep you long. I’m not sure how to say this, but I received a call from human resources. Seems your sister, Renee, keeps showing up and demanding to speak with Brice. Did you know about it?”

  “No, I didn’t. Brice told me about one of the times she’d come in, but I didn’t know about any others.”

  “She claims you sent her in.”

  “I didn’t.” She sighed. “I’ll take care of her. She won’t be coming in when I’m finished with her. I’m so sorry. She’s bipolar and refuses to take medication.”

  “I apologize for putting this on you. I didn’t think you knew what she was doing.”

  “Hey, give me that ketchup,” Gabe shouted.

  “No, I had it first,” Shawn said.

  Annie tried to cover the phone.

  “Is that Shawn and Gabe?” Cynthia asked.

  “Yes, I’m eating dinner with them. It’s almost time for Shea to pick them up. Brice thought it’d make her see me as a real threat. The wedding didn’t faze her.”

  “Good luck with that. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t forget we’re staying over.”

  “I already have my bag packed.”

  While his boys kept eating, Brice glanced at Annie. Her eyes revealed her fiery mood. No doubt, she wouldn’t be forgiving her sister anytime soon. “Annie, we understand about Renee,” he said.

  “You don’t understand what it’s been like living your entire life with her craziness. And to make it worse, Mom and Dad always make excuses for her. It’s never Renee’s fault. I’m sick of it. I’d like to push her off a cliff.”

  The boys’ heads jerked up.

  Brice chuckled. “She’s teasing.”

  They didn’t look convinced.

  The doorbell rang. Right when Brice thought it couldn’t get any more complicated, it did. No doubt, Shea was there to pick up the boys.

  “Boys finish up. Your mom is here.” Brice walked to the door and opened it.
  Shea zoned in on Annie. “Isn’t this cozy.”

  “This is none of your business.” Brice grinned. “Besides, Annie’s in a foul mood. I wouldn’t push her buttons.”

  “I am.” Annie stood. “I need to run. Thanks for dinner.”

  Brice gripped her upper arm. “Don’t go to your parents’ house half-cocked. Wait until you calm down.” He grinned. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Annie kissed his cheek, then grabbed her purse. “Thanks for the advice, but there are things I need to say while I’m still pissed.”

  Shea stepped out of her way. “Someone get chocolate on her nickel?”

  He laughed at their old line for when someone was angry. “Yeah, you could say that. She’ll be back when she realizes she doesn’t have her car here.”

  “Mom, there was a naked lady on Dad’s bed.”

  Shea’s eyes widened. “When was this?”

  “When we came home today from the aquarium,” Brice added.

  “She was in the wrong house,” Gabe said.

  “I’ll take it up with security.” He paused. “Boys go in the bedroom and grab your stuff.” The boys shot off to their room. He turned back to Shea. “Hayden come clean?”

  “Yes. Someone stole his identity. He had no choice but to change his name.”

  Brice blurted out a quick sarcastic chuckle. “And you believe him?”

  She stared with concerned eyes. “What else do you know about him?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve had someone poking into his life. He’s around my boys. I want to know who he is, and I don’t buy his story. If I find out anything on him, and you continue to see him, we’ll be back in court. I’ll want custody of the boys.”

  Her eyes filled with fear. “No, if you find anything bad on him, I would stop seeing him.”

  “Did he by chance mention what his name used to be?”

  Her brows drooped, and she blushed. “No, he didn’t.”

  Annie walked back in and slammed the door behind her. “My car isn’t here.”

  Brice laughed. “It took you long enough to realize that.”

  “You could’ve stopped me.”

  “You needed to work off some steam. I’ll drive you home.”

  “A lover’s spat,” Shea said, looking hopeful.

  “Nope. She’s angry with her sister.”

  The boys returned with their backpacks. They all walked out the door together, and this time Brice locked the deadbolt. In Annie’s driveway, he let the engine run. “Thanks for going with us.”

  “Thanks for inviting me. I’m sorry about Renee.”

  “It livened things up. Don’t confront her until you’ve cooled down.”

  She nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Don’t forget we have a real date tomorrow night.”

  She smiled. “I won’t.”

  He decided not to mention the episode with Renee in his bed to Cynthia. Annie couldn’t forgo any more humiliation. He thought about her plan to enter the commune. He hated to risk it, but he didn’t see any other way she could reach Megan.


  After being dropped off, Annie drove straight to her parents’ home. Renee’s car was parked in the driveway. She marched into the house without knocking.

  Her mother’s eyes widened. “Now wait one minute. That man led Renee on.”

  Her father joined them. “It’s not Renee’s fault.”

  “Brice Jordan has only seen her once before she showed up in his bed with all her glory showing.” She explained how they found her. “And his two young boys witnessed it.”

  Renee came in the room and stood by their mother. “He came onto me when he interviewed me.”

  Annie’s blood shot through her veins. “He didn’t interview you. He told you he couldn’t interview due to Zurtel’s family policy. Then he escorted you out. There were other employees who witnessed it.”

  “It was in the elevator,” Renee mumbled.

  “It never happened. You’re delusional. He didn’t get in the elevator with you. Every hallway and elevator have cameras, so that won’t be difficult to prove. Brice has the video from that day.” She inhaled a deep breath, trying to keep her brain from exploding. “Furthermore, if you go back to Zurtel or go anywhere near Brice Jordan, you will be arrested for stalking. Am I clear?”

  Annie wasn’t sure about the cameras, but it sounded good.

  “I don’t know why you hate Renee the way you do,” her mom said.

  “This might come as a shock but I love her. But until she admits she needs medication and gets on it, she’ll never be able to hold a job or keep friends. She’ll always be pulling stunts like she did today. I don’t want anything to do with her.”

  “Now, isn’t that being a little harsh,” her father said. “I’m sure you don’t mean it.”

  Annie screeched in frustration and threw her hands up. “You’re all impossible. You need medication as much as Renee does. When and if I get Megan home, they’ll stay with me. I wouldn’t let her come back to this nuthouse.”

  Annie stormed out. Angry. Humiliated. And ready to strangle Renee.


  Monday morning as Megan washed dishes, she stared out the window, wishing she could tell someone about Connie. She’d managed to talk to Libby during the Sunday service. Her daughter had stayed in the stables half the night before she was finally able to sneak back inside the house. She had come close to being caught.

  When she thought of Connie’s fate, she had to rethink their escape plan. If they were caught, they’d end up in a shallow grave behind the mill.

  Hearing a truck coming up the driveway, Megan strained her neck to see who was coming. The Craven’s big truck with the huge gas tanks rolled up to the house and parked.

  They had already been there that month. She wiped her hands on her apron, grabbed the bill board, and hurried out to meet them. “Mr. and Mrs. Craven, is something wrong?”

  The older lady and her husband stopped in front of her. Mr. Craven started describing a crucial problem with the gas tank he had delivered earlier.

  While he talked, Mrs. Craven spoke to her in a soft voice. At first it was difficult to make out her piffle. “Listen dear. Your sister called. Someone took your letters from her house and mailed them to Dan. They should be here in a day or two.”

  From behind them, she saw Dan’s truck pull up.

  “And I can’t deliver anymore letters. They followed us out, and I wasn’t able to put it in the tire. I burned it. We can’t chance being caught.”

  “Did you read it?”

  “No. I didn’t.”

  “I’ll try to reach the mail before Dan does.” She started to mention Connie, but before she could Dan walked up.

  “What’s the problem?” he asked.

  “There’s a valve issue on some of the tanks. Mr. Craven may need to replace it.”

  “No, extra cost,” Mr. Craven said. “I’ve found three bad ones so far.”

  “Check it out,” Dan said.

  Mr. Craven examined the tank and used some kind of gauge. “Yep, this one needs to go.”

  Dan removed his hat, wiped his brow, and placed the hat back on. “I’ll help you.”

  After changing out the tank, the Cravens drove on toward the next house.

  Megan thought about how Dan would react after reading what she’d written about him and the others. She couldn’t let it happen. How could she get her hands on them before Dan?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Brice read over the reports from Komar regarding MX7. They had made sure all their vats and tanks were clean of any traces of contaminates. The Jacksonville facility would receive the first shipment that week, and production would resume.

  He hadn’t heard any more from Richard on Ed Sawyer. How big of a role had he played? Had he just shared information or had he been responsible for the formula being compromised?

  Either way it made him a traitor.

  Brice finished his coffe
e, placed his cup in the sink, and grabbed his laptop. He’d call Richard once in the air.

  He pulled up and parked next to Cynthia and Tristen’s car. Annie’s greenie beanie and Evan’s convertible were there also.

  Brice glanced at his watch wondering if he were late. No. Right on time. He waved at Evan, who was walking around the jet. “Morning.”

  Evan nodded, but for the most part ignored him and continued.

  When he entered the Citation, he zoned in on Cynthia and Annie sitting together. Cynthia had tears rolling down her face, so did Annie. Had someone died?

  Then he realized they were laughing instead of crying.

  Tristen stood just outside the cockpit. “They’ve been like this for the last ten minutes. Neither one can stop laughing.”

  Brice was afraid to ask. “What’s so funny?”

  “I think it’s involves Annie’s sister, Renee.” Tristen slapped him on the back. “You got women coming at you from every angle. You might want to find an underground bunker and disappear for a while.”

  “That’s not a bad idea.”

  He joined the ladies. “Morning.”

  Instead of replying, Cynthia and Annie bellowed out in a fit of laughter with their entire bodies shaking. Their faces contorted while tears streaked their faces.

  Cynthia wiped her eyes, but when she looked at him, she ended up laughing again. She grabbed her side. “Okay, this is starting to hurt.”

  Annie wiped her eyes and nodded. “I can’t breathe.”

  Brice stood with his feet parted and hands on his hips. “I didn’t plan to say anything to spare you any more embarrassment.”

  “I didn’t plan to say anything. It just came out.” Annie blew out a long breath. “By the way, I told her if she comes near you or Zurtel, she’ll be arrested.”

  Cynthia breathed in a deep breath. “My goodness, I haven’t laughed that hard in ages. I wish I could’ve been there to see your faces.”

  “I went into immediate shock,” Brice said. “But at least I know now who was behind the calls.” He took a seat beside Cynthia. “I printed out the report from Komar. While you’re still trying to get over the giggles I’ll call Richard and see if he has anything more on Ed Sawyer.”


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