The Letters of Sylvia Plath Vol 2

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The Letters of Sylvia Plath Vol 2 Page 115

by Sylvia Plath

Hurricane Donna, 511n

  Hurricane Esther, 652n

  Hutchins, Miss, 855, 861n, 862–6, 868, 870, 872, 874, 881–2, 890, 892

  Huws, Daniel, 375, 383, 395, 410, 421, 430–1, 433, 436n, 439, 456, 463, 501, 529, 536, 580, 675; ‘The Fox’, 375n; ‘The Holly’, 375n; SP’s correspondence with, 943–6; ‘The Survivors’, 375n

  Huws, Helga Kobuszewski, 375, 383, 385, 395, 410, 421, 430–1, 433, 439–40, 456, 463, 498, 520, 529, 535–6, 545, 548, 579–80, 584, 634; SP’s correspondence with, 673–6, 751–3, 943–6

  Huws, Lucy Teresa, 545, 548, 634, 675, 946

  Huws, Madeleine, 375, 383, 396, 410, 421, 431, 439–40, 456, 463, 579–80, 675, 946

  Huxley, Aldous, 582; The Devils of Loudun, 582

  Hyde Park (London), 115, 409, 461

  Hydrogen bomb, 124, 138, 520, 738

  Hydrox cookies, 345

  Ibsen, Henrik, 121, 178, 214–16, 281, 428, 939n; Ghosts, 214n; The Master Builder, 214n, 279; Peer Gynt, 939n; Rosmersholm, 214n, 279, 428, 430

  Independent Broadcasting Authority (‘ITV’), 783, 788

  India, 299, 320, 674

  Indiana University, Bloomington, 485, 492, 688, 832n, 918n

  Indians, 38

  Ingalls, Daniel Henry Holmes, 301, 308, 310, 320, 323, 542; ‘A Sanskrit Poetry of Village and Field’, 308n

  Inishbofin, Ireland, 801

  Innsbruck, Austria, 532

  Inquisition (Spain), 888

  Institute of Contemporary Arts (London), 445n, 484, 485n, 486

  International Conference on Machine Translation of Languages and Applied Language Analysis, 580n

  International Council of the Museum of Modern Art (New York), 620n

  Introduction: Stories by New Writers, 397–8, 400, 412–13, 420, 438, 457, 867

  Ionesco, Eugène, 237, 242, 437, 465, 468; The Bald Soprano, 237n, 242; Jack, 237n, 242; Rhinoceros, 465–6, 468, 473

  Ipswich, Mass., 119, 132

  Iran (Persia), 283

  Ireland, 214, 217, 231, 442, 556, 801, 810–11, 813, 819–20, 824–5, 828, 829n, 831, 833, 835–6, 838–44, 847–50, 852, 856, 859–64, 868, 870–3, 881, 883–4, 886–7, 889–90, 893, 895–6, 905, 910, 914, 924, 951; see also individual towns, cities, and counties

  Iron River, Michigan, 336, 338

  Irwin (fictitious character), 684

  Isis, SP’s work in, 117

  Isis (engraving), 406, 507n, 641

  Isles of Scilly, England, 571–2, 577

  Islington (London), 894

  Israel, 7, 472

  Italia, MV, 261, 264

  Italian language: learning, 513, 516, 521–2, 524, 528, 540, 546, 575

  Italy, 29, 38–9, 41, 54, 57, 61, 73, 81, 85–6, 110, 113, 120, 126, 128–9, 134, 140, 149, 188, 192, 203, 218, 243, 253, 306, 414, 443, 513, 517, 520–1, 532, 575, 579, 628, 630, 634, 641, 651

  ITV, see Independent Broadcasting Authority

  Ivan the Terrible, Part 1 (motion picture), 440

  Ivan the Terrible, Part 2 (motion picture), 418, 440

  Ivanhoe Hotel, 965

  J. A. Skinner State Park, 212n, 248, 253–4, 257

  Jack and Jill, 203, 212, 233, 251, 256, 260, 264, 269, 275, 288; TH’s work in, 203n

  Jackson, Anita Krook, 103, 282

  Jackson, Katherine Gauss, 400

  Jackson College for Women (Tufts University), 47, 51–2, 54

  Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 342

  Jacobs, Mrs, 265

  Jaeger, 710, 733, 904, 911, 919–20, 937

  James, Henry, 136, 145, 147, 154, 164, 189, 208, 215, 233, 274, 278–9, 301; ‘The Beast in the Jungle’, 164n, 279; The Bostonians, 233; The House of Fiction, 278n; The Lesson of the Master and Other Stories145, 147; The Notebooks of Henry James, 281; The Portrait of a Lady, 136n; ‘The Pupil’, 164n, 279

  Jameson Irish Whiskey, 951

  James, William, 163, 175, 279; Varieties of Religious Experience, 163n, 279

  Jamestown, North Dakota, 339

  Jane (fictitious character) see Joan (fictitious character)

  Janto, Martin, 357n

  Jarrell, Randall, 623n

  Jarrold & Sons, 608n

  Jarvis, D. C., Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health, 444

  Jay Cee (fictitious character), 683

  Jemima, Aunt, 335

  Jenkins, Alan C., 865n, 883, 905, 913, 922; White Horse and Black Bulls, 865n

  Jenkins, Nancy Letitia Whitaker (Bovill), 865n, 883, 896, 905, 913, 922–3

  Jennie M. Robinson Memorial Hospital, 281n

  Jennings, Elizabeth, 431, 638n, 857n; ‘Mrs Browning. By Alethea Hayter’ (quotation from), 857n

  Jesus Christ, 9

  Jews (American), 46, 204, 429, 472, 515

  Joan (fictitious character), 684–5

  Johannesberg, South Africa, 41

  John Birch Society, 696

  John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, 271–3, 275

  John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 73, 86, 103, 113, 138, 210, 229, 243, 257, 272n, 282, 303, 313, 319, 321–2, 361, 380, 385–6, 392, 398, 413, 419, 435n, 451, 469, 472, 485, 490, 596, 603, 666, 687, 836

  Johnson, Nora, ‘The Gift Horse’, 228

  Johnson, Ronald, 884n

  Jones, Howard Mumford, 32

  Jones, Judith, 530n, 614, 615–16n, 641, 661–2, 757n; SP’s correspondence with, 530n, 601–2, 616–17, 659–60, 701–2, 726, 770–1, 818–19

  Jonson, Ben, Bartholomew Fair, 180n

  Josephine, Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor, 734

  Journal of the American Oriental Society, 308n

  Joy of Cooking, see Rombauer, Irma von Starkloff

  Joyce, James, 164, 192, 213–14, 239, 279, 306, 312; ‘Araby’, 164n; ‘The Boarding House’, 164n; ‘Clay’, 164n; ‘The Dead’, 164n; Finnegans Wake, 278; ‘Grace’, 164n; ‘Ivy Day in the Committee Room’, 164n; ‘A Little Cloud’, 164n; ‘A Painful, Case’, 164n; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 164n, 213–14, 279; ‘The Sisters’, 164n

  Joyce, Stanislaus, The Dublin Diary of Stanislaus Joyce, 846n

  Juárez (Michoacán de Ocampo, Mexico), 352–3

  Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 228; The Undiscovered Self, 228n

  Kafka, Franz, 252, 262, 365

  Kane, Kathleen Mary Kindley (‘Kathy’), 743, 756, 758–9, 801, 810, 813–14, 817, 820, 830, 834, 861; SP’s correspondence with, 767–8, 778–9, 787–9, 795–6, 807–8, 819, 824–5, 840–1; TH’s correspondence with, 787n

  Kane, Marvin, 622n, 623, 756, 758–9, 801, 810, 813, 817, 820, 830, 834, 841, 861; We’re Just Not Practical, 795; SP’s correspondence with, 742–3, 754–5, 767–8, 778–9, 787–9, 795–6, 807–8, 819; TH’s correspondence with, 787n

  Kaplan Gallery, 546n

  Kathryn Irene Glascock Poetry Prize, 77, 136–7, 231, 306, 429

  Katydid Cards, 200n

  Kavanagh, Patrick, ‘The Gambler: A Ballet with Words’, 577n

  Kazin, Alfred, 54, 57, 272, 296n, 319

  Keightley, David N., 155, 168, 182–3, 236, 242, 283

  Kelly, 376

  Kelly, Grace, 12

  Kemmerer, Wyoming, 341

  Kennedy, John F. (Fitzgerald), 462, 496, 529, 696

  Kensington (London), 382, 409, 513, 516, 518, 965

  Kentish Town (London), 942, 959n

  Kentucky, 347, 652, 742

  Kenya, 694n

  Kenyatta, Jomo, 694

  Kenyon Review, The, 12n, 371; SP’s correspondence with, see Macauley, Robie; SP’s work in, 371n, 424–5, 470, 526, 660, 718

  Key, Percy, 644, 668, 674, 709, 730–2, 769, 795

  Key, Rose, 644, 668, 674, 709, 714–16, 722, 730–2, 745

  KG card, 611n

  Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 493, 696

  ‘Killing of Lana’s Gigolo Bares Violent Romance’, 228n

  Kilmartin, Terence, 286

  Kind Hearts and Coronets (motion picture), 468

  King Lear (fictitious character), 578

  Kinsella, Thomas, 7

  Kirsch, Dwight, 357n

  Kizer, Carolyn, 786; ‘The Great Blue Heron’, 786n, 808n

  Klee, Paul, 220, 222–3, 225; ‘Battle Scene from the Comic Fantastic Opera “The Seafarer”’, 222; ‘Cat and Bird’, 222n; ‘The Departure of the Ghost’, 222; ‘Perseus (Wit Has Triumphed Over Grief)’, 222; ‘Virgin in a Tree’, 222,

  Klein, Elinor Friedman (‘Ellie’, ‘Elly’), 113, 116, 126, 153, 158, 204; SP’s correspondence with, 32–3, 107–9, 155–7, 200–1, 271–2, 282–3

  Knockbrack, Ireland, 825n

  Knole, England, 484

  Knox, Mary Bailey Derr, 65

  Koenig, Lilli, Gringolo, 672n; Timba, 672n

  Kokoschka, Oskar, 264

  Kopp, Jane Baltzell, 61–2, 70; SP’s correspondence with, 216–17; SP’s descriptions of, 62

  Koshland, William A., 701n

  Kray, Elizabeth D., 702n; SP’s correspondence with, 612

  Krook-Gilead, Dorothea (‘Doris’), 3, 38, 41, 69, 73, 85, 95, 103, 136, 147, 154, 177, 179, 277, 285; SP’s correspondence with, 278–82

  Kukil, Karen V., 86n

  Kumin, Maxine, 576, 596, 812; ‘Fraulein Reads Instructive Rhymes’, 576n

  Kunhardt, Dorothy, Pat the Bunny, 594

  Kunitz, Stanley, 509, 602, 623; ‘The New Books’, 509n

  La Cañada Flintridge, California, 337, 366n

  Labor Day, 74

  Lacan de Loubressac, France, 403–4, 410, 479, 560, 575, 614, 624, 629–30, 652, 655, 666

  Ladies’ Day, 683

  Ladies’ Home Journal, 89, 95, 130, 169, 230, 261, 397, 440, 555, 566, 653, 668, 670, 695, 698–9, 708, 729, 759, 774, 875, 888; SP’s work in, 230n

  Lady Vanishes, The (motion picture), 206

  LaMar, Nathaniel D. (‘Nat’), 50, 135; ‘Miss Carlo’, 50n

  Lambert, J. W. (Jack Walter), ‘Sir Laurence to the Rescue’, 473n

  Lameyer, Gordon, 34, 114, 229

  Lameyer, Helen Ames, 34n, 114

  Lameyer, Paul, 34n

  Lamont Poetry Selection of the Academy of American Poets, 304, 616n, 617

  Lane, William, 665, 669, 674, 694, 730, 738, 745, 779, 782, 956

  Larkin, Philip, 618; ‘Naturally the Foundation Will Bear Your Expenses’, 618n

  Last Year at Marienbad (motion picture), 783n

  Latin, 305

  ‘Lavender’s Blue’, 677

  Lawner, Lynne, ‘Fix Me a Batch . . .’, 520n; ‘His Lament’, 520n; ‘If he stroke my cheek’, 274n; ‘Proof’, 520n; ‘Purgatory’, 520n; ‘Wedding Night of a Nun’, 137n, 302; Wedding Night of a Nun, 304n ‘Where are the Wings?’, 520n; SP’s correspondence with, 135–7, 153–4, 177–82, 273–5, 301–7, 419–20, 519–21

  Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 73, 91–2, 135–6, 144, 164, 174n, 186, 189, 201, 211, 274, 279, 301, 312, 364, 414, 422, 469, 537, 555, 591; ‘The Blind Man’, 164n; Complete Short Stories, 274; Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 153; trial (obscenity), 537, 539; The Man Who Died, 144; ‘The Man Who Loved Islands’, 274; ‘The Princess’, 164n; ‘The Prussian Officer’, 164n; ‘The Rocking-Horse Winner’, 164n, (quotation from), 211n

  Lawrence, Elizabeth (editor), 96

  Lawrence, Elizabeth, Opal Whiteley, 896, 897n

  Lawrence, Frieda, 555, 704; The Memoirs and Correspondence, 704

  Lawrence, Merloyd, 324n

  Lawrence, Seymour, SP’s correspondence with, 324

  Lazarus, Emma, ‘New Colossus’, 85n

  Le Havre, France, 367n, 372

  Leaf, Munro, Ferdinandus Taurus, 883n

  Lear, Edward, 552

  Leavis, F. R. (Frank Raymond), 98, 136, 178

  Lebowitz, J., 84n

  Lee, Laurie, 638n

  Leeds, England, 538

  Leeming, Owen, 527, 573, 582n; SP’s correspondence with, 529–30, 540–1; TH’s correspondence with, 540n

  Lehmann, Beatrix, 531

  Lehmann, John, 112, 289–90, 428n, 429, 431–2, 513, 516, 518, 521, 531; SP’s correspondence with, 76, 287, 329–30, 355, 368, 613

  Lehmann, Rosamond, 531

  Lehmkuhl, Donald, 137; ‘Hart Crane’, 137n

  Leicester Square (London), 927n

  Leigh, Augusta, 923, 936

  Les Enfants du Paradis (motion picture), 443

  Lesbos, Greece, 878n, 889n

  Lesley University, 33n

  Lethe River, 937

  Levenson, Christopher, 116, 146, 300

  Levertov, Denise, ‘The Five-Day Rain’, 627n, 639

  Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 623

  Liberty of London (firm), 115, 430, 552–3n, 691n, 787

  Library of Congress, 229, 476

  Licht, Dorrit, see Colf, Dorrit Licht Liebling, A. J. (Abbott Joseph), 323

  Life, 108

  Light Blue, Dark Blue, 424–5, 430

  Lincoln, Abraham, 255

  Lincoln, Eleanor Terry, 926n

  Lind, Jenny, 255

  Lindgren, Astrid, The Tomten, 942

  Lindley, Frances, 160n

  Lineaweaver, Marion, ‘The Sound of My Habitation’, 797n

  Linnet House Clinic, 467, 482

  Lionni, Leo, Little Blue and Little Yellow, 896n

  Lipkind, William, 328

  Lipsey, Richard, 791n

  ‘List of 250 Outstanding Books . . . A Christmas Guide’, 198n

  Listener, The, 778n, 857, 909n, 968n; SP’s work in, 527n, 778n, 909n

  ‘Little Boy Blue’, 534

  Little, Brown and Company, 304, 327

  Little, Marybeth, see Weston, Marybeth Little

  Little Missouri River, 340

  ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ (fictitious character), 288

  Little Venice (London), 469

  Litvin, Natasha, see Spender, Natasha Liverpool Street Station (London), 95

  ‘Living Anthology’, 141n

  Livingston, Peter, 231n

  Loch Ness monster, 671

  Locke, John, 210

  Logan International Airport (Boston, Mass.), 31

  Lomas, Herbert, ‘The Fear’, 638n

  Lombard Bank, 921

  London, 7–9, 14, 34–5, 37, 41, 60–1, 66, 70, 77, 84, 93, 102, 106, 108, 114, 117, 119, 126, 130, 150–2, 160, 193, 267, 277, 300, 306, 321, 368, 373–5, 378, 380, 382, 384, 386–7, 389, 392–3, 395–7, 399, 403–4, 406–10, 414n, 416, 419–23, 426–8, 430–1, 433, 436, 440–1, 451, 457, 461–2, 465, 467–71, 473–4, 475n, 476, 478–81, 487, 490, 492–4, 497, 499n, 500, 501–2n, 506–7, 510, 513n, 516–17, 523, 527–9, 533–4, 536–7, 539–41, 543–4, 545n, 546, 548, 550, 553, 555, 558, 561–2, 564, 566, 569, 571–2n, 575, 577n, 578, 581–2, 588, 592, 594–8, 600–3, 605, 609, 612–17, 619n, 620, 623, 624–7, 630, 633–5, 637–40, 641n, 642, 644, 646–7, 649–50, 652, 656–8, 660, 663–4, 670, 672–7, 679, 686–9, 691, 693, 695, 697–9, 702, 709, 714, 717, 719, 721, 730–1, 735, 743–4, 746–8, 751–2, 754, 756, 758, 760, 764, 766, 767n, 773, 777n, 783, 784–5, 787–8, 791–2, 794, 797–8, 805, 808–11, 813–14, 816–17, 820, 824–5, 828–30, 833, 835–7, 839–45, 848–52, 855–7, 859–62, 864–76, 878–88, 890–902, 904–5, 907–16, 919n, 921–5, 927–8, 930, 932–5, 938–47, 948–51, 953–67; Huws’ apartment (18 Rugby Street), 383, 385–6, 388, 400, 421, 431; Merwins’ apartment (11 St George’s Terrace), 390–1, 403–4, 407, 410, 437, 442, 453, 459, 464, 466, 471, 473, 475–7, 479, 481, 484, 486–7, 496, 505, 507, 510, 526, 590, 605, 608, 615–16, 623, 628, 633; SP & TH’s apartment (3 Chalcot Square), 386, 388, 392, 395–6, 398–9, 401, 404, 406–7, 409–10, 413, 415–16, 419, 421, 422, 426–7, 434, 436–7, 439, 441–2, 445, 454, 457, 459–60, 467, 470, 474, 476–81, 492, 494, 497–8, 500, 506, 510, 512, 516, 520, 525, 529, 531–3, 535, 537–8, 540, 543–4, 556, 558–62, 564, 568–9, 572, 575, 578, 580, 590–2, 594–5, 597–8, 600–3, 605, 612–17, 620–1, 624–8, 635, 638–9, 642–3, 656, 670, 677, 697, 747, 760, 773, 791, 798, 924, 941, 943; SP’s apartment (23 Fitzroy Road), 394n, 489n, 897–8, 905–7, 909–10, 914–16, 919, 921–4, 927, 929–36, 938–44, 946–51, 953–67;

estaurants: Schmidt’s, 115; White Tower, 464; York Minster Pub, 414;

  theatres and cinemas: Academy (cinema), 115, 418, 440n, 443n, 777n; Aldwych Theatre, 582n, 628n; Ambassadors Theatre, 808n; Arts Theatre, 473n; Cameo-Polytechnic Cinema, 940n; Comedy Theatre, 428n; Duchess Theatre, 473n; Everyman Cinema, 582n, 766; International Film Theatre, 783n; Mermaid Theatre, 486, 496, 577n, 619, 628; Odeon Marble Arch, 502n; Royal Court Theatre, 465, 486, 494n, 510n, 582n, 670, 766, 883, 885, 887, 891, 893, 896, 899, 912, 923, 930; Royal Opera House, 473n, 619n; Royalty Theatre, 498n; Sadler’s Wells Theatre, 619n; Savoy Theatre, 433; Wyndham’s Theatre, 428n, 545n

  London Bridge Book of Verse, 664

  London Co-operative Society, 478n

  London County Council, 464, 490; Home Help Department, 958

  London Electoral Register, 547n

  London Electricity Board, 927, 939, 955

  London Evening Standard, 636n

  London Magazine, The, 5, 11, 76, 94, 112, 115, 124, 269, 278, 287, 290, 307, 329, 355, 368, 398, 429, 431–2, 440, 513, 516, 518, 526, 531, 598n, 617, 620n, 645, 679 933; SP’s correspondence with, see Lehmann, John, Osborne, Charles, Ross, Alan; SP’s work in, 112n, 117, 131, 134, 242, 256, 259, 287n, 289, 305, 307, 325, 329n, 368n, 424–5, 432n, 475, 526n, 529, 548, 660, 718, 933n, 955n; TH’s work in, 112n, 124, 164, 269n, 307n, 598n

  London Zoo, 403, 408, 420–1, 432, 438, 460, 474, 517–18, 534, 539, 554, 898, 905, 913, 928, 930, 933–4, 937, 939, 945, 951, 965

  Longford Engineering Company Refrigeration, 401

  Longmeadow, Mass., 113

  ‘Looby Loo’, 677

  Lookout Farm (South Natick, Mass.), 747n, 776, 782

  Los Angeles, California, 337, 348, 351, 361, 366n, 696

  Lost Continent, The (motion picture), 115

  Lotz, Myron (‘Mike’), 476–7, 511; SP’s correspondence with, 474

  Louise Lykes (ship), 431n

  Lovejoy, Clarence E. (Clarence Earle), Lovejoy’s Career and Vocational School Guide, 56

  Lovelock, Nevada, 347

  Low, Joseph, 328

  Lowell, Amy, 305

  Lowell, Robert (‘Cal’), 186n, 193, 243–4, 265–6, 293, 303, 444, 574–6, 596, 623, 671, 684, 884n; ‘The Great Testament’, 671n; Life Studies, 444n, 684; Lord Weary’s Castle, 265; ‘Waking in the Blue’, 684

  Lowrey, Perrin Holmes, 357n, 361n

  Lowville, New York, 332, 336

  Lucie-Smith, Edward, 549n, 902n

  Lucas, Victoria (fictitious character), 683, 685

  Lunt, Alfred, 498

  Lurçat, Jean, 631–2


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