by Sylvia Plath
‘Oblongs’ (book review), 771n; (quotation from), 912n; ‘Ocean 1212–W’, 909, 928, 936, 942, 953, 959–60, 962, 966n; ‘Ode to an Onion’, 17n; ‘Old Ladies’ Home’, 328; ‘On Deck’, 500, 503n, 505n; ‘On the Decline of Oracles’, 230–1n, 250n; ‘On the Difficulty of Conjuring Up a Dryad’, 102, 230n, 234n, 238n; ‘On the Extra’, 17n; ‘On the Plethora of Dryads’, 4n, 230n, 237n, 242n; ‘Operation Valentine’, 169n; ‘Oregonian Original’ (book review), 896n, 912, 919, 923; ‘The Other’, 794n, 809n, 815n; (quotation from), 794n; ‘The Other Two’, 318n; ‘Ouija’, 325n, 328, 424, 494n, 528, 531n, 602, 661; ‘Owl’, 325n, 415n;
‘Pair of Queens’ (book review), 734n; ‘Palms and pueblos on the sea cliffs at Benidorm, Spain’, 12n; ‘Paralytic’, 966n; ‘Parliament Hill Fields’, 581n, 618n, 622n; ‘The Perfect Place’, 555n, 653n, 670, 681, 695; ‘Perseus, or the Triumph of Wit over Suffering’, 222, 230–1n; ‘Picking over beach plums under the pines’, 270n; ‘Poem’, see ‘Night Shift’; ‘Poem for a Birthday’, 371n, 427n, 475n, 601–3, 615; ‘Poem for Paul Klee’s “Perseus: The Triumph of Wit Over Suffering”’, see ‘Perseus, or the Triumph of Wit over Suffering’; ‘Point Shirley’, 270n, 291n, 311, 424, 602, 617; ‘Polly’s Tree’, 371n, 464n; ‘Poppies in July’, 815n; ‘Poppies in October’, 887n, 895–6n, 902n; ‘Poppy Day in Cambridge’, 13; ‘Potted plants and a wheelbarrow of beach plums’, 270n; ‘Primrose Hill’ (advertisement), 636n; ‘Private Ground’, 617n, 625n, 753; ‘Prologue to Spring’, 308n; ‘A Prospect of Cornucopia’, 397n, 418, 458; ‘Purdah’, 861n, 887n, 895n, 902–3n; ‘Pursuit’, 39, 242n;
‘Queen Mary’s Rose Garden’, 477n, 877n;
‘The Rabbit Catcher’, 775n, 800n, 887n; ‘Recantation’, 104n, 133; ‘Remember the Stick Man’, 5; ‘The Rival’, 645–6, 716n;
‘Sardine boats and lights patterned the beach during daylight hours’, 12n; ‘Sculptor’, 234n, 316, 325n, 425, 530n, 602; ‘Second Winter’, 230n, 261; ‘A Secret’, 853n, 856n, 887n; ‘The Shadow’, 319, 322n, 355, 368; ‘Sheep in Fog’, 928–30n, 966n; ‘The Shrike’, 17n; ‘Sketchbook of a Spanish Summer’, 12, 34; ‘Sleep in the Mojave Desert’, 494n, 503n, 505n, 513n, 622n; ‘The Sleepers’, 371n, 432n, 464n; ‘Small Hours’, see ‘Barren Woman’; ‘SMITH Corona Portable . . .’ (advertisement), 127n; ‘SMITH-CORONA Portable typewriter . . .’ (advertisement), 127n; ‘The Smoky Blue Piano’, 130; ‘Snakecharmer’, 227n, 287n, 424, 720n; ‘Snow Blitz’, 965–6n; ‘The Snowman on the Moor’, 53n, 102; ‘Soliloquy of the Elm’, see ‘Elm’; ‘Soliloquy of the Solipsist’, 17n, 84n, 126, 128; ‘Some Notes on Hobbes’ Leviathan’, 144n; ‘Song for a Summer’s Day’, 350n; ‘Southern Sunrise’, 350n; ‘Sow’, 53n, 64, 102, 230n, 234n, 237n, 242, 328, 423, 662; ‘A Spanish kitchen range with a petrol stove, oil bottles, milk can, and a stewpot’, 364n, 365; ‘Spinster’, 63n, 76n, 95, 112, 117, 134, 230n, 237n, 242n, 328, 425, 622n; The Spoken Word: Sylvia Plath, 573n, 626n; ‘Stars Over the Dordogne’, 645n, 739n; (quotation from), 759n; ‘Stillborn’, 618n; ‘Stings’, 783n, 846n, 853n, 903n, 955n; ‘The Stones’, 494n, 601–3, 616, 622n; ‘The Stones of Troy’ (book review), 63n, 83n, 94, 128, 134; ‘Stopped Dead’, 874n, 887n, 933n; ‘Strumpet Song’, 33n, 424, 662; ‘Suffering Angel’ (book review), 919n, 941; ‘Suicide Off Egg Rock’, 291n, 306, 325n, 328, 424, 494n, 528, 622n, 661; ‘Sunday at the Mintons”, 770; ‘Sunset after Squall’, 4n; ‘Surgeon at 2 a.m.’, 666n, 678n, 754n, 786, 809n; ‘The Swarm’, 846n, 853n, 903n; ‘Sweetie Pie and the Gutter Men’, 319, 322n; Sylvia Plath: Drawings, 339n; ‘Sylvia Plath reviews an anthology called Contemporary American Poetry’ (book review), 949n; ‘Sylvia Plath speaks on a poet’s view of novel writing’, see ‘A Comparison’;
‘Thalidomide’, 904n; ‘That Widow Mangada’, 16; ‘The Thin People’, 237n, 329n, 331n, 334, 424; ‘This Earth Our Hospital’, see ‘The Daughters of Blossom Street’; Three Women, 775, 777, 780, 783–5, 872n, 904, 906–7, 928, 932–3; ‘The Times are Tidy’, 221n, 425; ‘Tinker Jack and the Tidy Wives’, 104n, 133; ‘To a Refractory Santa Claus’, 17n, 39n; ‘Totem’, 966n; ‘The Tour’, 891; ‘The Trouble-Making Mother’, 159n, 161n; ‘Tulips’, 577n, 603–5, 619, 626, 638, 681, 759, 763, 769, 775, 796n; ‘Two Campers in Cloud Country’, 500, 503n, 505n; ‘Two Lovers and a Beachcomber by the Real Sea’, 105n; ‘Two Lovers and a Beachcomber’ (provisional book title), 17, 59, 62, 69, 71, 84, 86, 99, 101–2, 124, 144, 159, 168, 227n, 274; ‘Two of a Kind: Poets in Partnership’, 551, 569, 573, 581; ‘Two Sisters of Persephone’, 33n, 425, 602; ‘Two Views of a Cadaver Room’, 328, 335n, 371n, 423; ‘Two Views of Withens’, 371n, 464n;
‘The Utilitarianism of Bentham and Mill: Some Comparisons and Contrasts’, 17n;
‘Vanity Fair’, 4n, 63n, 134; ‘Virgin in a Tree’, 222n;
‘A Walk in the Night’, see ‘Hardcastle Crags’; ‘A Walk to Withens’, 308n, 320–2; ‘Watching the Water-Voles’, 119n; ‘Watercolor of Grantchester Meadows’, 314, 321, 371n, 424, 485, 500, 501n, 617, 701; ‘What Made You Stay?’, 743n, 756, 759, 767; ‘White plaster tenements on a cliff overlooking the fishing harbor at Benidorm, Spain’, 364n, 365; ‘Whiteness I Remember’, 308n; ‘Whitsun’, 581n, 617n; ‘Who’, 601–3; ‘Widow’, 626n, 739n; ‘A Winter Ship’, 371n, 393n, 464n, 481, 483, 549–50, 617, 660n, 726; A Winter Ship, 480–1, 483, 497, 550, 555; ‘Winter Trees’, 929n; ‘Wintering’, 774n, 853n, 856n, 903n, 928n, 940n, 954; ‘A Winter’s Tale’ (poem), 358, 360, 365, 375; ‘A Winter’s Tale’ (story), 555n; ‘The Wishing Box’, 63, 82, 355, 368; ‘Witch Burning’, 502n, 601–3; ‘Words’, 966n; ‘Words for a Nursery’, 537, 581; ‘Words heard, by accident, over the phone’, 791n, 815n; ‘Wreath for a Bridal’, 33n; ‘Wuthering Heights’, 477n, 537n, 666n, 678n, 753n;
‘Yaddo: The Grand Manor’, 360n, 364n, 365; ‘Yadwigha, on a Red Couch, Among Lilies’, 308n; ‘Years’, 904n, 930n, 955n; ‘The YL and the Ham’, 103; ‘You’re’, 505n, 513n, 622n, 887n, 890;
‘Zoo Keeper’s Wife’, 581n, 618n
Plath, Warren Joseph (‘Warrie’, SP’s brother), 3–4, 8, 10, 13, 18–19, 27, 29, 37, 41–2, 47, 52–4, 60, 64, 70, 74–5, 80n, 83, 88, 93, 95, 98, 101, 103, 107, 111, 114, 116–17, 122–4, 126, 128, 132–4, 139, 141–2, 145, 148–52, 157–60, 165–6, 171, 182, 190, 205, 207, 260, 264, 308, 338, 350, 354, 359, 362n, 363, 365–7, 373–4, 379, 384, 388–9, 400–1, 403, 407–8, 429, 434–5, 438, 440–1, 443n, 447, 453, 455–6, 458, 460, 462, 465–7, 470, 472, 476n, 483, 485, 491, 496, 499, 502–3, 505, 509, 512, 514, 517, 521, 527, 529–30, 532, 534–5, 544, 550, 556, 561, 567, 569, 572, 575–6, 580, 584, 591, 593, 607, 610, 622, 624, 632n, 633–6, 643, 648–50, 653–4, 658, 678, 681, 688, 699, 707, 709, 712, 717, 720, 722, 727–8, 732, 734, 737–8, 746, 757, 759, 765, 773, 776–7, 783–4, 811, 814, 831, 836–7, 848, 850, 855–6, 863–6, 875, 884, 888, 899, 920, 941–2, 949–50, 959, 963; ASP’s correspondence with, 192n, 623n; ‘Automatic Sentence Diagraming’, 580n; birthday of, 120–1, 228–9, 462n, 611; Harvard, 37; Phillips Exeter Academy, 3n, 80n; ‘The Relative Frequency of English Consonantal Patterns’, 101, 103, 111; SP’s correspondence with, 42–4, 79–81, 119–20, 129–31, 159–61, 184–9, 192–4, 199, 202–3, 214–15, 228–30, 237–47, 251–3, 261–3, 333, 339, 341–2, 344–8, 351–4, 356–8, 362–5, 401–8, 414–18, 444–7, 463–5, 481–3, 541–3, 549–51, 554–7, 611, 622–4, 627–8, 651–3, 702–5, 763, 858–60, 870–2, 892–4; TH’s correspondence with, 348n, 354n, 550n; voyages and travels of, 166, 261, 264; wedding of, 709, 720, 732, 737, 7476, 759, 763, 765, 777–8
Plato, 144, 179, 280, 685
Plomer, William, ‘Reading in the Garden’, 577n
Plumer, Cary, see Frye, Cary Plumer Plumer, Davenport, III (‘Mike’), 33n, 35, 38, 110, 114, 162–3, 229, 411n, 413, 448, 531n, 814, 859, 863, 948, 952, 964
Plumer, Douglas, 411, 413, 448, 693
Plumer, Marcia Brown, see Stern, Marcia B.
Pluto (Greek diety), 728
Plutzik, Hyam, 627n, 712n; ‘Concerning the Painting “Afternoon in Infinity” by Attilio Salemme’, 627n
Plymouth, England, 652, 690, 697
Plymouth Corporation, 207
Pocket Books, 234n, 272, 275
Poe, Edgar Allan, 154; ‘The Raven’, 154n
‘Poet Jokes About His Folks, A’, 581n
Poet Speaks, The, 887n
Poetry, 5, 11–12, 17, 33, 35, 53, 59, 63, 70, 77, 92, 97, 102, 109, 123, 131, 168, 185, 191, 196, 200, 250, 273, 285, 304, 479, 739, 745, 759, 861n; SP’s correspondence with, 662; see also Rago, Henry; SP’s work in, 33n, 39, 50, 63, 76, 102n, 104–5, 117, 137, 267, 325, 372, 423–5, 660, 739, 745, 759, 861n; TH’s work in, 11n, 17n, 39, 63, 92, 97n, 285n
Poetry 1960: An Appetiser, 391n, 403n, 426
Poetry at the Mermaid, 577n, 609, 619, 626, 628, 638, 801n
Poetry Book Society, 132, 138, 144, 152n, 154, 313, 657, 744n, 797, 816n, 902n
Poetry from Cambridge, 300, 424–5
Poetry Society of America, 361n
Poets’ Theatre, The, 363, 482, 523, 526, 529, 534, 536, 578, 600
Point Shirley, Mass., 685
Pointe du Raz, France, 629n
Poland, 918
Pollard, Charles W., 779, 782
Poona, India, 301, 312
Pope, Clifford H. (Hillhouse), The Giant Snakes, 720n
Porter, Katherine Anne, 884n; Ship of Fools, 884
Portugal, 122n
Posner, David Louis, 263n, 485n
Poston, Elizabeth, The Children’s Song Book, 676–7n
Potter, Beatrix, 568; The Tale of Peter Rabbit, 568n; The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, 568n; The Tailor of Gloucester, 568n; The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, 568n
Pound, Ezra, 916
Powell, John, 836n
Powley, Betsy, see Wallingford, Betsy Powley
Poynter, Guy Kingsley, 884n
Pratson, Lincoln Frederick, 574
Pratson, Patricia O’Neil (‘Pat’, ‘Patsy’), 114, 236, 240–2, 261, 266, 445, 481, 498, 574
Pregnancies and childbirths of SP, 378, 382–3, 385–9, 392–3, 399–400, 404, 406, 408, 412, 416, 419, 421–2, 429–30, 432, 434, 437, 439–40, 442–8, 450, 519, 570–3, 576, 634–5, 637, 641, 644, 650, 663, 667–8, 675, 677, 688, 695, 699, 701–2, 706, 709–15, 721, 750, 752, 806; breastfeeding of; 446, 456, 459, 467, 479, 506, 519, 531, 538, 541, 561, 569–70, 716, 719, 721, 729, 732, 740, 748, 785, 793, 795, 799, 803, 805–6, 822, 876, 963, 965; childbirth, views on, 383, 416, 451, 456–7, 650, 739; children, SP’s views on, 10, 26, 36, 41, 72–3, 99, 113, 140, 149, 266, 462, 523, 532, 538, 545, 548, 551, 568, 575, 606, 640, 696, 734, 738, 745, 758–9, 761, 803, 805–6, 813, 825, 830–1, 836, 842–3, 863, 869–70, 878, 881, 887, 895, 898, 911, 920, 951, 961, 964; midwifery, 383, 388, 412, 416, 422, 440, 445–6, 449–54, 456–9, 519–20, 699, 706; see also Davies, Winifred; Hannaway, Sister; Mardi, Sister; miscarriage of, 576–8, 590, 659, 695, 748, 830, 876
Press, John, 288, 704n, 797n; The Chequer’d Shade: Reflections on Obscurity in Poetry, 288n
Primrose Hill (London), 385–6, 391, 407, 409–10, 421, 427, 432–3, 435, 445, 447, 453, 460, 479, 489, 499, 501, 509, 534, 536, 543, 547, 554–5, 590, 605–6, 608, 619–20, 636n, 897, 899, 906, 910, 928, 930, 939, 940n, 944, 947–8, 951, 955, 965
Primus, Pearl, 767n
Princeton University, 45, 429, 443
Princetown, England, 915n
Pryce-Jones, Alan, 335n
Procuna, Luis, 218n
Prouty, Claire Kane, 810
Prouty, Jane, 810n
Prouty, Olivia, 810n
Prouty, Olive Higgins, 8, 15, 40, 61, 70, 72, 88–9, 95, 106, 114, 149, 159, 176, 194, 229, 237, 244, 361, 363, 384, 398, 400, 415, 418, 456, 459, 471, 482, 496–7, 502, 505, 507, 509, 512–13, 530, 545, 551, 566, 568–9, 572, 577, 615, 619, 652, 657, 697, 729, 765, 768, 808, 809–10, 813, 828, 834, 838, 844, 847, 850, 856, 861–2, 866, 875, 898, 904, 906, 919, 923, 929, 940–2, 963; SP’s correspondence with, 250–1, 841–3, 868–9, 890–1, 895–7, 909–13, 935–8, 953–4, 960–2; SP’s dedications to, 106, 898, 913, 919, 923, 929, 937; Taupe (dog), 869
Prouty, Richard, 810n
Provincetown, Mass., 80
Psychiatry, 23, 282, 328, 542, 784, 796, 831, 879, 882, 900, 968
Public Garden (Boston, Mass.), 237n, 273, 286, 312, 319, 327
Puck (legendary character), 154
Pulitzer Prizes, 138, 812, 928, 936
Pulling, David, 114n
Pulling, Grace E., 114n, 466, 498, 671
Pulling, Lynda, 114n
Pulling, Richard A., 114
Punch, 564, 963, 968; SP’s work in, 957n
Quebec, 336
Queen, The, 429, 440
Queen Elizabeth, RMS, 8, 25, 107
Queen Mary, RMS, 282n
Queen Mary’s Gardens, 477
Quimper, France, 631
Quin, Ireland, 829n
R. W. S. Galleries, 758n
Racine, Jean, 121, 178, 433–5; Phèdre, 433, 435
Radcliffe College, 25, 47, 52, 54, 56, 58, 62, 228n, 516, 685; Longfellow Hall, 228n
Radcliffe Institute for Independent Study, 812n
Radin, Arthur, 767n
Radio broadcasting: Great Britain, 468, 493, 507, 522, 542, 546, 559, 564, 581, 599, 607, 719, 732, 779; United States, 184, 515, 599
Rago, Henry, 11n; 12, 97, 191n, 861n; SP’s correspondence with, 131, 250
Railsback, Barbara Varney, 462
Railsback, Edward Neal, 462n
Raine, Kathleen, 857n
Raiziss, Sonia, 357n
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 733
Rama Rau, Santha, A Passage to India, 542n
Ramsay, Mrs (fictitious character), 274
Ramsey & Musprat, 40n
Ramsey, Lettice, 40n
Rank, J. Arthur, 35
Ransom, John Crowe, 51n, 306; ‘The Equilibrists’, 51n
Rawlings, W. J. (William Joseph), 904, 906, 933
Ray, Cyril, 542n, 544
Raybould, Molly, 623, 632
Reaney, D. A., 737, 745n, 906
Reckless, M. A., 467
Redwood, Miss, 811, 813n, 878, 880, 888, 931
Regent Street (London), 546, 940–1
Regent’s Park (London), 382, 385–6, 407, 409, 419–21, 427, 445, 447, 459–62, 477, 479, 517–18, 521, 525, 547, 554, 620, 628, 910, 939, 947, 951, 965
Regent’s Park Gardens (London), 940n
Reid, Alastair, 316
Reid, Christopher, 290n
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 118
Rembrandt House Museum, 118n
Reno, Nevada, 344, 347
Reutlinger, Judith, see Anderson, Judith Margaret Reutlinger
Rhine River, 301
Rhode Island, 217
Rice, Elizabeth Lindsey, 41n
Rice, William Brooks (‘Bill’), 41, 669
Rich, Adrienne, 229, 231, 596, 666, 682; ‘The Evil Eye’, 627n; ‘Living in Sin’, 627n; ‘Moving in Winter’, 627n; Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law, 596n
Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong), 293
Richmond (London), 809
Ridler, Anne, 857n
Riesman, David, 476
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 187, 263; Duino Elegies, 263 ‘The Panther’, 187n; Sonnets to Orpheus, 263
Riviera (France), 301, 443, 451, 471, 474
Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 690n
Roberts, Eric, Oddities of Animal Life, 771n
Roberts, Margaret, 179, 217
Roberts & Co., 56n
Robin, Christopher, 521
Robins, Corinne, 221n, ‘Four Young Poets’, 221n, 291
Robinson, John A. T. (John Arthur Thomas), 537n
Robinson, W. (William) Heath, 487
Roche, Clarissa, 113n; SP’s correspondence with, 740–1, 789–90, 872–3, 889, 921, 956; SP’s dedications to, 956; visits, 889, 905, 921, 956
Roche, Cordelia, 113n, 872–3, 905, 921, 956
Roche, Martin, 113n, 956
Roche, Pandora, 113n, 956
Roche, Paul, 113, 188, 209n, 872, 889, 905, 921, 956; The Rank Obstinacy of Things, 889n; S
P’s correspondence with, 740–1; SP’s dedications to, 956; Vessel of Dishonor, 889n
Roche, Vanessa, 113n
Rock Harbor, Mass., 237n, 244–5, 249, 251–2, 254, 425, 530, 602, 701
Rock Lake, 332–4, 336
Rodger, Sarah-Elizabeth, 73, 80, 134, 865
Rodgers, Richard, 705n
Rodgers & Hammerstein, 705n; ‘Happy Talk’, 705n
Roethke, Beatrice, 574
Roethke, Theodore, 480, 530n, 574–6, 579, 596n, 601, 623; I Am Said the Lamb, 603; ‘Political Song’ [‘Nixon Poem’], 480; Words for the Wind, 574; SP’s correspondence with, 602–5
Rogovin, Howard Sand, 357n
Roland, 349
Rombauer, Irma von Starkloff, 56n, 528, 536; Joy of Cooking, 56, 85, 647, 774
Rome, Italy, 34–5, 73, 81, 122, 210, 274, 301, 304, 307, 313, 420, 443, 518, 520
Romer, Alfred Sherwood, 259n; Man and the Vertebrates, 259
Rondo, 732n; TH’s work in, 732n
Rosalind (fictitious character), 95
Rose, Antoinette, 653, 663, 672, 676
Rose, Elizabeth, 676n, 771n, 896n, 912n; The Big River, 771n, 912n; Charlie on the Run, 676n; Punch and Judy Carry On, 896n
Rose, Gerald, 771n, 896n, 912n
Rose, John A., 767n
Rose, Remington, 231n
Rose, Sarah A., 767n
Rosenthal, M. L. (Macha Louis), 59n
Ross, Alan, 526n, 933n; SP’s correspondence with, 598, 679
Ross, Barbara, 431, 439–40
Ross, David, 431, 439
Ross, Simon, 439
Rotterdam, Netherlands, 620
Rouen, France, 628–9
Rousseau, Henri, 215, 220, 222
Rowley, William, 582n
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (London), 588
Royal Ballet, 473n
Royal Cambridge Hotel (Cambridge, England), 179
Royal Literary Fund, 577
Royal Shakespeare Company, 600, 628n
RR Auction, 369n
Rukeyser, Muriel, 884n
Russia, 6, 9, 28, 30, 480n, 808, 915
Rydberg, Viktor, 942n
Ryser, Carol Pierson, 37, 111