Little Lucy and the Doctor

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by Chloe Carpenter

  Little Lucy and the Doctor


  Chloe Carpenter

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © December 2014 by Chloe Carpenter

  Published by LSF Publications

  Cover design by Nathaniel Scott.

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. It includes adult spanking and some sexual scenes. Any resemblance to actual persons, places or events are purely coincidental.

  Here's a new title from best selling author Chloe Carpenter. Little Lucy and the Doctor contains scorching spankings, temperature takings, intimate examinations, and plenty of hot sex. It also features dominance and submission, humiliation and sensation play, as well as ageplay between an adult woman and an older man - in this case the sexy, kinky yet kindly, Dr Simon Dale.

  When Lucy Peters turns up at Simon's office on her first day of a new job, she fails to make a good impression as she is late and inadequately dressed. The handsome doctor wonders how he will survive with this little scatterbrained girl doing his admin, but as time goes by, the chemistry between the two of them intensifies. And when he finds out that Lucy is interested in getting spanked, he is very keen on getting to know her better and helping her understand her own kinky interests. And when their mutual interests coincide, the dynamics between the two of them are electric.

  Lucy has longed for an authoritative 'Daddy' figure in her life, and Simon fits the bill perfectly, being a naturally dominant man who needs to take control without being overbearing. Lucy is at last given the opportunity to celebrate being 'little' whenever she wants to - but she fully accepts that when she is naughty and breaks Daddy's rules, she pays the consequences.

  This is a delicious tale of D/s power exchange, loving discipline, and an exploration of submission and anal play. Dr Dale makes a routine examination an erotic adventure for their role play games, yet interspersed with the sex is an engaging storyline, well crafted characters, cute clothes, bedtime stories and fun ageplay elements.

  Publisher's Note: Little Lucy and the Doctor is an ageplay book. It includes anal play, diaper play, explicit sexual scenes, and elements of medical play including enemas. The punishments include humiliation, corner time, spankings and BDSM S/M themes. Please don't buy this book if such material is likely to cause offence.

  Dr Simon Dale glanced at his watch again and frowned. The new temp should have arrived half an hour ago. "Where the hell is she?" he muttered.

  As if on cue, the door flew open and a dishevelled elfin-faced diminutive figure barged in, tufts of blonde hair sticking out in all directions like a birds nest, hurriedly applied eye make-up smudged ... and surely that couldn't be a washing care label on the outside of her sweater? It was. The silly woman was wearing it inside out. Simon folded his arms and appraised the late arrival coolly.

  "Miss Peters I presume?"

  "Um. Yes. That's me. Lucy. Lucy Peters. I-"

  "You're late."

  "Ah. Yes. I didn't mean to be late on my first day, but my alarm clock didn't go off, or if it did, I didn't hear it. I was up during the night, you see, and I hardly got any sleep at all. The burglar alarm on the house across the street kept going off. They've gone away for two weeks on some Caribbean cruise and-"

  Simon threw up his hands and interrupted her tirade. "Spare me your excuses, please. This is not a good start. I have clinic in ten minutes and there won't be sufficient time now to show you how to go on."

  "Sorry, sorry. Let me get my notebook." She rummaged through her shoulder bag. "Notebook, notebook ... it's in here somewhere." She pulled out a crumpled wad of tissues, a half eaten bar of chocolate, car keys and a packet of sweets. Her face brightened at this discovery. "Oh, I forgot I had these. I just love jelly teddy bears. The red ones are my favourite. "Would you like one?" She held out the packet.

  "No I would not." He glared and pointed to the printer. "Take a couple of sheets of paper from there. I assume you have a pen?"

  "Pen. Yes. Pen. Where are you, pen? It's hiding..." She began to scrabble frantically again in her bag.

  Simon rolled his eyes. My God. They've sent me a lunatic. "Tell you what - here, take my pen." He handed it over and placed it in her small hand. "Now go and sit down. We don't have much time."

  "Right." She scampered over to the desk and sat in the big leather chair, her feet dangling several inches from the floor. Her big liquid brown eyes gazed up at him reverently. He was something, this doctor. Mid forties, silver grey hair with dark roots, dark brows above intelligent hazel eyes, a generously proportioned mouth and firm jaw. Oh my God, she thought. He's sex on legs. She tried very hard not to stare at the rest of him. She needed to concentrate. Get a grip, Lucy. Focus, she told herself.

  Simon put one hand to his head. He suddenly felt an almighty headache coming on. "Miss Peter's, that's my desk. You sit there ... if you can manage that," he added disparagingly, gesturing to a smaller desk on which sat a computer monitor, printer and telephone.

  "Ooops, silly me." She gave him an apologetic look and went to sit where she was supposed to. She sat back in the chair and crossed her legs. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and low heeled pumps with pink laces, and ... Simon stared.

  "You're wearing odd socks," he said flatly. "One red, one orange."

  Lucy stared at her feet and looked crestfallen. "Oh. Damn. These aren't even my work clothes. Guess I got dressed in a real hurry this morning. Sorry."

  Simon looked at her in exasperation. Why oh why had he given Angela five weeks leave to go and see her daughter in Australia? How was he going to manage for the next five weeks with this ditzy blonde woman running the office? Woman? She looked like a kid. He picked up her CV from the agency, which gave her age as 24. For one wonderful moment, he thought the agency had sent her by mistake. And if that was the case, he would sent her right back!

  "You're twenty-four?"

  "I am. I know - I don't look my age, everybody says so. But it's true. I am twenty-four."

  His brief hope was crushed. "Ok," he said resignedly. "Well, we have five minutes. Let me tell you the very basic things I need you to do, and I'll just have to catch up with you after clinic to fill you in on the other details."

  "Sure." She gave him a bright smile.

  Simon powered up the computer and briefly explained how to book patients in for new appointments, and how to change existing appointments. It was a sheer stroke of luck that six weeks previously Lucy had a temporary admin job at the same hospital, so she was already familiar with the computer system and data input and retrieval.

  "It's all very straightforward, you just have to remember to hit Save each time you amend a record. If the phone rings, answer it and take a message. There's a coffee machine in the corridor. You can take an hour lunch break at 1pm, and if you leave the office, be sure to switch the answer phone on. There's a pamphlet in the desk drawer which will inform you about health and safety procedures and emergency evacuation in case of fire. Read and digest it. That's all. I have to go. Oh - and I suggest you turn your sweater the right way round as you have it on inside out." Without waiting for a response he stalked out of the office, leaving her staring dejectedly after him, a faint flush of embarrassment colouring her cheeks.

  It was almost 1:30 by the time Simon finished his clinic. Having worked through without a break, he was dying for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. He made his way to the staff canteen. Several female heads turned as he walked in, for Dr Simon Dale was one good looking guy. He selected a ham and c
heese Panini, a bowl of salad and a coffee, and set his tray down on the nearest vacant table. Except it wasn't vacant. A small figure sat at one end. Her face brightened when she saw him.

  "Hi Si.. I mean, Dr Dale. It's me, Lucy."

  "Oh. So it is." Oh no!

  "Did you have a good morning?" She pushed her tray along the table and clambered over three chairs so she could sit next to him.

  "The usual," he said noncommittally and took a bite of his Panini. He was about to ask her how she had got on in the office, but a glance at her plate threw him off track. "What on earth is that?!"

  "It's an all day breakfast. I came out without eating and I'm starving," she said, picking up her fork.

  "I can see that, but what have you done to it?"

  "It's a smiley face, you big old silly!"

  Big old silly? He glared at her for spouting such effrontery. She carried on chattering, oblivious to his reaction.

  "I rearranged things. See - his eyes are two fried eggs, his nose is a tomato, and he has a big fat curly sausage for a mouth! How cool is that?" She paused, looking to him for some sign of approbation. There was none forthcoming. "He did have two large ears made from bacon rashers," she added, "but I ate them before you got here."

  Maybe it was the idiotic smiley face, or maybe it was Lucy's guileless expression, or maybe it was the incongruity of the situation - whatever it was, it made Simon laugh. It welled up inside him and he found himself chuckling, his shoulders shaking with mirth. He shook his head, smiling, and then before he fully realised what he was doing, he had harpooned some of the small curly lettuce leaves from his salad bowl and positioned them on Lucy's plate.

  "Now he has some hair. Green hair with a dash of mayo, but what the hell."

  "Oh!" Lucy clapped her hands. "That's wonderful. I love it. What shall we call him?"

  "Eh? It's just a face on a plate. We don't call it anything," said Simon in low tones. Lucy's excitement and hand clapping was attracting attention and several bemused looks were being cast in his direction.

  "He needs a name before I eat him." Lucy was adamant. "Let me think ... hmm, I think I'll call him George. My neighbour has a cat called George. He's very fat - just like his owner." She giggled and stabbed the tomato nose with her fork. "I buy him a tin of pilchards every Friday as a treat - George, that is, not his owner - and we play games chasing a ball of wool."

  "Are you sure you're twenty-four?"

  "Course I am. I just don't act my age all the time. It's fun being a kid. Don't you agree?"

  "I'm too old to remember," he said and took another bite of his lunch. Though his tone was bland, his eyes twinkled as he regarded her appraisingly as he ate. She was a pretty little thing. Waif-like, small and dainty but with curves in all the right places, just the way he liked his women. Not that he ever dated any of the admin or medical staff. The hospital grapevine would have a field day if they knew about his private life and his very specific kinky interests. No, he had earned a reputation for being a private person and he fully intended to keep things that way.

  His previous irritation with Lucy gave way to a kind of bemused fascination as he listened to her continual chatter. He couldn't have got a word in even if he wanted to. Lucy prattled non stop about the most mundane and idiotic things. Words poured forth from that sweet little mouth, and she butterflied from one topic to another without a pause.

  Eventually he said, "If you don't sop talking, I'm going to..."

  "Uh oh. Going to what ...?"

  I'm going to take your panties off and gag you with them, is what he wanted to say. But instead, he said, "I'm going to get very frustrated because we need to talk about work matters."

  "Oh, right. Sorry. I do go on a bit, don't I?" She smiled sweetly and looked at him with an earnest expression.

  "You do," he agreed. "So tell me, how did you get on in the office? Any problems?"

  "I loved it! There were no problems at all. I made about a dozen new appointments and I've taken loads of messages. And I did all the filing too," she said proudly.

  "Filing? What filing? I didn't ask you to do any filing."

  "That big pile of patient notes on your desk. I put them all away in the drawers in alphabetical order of surname." She beamed at him.

  "You did WHAT?!" he thundered.

  Lucy blinked. This what not what she had expected. "I filed them. It took me ages." She pouted. "I thought you'd be pleased."

  "Pleased? Pleased?! They were on my desk for a reason. I need to review them all this afternoon, so you get your arse back in the office and unfile them!"

  "Oh! Oh, but I ... I... can't."

  "You can and you will."

  "But there were so many of them," Lucy wailed. "Far too many to remember, and if I can't remember all the names, how can I get them all out again?"

  "Give me strength," muttered Simon. He glanced at his watch. "I have another consultant joining me in an hour and we need those files." Grim-faced, he pushed aside his plate, rose from his seat and strode out of the cafeteria.

  Lucy jumped up and ran after him. "Sorry. I'm really sorry..."

  "Oh you will be," said Simon. His palm itched. If ever anyone deserved a damn good spanking, it was Lucy Peters.

  "I thought I was helping," she sniffed, one little hand moving to her face to brush away a tear that oozed from those big puppy-dog eyes of hers.

  Simon bit back a retort. "It's not the end of the world," he said gruffly. "Here's what we'll do. I'll check my personal organiser, shout out the patient names, and you can retrieve the files. It will take some time but it's do-able."

  The relief showed on her face. "Yes. That's what we'll do. We'll make it right, won't we," she said with a little catch in her voice, her lower lip trembling.

  Simon nodded, feeling an unexpected pang of guilt for causing her distress. Poor thing, she's upset. Sheesh - why am I feeling guilty? She's the one who's fucked up! "Yes. But we need to hurry."

  Some forty minutes later and they were on the last lap. A large stack of manila files towered on Simon's desk. There were about another dozen or so to retrieve.

  "Josephine Maynard," continued Simon. "Date of birth 20th March 1960."

  Lucy flicked through the filing drawers and pulled out a file. "Got it." She placed the file on the desk with the others.

  "Next up is Simon Spanks. Date of birth 8th May 1959."

  This was met by a giggle from Lucy. "I think you mean Simon Sparks." She retrieved the file and checked the details.

  "Ah, that was a Freudian slip," said Simon smoothly, hiding a smile.

  "Yeah?" Lucy giggled again, this time covering her mouth with her hand. "You must be thinking that I need a spanking after messing up your files." She darted a sly little look at him, and her cheeks bloomed pink.

  Her reaction surprised him. He raised an eyebrow. "I was thinking no such thing," he lied.

  "Oh." She seemed almost disappointed. "Well I wouldn't blame you for thinking that, cos I do deserve a spanking."

  "Is that so?" He kept his tone light and non-committal, and wondered where this conversation was going.

  "Uh huh." She nodded, her face quite serious. "It helps, when I'm naughty."

  He couldn't believe his ears. "I see." His cock pulsed.

  "I doubt it."

  For a moment, Simon thought she was going to say more, but then her mouth closed and she stood awkwardly, staring at the floor, her fingers fidgeting with the cuffs on her sweater. His cock twitched again, and against his better judgement he asked, "And are you naughty often, Lucy?"

  She sighed. "I'm afraid I am."

  "So you get spanked often?"

  "Mr Petrakis spanks me sometimes." Again, she gave him that little teasing look that was half innocent, half coquettish.

  "Oh? And who is Mr Petrakis?" Suddenly, the urgency to retrieve all the files faded. This was much more interesting.

  "He lives across the street from me. He's a Greek man. He owns a fish and chip shop." She leaned forw
ard conspiratorially. "He gives me lots of free fish."

  Simon stared at her for a moment, and then began to laugh. "Just a minute ... have I got this right? You let Mr what's his name..."


  "You let Mr Petrakis spank you, and in return he gives you fish?!"

  "Yep." Lucy grinned. "And ..."


  "I don't even like fish."

  Simon shook his head. This was bizarre! He made a peculiar snorting sound of mirth, then threw back his head and laughed loudly. "Oh Lucy - what am I to do with you?" Lucy gave him that scheming look again. "You little minx." He pulled himself together. "Much as I would enjoy continuing with this illuminating conversation, we have work to do."

  For the remainder of the afternoon, Simon found his attention wandering. His meeting with the consultant went well and he gave all the required input to the clinical decision-making process, yet the image of Lucy Peters was firmly fixed in his mind and he found himself recalling snatches of their conversation. So she liked getting spanked, did she? What an intriguing prospect.

  Towards the end of the afternoon there were other people in the office so a repeat of their earlier conversation wasn't possible. Simon took thirty minutes to explain some of the other duties Lucy would be required to do.

  "You'll be on your own for a couple of days as I'm at a conference tomorrow, and will be in theatre most of the day on Wednesday. Any problems, ask one of the other admin staff in the next office, or give me a call on my mobile and I'll get back to you." He produced a business card from his wallet and handed it to her. "Now, the agency did tell you that on Thursday and Friday each week, you'll be based at The Beeches, dealing with correspondence and other matters for my private patients?"

  "Yes, I know where it is."

  "Right. I'll expect you at 8:45 then, so I can show you where everything is."

  "Got it. I won't be late. I promise."


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