Little Lucy and the Doctor

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Little Lucy and the Doctor Page 5

by Chloe Carpenter

  "You are a grown intelligent woman with an inner little girl striving to come out and play. You seek a caring, nurturing Daddy - a kind and loving Daddy, but one who will set various rules. Those rules must be enforced with fairness and consistency, and if you break the rules, deliberately or otherwise, there will consequences... your bottom will pay the price. Whenever you're with me and you want to be little Lucy, I will treat you like the little girl you want to be. You will be able to express your inner self and explore your need for an authority figure. I will be that authority figure, and I will nurture and dominate and care for you. And in return, I expect your obedience, your honesty, and your complete trust and submission. None of these things will happen overnight. It will be a gradual process, and I can promise you an exciting fulfilling journey. I take it you want a sexual relationship?"

  She nodded, shyly. "Yes."

  "Good. Sex will be a part of it." He paused, the corners of his mouth curving into a smile at the prospect. "We have much to look forward to, Lucy. We'll experiment together. There will be ample opportunity for a little regression, and you can totally give up control and let Daddy take care of you in every conceivable way."

  "Yes, please." Lucy shivered. This was something she had always wanted, and now, at last, it was about to be turned into reality.

  They talked for the next two hours and the time went by in the blink of an eye. The shrill tones of Lucy's mobile phone interrupted their frank discussion. Lucy fished the phone out of her shoulder bag.

  "Hi Carol. I expect you're wondering where I am... No I'm fine, and Puppy is fine too. He's sleeping on the rug ... I met up with a friend ... Sure, I'll leave shortly. See you soon."

  "Your sister, I take it?"

  "Yes." She glanced at her watch. "Wow, I had no idea of the time."

  "No problem, I'll drive you back." Simon stood up and stretched. "Did you take the bus to her place or did you drive?"

  "I drove there. My car's parked round the corner from her house."

  "Ok. So ... now you know where I live, do you want to come by around six this evening and we'll have dinner and continue our conversation?"

  She looked at him with shining eyes. "Yes please."

  He moved towards her and held his arms out. She came into his embrace, tilting her head back as he lowered his mouth to hers. "We'll have more of that later," he said huskily when they broke free. "But right now, wake that damned dog up, his snoring is driving me nuts."

  They drove back to Carol's house and Simon opened the rear car door to get the dog out. He refused to budge! Simon pulled and tugged on Puppy's lead, but the big dog lay there feigning sleep. Lucy giggled and rattled the almost empty packet of dog treats. That got his attention. He bounded out of the car in one huge leap.

  "He likes being in your car." Lucy smiled and gave Simon a hug. "I've enjoyed today. Thank you."

  "Me too - and the day isn't over yet. We have the evening to look forward to."

  "Great, I'll see you around six. Don't be late ... or else," he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Lucy grinned and waved, and set off with Puppy in tow.

  "Oh, and Lucy ... feel free to bring an overnight bag if you'd like to stay over," he called to her departing figure. He gauged her reaction. She turned bright pink and nodded her head furiously.

  Simon watched her until she was out of sight, a smile on his face. Life had suddenly got even more interesting.


  Lucy was so excited she could barely breathe. She had a soak in the bath and tried on at least half a dozen outfits, finally settling for the one she had tried on first - a short black skirt with pink spots that fitted snug to the hips, then flared out with a flounce, Rah-rah style, ending about five inches above her knees; short but not too short, she thought. With it she teamed a vibrant pink blouse and a black bolero. Her legs were bare. It was summer and she had a light golden tan. A pair of black Mary Jane low-heeled shoes completed her outfit. She studied her reflection in the mirror. Cute. She brushed her freshly washed her until it gleamed, securing it in place with a pink hair band decorated with tiny white daisies with yellow centres. A touch of mascara and a smear of lip gloss and she was ready.

  Grabbing her overnight bag and a bottle of red wine, she got into her car and drove to Simon's. She parked the car and got out, suddenly feeling very shy and nervous. But before she had time to dither on the doorstep, the front door opened before she had even rung the bell.

  "Here you are, princess, and looking gorgeous." Simon smiled and leaned down to kiss her. "Come inside."

  "I brought wine." She handed him the bottle.

  He glanced at the label. "Thanks. Good choice. I'll open it and let it breathe."

  Lucy breathed a sigh of relief and followed him into the kitchen. She didn't know a thing about wines and so had opted for one of the most expensive bottles on the shelf, in the hope that it would be half decent. A tantalising smell greeted her.

  "Something smells good."

  "I put a chicken in the oven, and there's a tray of roast vegetables to go with it. They should be ready in just under an hour. Well, now that you're here, would you like to see the rest of the house?"

  "Sure," she said, and trotted after him.

  "We'll start with the lounge." He opened a door that led into a spacious room with tan leather sofas and light oak furnishings.

  "It's very neat and tidy," said Lucy, thinking of all the clutter that filled her little apartment.

  Simon laughed. "And why shouldn't it be? There's a separate dining room in here, though I tend not to use it when eating alone. Off the kitchen is a conservatory. I thought we'd eat there tonight. It's pleasant on a summer's evening."

  "It's beautiful." Lucy wandered round poking at all the plants - huge ferns, rampant bougainvillea, succulents and many brightly coloured orchids. "Did you grow all these yourself?"

  "I bought most of them years ago. They thrive in here, though I have to switch the central heating on in the winter or they'd freeze to death."

  In the centre of the conservatory was a small circular metal table and two chairs. The table was already set for two and looked inviting.

  "What a lovely garden! Lucy peered out. "It looks huge!"

  "Yeah, it's quite big, but it's mainly grass bordered by trees and shrubs, so it's relatively low maintenance."

  "I miss having a garden. I'm on the third floor of an apartment building, and my window just looks out onto the street. You have a wonderful view."

  "Come see the rest of the house, then we'll go sit outside with a drink before dinner, if you'd like to?"

  "Yes," she said. Her initial nervousness had vanished. Simon was so easy to get along with. She followed him up the stairs.

  "There are four bedrooms. The place is far too big for me, but I don't give a damn." Simon opened the first door on the landing. "This is the smallest bedroom. I converted it into a study." The room had a desk on which sat a computer and printer, and the opposite wall was lined floor to ceiling with books. "Next is my room." He opened the door to reveal a typically male preserve, with dark wood furniture and claret-coloured bed linen and curtains. The king-sized bed dominated the room. Lucy swallowed, wondering if she'd be sleeping in it later tonight. "Next is the guest room. Like it?"

  Lucy stepped into the room. "Oh yes. It's all sunshine yellow and cheerful." It was too, with white furniture, pale lemon bedding and yellow curtains.

  "The bathroom is the end room, and this is the room my twin nieces use when they visit."

  "Oh! I love it! I just love it!"

  "I thought you might," said Simon as he watched her animated expression.

  Lucy wandered round the room, picking up dolls and books and toys, pausing to cuddle a teddy bear. "This is amazing." She put down the teddy and picked up a snuggle puppy. "They have so many lovely things. How old are your nieces?"

  "They're seven now. Holly and Sally. Little imps, the pair of them."

  "I bet you are the doti
ng uncle."

  "I am. Come - let's go get a drink and sit outside before dinner." He noticed Lucy's reluctance to leave the room. It simply reinforced what he already knew about her. "I might let you come back and play in here if you're a good girl."

  "I'll be extra good," she assured him, her eyes shining.


  Simon was careful to let her take things at her own pace. All her nervousness had gone, and she chattered away in her usual manner, clearly at ease and enjoying being with him. They sat out in the garden, and then went in to eat a leisurely dinner in the conservatory. Lucy helped him clear away, and they took coffee into the lounge. Simon sat down, deliberately positioning himself in the centre of the sofa. He patted the space next to him.

  "Come sit here." It was a command rather than an invitation.

  Lucy sat, suddenly aware that the dynamics had subtly changed. The excitement she had felt all afternoon returned with a vengeance. She took a sip of her coffee, aware that his eyes were on her. When she turned, it was to find him looking at her in a way that made her bones melt.

  "Are you ready to put into practice some of the things we talked about this afternoon? he asked her.

  She blushed prettily and nodded. "You're absolutely sure?"

  "Yes, I am. It's what I want - and I think it's what you want too," she added shyly.

  "Of course it is. Did you decide on your safe word?"

  "Chilli pepper."

  Simon laughed. "What made you choose that?"

  She darted a mischievous look in his direction. "It's hot and stingy."

  "Very apt - and just like your bottom will be by the end of the evening." He liked seeing her blush. It was endearing. "Okay Lucy, when you've finished your coffee I want you to go up to the twins room. In the top drawer of the chest of drawers you will find an outfit. Put it on and come back down. Do you have any questions?"

  Lucy chewed her lip. "No, I can't think of any." She put her cup down on her saucer clumsily; the cup tilted and fell to the floor, slopping dregs of coffee on the carpet. "Oh - sorry! I'll clean it up."

  "No need. I'll do it - and we'll deal with the infraction when you return. Off you go."

  Lucy scampered out of the room and went upstairs. She had butterflies in her tummy and they would not go away. She opened the top drawer of the chest in the twins room and peered inside. There lay a pretty white cotton dress with a square sailor collar edged in blue piping. The dress had little puff sleeves and a long belt to tie in a big bow at the back. There was also a white ruffled half-slip to go underneath it, and a pair of white cotton panties, white ankle socks, and a pair of blue pumps. The only other thing in the drawer were two lengths of blue satin ribbon.

  Lucy stripped off all her clothes. As there was no bra in the drawer she supposed he didn't want her to wear one, not that she needed to as her breasts were quite small. So on went the dress. It was short, ending mid-thigh and it fitted perfectly as though it were made for her; she tied the belt in a big bow. Then she put on the flounced underskirt which was about half an inch longer than the hem of the dress, revealing a decorative lace edge. Next she put on the socks and the pumps, then taking the hairbrush off the dresser, she brushed her hair and sectioned it into two pieces, making two pig-tails which she tied with the ribbon.

  The butterflies became even more active. It felt as though they were dancing around in her tummy wearing hobnail boots. She tiptoed up to the mirrored panel in the wardrobe and looked at her reflection. A pretty little girl stared back at her. She had always looked young for her age, but the hairstyle and the clothes took years off her appearance. She smiled. Here she was, in role as Little Lucy, and it felt so good.

  And so it began...


  "Ah there you are," said Simon as she entered the room somewhat timidly. His eyes raked over her body appreciatively. The outfit was perfect for her. She was perfect: adorable, innocent, yet undeniably sexy. "Come sit here with Daddy."

  Ohhhh! thought Lucy. Daddy! I have a Daddy - at last! Her heart began to thump louder in her chest. She sat next to him, fiddling with her fingers and wondering what would happen next.

  "Lucy! What have I told you about fidgeting?!"

  "Um ... you've told me not to do it."

  "That's right, I have. When you're a good girl for Daddy, you get rewards, but when you're a bad girl, you get punished." Simon narrowed his eyes a little and in a low voice, asked, "Are you a good girl or a bad girl right now, Lucy?"

  Lucy knew he was offering her a choice and would be guided by her responses. She stared at her feet and mumbled a response. "I'm a bad girl, Daddy. I spilled coffee on the carpet."

  "Yes you did. And do you know what happens to bad girls?"

  "Th-they get spanked," she said in a little girl voice.

  "They do. I'm going to put you over my knee, take your panties down, and spank your bare bottom."

  "Ohh," gasped Lucy. To hear him say those words was beyond exciting. When Mr Petrakis told her she was going to get a spanking, it was exciting but she didn't feel all squirmy like this. Maybe because Mr Petrakis smelled of fish, and he wasn't a sexy, good looking man and she'd never had the hots for him. With Simon, the scenario was so different. She chewed her lip and felt the colour flood to her face.

  "We'll soon have you blushing on both sets of cheeks. Get over my lap, Lucy, and stop chewing your lip."

  A moment later she was in position, holding her breath as Simon's big hand stroked the outline of her bottom over her pretty dress. Then he flipped up the hem of the short dress and let his hand rest for a moment on her bottom again. "Hands on the floor, Lucy. I want this naughty bottom up high."

  She obeyed, opening her mouth as she felt him tug down her panties, baring her bottom. Her finger-tips touched the carpet, and her legs were dangling, too short to reach the floor.

  Simon eyed her bare bottom wolfishly. It was small and round, perfectly proportioned, with a generous amount of padding on the lower buttocks. He raised his right arm and brought his hand down sharply on the pale cream orbs.

  "Oh!" She certainly felt that one.

  Simon's hand descended again. Splat! Splat! Splat!

  "Ow!" yelped Lucy. She began to wriggle. Little did she know how much Daddy enjoyed a spot of wriggling. He spanked her again, watching as her colour morphed from cream to pink.

  "This is for your carelessness in spilling coffee on my new carpet." He lectured as he spanked, gradually upping the tempo, peppering her bottom with spanks, covering every available inch, turning that glorious pale flesh to a prettier, deeper shade of pink.

  "Yeoow!" screeched Lucy. For a moment, the adult Lucy surfaced. "That's never your hand! Are you using a frying pan?!"

  "I have a frying pan in the kitchen if you'd care to feel the difference?" Simon grinned as he smacked the under curve of her wildly jiggling cheeks.

  "Noooo, don't wanna!" squealed Lucy. She kicked her legs as the fusillade of spanks left her breathless. When Simon paused to rub her bottom, she lay there for a moment, panting.

  "Ow! They were hard spanks!"

  "Mean, huh? And that was just using my frying pan hand. Now I want you to go to the kitchen and bring me the rubber spatula out of the drawer."

  "Oh." The spatula. She knew it wasn't going to be used for baking. She pouted. Rubber. What will that feel like? Will it be very stingy?

  "Up you get. Go get the spatula. Don't keep me waiting."

  Lucy got to her feet and reached down to pull up her panties.

  "Oh no you don't. Did I give you permission to pull up your panties?"

  "Um, no Daddy."

  "Leave them just as they are."

  So Lucy waddled awkwardly into the kitchen, feeling extremely silly and acutely embarrassed with her panties bunched in a heap around her ankles. Because Simon had tucked her dress up into her midriff, her little bare bottom was exposed. It bobbed up and down as she walked, much to Simon's enjoyment. She returned two minutes later, clutching the
spatula in one hand, her other hand covering her mons.

  Simon took the spatula from her. It had a wooden handle and an oblong-shaped rubber end. He patted his lap again. "Over you go, pet," he said as he grabbed her and launched her over his lap again, taking the opportunity to remove her panties completely.

  Crack! The rubber spatula made contact with its target. It bounced rhythmically from one cheek to the other.

  "Yeooww! Owwww! Oh, that stings! It really, really stings!"

  "Well I never," said Simon in a tone of mock surprise. He whacked it down again.

  "Yes! It does! Ow! Ow!" The spatula cracked down on her smouldering rear end. "Owww! I'll be good ... so good. Ow! I'll never spill coffee again. OW!"

  Then the nasty kitchen implement was discarded and Simon's hand was stroking and kneading, gently smoothing away all the sting. Then one finger trailed along her thigh, feather-light on the soft smooth skin. That same finger moved slowly upwards, and then the sensation was gone, only to be experienced by a light touch on her opposite thigh. Simon stroked up and down, reaching higher each time, but never touching the places that were starting to crave his touch, for now that the spanking was over, Lucy felt as though she was drowning in an erotic haze of post-spanking bliss, tempered with her own growing arousal. Simon recognised all the signs and continued stroking, each gentle, teasing stroke of his fingers against her skin making her need stronger. And when he dipped the tip of his index finger up past her slick lips, she made a frantic little bleating sound and tried desperately to push against his finger, seeking more attention. But, although he longed to explore every inch of her slick sex, he would not give her that satisfaction - not yet.

  He removed his hand and lifted her to her feet.

  "Now Lucy, go and stand in the corner, nose to the wall, while I sit here and admire your red bottom." Lucy gave him a pleading look and batted her eyelashes. It did not a bit of good. Simon remained unmoved. "Now, Lucy," he said in a voice that defied disobedience. "And place your hands on your head."


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