Little Lucy and the Doctor

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Little Lucy and the Doctor Page 10

by Chloe Carpenter

  Every so often, Simon would stop and speak with someone, and Lucy would be introduced to more new names and faces. Many admiring glances came her way.

  "Your new little subbie is so hot and cute," someone remarked, and Lucy blushed with pride. The speaker was a tall flame-haired woman with three of her own submissives in tow - two males and one female; all well-trained, their eyes downcast, only speaking when spoken to.

  "She is rather," agreed Simon.

  "I think she's enjoying herself rather too much," said the woman, eyeing the faint dampness between Lucy's thighs. "May I?" she asked Simon.

  "Be my guest," said Simon. He smiled. This was going to be interesting.

  As for Lucy, she wasn't sure exactly what the woman meant, but when Simon gave his next command, she realised what was about to happen.

  "Lucy. Hands on your head. Feet apart. Wider."

  She obeyed and her mouth dropped open as the woman reached down and trailed her index finger up Lucy's right thigh. Up and up it went, and dipped into Lucy's sopping pussy. Lucy's eyes flew wide open, but she managed not to say a word.

  "Oh she's dripping wet, aren't you, little fox girl?"

  "Um, er ... yes. Yes ma'am," said Lucy. To her surprise, the woman didn't stop her exploration, her fingers probed and stroked, sending a myriad of little shudders down Lucy's spine.

  "How is she on orgasm control?"

  "Inexperienced," said Simon. "I have a dildo. Do you want to do the honours, Angela?"

  "Oh yes indeed I do." Angela's eyes flashed. She patted a waist high bondage bench. "Pop up on here, little fox girl. I want you on your back. Hold your legs right up and open for me. I'll allow you the luxury of using your hands behind your knees to keep them in position."

  Now Lucy was really shocked. She stared at Angela, and then at Simon. He gave her a look and nodded. Biting her lip, Lucy obeyed, cringing as she did so, yet at the same time, her excitement increased. She was displaying her pussy to anyone who cared to look.

  She slid onto the bench and groaned as the movement drove the plug in a little further. It was a groan that was filled with as much pleasure as pain. Through half-closed eyes she watched as Simon retrieved the dildo and handed it to Angela.

  "Mistress Angela is going to try and make you cum, Lucy. But you are not to do so until you have been given permission. Understood?"

  "Y-yes s-sir," she stammered.

  And then it began. Angela inserted the dildo into Lucy's steaming pussy. "She doesn't need any lube," she said, and her laughter tinkled as she worked the dildo in further.

  "Ohhhh," Lucy moaned. She squirmed. She felt so turned on, and as that dildo moved in and out and in and out, she thought she would burst if they didn't let her cum. She looked pleadingly at Simon. He shook his head.

  Mistress Angela reached out to tweak Lucy's nipple chain, amused by Lucy's reaction. Then she went back to working the dildo, but with her free hand she slowly began massaging Lucy's prominent clit.

  "Ohhh gahhh. God. Ohh. Oh!" Lucy knew she couldn't hold back much longer. Her hips were already rocking. She needed to come so bad she wanted to scream.

  "You may cum for me now, little fox girl," said Mistress Angela. She watched as Lucy bucked and reared, her whole body shaking. "Oh she's adorable," she said to Simon. "You must bring her to my little girl nursery clinic next month. "Would you like that, my dear?" she asked, turning back to Lucy. "You will be put in little girl clothes and have your bare bottom strapped and caned and plugged. Would you like that?"

  "Y-y-yes Mistress. I would. Please."

  After Angela and her submissives had departed, Lucy sat up shakily.

  "None of that was planned," Simon told her. "But you did well. I was proud of you." He stooped to brush his lips over hers.

  Lucy felt such a thrill. It wasn't just the hedonism, it was the fact she had pleased Simon. She beamed with pride, and trotted along after him, on a real high, her mood elevated. But her world was to come crashing down about her ears a few moments later, when a figure pushed its way through the crowd and flung itself into Simon's arms.

  "Sir Tristan! I haven't seen you for ages!"

  "Hey Carla. How have you been, pet?"

  Pet? Why is he calling her that? I'm his pet, not her. To Lucy's chagrin, he gave Carla an enthusiastic hug.

  "Fine, but I've missed you, Sir T."

  Sir T? Huh. What a bitch.

  "I bet you have," joked Simon.

  "I have. Truly. Oh - look at my new toy." She held up a broad leather strap. "Like it?"

  "Nice. But it doesn't look well used enough to be supple yet."

  "I thought you'd say that." Carla gave him a cheeky smile. "So how about you use it to thrash my naughty bottom?"

  Lucy watched, green with jealousy as Simon took the proffered strap, sat down on a nearby sofa, and pulled Carla over his lap. He hitched up her mini skirt, revealing a bare bottom.

  She's got no panties on! thought Lucy, quite oblivious to her own nakedness. What a tart! What a fucking bitch! How dare he spank her! It's not fair!

  Simon wielded the strap expertly, unaware of Lucy's resentment. He brought it down hard on Carla's upturned bottom, and the girl hardly flinched. It was clear she was used to taking it hard. That fact made Lucy feel even more unhappy. She couldn't watch any more. She turned on her heel and flounced away, finding her way back to the cloakroom. Once there she looked for the locker that contained her coat and Simon's, and then stopped short. Simon had the key. And, she hadn't brought any money with her as Simon had told her not to bother as she wouldn't need any. So how was she to get home? And, her clothes were folded up in his toy bag.

  "Damn, damn DAMN!" She sat on a hard wooden bench, put her head in her hands, and began to cry. She cried for another ten minutes, by which time Simon walked in and found her.

  "Lucy? Why did you go running off? Whatever's the matter? Are you hurt."

  "No," she whimpered. "Just upset."

  "Upset? Why?" He raised her head and forced her to look at him.

  "You - you ... and that girl." The tears came again.

  "Oh you silly girl. That's just Carla. Listen Lucy, I've known Carla a few years She's one of my regular play partners."

  "One of them?" This was getting worse.

  "Yes, one of them. So I spanked her. What's wrong with that? I'll tell you what's wrong with that - nothing. Nothing at all. I've never had a sexual relationship with her, she's just a trusted friend I play with from time to time."

  "I ... I'm sorry but... but I was ..." She trailed off.

  "Jealous. I see that now." He sighed. "Listen to me Lucy. You are the only woman in my life, but we all have a past, and Carla is part of mine. I won't make a habit of spanking her or others, but if I chose to do so, I will, and you'd better get your head around that. Trust in me. Trust in the relationship we have together and don't let something as insignificant as this come between us to spoil things."

  "I wasn't expecting you to do that to her," said Lucy. She sniffed and rubbed her eyes.

  "Nor was I as it happens. But it did happen, and now it's done with, so be a big girl and stop being so silly. And remember what you said to Mistress Angela? You agreed that she will cane you and more, next month. You can't demand exclusivity in this arena, Lucy. But at the end of the day, I will only ever have ONE submissive. And that's you. Got it?"

  "I think so," sniffed Lucy. "I'm sorry if I overreacted."

  "That's ok. Now, go and wash your face, and then we'll go back out there and enjoy the rest of the evening. Make me proud of you, princess."

  A little later, Lucy had repaired her red eyes, and to her surprise, Carla ran over and gave her a big hug.

  "Hiya Lucy! Sorry - I didn't even see you earlier, I was so intent on showing off my new strap. It's good to meet you. You're a lucky girl, having Sir T as your Dom." She sighed. "He was never interested in me for that role, but I sure am glad he's found someone to make him happy."

  Lucy brightened. "Thanks, Carla. I
t's good to meet you too. I'm new to all this."

  "I'll help show you the ropes. Did I see you with Mistress Angela earlier?" Lucy nodded. "She's an incredible Top, isn't she. And so sensual. Are you going to her little girl nursery play room next month? It's for men too - dressed as little girls." She giggled.

  "Um, yes. I'm not sure what I'll be letting myself in for, but I did say I'd go."

  "I'm going too! We'll sit next to each other, shall we? And we'll be naughty! Mistress Angela likes naughty girls, so she can think up terrible punishments to inflict on them."

  In no time at all, the two girls were chattering and giggling and the best of friends. Simon heaved a sigh of relief. As for Lucy, her first visit to the club was a truly memorable one. As they were driving home at the end of the evening, she chattered excitedly.

  "Thank you for taking me. I loved it. I really did. And my bottom is so SORE! But in a good way!"

  She was still on a high when they got back to Simon's house. She simply wouldn't stop prattling. She was truly hyper.

  "Lucy Peters, what's got into you, girl?" Simon looked at her, bemused. "You need to calm down. Have you been drinking gallons of coffee or popping pills?"

  "No. No - I'm just happy and excited. I don't want to go to bed!"

  "Hmm. I think I have just the thing to calm you down, little girl." Simon gave her a very wicked look. "I think I'll give you something to take your mind off things."

  "Ohhh - what? What? Is it a surprise? I like surprises! Especially chocolate," she added hopefully.

  Simon snorted and shook his head. "No chocolate. Just a nice soothing bedtime enema."

  Lucy's jaw dropped. "Oh," was all she said. They had talked about this as part of their medical play, but she hadn't figured on getting one quite so soon. Suddenly, the idea didn't seem quite so appealing. She gulped, and a sinking feeling in her tummy made her hands tremble. In a futile attempt to distract him and change the subject, she said, "Well, I guess I could just brush my teeth and go to bed. Yes, that's what I'll do," she said brightly.

  "Not so fast young lady." A restraining hand grasped her shoulder. "You don't call the shots. I do. And it's enema time."

  "Oh no. Fuck," she muttered.

  "What was that?" He gave her a sharp look.

  "Er .. I said just my luck."

  His expression indicated he didn't believe her but wasn't inclined to belabour the point. Well why should he? He had far more interesting things to attend to!

  "Come upstairs. Go into the bedroom and remove all your clothes, then join me in the bathroom." He held out his hand.

  Pulling a face, Lucy took it, and together they went upstairs.


  Lucy undressed slowly, prolonging the inevitable for as long as she could.

  "Are you ready, Lucy?" called Simon from the bathroom.

  "Er, not quite." She fiddled around with her shoes and then took forever folding her discarded clothes, looking up when she sensed rather than saw Simon standing in the doorway.

  He crooked a finger. "Come here."

  His look. His words. How could she refuse him? She stepped forward and took his hand, only to turn and run back to the bedroom when she caught sight of the 2-quart enema bag and tubing hanging from the shower rail.

  "Lucy. Here. Now. Or I'll go get my cane to help motivate you."

  That did it. Back she went into the bathroom.

  "Right, I want you to kneel on the bath mat; go down to rest on your elbows so that your naughty bare bottom is sticking right out."

  "I'd rather have a mug of drinking chocolate."

  "Lucy, do as you're told. I'm not standing for any nonsense."

  Pulling a face, Lucy positioned herself as instructed, knowing that the position caused her bottom to spread apart revealing her anus and the lips of her shaved pussy.

  Simon cupped both of her cute pink cheeks and gave them a fond squeeze. "This is an extension of your anal play experience. And because I'm a kind and considerate dominant who has your well-being at heart, I'm going to lube you up a little first."

  He snapped on a latex glove, and Lucy shivered. She felt him insert a finger into her tight little hole, then he withdrew it and added another generous dollop of lube, swirling it around the winking sphincter. The gloved finger went in again, spreading the lube, and her muscles instinctively tightened in a reflex action. Then withdrawing his finger, Simon replaced it with the tip of the nozzle and gently touched it to the glistening and lubricated anus and carefully and slowly pushed it in. She clenched at the invasion, and then relaxed, only to clench again as the nozzle went further in.

  Lucy wailed and wriggled, then felt a swift smack to her bottom. "Keep still, Lucy. Just do as the doctor tells you. No wriggling. Just relax."

  Relax? How can I relax when he's about to fill my bottom with warm water?!

  The nozzle went in deeper, until the only part that was visible was the part where the inflater tube came out. Yet in spite of her humiliation at this undignified treatment, she felt so submissive as she obeyed his commands. Giving up control was a huge turn on in itself, and they both knew that her humiliation and the dynamics of power exchange were the very things that she embraced. But once the water from the enema bag began to flow, she decided she didn't like the sensation at all. It felt very invasive, not nice at all. She began to whimper as she experienced this most intimate invasion.

  "Hush now," soothed Simon. "It will be easier for you if you keep perfectly still."

  "Ohhh ... but ... it's ... I don't like it," she wailed.

  "People pay good money for a cleansing service like this," quipped Simon. "I never suggested that you were going to enjoy it. You'll feel a touch more discomfort now that the pressure is beginning to build, but it won't last for too long."

  "Oh!" She began to wiggle her bottom from side to side, in a desperate attempt to expel the enema nozzle. "Take it out! Please!"

  "No. Not yet. Just a little while longer."

  "But I feel FULL." She winced as the discomfort increased, her tummy cramping horribly as the water swirled inside her."

  "That's the idea. I know what I'm doing, princess. Hold it in until I'm ready for you to release it."

  "Eeeek! I need to ... you know!" Her cheeks flamed scarlet as her insides gurgled and bubbled. The discomfort intensified and she experienced sharper cramps. Her tummy felt bloated and she was most uncomfortable.

  "Just a little longer. Almost there," soothed Simon as he stroked his fractious patient's back.

  Lucy groaned. It wasn't just the cramping and the pressing need to expel the fluid. She felt distended and humiliated beyond belief with the long plastic tube snaking between her cheeks. "Oh I really, really need to go ..." she wailed, red-faced, totally desperate.

  Half a minute later the bag was empty and Simon carefully pulled the nozzle free. "Ok, now you have my permission to release." He helped her to her feet and stood with his back to the wall, his arms folded.

  "I can't go with you in the room! Not this time I can't!" Lucy hopped about, then crossed her legs comically.

  Simon hid a smile. "Ok. I'll leave you to it. I'll be in the bedroom when you're through."

  Lucy flung herself on the toilet and released immediately. "Oh what a fucking relief," she whimpered, and then for some unknown reason began to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

  Five minutes later she was showered and teeth brushed. Naked, she trotted into Simon's bedroom ad climbed into bed beside him.

  "That," she declared, "was not pleasant. But you were right; it's calmed me down. I'm so tired. Sooo tired." She snuggled up against him and closed her eyes, and in minutes was fast asleep.


  They both slept in late the next morning, and ate bacon and eggs just before noon.

  "Can you entertain yourself for an hour or so, poppet? I have some work to do."

  "Sure, Daddy. I feel kind of lazy today. I've seen some jigsaws in the twins' room. I'll play with them while you

  Without being prompted, she cleared away their meal then went upstairs to play. For the best part of three hours she was quite content doing jigsaws, drawing pictures and crayoning in colouring books. When Simon came in with a cup of tea, he found her surrounded by an assortment of dolls and stuffies with the big plastic tea set.

  She looked up as he entered the room. "I know it's juvenile, but I don't care."

  "Neither do I." He gave her a kiss and settled down in a chair with the newspaper.

  Every so often Lucy darted surreptitious little glances at him. He was so goddamed sexy, so kind, so loving and yet so dominant at the same time. She longed to tell him how much she loved him, but didn't dare in case it put him off. So she just enjoyed the moment and refused to think about the future, because a future without Simon in her life would be unbearable.


  One Thursday a couple of weeks later, Lucy was working at the Beeches. She had grabbed coffee for her and Simon and sat with him during a patient-free slot. He sipped his coffee while she stared dejectedly at hers.

  "What's up, poppet? You've been very quiet this morning. Are you not feeling well?"

  "I'm fine thanks. It's just ... my five weeks as a temp with you are coming to an end. I'm sure the agency will find me something else, but it won't be the same. I know I'll still be able to see you evenings and weekends, but I'm really going to miss seeing you at work every day."

  "Ah." Simon took her hand. "As it happens, I've been thinking about that quite a bit too."

  "You have?" She looked up at him beseechingly, a flicker of hope in her big brown eyes.

  "Uh huh." She reminded him of a puppy dog. He ruffled her hair affectionately and kissed her lightly on her sweet lips. "How would you like to work at The Beeches full time, as the receptionist? It would be a permanent position, so you would no longer be employed by the agency. I'm only at The Beeches for two days a week of course, but as you said yourself, we see each other most evenings now, plus every weekend. I think it could work well. What do you think?"


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