ainaakfel--old friend.
ak--suffix added after a noun ending in a consonant to make it plural.
aka--to give heed; to hearken; to listen.
akarat--mind; will.
al--to bless; to attach to.
aldyn--under; underneath.
al--to lift; to raise.
alte--to bless; to curse.
and--to give.
and sielet, arwa-arvomet, es jelamet, kuulua huvemet ku feaj es kodet ainaak--to trade soul, honor and salvation for momentary pleasure and endless damnation.
andasz entolem irgalomet!--have mercy!
arvo--value; price (noun).
arwa--praise (noun).
arwa-arvo--honor (noun).
arwa-arvo olen gaeidnod, ekam--honor guide you, my brother (greeting).
arwa-arvo olen isanta, ekam--honor keep you, my brother (greeting).
arwa-arvo pile sivadet--may honor light your heart (greeting).
arwa-arvod mane me kodak--may your honor hold back the dark (greeting).
assa--no (before a noun); not (with a verb that is not in the imperative); not (with an adjective).
avaa--to open.
avio palafertiil--lifemate.
avoi--uncover; show; reveal.
belso--within; inside.
bur--good; well.
bur tule ekamet kuntamak--well met, brother-kin (greeting).
cada--to flee; to run; to escape.
coro--to flow; to run like rain.
csecsemo--baby (noun).
csitri--little one (female).
diutal--triumph; victory.
eci--to fall.
ek--suffix added after a noun ending in a consonant to make it plural.
ekam--my brother.
ela--to live.
elasz arwa-arvoval--may you live with honor (greeting).
elasz jelabam ainaak--long may you live in the light (greeting).
elava ainak majaknak--land of the living.
ema--mother (noun).
Ema Mage--Mother Nature.
embe--if; when.
embe karmasz--please.
emni--wife; woman.
emnim--my wife; my woman.
emni han ku kod alte--cursed woman.
emni kuNGenak ku assatotello--disobedient lunatic.
en--great; many; big.
en jutta felet es ekamet--I greet a friend and brother (greeting).
en magenak--I am of the earth.
en oma mageka--I am as old as time (literally: as old as the earth).
En Puwe--The Great Tree. Related to the legends of Ygddrasil, the axis mundi, Mount Meru, heaven and hell, etc.
engem--of me.
ete--before; in front.
faz--to feel cold or chilly.
fel--fellow; friend.
fel ku kuuluaak sivam belso--beloved.
fel ku vigyazak--dear one.
fertiil--fertile one.
fu--herbs; grass.
gaeidno--road; way.
gond--care; worry; love (noun).
han--he; she; it.
han agba--it is so.
han ku--prefix: one who; that which.
han ku agba--truth.
han ku kaswa o numamet--sky-owner.
han ku kuulua sivamet--keeper of my heart.
han ku lejkka wake-sarnat--traitor.
han ku meke piramet--defender.
han ku pesa--protector.
han ku piwta--predator; hunter; tracker.
han ku vie elidet--vampire (literally: thief of life).
han ku vigyaz sielamet--keeper of my soul.
han ku vigyaz sivamet es sielamet--keeper of my heart and soul.
han ku saa kuc3aket--star-reacher.
han ku tappa--killer; violent person (noun); deadly; violent (adj.).
han ku tuulmahl elidet--vampire (literally: life-stealer).
han sivamak--beloved.
hany--clod; lump of earth.
hisz--to believe; to trust.
irgalom--compassion; pity; mercy.
isa--father (noun).
isanta--master of the house.
jama--to be sick, infected, wounded or dying; to be near death.
jela--sunlight; day; sun; light.
jela keje terad--light sear you (Carpathian swear words).
o jela peje terad--sun scorch you (Carpathian swear words).
o jela peje emnimet--sun scorch the woman (Carpathian swear words).
o jela peje terad, emni--sun scorch you, woman (Carpathian swear words).
o jela peje kaik hankanak--sun scorch them all (Carpathian swear words).
o jela sielamak--light of my soul.
joma--to be underway; to go.
joee--to come; to return.
joeesz arwa-arvoval--return with honor (greeting).
jorem--to forget; to lose one's way; to make a mistake.
juo--to drink.
juosz es elasz--drink and live (greeting).
juosz es olen ainaak sielamet jutta--drink and become one with me (greeting).
juta--to go; to wander.
juti--night; evening.
jutta--connected; fixed (adj.); to connect; to fix; to bind (verb).
k--suffix added after a noun ending in a vowel to make it plural.
kaca--male lover.
kaNGa--to call; to invite; to request; to beg.
kaNGk--windpipe; Adam's apple; throat.
kada--to abandon; to leave; to remain.
kada wakeva ov o kod--stand fast against the dark (greeting).
kalma--corpse; death; grave.
Karpatii ku kod--liar.
kasi--hand (noun).
kaswa--to own.
keje--to cook; to burn; to sear.
kepa--lesser; small; easy; few.
kessa ku toro--wildcat.
kessake--little cat.
kidu--to wake up; to arise (intransitive verb).
kim--to cover an entire object with some sort of covering.
kinn--out; outdoors; outside; without.
kinta--fog; mist; smoke.
kislany--little girl.
kislany kuNGenak--little lunatic.
kislany kuNGenak minan--my little lunatic.
kod--fog; mist; darkness; evil (noun); foggy; dark; evil (adj.).
kod elava es kod nime kutni nimet--evil lives and has a name.
kod alte han--darkness curse it (Carpathian swear words).
o kod belso--darkness take it (Carpathian swear words).
kod jutasz belso--shadow take you (Carpathian swear words).
koje--man; husband; drone.
kola--to die.
kolasz arwa-arvoval--may you die with honor (greeting).
koma--empty hand; bare hand; palm of the hand; hollow of the hand.
kond--all of a family's or clan's children.
kont o sivanak--strong heart (literally: heart of the warrior).
ku--who; which; that.
kuc3ak!--stars! (exclamation).
kuja--day; sun.
kuNGe--moon; month.
kule--to hear.
kulke--to go or to travel (on land or water).
kulkesz arwa-arvoval, ekam--walk with honor, my brother (greeting).
kulkesz ar
waval--joeesz arwa arvoval--go with glory--return with honor (greeting).
kuly--intestinal worm; tapeworm; demon who possesses and devours souls.
kumpa--wave (noun).
kuna--to lie as if asleep; to close or cover the eyes in a game of hide-and-seek; to die.
kunta--band; clan; tribe; family.
kuras--sword; large knife.
kure--bind; tie.
kutni--to be able to bear, carry, endure, stand or take.
kutnisz ainaak--long may you endure (greeting).
kuulua--to belong; to hold.
lamti (or lamt3)--lowland; meadow; deep; depth.
lamti bol juti, kinta, ja szelem--the netherworld (literally: the meadow of night, mists and ghosts).
lejkka--crack; fissure; split (noun); to cut; to hit; to strike forcefully (verb).
lewl--spirit (noun).
lewl ma--the other world (literally: spirit land). (Lewl ma includes lamti bol juti, kinta, ja szelem: the netherworld, but also includes the worlds higher up En Puwe, the Great Tree.) liha--flesh.
loyly--breath; steam (related to lewl: spirit).
ma--land; forest.
mana--to abuse; to curse; to ruin.
mane--to rescue; to save.
mage--land; earth; territory; place; nature.
meke--deed; work (noun); to do; to make; to work (verb).
mica emni kuNGenak minan--my beautiful lunatic.
minan--mine; my own (endearment).
minden--every; all (adj.).
moert?--what for? (exclamation).
molana--to crumble; to fall apart.
molo--to crush; to break into bits.
mozdul--to begin to move; to enter into movement.
muoni--appoint; order; prescribe; command.
muoniak te avoisz te--I command you to reveal yourself.
nabbo--so; then.
NGamaNG--this; this one here; that; that one there.
nautish--to enjoy.
niNG3--worm; maggot.
no--like; in the same way as; as.
numa--god; sky; top; upper part; highest (related to the English word: numinous).
numatorkuld--thunder (literally: sky struggle).
nyal--saliva; spit (related to nyelv: tongue).
odam--to dream; to sleep.
odam-sarna kondak--lullaby (literally: sleep-song of children).
olen--to be.
oma--old; ancient; last; previous.
omboce--other; second (adj.).
o--the (used before a noun beginning with a consonant).
ot--the (used before a noun beginning with a vowel).
otti--to look; to see; to find.
ov--to protect against.
paamoro--aim; target.
pajna--to press.
pala--half; side.
palafertiil--mate or wife.
peje--to burn.
peje terad--get burned (Carpathian swear words).
pel--to be afraid; to be scared of.
pesa (n.)--nest (literal); protection (figurative).
pesa (v.)--nest (literal); protect (figurative).
pesad te engemal--you are safe with me.
pesasz jelabam ainaak--long may you stay in the light (greeting).
pile--to ignite; to light up.
pira--circle; ring (noun); to surround; to enclose (verb).
pita--to keep; to hold; to have; to possess.
pitaam mustaakad sielpesaambam--I hold your memories safe in my soul.
pitasz baszu, piwtasz igazaget--no vengeance, only justice.
piwta--to follow; to follow the track of game; to hunt; to prey upon.
poar--bit; piece.
pukta--to drive away; to persecute; to put to flight.
pus--healthy; healing.
pusm--to be restored to health.
puwe--tree; wood.
reka--ecstasy; trance.
sa--sinew; tendon; cord.
sa4--to call; to name.
saa--arrive; come; become; get; receive.
saasz han ku andam szabadon--take what I freely offer.
salama--lightning; lightning bolt.
sarna--words; speech; magic incantation (noun); to chant; to sing; to celebrate (verb).
sarna kontakawk--warriors' chant.
saro--frozen snow.
sas--shoosh (to a child or baby).
sage--to arrive; to come; to reach.
sieljela isanta--purity of soul triumphs.
siv pide kod--love transcends evil.
sivad olen wakeva, han ku piwta--may your heart stay strong, hunter (greeting).
sivamet--my heart.
sivam es sielam--my heart and soul.
sivdobbanas--heartbeat (literal); rhythm (figurative).
sokta--to mix; to stir around.
soNGe--to enter; to penetrate; to compensate; to replace.
susu--home; birthplace (noun); at home (adv.).
taka--behind; beyond.
tappa--to dance; to stamp with the feet; to kill.
Te kalma, te jama niNG3kval, te apitasz arwa-arvo--You are nothing but a walking maggot-infected corpse, without honor.
Te magkoszunam na NGamaNG kac3 taka arvo--Thank you for this gift beyond price.
terad keje--get scorched (Carpathian swear words).
tod--to know.
Todak pitasz wake bekimet mekesz kaiket--I know you have the courage to face anything.
todhan lo kuraset agbapaamoroam--knowledge flies the sword true to its aim.
toja--to bend; to bow; to break.
toro--to fight; to quarrel.
torosz wakeval--fight fiercely (greeting).
tuhanos loylyak turelamak sage diutalet--a thousand patient breaths bring victory.
tule--to meet; to come.
tumte--to feel; to touch; to touch upon.
ture--full; satiated; accomplished.
turelam agba kontsalamaval--patience is the warrior's true weapon.
tyvi--stem; base; trunk.
uskolfertiil--allegiance; loyalty.
veri ekaakank--blood of our brothers.
veri isaakank--blood of our fathers.
veri olen piros, ekam--literally: blood be red, my brother; figuratively: find your lifemate (greeting).
veriak ot en Karpatiiak--by the blood of the prince (literally: by the blood of the great Carpathian; Carpathian swear words).
veridet peje--may your blood burn (Carpathian swear words).
vigyaz--to love; to care for; to take care of.
vii--last; at last; finally.
wake--power; strength.
wake beki--strength; courage.
wake kada--steadfastness.
wake kutni--endurance.
wake-sarna--vow; curse; blessing (literally: power words).
wara--bird; crow.
te; whole.
wete--water (noun).
Photo by Samantha Goodacre/SLG Photography
I live on the beautiful Northern California coast. I have always loved hiking, whale watching and being outdoors. My camping days are over but I might consider glamping. LOL! I am surrounded by my family, my beloved grandchildren and my pack of dogs. Please visit my website at
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