Daddy's Little Captive

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by Felicity Brandon

  Daddy’s Little Captive

  Daddy’s Little Series

  Book One


  Felicity Brandon

  Copyright © 2019 by Felicity Brandon

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address: [email protected]

  This book is entirely a work of fiction. The author does not condone, nor endorse any of the acts in this book.

  First edition October 2019

  Cover design by Eris Adderly

  Download your FREE Felicity book here.


  In the beginning, the dreams were always black. Black, but hot, and the heat burgeoned with each passing minute until Sophie wanted to rip the clothes from her body. Except there were no clothes. She was naked save for the leather at her wrists. Sophie could feel the way it pressed into her clammy skin, though she couldn’t see it. She could never see it, but it was there, holding her.

  Restraining her.

  Driving her crazy.

  And then the lust began. The touch of his hand would sweep across her midriff, just under her breasts, tightening her nipples until they ached. Sophie had no way of knowing the touch belonged to a man, and yet somehow, she knew it did. She could tell by the size of the hand, the feel of each finger as it stroked her needy breasts, and by the sensation of his skin. He would stroke her into a frenzy, each caress feathery light to begin with, his fingertips playing with her beading nipples until Sophie’s back arched, silently begging him for more.

  But she didn’t tell him.

  She couldn’t, and as Sophie blinked into the beautiful darkness again, she knew why. She was gagged, her lips stretched around a large plastic ball which had been shoved between her teeth, preventing her from speaking, but not from issuing the guttural sounds that escaped her throat regardless.


  His voice—that voice—the surest sign yet that the captivating touch belonged to a man and Sophie was aware of movement on the bed as he climbed on top of her. The material of his trousers brushed against her thighs. The fact that he was dressed while she was so evidently naked goading her all the more.

  It was infuriating to be bound this way. Naked and gagged and powerless when her tormentor was dressed and in control. Maddening, frustrating and so bloody hot.

  Sophie’s hips pushed north, meeting his body in the darkness.

  “Please,” she moaned, or at least, she tried to moan, but naturally, that was impossible around the gag.


  His voice floated over her in that way they often do in dreams, the sound carrying long after it should have and seeming to caress her body alongside his fingers. His hands were at her chest again now, those same digits taunting and teasing her nipples into her own personal frenzy of desire. It was too much, this surrender. Too much heat. Too much sensation, and as he pinched harder, too much pain. But even as the thought resonated, Sophie knew that wasn’t true.

  This wasn’t too much.

  This wasn’t even close to too much, but that’s what she wanted. She wanted someone to tip the balance, to show her what the threshold was and then to shove her right past it. Her eyes squeezed closed at the idea, her body rising from the bed as far as the restraints would allow.

  “You want me, Sophie?” His voice was a low whisper.

  “Yes,” she tried to tell him frantically. “Yes, I want you. I want this. Give it to me!”

  He laughed dryly as though he could actually understand her plea. “But first you have to earn it, little girl. First, you have to work for it.”

  Sophie’s breath caught behind the gag. That sounded so good. She wanted to work for it—to earn it—although she had no idea how to do so.

  “Don’t worry.”

  He was right on her now, the heat of his body comforting her through the soft fabric of his shirt. “I’m going to help you. I’m going to help you to earn it.”

  Oh God.

  She wanted to gulp at his words, but that was also impossible now. Instead, she lie there, panting and hot and ready. Ready for whatever he wanted—whatever he demanded.

  “I’m going to take this out now.” He tugged at the leather attached to her gag. “I want to hear you.”

  Sophie gasped. Hear her? That had never happened in the dreams before.

  It was lighter now, the peripheral of the scene brightening, though her mysterious lover was still unknown.

  “Is that better?”

  Somehow, he snatched the ball from her mouth, although Sophie had no recollection of him unbuckling the thing, and then her mouth was free.

  “Tell me. Tell me if that’s better.”

  His lips were at her neck now, nipping at her sensitive flesh and nuzzling her when the sensation became too much.

  “That’s better,” she breathed. “Thank you.”


  The word had been right there. On the tip of her tongue. The way it always was, and Sophie would have said it gladly, if only he’d command it. She yearned for him to do so. She wanted to obey. She turned her head, trying to catch a glimpse of the enigma who seemed to dominate her dreams, but his mouth was on her again, pressing into her skin, kissing her, breathing into her ear, the resonance of sexy, dirty things that made her sex clench deliciously.

  “That’s better, Daddy,” he corrected her after a moment, placing emphasis on the final word.

  Sophie’s body tensed. Daddy? Had he just said Daddy?

  “You heard it, baby,” he purred. “Now, don’t keep me waiting. Tell me.”

  Her body heard him all right, the command loud and clear, and yet Sophie’s mind couldn’t wrap itself around the concept of calling him Daddy. Daddy was what her children called their father. It wasn’t a term of endearment or respect she used. It wasn’t arousing. Yet still, his voice was so insistent, and his touch was so good, Sophie was compelled to do his bidding.

  “That’s better…” she hesitated, tripping over the word he wanted to hear.

  Somehow, even though a part of her brain knew this was only a dream, Sophie couldn’t bring herself to say it. It was as though she stood at a precipice, and once that word had tumbled from her lips, there was no going back.

  No getting away…

  “Say it.” His voice was insistent, and all of a sudden, his fingers were at her thigh, stroking the needy flesh there as they trailed higher, pressing past her labia.

  Sophie groaned. Oh my God, that was so good. She was so wet and she wanted him. She needed this. She needed this more than she could possibly say.

  “Say it, Sophie,” he warned. “Or all of this goes away.”

  She breathed heavily at the thought.

  “Daddy.” She pushed the word from her lips like it left a bad taste in her mouth.

  “Good girl.”

  Sophie heard the smile on his lips and his fingers curled inside her, eliciting a groan from her. He eased out of her wetness, before pushing deep inside again, fucking her sensually with his fingers.

  “Again,” he demanded.

  His voice echoed around her head as though he were everywhere in the room at the same time. “Say it again.”

  “Daddy.” It was easier that time, and Sophie tipped her head back as she panted it at him.


nbsp; His fingers picked up their pace, goading her into the promise of pleasure. More pleasure than she’d ever known before.

  “Oh, fuck,” she whispered. “Daddy.”

  “Scream it, baby.”

  His voice was a growl in her ear, and all the while those fingers continued their relentless pursuit, slipping in and out of her pussy with ludicrous ease.

  Sophie pulled against the restraints, reveling in her helplessness. “Daddy!”

  That time she really did scream it, the sound stirring her from the heat and passion of the dream.


  Her eyes opened. She was no longer bound to the bed and that definitely hadn’t been her voice…

  “Mummy, Daddy!”

  She spun in the covers at the sound of her daughter’s voice, her heart pounding with guilt.

  “Lucy?” she murmured, fumbling for her bedside light in the darkness. “Lucy, what’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  Sophie’s fingers finally found the switch and the low light swept across her half of the master bedroom. Beside her, Jason stirred, his eyes flickering open briefly, before he turned over and went back to sleep. Sophie rolled her eyes. Fabulous. He was about as much help as a condom machine in the Vatican. Swinging her legs from the covers, Sophie strode around to where her daughter was standing. She crouched down to Lucy’s height.

  “What is it, Lucy?”

  “I had a bad dream, Mummy.” Lucy’s blonde hair fell over her worried face at the admission. “I dreamed you left us, Mummy. You left us and I couldn’t find you.”

  The little girl burst into tears as she relived the painful dream, and instinctively Sophie swept her up into her arms and carried her back down the landing to Lucy’s room. Tucking her back into her own bed, Sophie switched on her daughter’s nightlight and offered Lucy a reassuring smile.

  “It’s all right, sweetheart,” she said softly. “You’re safe. It was just a naughty dream. Mummy’s here. Mummy will always be here.”

  Lucy’s small hand reached for her. “You promise, Mummy?”

  Sophie lifted Lucy’s hand, kissing it gently. “I promise, baby.”

  Chapter One


  It was the same argument they’d had countless times before, but as Jason’s expression hardened, Sophie could tell he was serious. This time he meant it. This time there would be no negotiation.

  “I’m fed up with all the nonsense, Soph,” he exclaimed as he stood over her bedside drawer. “Where the hell did you get all this stuff from?”

  Her husband drew his hands to his hips, glowering at her while his gaze fell over the open drawer once more. Sophie’s wide-eyed gaze followed his and her face heated as she took in the sight of the ropes, gag and clamps she’d bought, many still in their original packaging. Untouched.

  “I ordered them online,” she muttered, folding her arms across her chest. “I talked to you about this, Jason. I like this stuff. I want to try it.”

  Jason rolled his eyes. “This is not normal,” he said with a sigh. “And I can’t deal with it anymore. What happens if the kids had walked in and found all this stuff? How would you explain that?”

  His hard stare drilled into her and Sophie squirmed under the weight of it. She wouldn’t have minded the Spanish inquisition under different circumstances. Sophie actually thought it made Jason seem quite authoritative and hot. But this wasn’t sexy. It was just his narrow mind laying down the law as per usual, and Sophie was close to her breaking point.

  “I don’t have to justify my sexuality to the children,” she muttered. “They’re just kids. They don’t understand. It doesn’t matter what they think.”

  “And what about me, Soph?” Jason threw his arms wide. “Does it matter what I think? Were you going to tell me you’d bought some BDSM beginners kit and had it stashed by the bed, for God’s sake?”

  Sophie pulled in a breath. She had told him. Jason just never listened anymore. He was always dashing off to the office or a meeting in some exotic country. He barely seemed to notice her at all.

  “I’m sorry.”

  She pushed the words out even though she didn’t mean them. Sophie wasn’t sorry. She wasn’t sorry one bit, but she didn’t want to argue with Jason again. He was just about to walk out of the door, and she hated leaving things on a bitter note between them.

  “Come here,” he murmured, beckoning her forward before he wrapped her up in his arms. “I know we haven’t had much time together recently, but we have that weekend away coming up, don’t we?”

  Sophie pressed her face into the cool linen of his shirt. She’d spent hours ironing his work shirts yesterday, one of the many exciting tasks that seemed to fill her hours these days. “Yes,” she whispered, tilting her chin to look into Jason’s brown eyes. “I’m looking forward to it. Perhaps we can try out some of my new toys then?”

  A tingle of anticipation passed up her spine as she made the statement, but the look in her husband’s eyes sent that excitement plummeting.

  “Darling, I don’t want to try out toys,” he told her in an exasperated tone. “Can’t you see that? I just want you.”

  Sophie pursed her lips. That’s what he always said, but it had been literally weeks since Jason had even touched her intimately. She knew she wasn’t as slim or as toned as she’d been before the kids, but the way he looked at her now made her want to crawl into a corner and hide.

  “Think about it,” he remarked as he drew away from her body. “My mum is happy to have Billy and Lucy for us, so let’s plan something nice to do, huh?”

  Sophie’s nose crinkled at the way Jason said nice and his meaning was obvious. What he didn’t want was to see any of her new toys in tow. When he said nice, what he actually meant was normal, and to Jason that meant the least stimulating sex Sophie could imagine. She sighed as he stalked away, doing up his cuff links.

  “I’ll say good-bye to the children on my way out. Make sure the house is ready for that deep clean today. The guys should be around by eleven.” He paused, glancing back to make eye contact with Sophie again. “And remember, I’ll be back late tonight.”

  She swallowed as his words echoed around her mind.

  He’d be back late again.

  What a surprise.

  By half past nine Sophie was back from the school run, her clothes soaked from the impromptu shower the heavens had decided to throw upon her on the way home. Stripping out of her wet coat and boots, she glanced around at the state of the kitchen. The table was littered with dirty cereal bowls and plates of half eaten slices of toast, and there were cupboard doors left open where small hands had grabbed what they’d wanted and not looked back. She sighed at the look of the place, making her way into the room to tidy up.

  Once upon a time, Sophie had taken great pride in their home. Just like she’d been proud of the way she’d looked, and the way Jason had looked at her when they met in the evenings. Of course, that had been a different time. It was before the children had arrived and Sophie had been working too. As a marketing executive, she’d been on a good salary, and she and Jason had enjoyed an excellent lifestyle, vacationing numerous times a year all over the world. Now, on his salary alone, things were much harder. Sophie needed to go back to work, but the prospect was daunting. She’d been out of the loop for years now, and none of her skills or experience were relevant, but that hadn’t stopped her from looking. In fact, Sophie had been online looking at potential marketing roles when the idea of spicing up things in the bedroom had permeated her thoughts again.

  The truth was she’d considered it before then, but she’d not mentioned it to Jason. Sophie had always craved the idea of being restrained and dominated, but the sad reality was she’d never admitted it to her husband until recently. She’d seen the judgment in his eyes when the Fifty Shades of Grey frenzy had swept across the world, and her belly twisted each and every time he rejected the idea as deviant or crazy. Sophie wasn’t either of those things. She was just a red-blooded woman who
wanted more from her man than a once a week ‘roll on-roll off’ session. Was that seriously too much to ask?

  Sophie snorted as she cleared the dishes into the dishwasher. Jason’s reaction to finding her secret little stash of new toys this morning had been the icing on the cake. It was increasingly clear that her husband didn’t have a clue who she was anymore, or what she wanted. He didn’t know how to satisfy her, and worse still, the thought kept resonating that maybe he didn’t want to know. Jason was happy with his lot in life, and he wanted Sophie to shut up and be content with hers, too.

  That’s why I started chatting to Carl.

  She smiled as the thought echoed around her mind.

  She’d met Carl on a fetish site she’d come across when she was supposed to have been job-hunting a few weeks ago, and ever since then, she’d exchanged messages with him most days. He seemed so charming, relaxed and interested in what Sophie wanted, and her heart sped up as she thought about him. There was no harm in it, of course, they were just like pen pals, sharing ideas about bondage and other fantasies, but still, Sophie knew deep down that Jason wouldn’t approve. He wouldn’t like the idea of his wife chatting to strange men about sex, and he certainly wouldn’t approve of the types of sex she and Carl talked about. Sophie rolled her eyes at the thought. Jason had become so boring. She needed somebody else in her life. Someone who was interested in Sophie the woman.

  Someone who gave a shit.

  The sound of the doorbell sent Sophie’s heart into a spin and she glanced at the kitchen clock, her brow furrowing. It wasn’t even ten o’clock in the morning—way too early for the company of carpet cleaners Jason had booked to be arriving.

  Sophie put the stack of bowls by the sink.

  “It’s probably just the postman,” she whispered to herself as she wandered out into the hall.

  He sometimes had a delivery at this time of the day, and while, Sophie hadn’t ordered anything new in the last few days, she was still waiting on the delivery of her first butt plug. Her throat dried as she imagined what it would be like to try out the thing, and she caught her lip between her teeth. She didn’t care what Jason said. It was her body and she was going to do whatever she liked with it.


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