Daddy's Little Captive

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Daddy's Little Captive Page 7

by Felicity Brandon

  “Yes, you did,” he agreed. “And we both know that you meant it, too, didn’t you?”

  She nodded her head.

  Jared arched an eyebrow at her. “Words.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Sophie sounded desperate.


  And they’d barely even begun.

  “So much so that you bought a pair of your own, didn’t you, girl?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” She bit her lip again, blinking away the fresh tears at her admission.

  “But Daddy preferred to use his own clamps,” Jared went on. “They have a nice bite, don’t they, Sophie?”

  Sophie whimpered in response.

  “Found it.”

  It was Daniel’s voice that broke the intensity between he and Sophie, and Jared glanced right to find his friend on his knees, taking apart the remaining contents of her bedside drawer. In his left hand, he lifted a red and black ball gag, holding it aloft.

  Jared reached for the thing, examining it in his hand. It wouldn’t have been his choice, but that was okay. He had others for them to play with later, but for now, it was important that he use some of the items Sophie had bought for herself. It was a symbolic gesture—an implication of her consent—even if she didn’t know it yet. Sophie had these items. Sophie had bought them, so she couldn’t have been appalled by them, could she? At the very least, she was curious enough to have the thing shoved in the bottom of her drawer.

  “When did you buy this one, Sophie?” Jared demanded.

  He raised the ball between his fingers, permitting the leather straps to fall to either side of his hand.

  “A little over a week ago, Daddy,” she admitted, though he could tell just how agonizing it was for her to concede.

  Jared nodded. It sounded about right. He recalled the conversation they had shared about the purchase, yet as he assessed the item now two things were apparent. Firstly, the gag had been removed from its packaging, unlike the ropes which had still been in the plastic and cardboard wrapping they had presumably arrived in. That was interesting. Sophie was obviously curious enough to take the gag out when it arrived and look at it. Jared imagined her touching it and taking in the shape and size. The other thing that struck him was the state of the gag. As he ran his fingertips over the edge, he noticed there were a few uneven blemishes, and a closer inspection revealed teeth marks. Teeth marks on a gag could mean only one thing. Sophie had tried the thing. She’d shoved it in her mouth before and experienced what it was like for herself.

  He closed his eyes as that thought resonated. Fuck. What he wouldn’t have given to have been a fly on the wall when she’d done that. It must have been delightful, but probably not as wonderful as it was going to be now when he got to shove it in for himself.

  “How many times have you played with it since then?”

  Sophie’s brow furrowed, but the furious blush at her cheeks more than gave her away. “I-I don’t know what you mean.”

  Jared’s hand shifted in the direction of her nipple chain, but this time he didn’t even have to touch the thing. Sophie jerked at its approach, dissolving into a confession at the mere threat of another yank of the clamps.

  “Okay, I admit it,” she yelped. “I did try it out. But only a couple of times, I swear it.”

  Jared tutted, reinforcing his disappointment. “What did I tell you about lying?”

  Sophie looked crushed. “I’m sorry,” she blurted out. “I didn’t want to say. I thought you’d be cross with me.”

  Her frantic admission made him heady. Damn, he couldn’t wait to get inside the woman.

  “Of course I wouldn’t be cross,” he advised. “A red-blooded woman like you has needs, Sophie. Needs that clearly haven’t been met until now. There’s nothing wrong with that, but what does bother me is the way you’re prepared to be so dishonest.”

  She blanched, though he couldn’t be sure if it was provoked by fear or contrition.

  “Daddy will be tanning your backside for that mistake later, beautiful,” he promised her, and as he gave the edict, he envisioned her hauled over his thighs. The mental image was nearly his undoing.

  Taking a minute to compose himself, Jared’s attention returned to the gag in his fingers. “But in the meantime, let’s get this back where you like it, shall we?”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Her internet research into bondage and submission had revealed many things. It had taught Sophie about the equipment and the expectation of those who played the forbidden games she’d yearned for, but it had explained nothing about the emotions she’d experience. Lying there, Sophie began to wish she could tone down some of those sensory experiences. She was giddy with the trepidation and the lust, and then there was the fear itself, because this was no consensual union, no matter what Jared implied. She may desire the deeds, but Sophie hadn’t agreed to any of this, and in the pit of her belly, an ominous feeling told her she was going to get more than she’d ever bargained for.


  Jared dangled the ball gag she’d purchased above her head, his meaning more than clear. Sophie lifted her gaze to meet his steely expression. Should she bother begging him some more? Would there be any point, or did she exacerbate her own situation every moment she kept him waiting? With her heart hammering in her chest, Sophie realized the latter was more likely true, and slowly her lips parted. Jared shoved the ball between her teeth unceremoniously, shifting closer toward her as he pulled the straps at either side of her face.

  “Lift your head, beautiful,” he instructed and to her astonishment, Sophie actually did as he asked and raised herself from the pillow as much as she could.

  He was on Sophie in a heartbeat, securing the buckle behind her head. What was she doing? Why was she assisting him in the act of degradation? Sophie clenched her eyes closed as the questions whirred around her mind, the scent of his earthy aftershave washing over her as she panted. Yes, she had no other choice. She was already bound and helpless—Jared was going to take whatever he wanted regardless, but it was more than just that and Sophie knew it. She lifted her head because she wanted the gag. Even though she was rightly anxious. Even though the thought of not being able to speak terrified her. She wanted it. Yes, she’d tried it out on herself, but it wasn’t the same. Sophie wanted to know what it felt like to be completely powerless, and that included the gag. She wanted the supplication—the humiliation—and of course, she’d divulged all of those things to Jared in their many exchanges.

  “Rest now.”

  Jared’s hand urged her back against the pillow once the gag was in place and Sophie tried to adjust to the sensation of the plastic in her mouth. The packaging had insisted the ball was the smallest on the market, and it had holes in it so she could easily get enough air, but as she lay there, exploring the thing with her tongue, the ball seemed absolutely colossal.

  “Fuck, she looks amazing.”

  Sophie’s gaze flitted to Daniel, who had made the comment and his eyes were hungry for her. Her sex clenched reflexively at that look. It wasn’t so much that she wanted him, but a response to his obvious lust. It had been so long since anyone had lusted after her. Jason was always too busy, or too tired to pay her any attention these days, and since the children had arrived Sophie had started to feel more like a mother than a desirable woman. She scanned the room, absorbing the look of longing etched into all three men’s faces. They all wore expressions that a part of her had assumed she would never see again, and despite her underlying terror, there was a part of her that loved what she saw.

  “I’ve gotta admit,” Anton said, leaning over the bed in Sophie’s direction. “I’ve never been one for gags, but she does look great wearing it.”

  Jared smiled, his expression almost proud. “Yes, she does,” he concurred, and reaching forward, his fingertips traced a gentle line over the strap that held the gag in place. He shifted, ensuring he was in Sophie’s line of sight before he spoke again. “And now the real fun can b

  She pulled against the ropes at her wrists, an instinctive response to the look in his gaze. Jared looked so serious all of a sudden, so hard and unyielding, and any semblance of the man who’d claimed her mouth seemed to have evaporated. A spike of terror shot through her. What had she done, helping the guy to gag her? What had she been thinking?

  “Please no!” Sophie yelled, or at least, she tried to yell, but in reality, the words were impossible to articulate with the plastic ball trapped between her teeth.

  Jared arched a brow at her. “You’re not so easy to understand now, little girl,” he admitted, “but none of those noises sounded like Daddy.”

  She breathed, knowing already what was coming next and yet completely helpless and unable to resist Jared’s hand as it inched toward the chain which connected the two clamps attached to her nipples. Jared picked it up, yanking at it and the wave of hurt landed at once. Sophie squeezed her eyes closed as she tried to absorb it, but hell—this was a pain she’d never known before—an excruciating sting that developed into a low, rhythmic throb when the clamps were left alone.

  “Sorry,” she was trying to gasp around gag. “Sorry, Daddy.”

  “Open your eyes.”

  Slowly, Sophie blinked open her gaze to find his face right over hers. Jared must have climbed right onto the bed with her, but in her bubble of pain, Sophie hadn’t even felt the mattress moving under her.

  “You’re going to experience pain every time you forget how to address me, Sophie. Nod if you understand.”

  Sophie understood all right and frantically, she attempted to pull hot ribbons of air in through her nose as she confirmed her comprehension with the gesture he demanded.

  “But this isn’t all going to be about pain, Sophie.” Jared’s voice had altered somehow, shifting into some type of alluring purr, or maybe it wasn’t him at all. Maybe it was only her perception that had changed. Her mind was so full of sensory responses now, Sophie just couldn’t be certain anymore.

  “I don’t want it to all be about pain for you.”

  Her eyes widened as he gazed down at her knowingly, and there it was—the lust she’d seen in his blue eyes before—but this time it was more intense, the look more carnal than any she’d ever seen before.

  “You know I want you.” Jared cocked his head at the statement. “I don’t think I’ve made a secret of the fact.”

  Sophie batted her lashes at him. What the hell was she supposed to say to that? Yes, she had a good idea of what his intentions were. The guy wanted sex—she guessed they all did. Why else would they have drugged her and bound her to the bed? Why else would she be stripped?

  Because you want those things. She blinked at the small, nagging voice in her head. That’s why he’s here, that’s why you’re restrained with the ropes you bought, Soph, because you want it. You contacted him, remember? You told him what turns you on. It was all you…

  “No,” she groaned into the gag, wanting to push the snide little voice away.

  “What was that?” Jared snapped, his fingers rising not to the chain this time, but to her right breast. He trailed an invisible line around the mound.

  She eyed him wildly. Oh God, he was going to hurt her again, but what could she do—she could hardly reply to the affirmative? She couldn’t let him know there was any part of her that wanted this.

  “No, Daddy.”

  Jared’s finger paused. “You don’t know how much I want you?”

  “Maybe you need to get your cock out and show her how much,” drawled Daniel in a sardonic tone.

  Sophie panted at that suggestion, the clamps rising and falling with her every breath.

  “Maybe I do,” Jared replied with a chuckle. “But there’ll be time for that later.”

  She shook her head, wanting to ensure he knew precisely what her thoughts were on that subject—to make sure they all knew.

  “No?” he queried with a wry smile. “You don’t want me to fuck you, Sophie?”

  He was right there with her again, his face only a matter of inches from hers and once more she could feel exactly how much Jared wanted the things he spoke about.

  Lust burned through her body.

  She hadn’t asked for this—not really. Sophie could never have asked for this, yet now that she was pinioned under his weight and restrained beneath the man, she was as hot and wet as she’d been for years. Every time his bodyweight shifted and nudged her chest, a burst of pain and heat erupted from the clamps and she wanted to groan, yet now that pain was morphing into something more erotic. It still hurt like hell, but each new injury spoke directly to her clitoris somehow. The ignominy of being made to wear them, of having no choice but to be exposed to Jared, and to them all, it was so damn hot, and Sophie didn’t have to feel between her legs to know how aroused she was. She also knew that Jared could check beneath her panties and find out for himself any time he liked.

  “No, Daddy,” she made herself say as best she could around the gag.

  Jared chuckled, his lips pressing into her collarbone as he made his way toward her throbbing breasts. She moaned each time his shirt jolted the clamps, flustering as she struggled to process the myriad of emotions she was feeling.

  “You’re sure?”

  He rose back into her line of sight, that eyebrow arching at her again and Christ, the guy looked so good. More like a male model than a psycho who’d break into her house and assault her. Sophie nodded her head. She couldn’t let him know the truth.

  She couldn’t admit it.

  “Then we’ll have it your way, Sophie.”

  Climbing down her body, Jared lifted his face and she met his gaze. His eyes danced excitedly. “I won’t fuck you until you want it.”

  Relief emanated from her pores, and yet she had to confess, the sensation was laced with some disappointment. Somehow, Sophie missed the heat of his body. It had been intense and dare she say it, intimate, and now as he stalked away from her, she was strangely bereft.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Gagged and clamped, Sophie was utterly mind-blowing, and Jared knew it wasn’t going to take much to tip him over the edge. Based on the expressions on his friends’ faces, he guessed the same was true for Daniel and Anton, as well. Still, he wasn’t surprised at Sophie’s responses. She was a middle-aged housewife, after all, and no matter how good she looked, she’d likely been downtrodden and unappreciated for years. This level of male attention was entirely new to her, and he’d been an idiot to think he could just tie her up and seek her consent. That obviously wasn’t Sophie. She was someone’s wife, and no matter how little the prick deserved her, she’d promised to be faithful to him. It was going to take a little more than rope and a few whispered words for that to change, and even though the thought gnarled at Jared, he supposed he could begrudgingly understand it.

  If he wanted to have her—and he absolutely did—then it seemed to Jared that he only had two choices. He could take her by force—that wouldn’t be so difficult in the circumstances—but he’d never much understood the appeal of the act. Why force a woman to submit when it was so much more satisfying to watch her yield by choice? Jared grinned as that thought process led him straight into his second choice: making Sophie want him. Rifling through the bag Anton had brought in, he found the thing that was going to help him with this endeavor, and his friend chuckled darkly as he held his choice aloft.

  “Perfect,” Daniel agreed, his hands landing on his hips as he assessed the wand in Jared’s hand, and Jared had to agree.

  It was perfect.

  Nothing could reduce a woman, who was so clearly already on the edge of dizzying desire to a pool of need better than this type of wand. It was powerful, it could provoke pleasure from even the most aloof of pussies, and glancing down at the growing wet patch on Sophie’s blue panties, he didn’t think her sex seemed so unapproachable.

  Anton and Daniel were not the only ones who had clocked the wand. Sophie’s bewildered gaze was
on it, too, and based on her wary expression, Jared thought she’d likely never seen one before.

  “It won’t hurt you,” he assured Sophie as he walked back around the bed to his original place.

  Well, it might, he mused thoughtfully, but only with ecstasy…

  Sophie’s eyes were full of questions, but of course, the plastic in her mouth made all of those queries impossible. Jared ran his tongue over his teeth as he contemplated her quandary. The poor woman had never experienced any of this before; she must be full of the most wondrous conflicting sentiment about her predicament.

  “It’s only to give you pleasure, Sophie.”

  Jared sat down on the bed beside her, raising the wand so Sophie could take in the look of the whole thing. At about ten inches in length it was a solid structure, but was designed for the sweetest torment.

  “Have you ever used a vibrator when you masturbated, little girl?” he demanded in a lower tone that insisted upon her honesty. And frankly, they all already knew the truth. They’d been through all of Sophie’s secret places while she slept off Daniel’s cocktail earlier.

  Sophie’s gaze widened for a fraction of a second, before her gaze fell to her clamped chest as she nodded.

  “Words,” he reminded her. “Or those clamps are going to be biting again soon.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Jared’s cock throbbed impatiently at her attempted response. “Good. Well, this is just like that, only a little larger.”

  She tipped her head back to assess the wand again, her expression registering understanding about what Jared had in mind for the first time.

  “The way I look at it is this, Sophie. Since your gag is making your consent pretty difficult to ascertain, we’re going to look for some overt physical signs of consent instead.”

  Her brow furrowed with concern and he chuckled at her intuition.

  “You say you don’t want me to fuck you, and I respect that.” Jared’s fingers caressed the edge of her hip as he continued. “Right now, I have no reason to believe you’re interested in me, save for your dilating pupils and hardening nipples. Hell, I’m not even taking into account that moist little pussy you’re hiding under those blue panties.”


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