Daddy's Little Captive

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Daddy's Little Captive Page 19

by Felicity Brandon

  “I think so,” she replied. “Daddy.”

  Jared glanced down at her reply, noticing how she sucked her lower lip between her white teeth. He smiled at her coy performance. She loved calling him that, even if she’d never actually admit it.

  “Okay then.” He flicked on the lamp sitting at her dresser and strode quickly to cut the main light before he shrugged out of his sweatpants to reveal his nudity. Turning, Jared wandered back to the bed to join her.

  Sophie rose to her elbows as best the cuffs at her wrists would allow, her eyes grazing over his naked torso and then lower, to his rousing cock.

  “Like what you see, little girl?” Jared’s tone was sardonic, but he was forced to grin at the way her gaze lowered. “You can look,” he reassured her. “You’ll be seeing a lot more of Daddy’s body in the coming days and weeks.”

  She pulled in a shaky breath as her chin rose to acknowledge Jared again, offering him a weak smile. Jared pulled back the remaining covers and sank into the bed beside her. It was the first time in his life he’d ever had to slip beneath a pink bedspread, but still, he didn’t regret his choice. It was perfect for his little girl and helped to set the tone he wanted.

  “You never answered my question.”

  Jared slid down the sheets until he was lying next to her. He reached for her restrained arm, running an idle finger along the length of the limb. Every single inch of Sophie was beautiful, and he intended to keep perpetuating the message.

  “Daddy?” She sounded breathy as his finger rose to her shoulder, before dipping to stroke the side of her breast.

  “Did you like what you saw, young lady?” Jared smiled, knowing already from her body language that she had liked the view, but wanting to hear the confession from her lips anyway.

  Sophie swallowed. “Yes,” she rasped. “I hadn’t seen you without your clothes before.”

  Jared eyed her knowingly. “Right,” he agreed, tracing small circles around the delicate skin of her breast. “You’re usually the only one who’s naked.”

  She nodded, biting her lip in that way she seemed to do whenever she was anxious—or horny. “Thank you for staying with me, Daddy.”

  Jared propped himself up on his left elbow, gazing down at Sophie’s face. “I don’t want to see you that way,” he replied. “Your punishment is over and that means it’s my job to comfort you now.”

  Sophie blinked at him. “You seemed cross with me? Before you left?”

  He sighed. “Not cross,” he corrected. “Just impatient and irritated.”

  But even as the words escaped his mouth, Jared knew that wasn’t good enough. Not if he wanted to do this thing right—not if he wanted to be a proper Daddy to her. He needed to learn more patience, take a deep breath and coax Sophie; help her to understand his reasoning.

  “Because I didn’t want the restraints?”

  Jared smiled. Sophie was even more intelligent than he’d realized. The thought made him happy. “That’s right,” he soothed, running his hand down the length of her back to the curve of her behind.

  His palm paused there for a moment, and he eyed her responses carefully as it inched over her punished arse. “How is this?”

  She inhaled. “Sore, Daddy.”

  A small blush bloomed at the admission.

  “Good,” he told her in a soft tone. “Daddy wants it to be sore, little girl. Do you know why?”

  Sophie rested her head against the damp sheets. “To teach me a lesson?”

  Jared grinned at her answer. “More like to remind you of the consequences if you disobey Daddy’s rules.”

  She sighed, but it was more like a sound of contentment than despair.

  “What are your rules, Daddy?” Sophie’s gaze met his again. “I mean, I know what you spanked me for, but what else should I know?”

  He chuckled. “You want a list?”

  “I guess.” The corners of her lips curled. “I’ve never done this before.”

  Jared already knew that much, but the admission still made his cock throb again. “We’ll talk about it more tomorrow,” he promised. “Right now, we both really do need some sleep.”

  He took in the sight of the dark circles around Sophie’s eyes and an unexpected pang of guilt hit him. Jared may not be responsible for all of her weariness, but he knew the last twenty hours certainly hadn’t helped her youthful complexion.

  “Is that an order, Daddy?” Sophie almost giggled as she asked the question and Jared couldn’t resist joining her.

  So, this was all she needed then, he mused as he stretched out beside her. Just a few gentle words and caresses and Sophie was not only calm, but dare he say it—playful?

  “Yes,” he whispered directly into her face while his palm grazed over her punished behind. “Yes, it is an order, little girl, and you should watch that sarcastic streak around me.”

  Her gaze flitted away from his face guiltily for a moment. “I’m sorry,” she murmured. “Old habits and all that.”

  Jared nodded. “I know. There will be changes for us both.”

  He squeezed the right cheek of her behind, relishing the way she winced at the sudden hurt. “You’re fucking beautiful, Sophie. You know that, right?”

  Sophie shook her head, and there was just a flicker of something wistful in her gaze again. “No, Daddy.”

  A surge of anger rose in his chest. “He never told you, I suppose?”

  “It wasn’t like that,” she said in a pleading tone. “Real life isn’t like that. Sometimes, you just have to get on with it.”

  Jared was shaking his head as he reached to flick off the bedside lamp. There’d be no getting on with it where he was concerned. Sophie was everything he’d wanted for years, and he intended to let her know that every single day.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Sophie lie awake long after Jared had dozed off beside her. She had no idea why, but oddly, she did seem calmer now that he was near again, though she was well aware how absurd that notion was. This was the man who had plotted to take her. The man who had sought entry to her home under false pretenses, the man who had arranged to drug her on more than one occasion. He was also the man who was holding her hostage in this house. The man who had kept her either in his bondage, or under his watchful gaze since she’d woken up in this very spot. There should be no reason for that man to provide reassurance. None at all. Yet just his mere presence and the touch of his feathery caress had halted her tears, quieting her mind enough to even risk a moment of joviality before he turned out the light.

  She blinked into the darkness. This—this dynamic—this situation was like nothing she’d ever encountered before. It was dark and it was dangerous, but Sophie couldn’t deny the spark of electricity between them, or the lick of heat furling inside her at Jared’s proximity. She’d never known that before, that deep-rooted desire for someone where rational choices became irrelevant. The closest thing she could equate it to was the unconditional love she felt for her children, but naturally, that was different. That was innate. Her need to nurture and protect those people she’d brought into the world was inborn, and it was also the reason Sophie knew she had to get away.

  She let out a long sigh at the quandary. Her mind was exhausted, so why couldn’t she just sleep?

  “Still awake?” Jared sounded groggy as he rolled toward her, but his voice speared her thoughts and sent Sophie’s heart rate racing into a spin.

  She swallowed down the frantic rush of nerves that surfaced. “Yes, Daddy.”

  It was still strange saying that—calling him that—yet after all the hours of practice Jared had forced her to endure, it was becoming easier. Sophie’s brain didn’t trip over it each time it came to her lips. She didn’t have to push each word out.

  “Little girl.”

  He sounded unimpressed, and her body tensed as his hands pawed at her. One trailed a line down her left thigh, while the other massaged the orbs of her tender arse. Sophie panted, his hands reig
niting the hurt.

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  She turned to him in darkness. Sophie couldn’t see his face, but she knew he was there—as real as the oxygen in the air around her. “I c-can’t sleep.”

  “Too much on your mind?”

  That was one way of putting it.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she sniffled.

  “Need me to help put you out of your misery?” he asked in a quiet tone.

  Adrenaline pulsed around Sophie’s body. What the hell was that supposed to mean? “Daddy?” Her terror was evident from the tremble in her voice.

  Jared laughed darkly. “Not like that,” he replied wryly. “Never like that, little girl. I was thinking about something you’d enjoy more.”

  The hand at her backside slid down between her cheeks, his fingers dipping between her labia. Sophie groaned. His touch was so good. It was like Jared knew her body in some instinctive way. He knew just where to caress, how to hold her. He knew just what she needed. Jared’s fingers slipped into her pussy. She was wet—she was always wet now—and a low growl escaped his throat in response.

  “You missed me.”

  That was another statement, but she answered anyway, enraptured by the sensation his fingers were creating as they continued their pursuit inside her.

  “Yes,” Sophie gasped. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl.”

  Jared shifted, his hand slipping from her sex as he climbed between her legs. It was wrong, but she missed that hand, and she missed the magic she knew it could inspire, but Sophie refrained from vocalizing the point. Every moment was perilous—she could sense the tension. Would she do something to meet his approval and receive the pleasure her body so badly wanted, or would she slip-up and make him irate, drawing his wrath like a bee to a petal? Sophie had no way of knowing what would happen next. Only two things were certain in her head. The first was that she wanted his touch and attention. She wanted the promise of the pleasure Jared could deliver, and the second was that she knew she shouldn’t want any of it.

  It was a heady and perplexing combination.

  He moved on the bed, but from her bound position and in the darkness, Sophie had no way of knowing what Jared was doing. The first she knew was his hands at her calf, his fingers drawing an invisible line to her ankle, and then, while he found the buckle that bound her leg to the bed, the feeling as he unfastened her. Sophie gasped as her right leg was freed, Jared’s focus shifting to the other ankle.

  “I’m unfettering you, baby,” he murmured, as though he had somehow read the excited questions in Sophie’s mind. “Don’t disappoint Daddy.”

  Jared’s tone was hard, making Sophie gulp, but she nodded her head against the covers as he liberated her left ankle.

  “I won’t,” she promised.

  He was back up the length of her body then, straddling her thighs as he leaned forward over Sophie. Her eyes fluttered closed at the sudden proximity. It was so intimate, and somehow the darkness just made the whole thing even sexier. She couldn’t see him, but she could feel him. The heat of his legs as they moved against hers, and the sensation of his balls as they brushed against her sore behind. It was like something from one of her erotic dreams.

  And then he was gone, the warmth of his body disappearing.

  “Bring your knees up and under you,” Jared instructed sensually.

  Sophie didn’t ask any questions, though she had many. Instead, she obeyed, pressing her bodyweight against her elbows as she drew her legs up as Jared wanted. His hands were on her again, skimming across her hips as he clarified her obedience.

  “Good girl,” he purred. “Face down now and knees as wide as you can. Daddy is going to pleasure you.”

  Pleasure her? Oh fuck… Had any man ever made that sound as tempting as Jared had? Sophie pulled in a deep breath as she complied, trying to brace herself for whatever was to come. But she couldn’t. How could she? She had no idea what he was about to do. No way of knowing if he would really let her come, no idea if it even mattered. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t want this…

  The feeling of his mouth at her sex splintered that thought, along with every other thought in Sophie’s mind. Jared kissed her labia, those large palms spreading her tender cheeks apart, giving him full access to whatever he wanted and all she could do was lie there and receive. Sophie panted as his tongue swept up the length of her sex, beginning at the throbbing bundle of nerves that seemed to dictate so much of her conscious thought these days, and up into her pussy.

  “Oh, God!” Her cry was weak, but it was heartfelt.

  Sophie meant it. No one had ever done this to her before. Even Jason would never get on board with the concept, despite the numerous times she asked for the favor.

  “Shhhh.” Jared’s voice both soothed and taunted her as it wafted up and over her body.

  “I-I can’t, Daddy,” she mewled. “It’s too much.”

  He pressed a kiss into her inner thigh. “It’s fucking incredible,” he corrected her. “Little girl, you make Daddy harder than he’s ever been before.”

  “Oh.” Sophie didn’t know what else to say.

  There was nothing else to say. Words were useless now. They had no power here in this room. Now there was only Jared. The touch of his hand, the heat of his body and the flick of his astonishing tongue. Sophie pulled against the cuffs at her wrists as he buried his face between her legs. It wasn’t only her words that were powerless now. She was too. The only thing with any control in this place was the man exacting such sweet pleasure on her body—the man who had taken her—the man who was playing her body like a six-string guitar.



  She gulped as her own mind corrected her, panting harder as his mouth pressed against her lips again. Instinctively, Sophie arched her back, giving him what he wanted.

  What they both wanted.

  “Please,” she moaned, “please Daddy.”

  Jared’s tongue flicked against her excited little nub, eliciting another gasp from Sophie. The feeling—that feeling—it was amazing. Intense, yes, but good, so unbelievably good, and Sophie could sense how easily those ministrations were going to tip her into a boundless orgasm.

  He lapped at her, over and over again, driving her closer to her goal, and all the while, all Sophie could do was remain passive, face down and bound to the crappy pink bed. When Jared’s mouth shifted from its position, she wanted to cry out, the frustration burgeoning in her like a force of nature. She was close, so close, that she couldn’t believe he could be this cruel—to take her so far and then leave her hanging? But Sophie needn’t have worried. Jared was back with her in a moment, his hand replacing his mouth as he climbed up the length of her body. Jared was on her left side now. The heat of his body pressed against her, his lips at her nape as his hand curled around her needy sex.

  “You want me, Sophie?” His voice was a low whisper.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her voice was frantic. She wanted him and she wanted her climax. “Yes, I want you. I want this. Give it to me, please!”

  He laughed, the sound laced with his own obvious need. “You can have it, little girl. You can have all of it, but first you have to earn it. First, you have to work for it.”

  Sophie’s breath caught at that. It sounded so good, whatever it was he was promising. She wanted to work for it—to earn it—although she had no idea how to do so.

  “Don’t worry.”

  His lips pressed into the side of her neck and Sophie turned her head reflexively. “I’m going to help you. I’m going to help you to earn it.”

  Oh God.

  She gulped at his words, ready to give him whatever he wanted—whatever he demanded.

  “Tell me, little girl. Tell me what you want. What you need…”

  His lips were at her neck again, nipping at her sensitive flesh and nuzzling her when the sensation became too much. It was like every horny dream Sophie had ever had, except this was happening now. It w
as real. Each carnal touch burning into her mind for all time.

  “I need you, Daddy,” she whimpered, hoping desperately that it was the right answer.

  Because it was true. At this moment she needed Jared’s touch more than she needed oxygen. It was urgent, hot and primal.


  “And to come.” Now she just sounded pitiful, but Sophie didn’t care. Her desire was too great for pride to stand in the way. “Oh, God, I need to come. Please.”

  Jared chuckled. “I like it when you beg, baby. Beg me some more.”

  She inhaled, her chest tight with humiliation, yet she knew—she already knew—that was she going to do it. She was going to give him what he wanted.

  “Please, Daddy,” she pleaded. “Please may I come?”

  “How badly do you want to come, little girl?”

  “So badly, Daddy.”

  Two of his fingers slid into her sex at that, the remaining fingertips wrapping beneath her, and brushing her clit.

  “Is that good?”

  Sophie’s body trembled as Jared’s digits eased out and then pumped back into her.

  Oh God. That was more than good…


  She tensed at his sudden clipped tone, clenching around his fingers. “So good, Daddy.”

  Sophie had never known strain like it. Her body was fraught, a tightly wound device which seemed to exist only for his pleasure. The need within her began to boil…

  “If I keep fingering you, are you going to come for me?” he purred.

  She gasped, her eyes flickering as she tried to process the sensations Jared was creating. “Yes. Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good.” Jared pushed his massive erection against her hip. “I want you to come, little girl, but first I want you to beg some more.”


  His fingers were working her into a frenzy and it was becoming harder and harder to breath, let alone think.

  “Beg me, Sophie,” he repeated. “Beg for your pleasure.”

  “Please!” Sophie practically screamed the word.

  The fingers at her clit grazed over the sensitive nub, circling it relentlessly until there was nowhere to go—no way to escape the looming weight of the crescendo.


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