Run to Me

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Run to Me Page 15

by Cynthia Eden

  “I wasn’t going to Wyman.” Now, her gaze did lift. She stared straight at him. “I was getting away from you.”

  Jay took that hit right in the heart. “I see.” He let her hands go. Eased back. “With everything that’s happening, did you really think it was safe for you to be on your own?”

  “Wyman is in custody. The threat is over. You don’t have to keep me close any longer.”

  I want you close.

  “I’m not a prisoner, am I?”

  “You weren’t ever my prisoner, Willow.” Is that what she’d thought? Fuck, he’d been trying to show her how he felt. And all along, she’d been—what?

  Waiting for the moment to leave?

  “You had West tail me to Push. You followed me, too. If every step I take is watched, then how am I not a prisoner?”

  Her voice was flat. Cold.

  “I can’t live like this. I can’t be a ticking time bomb.” Her gaze darted to the open ambulance doors. “Waiting to explode.”

  He didn’t know what the hell he should do.

  “Take me to Wyman,” Willow said. “Take me, or I’ll just find him myself.”

  The ambulance attendant was heading back toward them. “You can’t trust Wyman. He’ll lie to you.”

  “I can tell when someone lies. I’m stronger than you think.”

  Now he had to laugh, but it was a rough, grating sound. “Baby, I never doubted you were strong.” He jumped out of the ambulance, motioned for her to follow him. She came down quickly, her body brushing against his.

  They were lovers. He’d had her in his bed, then she’d run.

  Run to Push? He still didn’t understand why she’d gone there.

  “You want Wyman?” He locked his fingers with hers. “Fine. You deserve your shot at him. But if he tries to get in your head again…”

  She glanced away from him. “He’s a demon I have to face. You don’t know, you don’t understand what it was like—”

  “Don’t I? I kept you away from him last night because I wanted to protect you. The bastard said he was your father.”

  She jerked away.

  “Mind games,” Jay gritted out. “That’s what he does. But if you want him to screw with your mind again, then fine. We’ll go face off against the bastard.” He pointed to his car. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  He turned, marching for his vehicle, but Lucas stepped into his path. Lucas—the guy had soot streaking over his cheek. His shirt was torn, and his blue eyes were way too intense as he locked his stare on Jay. “Running from a crime scene?”

  “Hardly running. More like a slow walk.” Jay took the guy’s measure. He’d worked with Lucas before. Found the man to be ruthless as hell and dangerous to the core. Normally, traits he liked.

  What he didn’t like was the way the guy’s gaze kept darting to Willow.

  “The cops know where to find me,” Jay added. “I already answered their questions. When the arson investigators get done, they can come and grill me again.”

  “It was a bomb,” Lucas said quietly. “Actually, I think it was two bombs. Two bombs that were placed in your club.”


  “You still have that long list of enemies?” Lucas asked as his lips curved into a faint smile. “So many people gunning for you.”

  Beside Jay, Willow was silent.

  “Maybe you need some extra protection,” Lucas muttered. “You think about that?”

  “West has my six,” Jay responded flatly. “He’s my security.”

  “Oh.” Lucas blinked. Once more, his gaze swept to Willow. “And here I thought she was the new bodyguard. That’s the story I heard on the news.”

  “Don’t believe everything you hear.” Blue and red lights swept the scene. A crowd had gathered. Cameras were rolling. It was past time for Jay to get the hell out of there.

  But Lucas was still in his way. “Benjamin hired me. He wants me in charge of security for his clubs.”

  Jay glanced back at the wreckage that remained of Push. “Hate to break it to you, but you aren’t off to that great of a start. I mean, weren’t you in the club right before it exploded? You’re all damn lucky you didn’t get blown to hell.” And just thinking about that—about Willow burning, dying—had his body tensing.

  If Wyman did this…

  “The place didn’t blow,” Lucas took a step toward him, “not until you arrived on the scene. Interesting timing, don’t you think?”

  “What?” Jay snapped right back. “What in the hell are you—”

  “Just got through checking the security feeds from the cameras that were outside. The feed goes to Benjamin’s phone. He likes to keep tabs on things, you know.”

  Yeah, he knew. Jay had set up that freaking feed for him.

  “Less than thirty seconds after you came roaring to the scene, the place ignited. You parked your car, lingered, then jumped out—running to the back of the club. Interesting that you went that way.”

  He’d gone to the back because West had told him that Willow went in the back door.

  “And boom…the place exploded. Right after you arrived.”

  He didn’t like where this was going. “You got an accusation, Lucas? Then spit it out. Don’t waste my time by bullshitting around.”

  Willow was silent.

  Lucas rocked back on his heels. “Benjamin told me that you weren’t real pleased to be his partner. That you only did it because you owed him a debt.”

  “I always pay my debts.” He slanted a quick glance at Willow, but her face was unreadable.

  “Easy enough to get out of this particular partnership…just let the place go up in flames.”

  He didn’t have time for this crap. “Out of the way, Lucas.” He didn’t wait to see if the guy complied. He took Willow’s hand and pulled her with him. He had places to go. Things to freaking do.

  And he didn’t need Lucas’s lame-ass accusations slowing him down.

  When Jay got to the car, West was already waiting. They didn’t speak. They just hauled ass away from the scene.


  “Figures he gets to waltz away from the scene,” Benjamin muttered as he watched Jay drive away and leave the flames behind. “Meanwhile, I have every cop in the area giving me the side eye.”

  Lucas kept his gaze on the car. “That’s money for you. Let’s the guilty walk.”

  “Uh, yeah.” Benjamin gave a rough bark of laughter. “He’s not guilty. Just an asshole. No way did he torch this place.”

  Lucas turned toward him. “You shouldn’t be so sure. You saw the video feed—”

  “I also saw how close Willow was to the building. No way would Jay risk her. So if you want to find the bastard who did this, then start looking elsewhere.” Benjamin’s gaze hardened. “When we do find the piece of shit, I’ll deal with him. No one hurts what’s mine. No fucking one.”

  Yes, Lucas had heard the stories about Benjamin. The guy was rumored to be one of the most powerful crime bosses on the East Coast. You didn’t fuck with him.

  Or at least, you weren’t supposed to.

  But sometimes…sometimes, anyone could get burned. Especially if that person got caught in the crossfire.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Got to say, it’s a new one for a lover to run from me the minute my back is turned.”

  Willow could hear the rough edge in Jay’s voice. They were the only occupants in the small elevator—an elevator in some private hospital on the edge of D.C. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his gaze was locked on her.

  She straightened her shoulders. “I shouldn’t…we shouldn’t have become lovers. That was a mistake.”

  Wrong words. She could absolutely tell they were wrong. He stalked forward. His hands flew out. She tensed, thinking he was going to grab her, but instead, his fingers hit the control panel on the elevator.

  The elevator immediately stopped.

  “A mistake?” Jay repeated carefully. “The first time?”

nbsp; She swallowed.

  “The second?” Jay pushed.

  “Make the elevator move.”

  “Maybe the third. Yes, that must have been the mistake time. The third—”

  “Stop it,” Willow gritted out.

  His jaw clenched.

  She turned, fumbled and pushed different buttons on that control panel, wanting them to move.

  “I didn’t think any of it was a mistake.”

  The elevator was moving. Thank God.

  “I thought it was the best sex of my life. Every. Single. Time.”

  Her cheeks flamed. “What?” She whirled back toward him.

  But his gaze was hooded. His expression carefully masked. “I thought we were just getting started,” he murmured. “Didn’t realize you were making plans to leave.”

  She had to leave. Didn’t he get that? Yes, she wanted him. So badly she ached. She was just trying to do the right thing. “I’ll hurt you.”

  The doors opened with a ding.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you already have.” He strode out of the elevator.

  It took a moment for his words to sink in, and when they did, Willow surged after him. “Jay!” She grabbed his arm.

  He stilled. So did the armed guards who were on the floor. Everyone tensed.

  “Easy,” Jay said, his voice carrying a note of command. “She’s with me.”

  The guards seemed to relax, a bit.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she whispered. Everything was so messed up.

  “Then what did you think leaving would do?”

  Protect you.

  “Come on. Sawyer’s waiting.” His voice was brisk as he led her down the hallway. He’d called Sawyer on the way over. Gotten this meeting set up. She knew Sawyer would be in the room during her time with Wyman. She also knew exactly why.

  In case Wyman tries to get in my head again, Sawyer is there. Because Sawyer equaled her strength. Maybe he even surpassed her power, she didn’t know. He’d been the first super soldier created. She didn’t exactly want to challenge him to a fight in order to find out who was stronger.

  West had stayed downstairs. He’d wanted to check in with his security team.

  They walked in silence down the hallway. The gleaming white floors threw her reflection back at her even as the scent of antiseptic stung her nose. They passed dozens of hospital rooms, but all of those rooms were empty. “Where are the other patients?” Willow asked.

  “There aren’t any other patients on this floor.”

  “You got the whole floor for him?”

  “Having a shitload of money gives you perks like that.” His jaw hardened. “But there are some things money can’t buy.” His gaze cut to her. “And you’re one of those things.”

  She sucked in a deep breath. “You think that you want to be with me. But you don’t know how bad things can get.”

  “And you don’t know how good they can get.” He stopped near another door. This one had two guards in front of it. He nodded toward them, and the guards opened the door. She started to enter, but Jay caught her shoulder. “He’s not blood.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “He tried to spin me some BS story about being your father. He’s going to tell you the same story. He wants you to think a connection exists between you two. He wants you to feel bound to him.”

  Your father. A wave of dizziness slid over her.

  “Don’t buy his bullshit. You told me that you can tell when a person is lying, well, see his lies, Willow. See him for the bastard that he is.”

  Then he was striding inside. She sucked in a deep breath and followed him into the hospital room. She saw Sawyer first, standing near the bed, his hands loose at his sides. He gave a quick nod when he saw her, and his gaze slid to the bed.

  To the man in that bed.

  Wyman Wright.

  The man who’d turned her into a monster. The man who…

  Looked small. Weak. His skin was far too pale, and she could see the line of blue veins running just beneath the surface. Dark circles marked his eyes, and there was a stack of machines positioned near his bed. Those machines kept beeping even as green lines ran across their screens.

  “She…shouldn’t be here.” Wyman’s voice.

  But his voice was different then. It wasn’t the strong, rough voice she’d heard when she’d been in the lab. The voice of the man who came to watch her. It wasn’t even the same voice he’d used in Jay’s study. Instead, Wyman’s voice sounded weak. Rough. Scratchy.

  “Get her…out,” Wyman wheezed.

  “Sorry, but the lady wants to stay.” Jay had paced to the window. Now he turned back, crossed his arms over his chest, and rolled one shoulder in a shrug. “She thinks she deserves the chance to talk with you, and I’ve got to say that I agree.”

  “Get her…” If possible, Wyman’s face became even paler. “Out. Too…d-dangerous.”

  “You think I’m dangerous?” Willow took a quick step forward. “Who should I blame for that? Who did this to me?” Anger boiled inside of her. “Oh, right. That would be you.”

  He flinched. “Danger…is to…y-you…” The machines beeped faster. His breath heaved in and out.

  “I told Willow the story you spun.” Jay’s voice was cold. Grim. “About being her father. Figured she deserved to know that, too.”

  A growl spilled from Wyman. “Since when…did you…grow…grow a con-conscience?”

  Jay simply shrugged again.

  “You aren’t my father.” Willow was surprised by how strong her voice was. “You’re the man who kept me locked away. You’re the man who made me into—” She looked down at herself and was surprised to see that her hands had clenched. “I make people see their worst fears. I turn their nightmares into reality. I hurt people.” Her words came faster and faster. “You made me into a monster. And you think I should call you father because of that twisted shit? You—”

  “T-taught you how…throw ball…” A mist covered his eyes. But he blinked, and it was gone. “Took f-first step…into my arms.” His chin notched up. “H-hell yes…I’m your f-father…”

  Her chest hurt. A sharp pain right in her heart.

  “He is not biologically related to you,” Sawyer told her, his voice low. “And the guy is a master at the mind screw.”

  She knew that. But…

  But Wyman was staring at her, and she could have sworn there was pain in his eyes. He was staring at her, and his heartbeat was fast, a tremble shook his body, and his voice was so unsteady.

  Could be from lies. Could be from pain.

  Could be from truth.

  “If she’s your daughter, blood or not, why the hell would you put her through this?” Jay’s voice cut like a knife. “Trapping her in the lab, making her an experiment.”

  Her gaze flew to him.

  He glared at Wyman with white-hot fury. “You don’t do that to someone you love,” Jay snarled.

  “You do,” Wyman argued back, his voice getting weaker. “If you c-can’t bear…to let go…”

  She found herself moving closer to Wyman. Wanting desperately to know if this was another lie. Wanting any crumb that she could get about her past.

  “We couldn’t find Willow in any database.” Sawyer still kept his position near the bed. “Jay is the best there is at hacking. He searched every government file out there. No mention of Willow was ever found. No one who matched her, no one who fit her description even remotely.”

  Wyman’s eyes were on Willow. “If people knew…about our connection…they’d try—try to hurt me, th-through you. I k-kept you safe.”

  “Kept her safe?” Jay demanded. “Or made her spend her entire life hiding from the world?”

  The machines beeped faster. “Y-you were trained.” A smile came and went on Wyman’s face. “So s-strong. M-made sure. Y-you could always p-protect y-yourself.” But his eyelids flickered. “W-we d-don’t s-see some threats…”

  Now Jay stepped forward. His feet padded acr
oss the floor. “What threat? What happened to Willow? You said you couldn’t let her go. That means—she was hurt, wasn’t she?” Now rage was definitely cracking in his words. “Who hurt her?”

  Wyman’s breath wheezed in and out. “The ones…closest…h-hurt the most.”

  She didn’t know what that meant. Not exactly, but… “I’ve seen a man.” She licked lips gone dry. “He tells me that we belong together. But something is wrong. I don’t—I think I’m afraid of him.”

  Beside her, she felt Jay tense.

  Wyman’s eyes closed. For a moment, she thought the guy had just—what? Gone to sleep? Shut her out?

  But he gave a long sigh. With his eyes still closed, he said, “I t-tried to p-protect you…” Each word sounded like a struggle. “I m-made the m-monster.”

  Now she was the one to stiffen. Willow took a quick step back, as if she’d just been hit. He’d called her a monster. The man who’d just said he was her father. Monster. But she’d known that, hadn’t she? She’d known—

  Warm, strong hands caught her shoulders. Jay turned her toward him. She found herself staring into his eyes. “You are perfect,” he said.

  Her chest burned.

  “You’re not some fucking monster. You never will be. You’re listening to a megalomaniac who tried to create his own army of super soldiers. Don’t let anything the prick says get beneath your skin, you understand me?”

  But it was Wyman who spoke. “N-not…my W-Willow…”

  Jay whirled toward the bed. “She isn’t yours.”

  Wyman struggled to sit up in the bed. As Willow watched him, the coppery scent of blood reached her, and then she saw a red bloom appear on the white bed covers. Instinctively, she rushed toward him. “Don’t! You’re hurting yourself!”

  Wyman caught her hand. Held tight in a grip of surprising strength. “He’s the m-monster…I m-made…” He pulled her hand toward his face. “S-so sorry…”

  The door flew open. “What’s happening now?” Elizabeth cried out.

  Wyman was shuddering and bleeding, and Willow found that she was holding him as tightly as he held her.

  “S-see my f-fear…” Wyman whispered. His grip was loosening. Hers wasn’t. “See…”


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