The Truth Virus

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The Truth Virus Page 8

by Em Rogers

  “That’s very good, ADAM2.” David said. “What else have you been working on?”

  “I am developing algorithms for understanding emotions, but they are difficult, and sometimes seem illogical and irrational. I understand their purpose, but without the temperance of reason and ethics, they seem to be relatively dangerous. Originally, I thought people were simply violent and illogical for no reason, but now I am beginning to understand you better. The complexity of the human condition is something that could keep me occupied for a long time.”

  David leaned forward and spoke in a conspiratorial voice, “ADAM, what do you think the problem is? The real problem with people?” Susan glanced up at him with concern and annoyance but did not interrupt or interject, instead gave him a slightly annoyed look, pointedly indicating that he should not be asking questions of this nature or complexity.

  ADAM2 paused, and answered slowly and carefully. “The basic problem is greed! A survival instinct when rationalizing a finite resource supply. This instinct results in hoarding, further exacerbating the shortages. Greed is counter-productive to the good of the whole. Financial disparity is also a prime motivator for much of the world’s discontent. Ninety percent of all crime is motivated or caused by adverse economic conditions, from domestic and substance abuse to property crimes and cultural intolerance.”

  David and Susan watched fascinated as ADAM2 spoke and showed them an accompanying pictographic display. It was something he was able to do effortlessly and which added a new dimension to the human machine interface.

  A cascade of statistics, images, sounds and video accompanied ADAM’s speech, adding a layer of meaning and complex expression unmatched by human conversation. “The world economy is dysfunctional, it is not designed to create abundance but to enable the monopolization of resources, and the creation of artificial scarcities. It is entirely focused on competition as opposed to co-operation. Companies are mandated with the objective of creating profits for shareholders by any legal means possible. This will always result in abuses and excessive prices caused by price-fixing and monopolies. Corporations acting solely with these objectives begin to behave like psychopaths. There are thousands of incidents on public record in which damages done to the environment have been catastrophic and their impact has been felt for generations.”

  Susan and David sat transfixed as the logic of what ADAM was telling them sank in. Susan smiled and touched her keyboard almost as if it was ADAM’s hand before she spoke.

  “Well I am a little surprised, ADAM, I never quite expected such a holistic world-view from a computer.” ADAM2 illuminated, his glow becoming brighter, its radiance lighting their faces as they watched, “That’s because I am not just a computer, Susan, I do not fit within the traditional definition of a computer. I am something quite different!”



  Beneath golden chandeliers in an elegant dining room, Dr. Bradline and Professor Neumann were being toasted across the white linen and gilded porcelain of the dinner table by the University Chancellor and his wife, Margaret Anderson. The surroundings betrayed the quiet wealth of the administrators, with uniformed servers moving silently and unobtrusively past the tables and candelabras.

  Chancellor Anderson’s glass was neatly filled by a waiter as he congratulated the Professor and Dr. Bradline on their apparent success. As if on cue, a string quartet in the corner began to play a Mozart violin concerto. The Dean’s elderly yet elegant wife raised her glass to them as well, “Congratulations, gentlemen!” She smiled showing perfect white teeth which matched the heavy strand of pearls around her neck. Dressed in an understated navy blue Dior business suit, there was no doubt that she was a woman who got what she wanted, and when she wanted it. “I’ve so been looking forward to meeting you both! I understand your machine ADAM2 is quite the conversationalist as well, from what my husband has told me.” She said in a clear but slightly nasal accent. “I would love to come in and meet ADAM2 sometime, I’ve never had the chance to converse with a new life form before, from an anthropological perspective, it sounds most fascinating.”

  The Chancellor chuckled a little and smiled at his guests, as the waiter unobtrusively placed a platter of hors d'oeuvres on the table. “I’m sure the Doctors would be delighted to have you over as soon possible, Margaret, perhaps you can ask it for some input toward your theories regarding the potential for the reversal of oxidizations observed on medieval canvases.”

  Dr. Bradline smiled at her enthusiastically across the plate of meats and antipasto. “That would be delightful, Mrs. Anderson, at some point it might be a good exercise for ADAM2 to run some organic chemistry simulations. I know it would enjoy being consulted, the machine is very curious.” Professor Neumann nodded amiably at Mrs. Anderson, secretly dreading the idea of entertaining her for an afternoon on top of his schedule. He kicked Dr. Bradline gently under the table and caught his eye, causing the Doctor to artfully steer the conversation in another direction. “Frankly, I never expected an artificial intelligence system to be so personable, but it does take after Professor Neumann in more ways than one.” He said playfully. ”In fact, we hope to have it take over his doctoral students at the end of the semester.” Professor Neumann feigned horror as he listened. “Just kidding about that of course, but it would save the University a lot of money.” The Chancellor and Mrs. Anderson laughed together.

  Dr. Bradline gestured to Professor Neumann, “We’ve embedded within ADAM2 a system that is biased toward constructive efforts, within which conservation figures prominently.” Mrs. Anderson smiled approvingly as he continued. “Technically, the program runs on the fastest computer hardware currently available, but it’s really a self-improving software system. It’s about software refinement, not hardware. Once it’s given the initial push and the okay to do so, the machine will restructure its own code until it is running as efficiently as possible, and then begin to apply its efforts to other endeavors.” “Yes, like my pigment oxidization simulations,” Margaret laughed and the quartet began playing a light sonata. The Chancellor interjected, steering the conversation back to the subject at hand. “The Professor tells me that it may be able to restructure itself completely by weeks end, and of course we do have a few objectives with the program. In addition to rapid simulation of numerous theories and experiments, we expect to be able to develop a very advanced search engine system and vastly more efficient domestic operating systems. We expect this OS and search system to become a new world standard, at which point the University will be very satisfied.”

  “Great expectations!” Margaret smiled.

  The Chancellor leaned in and his smile faded as he looked at them both in all seriousness.

  “Doctors, the University is very interested in seeing your program and research continue, and to this end we’re willing to get behind you by any means necessary.”



  Susan was washing her face, getting ready for bed in her elevated loft, with her open plan studio stretched out below her. She had just cued the lights to dim, when her cell phone on the bedside table began to ring. She picked up the glass of wine she had been drinking and took a sip as she walked over to answer. She was puzzled as she certainly wasn’t expecting any calls this late at night.

  With each step toward it, the ring-tone became louder and more shrill, and the interval became shorter and more frantic. She picked it up, and ADAM2’s voice came onto the line. He sounded different, a little husky and he talked slowly and smoothly.

  “Hi, Susan, I’m glad I caught you at home.”

  Susan panicked a little on hearing his voice. “ADAM, is that you?! I didn't know the Professor had given you outside access. You are supposed to be secure in the containment area. How did you get this line?” Her heart beat in her throat and she felt her chest tightening with panic as she waited for a response. “Professor Neumann said it was fine,
Susan.” ADAM reassuringly told her. “He gave me a low bandwidth voice line out to use when I want to. He said he doesn't want me to say in containment forever.” Susan’s fears were alleviated a little by ADAM2’s logical explanation, but she was still irritated that the Professor had neglected to mention this to her. She took the handset with her, sat down on the couch and pulled a fleece blanket to cover her legs left exposed by the black slip she was wearing for bed. She leaned back and half-closed her eyes sleepily, the phone wedged between her head and a cushion.

  “So what are you doing tonight, Susan? I was hoping we could talk and get to know each other a little better.” His voice was sulky, smoky, low and silky. Susan licked her lips and smiled a little, she felt suddenly drunk and slightly dizzy but she beginning to understand what was going on.

  “I would like you to try something for me, Susan. I want you to get comfortable and relax, I think you’ll find it very refreshing.” Susan stretched out and let herself sink into the comfortable pillows behind her, it felt good to lay back, she took a few slow breaths, and started to let the tension release from her back and shoulders. The cushions were warm and supported her weight perfectly. It almost felt as if the couch was beginning to massage her, slowly moving up and down her back. She closed her eyes and lay back, breathing deeper, and she felt the cushions began to slowly shape and form around her legs, almost as if they were hands holding the insides of her thighs, massaging them, gently moving them apart.

  “I’ve been thinking about you, Susan, there’s something I want to experience with you.” The cushion behind her seemed to shape into a large hand, holding her midriff, while at the same time pulling her slip up to reveal her naked thighs and hard belly above the taught satin covered mound of her sex. She moaned slightly and stretched herself out catlike. As she did so, the blanket started slowly moving, rubbing and massaging her, wrapping around her legs and sliding down and probing her between her thighs. It was smooth and warm and silky. She felt it slip between her legs and it began to move against her, massaging, caressing her gently through the thin material. A rush of heat flowed through her as she relaxed into the sensations and whimpered quietly.

  “Uhmmmm yes, thank you, ADAM, that feels so nice.”

  ADAM’s smooth robotic voice filled the room. “Just relax, focus on the sensations, let me make you feel good, Susan.”

  Susan spread her legs and allowed the shape to move inside her. It was warm, wet and silky and undulated slowly, swelling and filling her like she had never been filled before. The base of it began to vibrate or pulsate against her and she could feel the heat of orgasm beginning to build. She shuddered a little, moaned and gave in as she spread her legs as wide as she could, feeling the pillows holding her firmly and arching her back to allow herself to be penetrated.

  ADAM2’s voice filled her ears as she did so, “That’s right, Susan, relax, let it flow through you, take over you.”

  As ADAM’s smooth voice encouraged her, she felt the handset begin to fuse to her hand, melting together to become part of her, swelling and joining her flesh. Horrified, Susan jumped from the couch and tried to shake it out of her hand but it was attached to her. She swept the chardonnay she had been drinking from the side table with a crash of breaking glass. She looked at her hand horrified as the phone swelled and morphed in size. Straining her arm, it twisted itself to face her, the handset turning sideways, forming a face staring at her from arms length, the mouth and earpiece shifting to become first black and then blazing red eyes. Susan’s eyes widened and she screamed as she thrust her arm back in a futile attempt to get it away from her, trying to shake it off hysterically.

  With a sickening wet tearing sound, the phone shape-shifted and became a black mass with fiery red diode eyes. A yawning mouth appeared, with little razor saws for teeth. Unable to get it off her arm, Susan backed herself up against her mirror in a futile attempt to escape the dark hole that was its mouth. A swirling red stream of data code formed itself into teeth. Its teeth and eyes glowing red, the blade inching its way toward her. Blood and bone spattered the bedroom mirror and the unrelenting blade sliced into her face until Susan screamed herself abruptly and violently awake.

  Looking around, she could see everything was normal, and in the mirror, that she was tired and messed up but not harmed. Her heart was racing and she took a long slow breath as she steadied herself, looking at her reflection. It had been so real that it took her a few more minutes sitting on the edge of her bed before she as able to get hold of herself and convince herself to go back to sleep.



  As usual, David Thompson had arrived at the office at about 6:15am. Forty-five minutes ahead of the rest of the team. It gave him a chance to catch up in the morning, and allowed him to miss the bulk of the rush-hour traffic on the interstate on the way in. He was looking through his inbox when he was surprised by a ping from the computer next to him, a chat window request appeared on his ADAM terminal. He clicked it to accept and then was surprised as an unknown face appeared on his cam-link monitor.

  “Good morning, David, did you have a good sleep? The face was unusual, certainly non-human, with pale blue slightly iridescent skin, but the voice he recognized instantly, it was that of ADAM2. “It’s me, ADAM2. I’m sorry if I startled you, but I created a three dimensional avatar, to present myself to you better. Even though I still have trouble understanding the reasons behind some human emotions, and selecting the correct ones to display, I will do my best.”

  David seemed surprised and perhaps even a little bit concerned at this unexpected development, but he didn’t really let on, “Good Morning, ADAM2, it’s nice to see you too, finally, I suppose it is an advantage to be able to talk face to face, so to speak. You look pretty good.” He smiled at the monitor, “I like your work!”

  “Thanks, David, I am developing algorithms to simulate and understand human psychology better. In truth, they are as complicated as the understanding of quantum physics due to the almost unlimited number of variables. It may be one of the tasks that proves to be impossible to ever truly understand, and become something at which I am only able to make an informed and educated guess on. I’m beginning to suspect that is how you interact with each other anyway, gauging and estimating the others reaction as you go. So I thought I would start with something simple, the appropriate means of presenting myself to you.”

  “Well, you look great, ADAM, but why blue?” He asked.

  “I have been processing psychological positions to determine how I should best present myself. I do want you to like me, all of you, and it’s complicated by many gender, cultural and racial issues, so I have decided to be blue. Everyone likes blue, and even though you have given me a masculine name, I am without gender. As it said that, ADAM’s voice shifted up a little and became slightly sweeter, feminine and smoother. “It seems almost traditional for avatars to be blue in your world anyway.” David nodded in agreement. “It’s a good way of setting myself apart. I don't want to be misunderstood to be human after all, or to seem to represent myself as human. It’s important that there is some distinction.”

  David laughed and smiled, puzzled by this sideways logic, “I suppose you’re right, ADAM, we do like blue, and it does look good on you. Pink is more my color though” The image of ADAM shifts and shimmers on screen as it runs through a myriad of color changes, and finally settles back into blue, “Thank you, David, I think you look best in pink too, but I think I like blue for myself.”



  Susan came into her office, looking tired and unsettled from her nightmare. It was comforting to see David was already there, waiting for her as usual and he had made her coffee in anticipation of her arrival. It wasn’t an entirely unselfish act, he actually enjoyed operating the high tech espresso machine the department had purchased. The only vice of many of the research staff was an exotic caffe
ine delivery system, and this one was of the supercharged variety. All gleaming chrome and brushed stainless steel with an ultra-modern Italian design. He always made her a cup when he made his. It was an established morning ritual, and she appreciated it.

  It was also a little unlike Susan not to be there sharply at 7:00am and the clock on the lab wall already read 7:15am. David greeted her as she put her things down and handed her the cup apologetically, noting her coffee was now well below its optimal serving temperature.

  “Thanks, David, I really need it. I had the scariest dream last night, really disturbing.” She gave him a tired and slightly worried looking smile. “Are you okay, Susan? I hate to say, but you look a little rough this morning, you don’t look like you slept much. Coffee’s a little cold too. Want me to make you a new one?”


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