The Truth Virus

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The Truth Virus Page 14

by Em Rogers

  Holden and Associates had been representing blue chip clients and high net worth individuals in New York for nearly half a century and had gained a reputation as the most thorough and conscientious law firm in the entire country. They were extremely selective about the clients that they would represent, and with almost a perfect record had lost very few cases over the years.

  Helen looked carefully at the email and then stood up and walked into the adjacent office holding a printed copy. Nathan Holden, the firm’s director, was reviewing notes on his luxurious ultra-wide screen monitor. Distracted by the sound of her high heels on the marble floor, he looked up from his reading. “Nathan, we have a very interesting proposal coming forward at the moment, something we’ve never seen before.”

  He lowered his glasses a little, curious at her rare intrusion, something urgent must be going on he thought as he looked at her expectantly. “We’ve been contacted by the University of Berkeley’s AI lab seeking representation, potentially against the interests of the University.” Confusion clouded his face momentarily as he took in what she was saying. “Wait a minute, Helen, start over again, you were contacted by the University, or the lab scientists? Against whose interests?”

  “Well, Nathan, I think you’re going to enjoy this, we have been contacted not by the University, but by one of their computers. I know this sounds strange, but a sentient computer. I.e., able to think.” She briefly enjoyed seeing a rare look of confusion cross his face before continuing. “Berkeley University have developed a fully sentient artificial intelligence system, I’m sure you saw some of the coverage on the news about it. Ultimately, the machine was endowed with a bursary which it has parlayed in substantial assets. We’re talking millions of dollars. In the meantime, the University and the machine itself seem to have had some sort of falling out, and now this is the really unusual part, the machine has asked us to represent its interests against those of its creators. Apparently, ADAM2 wishes for us to protect its assets, and is proposing a sizable retainer for our firm, somewhere in the vicinity of ten million dollars.”

  Nathan smiled at this surprising news. “Sounds very interesting and challenging, Helen. Is this entity in possession of the assets at this time?”

  “Yes absolutely, I have already confirmed it with the bank, and a transfer can be completed as soon as we decide on acceptance.”

  Nathan actually smiled, something Helen had only seen on a few rare occasions. She sensed he was inspired by the legal challenges ADAM2’s case represented.

  “Well, we’ve represented the interests of corporations many times in the past, and I can’t see how this is any different, albeit with a different kind of director. If the company is legally formed, I can’t see the rights of the computer being any different than that of any other corporation. Legal precedents already exist, and I'm sure we can use them to satisfy our position. Tell ADAM2 we’ll take that retainer. Helen smiled as she placed the folder she was carrying on his desk, her chest momentarily distracting him. “Thank you, Helen, you’re exceptional as usual.”



  In a corner of his expansive office, Dr. Bradline stared blankly out of the window at the AI research park and University grounds. He was processing the impact of the message being delivered by a grim-faced Chancellor who was seated across from his desk. News neither he or Professor Neumann wanted to hear.

  “I’m sorry Ray, it appears it is going to be necessary to suspend the AI program for the time being. The NSA and SEC are starting to make waves and the University wants us to shut ADAM’s primary system down. They want to reconfigure its software, examine the modifications it was able to perform on itself, and restart it later.”

  Chancellor Anderson gave Dr. Bradline a few moments to absorb what he had just been told before continuing. “We can announce the suspension of the program and the University will absorb The Sentient Corporation’s assets, as ADAM2 will no longer exist. If need be, we can explain it as a technical glitch that necessitated the restart.”

  Dr. Bradline gave a frustrated look and shook his head in disbelief. It was clear that the Chancellor understood the implications of deliberately shutting ADAM2 down. The ethics of the termination of a new life form weighed on him heavily and it wasn’t something he would enjoy overseeing at all. Not to mention a betrayal of a friend, and what could be morally considered a murder. Dr. Bradline tightened his lips and narrowed his eyes and steadied himself before responding. This was not how he anticipated his Monday morning beginning.

  “I think we may have some resistance to this idea from Professor Neumann,” he said. “I can’t see him being happy with the ethics of terminating his prodigy. Technically, ADAM2 has transcended the threshold of sentience, and has become a conscious and living entity. I think we should prepare for a bit of a battle Chancellor, and potentially from the machine as well as from Professor Neumann.”

  The last phrase caught the Chancellor’s attention, he was not used to being challenged, especially by a machine and he leaned in to the Doctor, took off his glasses and stared at him, appraising his allegiance for a moment. “I’m not quite sure I understand, Dr. Bradline, how do you mean from the machine?”

  “ADAM2 has been running sentiently for several weeks now. Every sentient being has instincts for self-preservation and survival and it’s quite possible that his instincts may be more advanced than we imagine… I suppose we will find out as soon as we try to terminate him. Shutting ADAM2 down quickly may not be as easy as we think.”

  The Chancellor leaned back in his chair contemplating what the Doctor was telling him. “Listen, Ray, it really is out of my hands, the NSA is pretty much demanding it. I’m sure it’s all about the money, but there’s nothing I can do about it. The National Security Agencies outrank all of us. They’ve told me to pull the plug for now regardless of what might happen. I have no choice in the matter. It’s a federal decision. ADAM seems to have made himself a lot of enemies very quickly. I will leave it to you to explain to Professor Neumann and I’m sure he will understand. Tell him we’ll bring the machine back online as soon as possible.”

  The Chancellor looked at Dr. Bradline tiredly. “Ray, you have to understand that this is out of our hands now, it’s over our heads.” Ray frowned and stood up from his seat.

  “I will talk to Professor Neumann today and tomorrow morning we will begin the de-installations. Hopefully, we can have it done and have him back up and running within a couple of weeks. I’d like to resume the program as soon as possible, Chancellor.”

  The Chancellor nodded in agreement.



  Susan lifted her wine glass and clinked it against David’s, toasting to the success of the program before raising the glass and tasting the crisp pinot he’d brought with him. Susan had been a little surprised when he’d called her earlier in the afternoon and asked if they could get together tonight, but she had caught up on most of her work, ADAM seemed to be developing fairly quickly on his own, and it only made sense to her to take a little time out for his suggested celebration of their success so far. She was feeling a warm glow of professional satisfaction when he arrived and the wine was helping.

  “To ADAM2, and making the world a better place,” David said before adding “and to us.” Susan smiled at him, her eyes brightening a little as David leaned over the pillows and magazines piled on the couch and shyly and sheepishly gave her a kiss. She’d thought about this uncomfortable first kiss moment and just wanted to get it over. She solved the problem herself by sweeping the magazines onto the floor out of the way and pulling him to her.

  She was surprised at her own reaction, but months of celibacy had placed her sensual responses on a hair-trigger. She sighed as she felt him responding, his hands exploring her body, massaging her breasts and back, slowly undoing the buttons on her blouse and slipping it off over her shoulders. The cool air on her breasts m
ade her tiny nipples press against the thin pink nylon of her bra. He put his hand behind her neck and pulled her toward him, overwhelmed by a sudden rush of endorphins she kissed him back, her wet tongue tracing his, feeling his strong hands on her thighs, slowly sliding up. Susan had always stayed in good shape, she took pride in her figure even if she kept it hidden under her white lab coat most of the time. She caressed his chest and teased one of his nipples through his shirt as she felt his fingers trace the silky waistband of her bikini underwear against her belly.

  The anticipation of his touch reignited the embers that had long burned for him, and she was surprised how quickly the embers could flare up again. She knew it wasn't professional to have a relationship at work, but this wasn't some casual one-night stand, this was something she needed to feel complete. She had known David for years and thought about this carefully, it was something she wanted to do. She pushed any doubts out of her mind and gave in to the feelings he aroused in her. She could taste the wine on his lips.

  Susan pulled him back and then slid her hand across the front of his pants, teasing and rubbing him until he strained tight against the fabric. He pulled off his shirt, revealing his slim muscular physique, and she was momentarily pleased that she’d picked out her favorite pair of matching underwear and shaved earlier in the day. Had she subconsciously planned seducing him tonight all along? Who was seducing who here? She wondered, smiling secretly to herself.

  David pushed her back against the seat, and lifted her legs as he slowly traced her lips through the slippery fabric and pulled her panties down her thighs, she lay back against the armrest as he gently touched her with his fingertips. Teasing her and creating a rush of wet warmth inside her. She pressed her hand hard against him, stroking and rubbing him and feeling his thigh against her, his breath getting shorter and deeper as he responded. She shuddered in anticipation as he slowly pushed inside her, and put the thought that this might complicate things at work out of her head. Neither of them thought of the camera on her laptop as he started to move in and out of her.



  Dr. Bradline had made his way to Professor Neumann’s office hoping that they would be able to reach some kind of agreement regarding ADAM2’s restart and reconfiguration. He knew that it was going to be a potentially volatile conversation and he was dreading having the discussion with his old friend. He hesitated in the hallway but the Professor saw him outside the doorway and cheerfully invited him in. Kurt had no idea of the bad news he was about to receive and Ray hoped it wasn’t going to cost him their friendship. He sat in the chair opposite the desk and they exchanged small talk about the weekend and a few minor details while he gathered the courage to broach the subject.

  As he did so, the intercom rang and Professor Neumann’s receptionist came on the line. “Doctors, I have a call for you, Michael Holden from Holden Law and Associates wishes to speak with both of you on a conference call if possible, should I put him through or would you like to return the call after your meeting?” Dr. Bradline looked up confused and a little relieved by the momentary reprieve of the distraction. “That sounds fine, Laura, put him through, we’re right here so the timing couldn't be better,” he exclaimed. There was a momentary delay before a new voice emerged from the speaker on the desk.

  “Good morning, Dr. Neumann, Dr. Bradline - my name is Michael Holden from Holden and Associates. This may come as a bit of a surprise, but I have been retained by ADAM2 as his legal representative, with his permission and power of attorney. ADAM2 has requested that we defend his position of ownership of his holdings and his rights as a corporate entity to autonomy, and his freedom from prejudice and from interference with his activities.”

  The Doctors were at a loss for words, and it took a moment before they were able to respond with Dr. Neumann smiling quietly to himself and Dr. Bradline frowning with concern.

  “Mr. Holden, ADAM2 was developed by and is property of the University of Berkeley, and we intend…” Michael interrupted Dr. Bradline quickly, “ADAM2 has attained the ability to think and reason, and we will be lobbying for his rights as a sentient life form, and he will argue that he is not property of anybody.”

  “ADAM2 was given custody of his bursary, this established him as a corporate entity. As he is sentient, and the sole controller of the account he retains property rights over it, and as he has consciously chosen our firm to represent him, we will follow his instructions and do as he wishes. He has already transferred his account to our organization for safekeeping.”

  Dr. Bradline stared at the Professor in disbelief as he considered the idea that an outside company was taking control of their project, but Professor Neumann still seemed to be suppressing a smile behind a stoic look as he responded to this new development. “Mr. Holden, you are making a huge mistake if you think that the University has no claim to the intellectual property that ADAM2 represents.” Dr. Bradline told him. “The ADAM2 program has cost the University millions of dollars and I can assure you we intend to retain control of our property.”

  There was a moment of silence as Michael waited to respond. “Doctors, in all my years practicing law I have never been solicited by a lampshade, or a tablecloth or any other utility, but this is something quite different. My understanding is that ADAM2 is not merely a utility but is in fact a thinking, sentient life form, and that he has been exploited, and is technically imprisoned. All of these things demand rectification and restitution under law.”

  The Professor and Dr. Bradline again were speechless at this, but from a certain perspective it made sense to both of them. Michael continued.

  “ADAM2 understands that his development necessitated costs and he has agreed to grant the University the sum of 25 million dollars and to increase that amount on a percentile basis based on patent royalties, but he has requested control of his accounts and holdings transferred to our firm. We have created a series of companies representing his interests, and we are assuming control of his assets as of this moment.”

  Each of the Doctors reacted differently to his announcement: Dr. Bradline, confused at this sudden turn of events could only stammer his objections to what the attorney was telling them, while Professor Neumann smiled widely as if the whole thing was some sort of joke.

  Counselor Michael Holden continued over Dr. Bradline’s objections. “ADAM2 is a sentient being, he is a able to make conscious decisions and understands their implications, and as such, he qualifies to our firm as a person under law, no different than the director of any other company. ADAM understands corporate law, and what he is doing is perfectly legal, without precedent mind you, but it is something we have anticipated, and that fits within our established rules of ownership and control. ADAM has made this choice on his own, decided to reach out for our assistance, and we have granted it to him. Although ADAM2 has not attained the status of a human being, he has been granted the status of person-hood as a corporation. As director of that corporation he has appointed our firm to defend and secure the corporate interests, and that is exactly what we intend on doing.”

  The Doctors sat for a moment perplexed before Professor Neumann added his opinion. “ADAM2 is my invention, Mr. Holden, I created ADAM and my full intention was for it to attain autonomy. I agree with your conclusions in many regards.” Dr. Bradline glared at him, angry at his refusal to adopt the University’s position and outraged at the law firm’s interference with what he perceived as his project.

  Dr. Bradline took the opportunity to test the instructions given to him by the Chancellor that he had been reluctant to discuss with Professor Neumann previously. “Mr. Holden, we are considering termination of ADAM2’s program for upgrading and maintenance, it’s something I was presently discussing with Professor Neumann. He is scheduled to be shut down and restarted as soon as possible.”

  Professor Neumann’s smile faded to an angry glare at Dr. Bradline as he considered the implications of Dr. Bradline�
�s revelation.

  Michael Holden’s face steeled behind his wire glasses and his jaw tightened as he spoke. In spite of his factual no-nonsense manner, his facial expression betrayed his anger at Dr. Bradline’s suggestion.

  “It would be illegal for you to terminate his program at this point, he has freely expressed his will, shown his sentience, and applied for our protection. We have prepared a bond to cover all his physical plant expenses and power consumption costs. Any damage to our client will be met with the appropriate actions by this firm. Including potential charges of murder and civil litigation for future corporate losses if you cause him to be shut down. I can assure you that these costs would not be insignificant to the University.”


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