Corrado, Gino, 705–6
Cosgrave, W. T., 190–91
Cotten, Joseph, 381, 484, 746
and Dr. Maurice Bernstein, 724–25
in Citizen Kane, 585, 638, 640, 664, 704, 705
and Danton’s Death, 492
and Faustus, 373
and Hamlet, 369
and Hollywood, 553, 596
and Horse Eats Hat, 360, 362, 363, 473
in The Magnificent Ambersons, 23
and Mercury Theatre, 416, 421, 434, 443, 444, 462, 463, 520, 733
and radio, 324–26
in The Third Man, 737–38
in Too Much Johnson, 472, 473, 475–76, 477, 484
Vanity Will Get You Somewhere (memoir), 325, 733, 740
Coulouris, George, 351n, 365–66
and The Campbell Playhouse, 616
in Citizen Kane, 639, 644, 665
and “First Person Singular,” 469
in Hollywood, 586, 616
and Mercury Theatre, 416, 421, 425, 426, 427, 434, 446, 447, 451, 452, 453, 462, 464, 483, 491
in Valley Forge, 308
Coward, Noël, 152
Cradle Will Rock (1999 film), 387–88
Cradle Will Rock, The (stage play), 388–402, 414, 712
and Marc Blitzstein, 384–86, 391, 392, 393, 395–98, 401–2, 406
and Federal Theatre Project, 390, 399–402
leftist politics in, 384, 386, 406, 415
music for, 385, 433
ownership of, 402
phonograph recording of, 444
players from, 446
previews of, 390–402, 403
revival of, 415, 429–30, 444
unproduced film script by Orson Welles, 306, 372, 384, 407, 408, 472, 600, 734
and WPA, 390, 391, 392, 394, 396, 397, 399–402
Crawford, Joan, 567
Creelman, James, 652
Cronin, A. J., The Citadel, 643
Crowther, Bosley, 345, 436
Cullen, Countee, 328
Curran, Isaac, 7, 8
Custer, Stanley, 122–23, 265
Custer, Frank, 123
Cyrano de Bergerac (unrealized film project), 563-64, 618
Daily Worker, 311, 349, 415, 495
Dalí, Salvador, 286
Damita, Lili, 585, 598
“Danny Deever,” 78
Danton’s Death (Dantons Tod), 511
casting of, 483, 489, 491–92, 493
challenges of, 490, 492–94, 497, 498, 504, 513, 524, 526
closing of, 515, 517
costs of, 489, 493, 515, 523, 541, 657
critical response to, 513–14
and Mercury Theatre, 483, 489, 494, 515, 523, 657
and politics, 495–96
postponements of, 493, 496–97, 513
and publicity, 494, 514, 524
and Max Reinhardt, 490–91, 493, 514–15
and “War of the Worlds,” 500–501, 509, 513
Dark Tower, The (stage play), 256–57
Da Silva, Howard, 386, 393, 395, 429
De Vries, Herman, 94
Davenport, Millia, 433, 522
Davies, Marion, 238, 567, 625, 626, 663, 633n, 737
Davis, Bette, 584
Day, Clarence, Life with Father, 517
Day-Lewis, Cecil, see Nicholas Blake
Dead Rides Fast, The (stage play), 207–8, 209, 210
Dean Martin Show, The (TV series), 709
Dear Abigail (stage play), 444
Death Takes a Holiday (stage play), 213
“Deep, The” (unfinished film), 738
de Gaulle, Charles, 732, 739
Dekker, Thomas, 412, 429, 432, 433, 436, 447
Delmar, Kenneth (Kenny), 502
Del Rio, Dolores, 725, 726, 735
and Cedric Gibbons, 568, 598, 616, 641, 642
Orson’s relationship with, 567–68, 585, 598–99, 600, 609, 614–15, 641–42, 674
socializing, 567–68, 585, 587–88, 674
DeMille, Cecil B., 236, 459, 518, 569
Denby, Edwin, 355–56, 360, 361, 364, 378, 381
Denny, Roger Q., 570
de Paur, Leonard, 333, 334, 340, 341
Dexter, John, 135, 139, 145, 155, 157, 173, 181
Dickens, Charles, 274, 485
A Christmas Carol, 122, 519–20
Oliver Twist, 487, 497
The Pickwick Papers, 517, 618
A Tale of Two Cities, 485
“Dick Welles” (horse), 26–27, 183, 697
Dieterle, William, 559, 736n
Dietrich, Marlene, 641–42, 731, 733, 747
Dietz, John, 503, 649
Dillinger, John, 573, 619, 621, 694n
Dinesen, Isak, 742
“Dinner at Eight” (radio play), 642
Dinner at Eight (film), 618
Dirksen, Everett, 364
Doctor Faustus (stage play), 274, 318, 355, 370, 371–78, 386-87, 401, 403, 407, 411-12, 416, 422, 455, 586
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (drama), 121, 180, 278
Doctor Knock (stage play), 211
Don Juan (film), 131–32
Don Quixote (film), 740, 745
Dos Passos, John, 364, 382
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 274
Dracula (novel and radio play), 467–71, 485
Drake, Herbert, 535, 553–54, 695
and Heart of Darkness, 591
in Hollywood, 554, 565, 593, 610, 657
and Orson’s lecture tour, 630, 646, 648
and Mercury Theatre, 475, 560, 657
and Orson’s public image, 594, 609, 614
publicity by, 409, 580, 614, 689, 690
in Too Much Johnson, 475
Drama League of Chicago, 156–57, 217–18, 252–53, 280
Dreamers, The (film), 741–42, 746
Drinkwater, John, 482, 485
Drunkard, The (stage play), 277–78, 289, 295
Duchess of Malfi, The (stage play), 409, 410, 442, 445–47, 448, 451, 462
Dukes, Ashley, 197
Dumas, Alexandre père, 622
The Count of Monte Cristo, 485
du Maurier, Daphne, Rebecca, 517–18, 531
du Maurier, George, 186, 276, 279
Peter Ibbetson, 570
Duncan, Isadora, 570
Dunham, Harry, 474–75, 476, 589
Dunn, Linwood, 593, 673
Dunne, Irene, 584
Dunning, Decla, 614, 616
Durant, Jack, 116
Dwan, Allan, 88
Eckstein, Louis, 153
Eddy, Nelson, 506
Edwards, Hilton, 195–200, 387n
and Gate Ball, 212–13
and Gate Theatre, 196–200, 202, 207, 208, 213–14, 295
and Hamlet, 213, 284–85
influence of, 215–16, 230, 271, 280, 295–96, 361
and Jew Süss, 200, 202, 203, 212
and Micheál MacLíammóir, 195–97, 202
and Mogu of the Desert, 212
Orson coached by, 198–99, 200, 207
and Orson’s audition, 196–99
and Orson’s employment, 199, 200, 203, 208, 209, 214
and Peacock Theatre, 210–11
and Tsar Paul, 287–89
and Woodstock summer theater, 273–76, 280, 281, 283–85, 287–89
El Americano (film), 249, 250
El Glaoui, Brahim, 215, 244–45
El Glaoui, T’hami, 244
Eliot, T. S., Murder in the Cathedral, 521
Ellington, Duke, 387n
Ellis, Maurice, 337, 350, 351
Ellsberg, Edward, Hell on Ice, 497, 498
Elman, Mischa, 65, 74
Emery, John, 520, 535, 539, 541, 586, 592
Emery, “Rattlesnake-Oil,” 117
Emperor Jones, The (stage play), 329
Engel, Lehman, 377, 381, 387, 391, 392, 395, 396, 433, 435
Entrikin, Knowles, 325–26, 444
“Escape” (radio), 405
Ethiopia (stage play), 342
Etude in A-flat Major (Chopin), 74
fascism in, 426–27, 564, 596, 620
Evans, Maurice, 422, 465, 531–32, 535, 735
Evening with Orson Welles, An (stage show), 387, 466n
Everybody’s Shakespeare (Hill and Welles):
and finances, 300, 314
on hold, 255, 263, 294
ideas for, 240–41, 247–48, 252
illustrations in, 302
Julius Caesar, 247, 302, 412, 427
The Merchant of Venice, 247, 302
publication of, 302–4
radio adaptation of, 668
republished as The Mercury Shakespeare, 606
Twelfth Night, 302
writing of, 241, 242–44, 247–48, 250, 251, 252, 260, 293–94, 295
Ewald, Carl, 485
Fairbanks, Douglas, 88, 136, 197
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 576
Faust (opera), 371
FCC (Federal Communications Commission), and “War of the Worlds,” 511
Feder, Abe, 334, 341, 343, 345, 356, 362, 374, 376, 386–87, 391, 395, 397, 414–15
Feder, Christopher Welles (daughter):
birth of, 449–50, 454, 467
childhood of, 489, 515, 553, 558, 573, 574–75, 614, 641
and her father’s debts, 656, 658
In My Father’s Shadow, 450, 716
memories of, 87, 104, 171, 181, 296, 298, 406, 438
and parents’ divorce, 627, 641, 716
Federal Relief Appropriation Act (1935), 327
Federal Theatre Project, 347, 417, 428, 460, 492, 498, 739
The Cradle Will Rock, 386, 390, 397, 399–402
creation of, 327–28
and Equity rules, 373, 389
Faustus, 373, 376–77, 401
and finances, 337, 342, 357
Horse Eats Hat, 357, 360, 364–65, 401
and Negro Theatre Project, 328, 331, 335, 342
political attacks on, 342, 348, 364, 447–48
press hostility to, 376
and Project 891, 354, 360, 386, 390, 399, 401
Voodoo Macbeth, 335, 342, 348–49, 351–52, 353, 401
and WPA, 327, 342, 354, 389–90, 391, 397, 399–402
Feeney, F. X., 723, 746
Felman, Hazel (Buchbinder), 236, 252
Ferber, Edna, 347, 618
Fergus, Phyllis (Hoyt), 83–84, 87, 239, 635n
Ferguson, Perry, 669–70, 672, 673, 682–83, 701, 703, 704
Ferris, Walter, 213
Feuchtwanger, Lion, 197
F for Fake (film), 419, 596, 668n, 704, 715, 745
Fidler, Jimmie, 582, 586, 608, 702
Fields, W. C., 122, 618
“First Person Singular” (radio series), 458, 459–60, 467–71, 498, 635
Fisher, Bud, 113
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, “Pat Hobby and Orson Welles,” 583
Fitzgerald, Geraldine:
acting roles of, 452, 453, 643
in Ireland, 553, 557, 599, 600, 602
and Edward Lindsay-Hogg, 437, 455, 553, 601
and Michael Lindsay-Hogg, 601-2
and Orson, 437–38, 454, 455, 601, 602
and Virginia, 437, 438, 439, 553, 557, 575, 600–602, 627, 641
Five Kings (stage play), 518, 520–37
in Boston, 526–31, 532, 533
casting of, 464, 491, 520–21
closing, 535, 536
comparisons with Maurice Evans’s Shakespeare production, 531–32, 535
and finances, 463, 490, 522–23, 532–33, 535–36, 538, 539, 541
idea of, 445
media stories about, 528–29, 535, 538, 540–41, 553
and Mercury Theatre, 463–64, 519, 520, 522–23
in Philadelphia, 533, 534–35, 550
plans for Broadway, 546, 547, 583, 593
postponements of, 462, 463, 519, 527, 530, 540
rehearsals, 491, 515, 521–24, 526–27
staging, 522–23, 526–28, 534–35, 542
and Theatre Guild, 463, 490, 515, 519, 522–24, 527, 530, 531, 533–35
in Washington, 532–34, 540–41
Flaherty, Robert, 88–89, 322, 322n, 589, 645
Flanagan, Hallie, 327, 342, 347, 353, 375, 386, 388, 390, 391, 401, 402
Fleischmann Yeast Hour, The (radio series), 338
Fleming, Victor, 588, 589
Flynn, Errol, 567, 585, 598, 616, 724
Follow the Boys (film), 122, 717
Fontaine, Joan, 644
Fontanne, Lynn, 165, 480, 592
Forbes, Brenda, 262, 269–70, 271, 273, 276, 452, 453
Ford, John (film director), 318, 322, 540, 585, 588, 589, 590, 615, 670, 673, 687, 702, 703, 704
Ford, John (playwright), 318
Ford, Ruth, 473, 483, 492
Forward, Jean, 691–92
Fountain of Youth, The (TV pilot), 643n, 728
Four Saints in Three Acts (opera), 305, 308, 328, 332, 334
Fowler, Roy Alexander, Orson Welles, 696
France, Richard, 213, 268, 343, 443, 464, 496, 504
Francis, Arlene, 360, 362, 473, 475, 476, 492
Frautschi, Lowell, 119–21, 126–27
French, Samuel, 229, 235
Froelick, Anne, 498, 501, 649
Frontier Films, 382, 474
Frost, Charles N., 23, 24–25
Frost, David, 103, 112, 249, 617, 734
Frost, Robert, 252
Frost, Walter J., 23
Gabel, Martin, 365, 404, 416, 431, 443, 469, 483, 490–93, 496, 514, 529
Gabriel, Gilbert W., 311, 376
Gale, Zona, 56, 59, 62, 70
Galsworthy, John, 160, 405
Garbo, Greta, 558, 584, 642
Garden, Mary, 165, 693
Garland, Robert, 311, 348
Garner, Frederick J., 118, 129
Garrick, David, 271, 302
Garson, Greer, 560
Gate Theatre, Dublin, 186, 192, 195–214
The Archdupe, 208, 209
Back to Methuselah, 214
The Dead Rides Fast, 207–8, 209
The Drunkard, 295
and Gate Ball, 212–13
Hamlet, 213, 276, 284
Jew Süss, 197–98, 200–205, 206–7, 212
La Morte in Vacanza (Death Takes a Holiday), 213
The Melians, 195-96
Mogu of the Desert, 211–12
Orson’s audition for, 196–99
Orson’s employment with, 199–214, 215, 271
Topaze, 214
Trilby, 295
Tsar Paul, 276
Youth’s the Season, 209
Gaynor, Janet, 560, 622
Geer, Will, 386, 393, 395, 404, 429, 446, 448
Gershwin, George, 226, 233, 448
Gibbons, Cedric, 568, 598, 616, 641, 642
Gibson, Walter B., 405
Gide, André, 474
Gielgud, John, 369, 520
Gillette, Freddie, 717–18, 738, 743
Gillette, William, Too Much Johnson, 410, 472, 481
Gish, Lillian, 566
Godard, Jean-Luc, 745
Goddard, Paulette, 566, 582
Godowsky, Dagmar, 725
Godowsky, Leopold, 10, 11, 725
Goldwyn, Samuel, 407, 408, 455, 539, 552
Goodman, Benny, 576
Goodman, Kenneth Sawyer, 166
Goodman Memorial Theatre, Chicago:
demise of, 185–86, 230
Drama League tournaments at, 156–57, 218
founding of, 166
Orson’s attendance at, 152, 164, 358
Orson’s performances in, 166, 196, 201
Todd student visits to, 149–50, 165
veterans of, 233, 273, 334, 464
and Woodstock summer festival, 280
Gordon, Jacques, 154
Gordon, Max, 229, 457, 490
Gosling, John, Waging the War of the Worlds, 503, 505, 509
Gottfredsen, Alice, 57
Gottfredsen, Fred
erick J., 20, 26, 28
Gottfredsen, Jacob Rudolph, 20, 21, 28, 100, 176–77
Gottfredsen, Mary Head Wells (grandmother), 15-17, 18-19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 33, 57, 62, 177
Graham, Martha, 264, 299, 307, 308, 310
Graham, Sheilah, 584, 585
Grand Detour, Illinois:
Sheffield Hotel in, 100–101, 117–18, 121, 128–29, 145–46, 150–51, 152
vacations in, 92–93, 129, 145–46
Grant, Cary, 593, 614, 643
Graver, Gary, 714
Graves, Mrs. Levi, 57
Great Depression, 219, 220, 239, 240, 305, 311, 322, 327–28, 381, 388
Green, Paul, 660
Green Bay Tree, The (stage play), 253, 258
“Green Goddess, The” (radio play), 531, 644
Green Goddess, The (stage play), 521
Green Goddess, The (vaudeville show), 546–51
Green Hat, The (stage play), 115–16
Greet, Ben, 61, 165, 271
Griffin, Merv, 98, 709, 713, 714–15, 718, 719, 730–34, 736, 737–38, 742
Griffith, D. W., 102, 502, 615, 615n, 705
Griffith, John, 30
Guggenheim, Paul, 166, 174
Gwenn, Edmund, 161
Haas, Dolly, 587
Hagen, Uta, 617
Hall, Charles, 37, 77
Hamilton, Alexander, 13
Hammett, Dashiell, “The Glass Key” (radio play), 531
Hammond, Percy, 348–49
Hardin, Nils, 246
Hardwicke, Cedric, 405, 576
Harlow, Jean, 642
Harris, Jed, 253, 254, 257–58, 638
Harris, William, Jr. (producer), 229, 231
Hart, Moss, 390
Hart, William S., 118
Hartman, David, 686
Hawks, Howard, 540, 606, 643, 669, 717
Hayes, Helen, 584
radio roles of, 531, 547, 570, 599–600, 643
socializing, 406, 537, 566
stage roles of, 434, 547, 559–60, 735
Hayes, J. J., 204
Hays Office, 702
Hayward, Leland, 576, 577, 638
Hayworth, Rita, 109, 686, 715, 716, 725, 726, 727, 733
Head, Daniel, 18, 21
Head, Dan O., 52, 58
Head, Orson Sherman (great-grandfather), 16, 17, 18, 21, 64
Head family, 15–16, 17, 18, 21
Hearst, William Randolph:
books about, 246, 652
and Citizen Kane, 651–56, 663, 675–76, 679, 735, 736–37
and Cradle Will Rock, 388
and Marion Davies, 567, 625-26, 663, 737
health of, 725
Hearst Castle, San Simeon, 624–25, 652
and Huxley novel, 566–67, 622
ideas for a drama about, 237, 238, 573, 596, 622–26
and Herman Mankiewicz, 619, 622-25, 629, 652-55, 663-64, 675-76
newspapers of, 79, 94–95, 113, 226, 561–62, 724, 735
shrinking empire of, 622
and Spanish-American War, 652, 654
Heart of Darkness (proposed film), 583, 589, 591–97, 606–10
cancellation of, 695
Young Orson: The Years of Luck and Genius on the Path to Citizen Kane Page 95