Wolf Roulette: Supernatural Battle

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Wolf Roulette: Supernatural Battle Page 19

by Kelly St Clare

  I eyed the ripple effect across his muscles. “She called him a bad hunter with puny strength this morning.”

  Sascha laughed after a beat. “Greyson took that personally.”

  “Is he really called Greyson?”

  “He wouldn’t agree to be called anything prior to you naming him.”

  Really? “Booker refused a name at first. She said she didn’t need one to reproduce.”

  The other men chuckled.

  “Greyson refused one for nearly one hundred years for the same reason. You and Booker seem very close. I’ve wondered if that’s a result of you shifting at a later age. Or maybe that you weren’t born a Luther. There are slight differences between you and my wolves.”

  “Like what?”

  “You appear to see colour. We don’t—in either form.”

  Huh, true. I’d never thought about that. The only thing I’d noticed aside from the obvious powers was that my vertigo had disappeared. “Maybe me and Booker are smarter.”

  He regarded me, still leaning on the shovel.

  My lumberjack fantasy had officially been replaced. Gardener Sascha for the win.

  “Tell you what.” I looked him up and down. “Give me a head start and I’ll shift back to talk.”

  Not waiting for an answer, I turned on my heel and strode away, far too aware of his honey gaze on my back.

  Once in the trees, I broke into a run to get past our cameras. Checking Sascha hadn’t budged, I then stripped and shifted.

  Immediately, tiny pressures filled Booker’s mind. There were far more pack members in four-legged form this evening.

  Ignore them, I told her. Let’s just run.

  We set off along Booker’s favourite route around tribal lands. She liked to make sure other wolves knew not to fuck with her territory.

  Translation: We urinated a lot.

  Whatever. It made her happy.

  When Sascha moved toward us, I took over and led us to the river where we shifted back.

  Greyson won’t bite me in this form, right? I asked her.

  No, he’d be embarrassed to because you’re weak.

  You could have stopped halfway through that sentence.

  Naked, I perched on a large and flat rock to dip my feet in the cool river despite Booker’s hiss of displeasure.

  I didn’t look back at the sound of heavy pawprints.

  A large head rested on top of mine briefly before Greyson licked my ear. Snorting, I batted him away.

  Cracks and pops rose from behind.

  Sascha’s breath caught. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you look right now?”

  “This is just payback for your shirtless gardener show.” I hugged my knees to my chest as he sat on the rock beside me.

  I looked at him. “Did you really beg Hairy to come fix the garden?”

  “I had to promise to be on my best behaviour. Does that bother you?”

  What bothered me was that I felt like a blushing schoolgirl these days. “How did the gardening go?”

  He caught some of my auburn hair, letting it flow over his large fingers. “No idea. I was just thinking about you naked the whole time.”

  I laughed. “I thought you came here to talk with me about Rhona.”

  “I take what I can get. You’re blushing, mate.”

  I narrowed my gaze and he grinned.

  “Tell me about Rhona.”

  “The head team have made it clear she can’t return to head stewardship.” I explained my doubts on how to best deal with her, and Sascha began to draw lazy circles over my back. My eyelids drifted closed.

  “Your tribe is waiting to see what happens,” he said when I stopped talking. “If they see Rhona come to you, sympathy will be with her. If you take initiative, the stewards will know that you aren’t willing to let harder issues slide.”

  I’d mostly realised that. “I don’t want to close a door with her that may still be cracked open.”

  “You can open the door in a way that lets her know exactly what you expect if she chooses to walk through.”

  “You’re far more accepting of my analogies than Wade.”

  “Thank you, mate.”

  I jerked. “You need to stop that, or I’ll fall asleep.”

  “That’s what I was hoping for. We could stay out here all night.”

  My chest tightened. “I’d like that, but I have plans with friends.”

  He kissed behind my ear. “Cancel them.”

  I shivered. “Can’t.”

  “Your nipples don’t agree.”

  One glance confirmed they certainly did not.

  “Goodnight.” I touched my lips to his softly.

  He flattened a hand against my upper back and forced me closer. I expected a harsh kiss, but he tensed before placing an equally soft kiss on my lips. “Goodnight, Andie.”

  I withdrew with every last bit of my self-restraint. The stewards had to see me return tonight if they’d seen Sascha leave to follow.

  It felt so wrong to leave.

  Worse each time.

  I heaved a sigh. “I’ll see you Sunday?”

  “It feels too far away.”

  It really did.

  I swallowed hard. “I’ll need to run in two-legged form for a bit before I shift.”

  “Greyson said he won’t try anything now.”

  “Okay, thanks, Greyson.”

  I ran into the trees and set off for manor grounds, sticking between the water and the cliff faces on my left.

  Sascha was moving away. He’d crossed the river.

  Far enough away?

  Booker growled low. Yes.

  Crouching, we shifted. Seconds later, Booker shook out our red fur and stretched. She paused as Sascha changed direction.

  He was across the river but now moving toward us. Fast.

  That seems… suspicious, I said.

  Booker broke into a run, sprinting between the river and the cliff toward tribal lands. The manor was our safety.

  We were faster than him.

  This was a total set-up. We were trapped by the river on the right. Trapped by cliffs on the left. We couldn’t go back the way we’d come because that took us farther from the manor, and Greyson had us beat on endurance over a long distance.

  Our pants grew heavier as he drew alongside us on the other riverbank.

  I’d never seen him run so hard. He didn’t plan to lose.

  See the narrow part of the river up ahead? I said to Booker. He’s going to cross there.

  He can try, she growled.

  Greyson’s snarls rang in our ears.

  You need to jump over to his side of the river when he jumps to ours, I told her. There’s nowhere else to cross for a while.

  I’m not getting wet!

  Of course she wasn’t. What’s your plan then? Because his fangs are fucking sharp.

  I just need to beat him to the crossing and stay ahead.

  That... wouldn’t work. Ah, well. This meet had to happen. Go for it.

  Booker doubled down, hurtling along the riverside toward the narrowest point like it was a finish line. I let her focus, listening intently to Greyson’s thundering progress.

  He leaped across the river and landed ahead of us.

  Yelping, Booker tried to change direction but rolled across the forest floor. Bolting upright, she charged blindly, pulling up a moment later when we met with a cliff face.

  Spinning, we tracked Greyson’s padding approach toward us. The dark-brown wolf heaved to recover from his sprint.

  He had us trapped.

  Our tail was bolt upright. Our lips curled back in warning. A growl filled our throat.

  Greyson’s voice filled our head. Give in to me, young one. You are a powerful female, but you are no match for me.

  I maybe had a few things to say about that.

  Booker snapped her fangs. I am a prize for a worthier male. You will sire weak pups.


  She went there.

reyson snarled and closed the gap. Booker lunged in one direction. He cut us off, eyes focused on our every slight move.

  She faked one way before darting the other.

  We bounced off Greyson’s body. She scrambled to establish distance again. He lunged and pinned us to the ground, lying bodily on top of us.

  He rested his fangs on our left shoulder. You’re mine.

  Do that, and I’ll kill you, she hissed.

  Greyson bit down, and white coated our vision as fire shot through our minds. Instinct froze us as our yelp ricocheted off the cliffs around us.

  Greyson maintained his cruel hold.

  His growl vibrated against our wound.

  The spears of agony pinning us in place began to shrink toward his fangs. Booker’s yelp faded to a whimper.

  You are mine, beautiful wolf. It was as though we’d become his sun.

  He withdrew his fangs, and Booker yelped again but remained still as he replaced his fangs with his tongue, gently cleaning the injury.

  We both relaxed, and Booker soon began to whine.

  It’s okay, Greyson told her. I didn’t want to hurt you, but it’s done, and I won’t ever hurt you again.

  She stopped crying, and when he’d finished, she stood on our shaking legs.

  Greyson touched his nose to ours. Mate, will you let me run with you at the new moon?

  Booker lowered her gaze.

  Oh my god. She was totally crushing on him.

  Girl really liked a good biter.

  You can spend the new moon with me, she said shyly.

  What was Sascha thinking right now? This had to be the cutest thing I’d ever witnessed. I felt like a proud parent.

  Booker licked his snout and limped a distance away.

  So…? I asked like the lame parent I didn’t want to be.

  He’s an excellent hunter and a powerful wolf. He will sire strong pups.

  Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh, I thought.

  Be nice to have him along for the new moon, huh?

  Guess so. We’ll need to shift back for the next part.

  Oh, yeah. No matter how many times this happened, I never got used to the heat business. By now, I wanted to experience bulk sex with Sascha, but without talking to him prior or knowing much about the heat, I couldn’t do it tonight.

  Taking over, I sat facing Greyson, who respectfully kept his distance.

  I shifted and remained in my crouch.

  “Yeow!” Fucking shoulder. I studied the torn skin that oozed blood. The bite was nowhere near what I’d envisioned, but it would definitely leave a mark.

  Which was probably the point.

  Wincing, I lifted my arms and nodded at Greyson to proceed.

  Within seconds, Sascha crouched in his place.

  Fire slammed into me a second later, and I shuddered against the booming urge to close the gap. It was harder to say the words when I wanted him—when I had to acknowledge the cold truth that we may not have this moment again.

  I didn’t want to treat him like crap, but nature didn’t give a shit about my wants.

  Sascha trembled where he still crouched. “Say it, Andie. Quickly now.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. “Doore koh e baka.”

  The heat left me, and I supported my injured arm under the elbow as Sascha panted. Wobbling over to him, I sank to my knees and rested my head on his shoulder.

  I didn’t think he was worthless.

  Sascha kissed my temple. “I know, little bird. How’s that bite?”

  With gentle fingers, he studied the wound.

  I sat straighter. “Hey! You told me Greyson wouldn’t try anything tonight.”

  “I possibly misled you on purpose.”

  My mouth bobbed.

  He lifted a shoulder. “I want to have sex with you so badly that my blue balls are making me walk funny. I had to help Greyson out.”

  Laughing hurt my shoulder. “How’s Greyson?”

  “Very happy and proud.”

  We exchanged a smile.

  “Booker?” he asked.

  Don’t tell him!

  “She doesn’t want me to tell you for some reason.” I snickered.

  Booker threw some of Wade’s favourite insults at me, but something else had started to demand my attention.

  I fidgeted.

  Sascha quirked a brow. “Something the matter?”

  “Not at all,” I said sweetly.

  His nostrils flared. “You feel some of the heat this time.”

  Did I ever.

  I bit my lip and clamped my legs together, gasping, “Yes.”

  Sascha frowned. “Why this time and not after the last meet?”

  “I don’t currently care.”

  He blinked. “Right. Well, I best get going. Work at The Dens and all. See you Saturday evening for the new moon?”

  A savage growl ripped from my lips, and the werewolf smirked.

  He draped an arm over his knee. “You want me to stay? What are you going to do if I do?”

  Playing it like that, was he? I opened my legs, reaching to show him.

  Sascha gripped my hand. “Not on my watch, little bird. If you’re feeling pleasure, it’s because of me.”

  “That’s what you think.”

  His smile dropped. “How often?”

  I batted my lashes in response.

  “I’ll need to keep closer tabs on you, I see. Show me what you want from me, mate.”

  I pushed him flat with my good arm and ignored his predatory growl.

  There were so many things I wanted to do that I didn’t know where to start. Sascha Greyson’s body was a buffet and I wanted to get my money’s worth.

  His erection stood to attention, and I took it in a firm grip.

  “No sex.” Every muscle in his neck was taut as he forced the words out.

  I leaned forward and my hair fell around us in a deep red curtain. “Is that because I use sex as a weapon?”

  I aligned my core along his erection and slid back and forward to show him what I thought about his little sex ban.

  His eyes showed white for a moment.

  I grabbed one of Sascha’s fingers. Did I feel like that?

  Hmm, not today.

  “What’s it gonna be?” he asked huskily.

  He was totally, totally digging this.

  I tapped my lips and stood.

  “Need help?” Sascha challenged.

  I placed a foot on either side of his head and lowered to my knees. His gaze flew directly up to meet mine.

  Letting him glimpse my smirk, I lowered onto his face.

  He wasn’t daft.

  I jolted at the sudden, intense pleasure as he lapped between my thighs.

  My hips rocked against his mouth of their own accord.

  Sascha groaned into me.

  “Fuck,” I whispered.

  He had to be breathing, but I didn’t know how.

  I wanted to feel him too.

  In a blur, I knelt the other way to view his body instead of the forest.

  Snarling, Sascha reached an arm over my thighs and forced me back down to his waiting mouth and tongue.

  It was so intense, and his grip didn’t leave room for escape. My legs shook.

  Someone should learn that revenge was sweet.

  Extending my fangs, I dragged them along his lower abdomen. Sascha stopped moving.

  That’s right.

  Taking his erection in hand, I took him in my mouth.

  The clever man didn’t budge an inch. I smiled around him. The length of my fangs only allowed me to shower attention on the very tip before they indented the skin around his base.

  “Andie.” Sascha’s voice was strained.

  He cautiously resumed his attention on me.

  I slowly sheathed my fangs. Without warning, I took as much of him in my mouth as possible. Sascha shouted, half terror and all lust.

  I listened to the pounding of his heart and bobbed a few times before extending my fangs again, l
etting him feel the indents.

  I tried to move my hips again and snarled angrily when he didn’t let me. Sascha sucked my clit into his mouth.

  A silent scream consumed me. After a few beats, I continued my onslaught, extending and retracting my lethal teeth to terrorise him at intervals.

  “Are your fangs sheathed?” he said urgently.

  They were, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “I don’t care.” Sascha rolled us to the right, so he was on top, and ground into my face. I coughed, and he drew back.

  I strained upward to chase him. I liked this game.

  He spread my thighs wide.

  I tensed, waiting for him to lick me again.

  Oh, god. I could feel his breath.

  When was he going to do it?

  Tipping my head back, I prepared to return the favour and drive him to the point of insanity.

  Sascha shoved all the way into my mouth again, closing the distance to my core at the same time. My scream was muffled.

  He didn’t stop.

  We couldn’t stop.

  With him, I climbed.

  And when we reached the top.

  Together, we fell.


  I held the phone to my ear with my shoulder. “Sorry. I really just—”

  “Baby girl, I saw Sascha leave after you. I put two and two together.”

  I’d flaked on hanging with Wade and Cameron last night. By the time Sascha and I were done, it was nearly midnight.

  That was the strongest partial heat yet—boy, was it ever.

  “Let’s rain check then. I’m heading out to see Rhona.”

  “Call if you need help hiding the body.”

  He hung up, and I strode out of the manor, stomach churning. Rhona didn’t attend dawn training, but Foley was there.

  I walked to his cabin, turning over his words.

  He seemed to think that the Timber win changed Rhona’s mind. The day before, she’d refused to return. The day after, she practically dragged him to the car.

  I knocked on the cabin door. “Rhona, it’s Andie.”

  A few seconds passed.

  “I can smell you in there.”

  The door opened, and for the first time in over a month, I stared into emerald eyes so like my own.

  Rhona stared at the ground.

  Her arms weren’t crossed. Her hip wasn’t cocked.

  I inhaled.

  Jesus. Pascal was right. My younger sister was a fucking mess.

  “Welcome home.” I didn’t make a move to hug her. “Would you like to talk outside?”


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