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Wolf Roulette: Supernatural Battle

Page 33

by Kelly St Clare

  It shouldn’t be possible to feel more.

  My mind couldn’t fathom more.

  I arched off the bed, screaming as I shattered into a million pieces.

  He didn’t relent. The pieces of me continued to shatter.


  Savage snarls ripped from him as I gasped and writhed, shrieking as pleasure turned to pain. And still, I wanted it.


  Always more.

  I tried to shove him on his back, but Sascha didn’t budge. His eyes were wild. He gripped my ankles, and I yanked free to kick him in the chest.

  Rolling off the bed, I placed my back to the nearest wall and grinned at Sascha. “That all you got?”

  Shoulders heaving, he lifted the bed and threw it out of the way.

  My grin faded.

  Blurring forward, he slammed his hands either side of my head.

  “Not nearly,” he breathed.

  I reached for his erection.

  Sascha spun me to face the wall, shoving me against it. His hand delved between my legs.

  “So wet for me,” he purred. “Do you like this, beautiful wolf?”

  I’d never been so fucking turned on in my life, but I snarled at him, pushing my ass out to arch my lower back.

  Sascha released me, and I nearly slipped free of his hold before he slammed me back in place.

  Cheek against the wall, I moaned, “Please.”

  Gripping the back of my neck with one hand, he guided his tip to my entrance.

  Oh, fuck. Yes!

  “You’re mine.” His voice boomed in my ears and in my head.

  Sascha battered at my mental defences, and I automatically threw everything I had back at him.

  He hovered outside my body as we both attempted to seize control of the inner battle. Giving up wasn’t an option for either of us.

  We broke.

  At the same time, we surrendered to each other completely.

  I widened my stance, and Sascha pushed all the way inside me.

  Legs shaking again, I rested my forehead on the wall. Oh my god.

  Sascha released my neck and stroked my back, unmoving within me. Leaning forward, he kissed my shoulder over Greyson’s bite mark before drawing out.

  We both shook.

  “Andie?” he panted.

  “I want it all. No more waiting.”

  Sascha growled and shoved inside again. My scream was lost in his roared shout as he settled into a rapid, brutal pace.

  I shoved back onto him, keeping pace like my life depended on it. His fingers found my clit, and I lost the tiny remaining grip on my senses as he pressed and circled, never breaking in his ruthless rhythm.

  It was coming again.

  Sascha swore as I started to tighten around him.

  He clamped his arm over my hips and pulled my body flush against his. My head rested back on his shoulder.

  “You feel so fucking good.” He brushed his cheek against mine.

  Me? How about him?

  My body tightened until Sascha was forced to slow his pace. The firm strokes undid me.


  A single growled word ripped from my throat. “Mate.”

  He squeezed my clit—as though I’d needed any extra help—and white light exploded behind my eyes. In my mind. Through my body.

  I was carried away to the place only Sascha could take me.

  To the place only he could find me.

  His roar was distant in my ears, but the feel of our body—of him within me—was never stronger.

  We floated for an age.

  But in minutes or hours or days, I became aware of my panting breaths.

  … Our movement had stopped.

  There was something hard under my cheek. The floor?

  We were on the floor.


  “Sascha.” My voice cracked. “Are you alive?”

  His chuckle sent delicious aftershocks through me—considering we were still attached and all.

  “I don’t think so, mate.”

  “Neither am I. What do we do?”

  “Just stay here?”

  He was spooned around me. Sounded good.

  “Did I hurt you, Andie?” he asked. “Things got rough. Something came over me.”

  I inhaled his concern. “Me too. Was that a kinky wolf thing?” I’d wanted him to hunt me and prove his strength. Hot didn’t begin to describe it.

  Sex with Sascha Greyson got two thumbs up.

  “I suppose so. No one told me that would happen though, or I would’ve said something.”

  “I know. I enjoyed myself. Don’t worry.”

  He released a pent-up breath.

  “So,” I said. “Not to ruin the mood. Just checking I can’t get pregnant.” I’d meant to ask prior.


  “We aren’t mated.” He kissed up the back of my neck. “You can’t get pregnant yet. Even if we mate, Luthers don’t reproduce quickly—though quicker than other supernatural races.”

  “Is that why you don’t have brothers and sisters?”

  “My mother nearly died giving birth to me,” he said. “My father refuses to put her at risk again.”

  That explained a lot.

  “Hey, Sascha?” I shivered with each kiss he gave me.


  “What happens next?”

  “As soon as we separate, the heat will consume us both.”

  “And you really like the idea of that,” I murmured.

  His lips curved against my shoulder blade. “How can you tell?”

  Sascha was ready for round two.

  “A gut feeling,” I said demurely.

  “Do you want to accept the heat?”

  I’d torture him some more. “How long does it last?”

  “Hours or days. In cases where the heat is denied, heats err on the longer side.”

  There’d been a whole heap of denial in recent months.

  No joke.

  Twisting slightly, I delivered him with a soft, lazy kiss.

  Smiling at the dreamy haze in his gorgeous eyes, I slid off him at last.

  Painful desire struck me with the force of a waterfall. I just managed to rest a palm on his chest as his eyes flooded black. I knew mine were the same.

  “Do your worst, mate,” I whispered.

  The red flames consumed us.


  I stretched on the bed, Sascha’s scent surrounding me.

  The sound of a trickling stream reached my ears. My lips curved.

  Our bungalow.

  Mate? Sascha spoke in my mind.

  A woman goes through the heat for a guy and wakes alone?

  A woman goes through the heat and sleeps for an entire day after.

  I bolted upright, staring down. Sascha’s black T-shirt covered me. A whole day?

  Fuck. What day was it now?

  My phone was plugged in on the bedside table.

  I gasped. It’s Monday!

  Sascha walked into the room.

  “Five days.” I pressed a hand to my cheek. “The truce.”

  I stood and wobbled in a circle, trying to locate clothing. Any clothing would be great. Showing up in this T-shirt… not so much.


  “Everyone will think we’ve forgotten.”

  He grabbed my shoulders. “Andie. I woke yesterday. The pack alerted the tribe to the delay. Everything is fine.”

  I sagged against him. “Are you sure?”

  “As sure as I am that you need food and water.”

  My stomach rumbled in reply. “I feel incredible.”

  A warm understanding filled me unlike anything I’d experienced. I felt Sascha’s presence inside my body—all of him. I’d gained a radar of his exact wellbeing. And it didn’t feel new either. This development was vaguely familiar. It must have come on after the sex meet and really settled in during the heat.

  He gripped my chin and delivered a soul-affirming kiss. “So do I. Thank you for
that gift.”

  I hummed. “Back at ya.”

  He kissed me again. “Food and drink. You haven’t had anything in five days.”

  Sascha led me to his wicker furniture and pushed a glass of water into my hands.

  I gulped back the cool liquid, and he filled the glass again.

  After two more, I slowed. “Maybe I was thirsty.”

  “So was I. When I woke in what remained of the cabin—”

  “What remained,” I repeated.

  “—I drove us back here and nearly collapsed outside the pack house. Something my wolves found extremely amusing.”

  Four days of sex would do that to a person.

  “Will we remember everything in time?” Already, pieces were coming back to me. I recalled our twin sighs and hot gasps. His hands roaming my body. Him bearing down on me as I sprinted through the trees.

  There was a waterfall involved at some point.

  Oh… we definitely bit each other.

  I sucked in a breath, assaulted by a montage of him slamming into me over and over again. He’d only ever stopped to heal me before we’d entered another round. For hours and days. God, it had felt like nothing would ever rid me of that lust. And that incredible warmth that connected us now tinged every memory of the heat I’d regained so far.


  His eyes gleamed. “It took me a few hours to get all the details back, but yes.”

  I pursed my lips. Dammit, he already knew.

  A heat with you defied all of my expectations, he thought at me.

  My chest loosened.

  I grabbed a fistful of Corrie’s Chocolate Chip Chocos.

  Sascha stroked my hair. “I arranged a meeting with the head team while you slept. We agreed nothing would be signed until you woke, but everyone was agreeable to opening negotiations. I wanted you to wake to a different future.”

  I met his honey gaze. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “You did so much of this yourself. I wanted to.”

  “It’s nice to skip the tedious part for a change,” I admitted.

  He slid a document from underneath the food tray. “Here’s what we’ve figured out so far. Let me know your thoughts. I think it’s pretty near perfect. Currently, our pack and your tribe are in agreement about the contents.”

  There was an actual truce contract before me right now.

  So many times, I never thought we’d get here.

  “I’ll leave you to look it over,” he said. “Would you like me to call a meeting tomorrow morning?”

  “Tonight, please.”

  “Done, beautiful. One more thing. Wade said to check your phone when you woke, or he’d smash your saxophone. I snuck into the manor and stole it just in case he was serious.”

  I followed the tilt of his head to find my sax resting atop my black case.

  Sascha left the bungalow.



  That was a new one. She was a slang sponge. How are you?

  I’d like you to stop talking and eat more. More water too.

  My heart squeezed at the deep contentment under her response.

  Returning to the bedside table, I grabbed my phone.

  Ten messages from Wade.

  Bet you’re having sex.

  But seriously, where are you? The meeting’s about to start.

  Daaaamn, we could erupt into war, but you stopped to have SEX? Who even are you? So proud, baby girl.

  Two days… $10 says you can’t walk after.

  Three days. I’m open-minded, but shit, Andie.

  What’s Sascha wearing? Suspenders and an axe, plz.

  FOUR DAYS. Stop having sex for five damn seconds!

  Lol. Just occurred to me that the pack literally could have buried you and I just calmly accepted the ol’ sex marathon cover story.

  … Omg, are you actually dead?

  Either way, R.I.P Andie’s vagina.

  Laughing, I called him.

  “Is this the ghost of Andie Thana?” Wade answered.

  “This is the living version of Andie. How are things?”

  “How are things?” he screeched. “Five days. What the hell happened?”

  As he asked, I was rammed with a memory of me and Sascha tearing apart the cabin in a far more dangerous version of the dominance game we’d touched upon in the sex meet.

  Neither of us had backed down for most of that day. But when we did…

  I clamped my thighs together as a burst of heat surged through me.

  “A lot, and I mean a lot, of great sex,” I said weakly.

  Wade exhaled. “Thank god. You’ll be so much easier to tolerate now. You were so tense all the time.”

  “Tell me about it. Don’t feel tense now.”

  “Bet Sascha’s muscles were tense though.”

  I grinned. “How has the tribe been?”

  “You chose the best time to embark on a sex quest. Everyone was hungover the first day. Most were hungover the second day. With the game over, stewards have just enjoyed normal life without the practices and meetings. They do want an answer though. Limbo isn’t nice for anyone.”

  I flipped back the first page of the treaty. “Just reading over it now. Anything of particular interest?”

  “The head team are happy with it. We didn’t want to take the proposal to the tribe without you there, but the contract includes all the voted clauses, some extras that we borrowed from the Victratum contract, and also a few bits and bobs from the draft contract with the vampires. Oh, Basilia got in touch. I told her you were having sex. She said enjoy.”

  Of course she did.

  “Have the Vissimo sent back another revision?” I asked.

  “Yep. That will take more work to finalise though.”

  The vampires were into closing every potential loophole for sure.

  “Sascha’s scheduling a meeting for tonight. Hopefully, we can hammer things out and finalise this thing.”

  “I can’t wait.” Wade’s voice gained a sly edge. “You may be interested to know that Sascha was very impartial in the negotiations. It was almost as if he was representing both of you. That’s why we were able to get this done so quickly.”

  A slow smile spread across my face.

  “My conclusion,” he said. “Is that you have magical lady parts. My only critique is that if you’d had sex with him three months ago, this could have ended a lot sooner.”

  “Goodbye, Wade.”

  “Next time, put out for the team!”

  I hung up and traced the lingering smile on my lips before picking up the peace contract between pack and tribe.


  On my gold stage, I played the last verse of “You Make My Dreams” by Daryl Hall and John Oates on my saxophone, swaying to the upbeat rhythm.

  Patrons from the big wide filled The Dens—even more so than my first encounters with the place.

  Rounding off with two shrill staccato notes, I swept a small bow and prepared for my next song.

  An arm circled my waist and I was plucked off the stage.

  Sascha deposited me in front of him. “You’re done for the night, beautiful wolf.”

  His gaze roamed over my curve-hugging gold dress. I’d dressed to match the stage again—sue me.

  “Like what you see?” I held my sax aside to loop an arm around his neck and press against him.

  “Always and increasingly.”

  His bemused tone reflected my thoughts on the subject. If there was a limit to this bond thing, we hadn’t found it. One day, I’d just combust and rise from the ashes as a sex toy instead of a phoenix.

  “You’re done for the night,” he repeated. “Mum said you need to get enough sleep before tomorrow.”

  A nearly one-century-old werewolf was conveying his mother’s orders. Adorable.

  “Guess I should listen then.” I peeked up through my lashes.

  He regarded me seriously. “I want to show you something.”

  I inhaled
his nervous anticipation. “Okay.”

  He grabbed my case while I collected my water and phone. I greeted the incoming deejay before following Sascha through the bar toward the casino.

  “This way,” he said.

  “You’re very bossy tonight,” I noted.

  “I’m not usually bossy though.”

  Do you think something is up, girl?

  Booker hummed. He’s sweating.

  He was. “Everything alright?”

  Sascha forced a grin.

  We weaved between the last tables and entered the exchange area where patrons happily cashed in chips—some of them not so happily.

  We stopped in front of a large board with a velvet curtain over the top.

  Sascha lifted my saxophone over my head and rested it atop the case out of the way of any drunk patrons

  He took both my hands. “Andie. Tomorrow is our mating ceremony. We’ve come a long way to get here. I wanted to take this chance to say that if you choose me, you’ll be assured of a supportive and caring partner with a proven track record in the bedroom.”

  Oh my god. Was he pitching himself to me? “Sascha, there’s no need—”

  “If the privacy thing is an issue, I’ll build a cabin elsewhere for us. Any concerns, then I want to hear them. You know I’ll work with you on this.”

  Lack of privacy wasn’t an issue.

  “Where has this come from?” I asked weakly.

  We’d both been tense in the last week with the upcoming mating ceremony and signing.

  Sascha yanked the velvet curtain away.

  I stared at the board.


  Patrons, please be advised that The Dens Casino will soon close.

  The bar area will remain open.

  Exciting new ventures await.


  The Pack

  He was closing the casino?

  Sounds of dismay echoed at my back as patrons caught sight of the sign.

  “Why?” I whispered.

  Sascha stood ramrod straight. “We only opened it to fund our efforts in the game. You don’t like casinos, and I don’t want you involved in something you don’t agree with. This is my mating gift to you.”

  Crap, are we supposed to get Sascha and Greyson a gift?

  We are a fucking gift, Booker retorted.

  “Sascha.” I read the sign again. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do this. Won’t the pack miss the money?”


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