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Somme Page 68

by Peter Hart

  30th 45, 54–5, 74, 86–7, 89–90, 92, 93, 111, 113, 184, 190–7, 227, 259–60, 267, 274, 300–1, 324, 349, 441, 448–51, 458–60, 461–2, 469–70, 474, 476–7

  31st 41, 79, 96, 114, 134, 135, 136–40, 141, 143, 150, 516

  32nd 100, 152, 156–8, 160, 161, 162, 164, 207–8, 229, 233, 518, 519, 526–7, 540

  34th 91, 97–8, 110, 111–12, 162, 164, 167–75, 226, 227, 539

  36th (Irish) 62–3, 152–6, 160, 161, 162, 340

  37th 248–50, 360, 518

  38th (Welsh) 250–3, 254–7, 358

  39th 438–40, 515

  41st 375, 378, 392, 393–4, 400, 409

  46th (North Midland) 71, 101, 114, 116, 122, 131, 132, 204

  47th (London) 372–4, 384, 385–8, 389–92, 345, 378–9, 388, 384, 446, 452, 454–7, 548, 534

  48th 60–1, 98, 114, 140, 297

  49th 207, 543

  50th (Northumbrian) 375, 378, 383, 384, 385, 446, 488–91

  51st (Highland) 500, 507, 515, 518, 521, 524

  55th 413, 463, 545

  56th (London) 50, 52, 55, 56, 61–2, 75, 76–7, 87–8, 104–5, 112, 114, 116–21, 122, 123–32, 204, 359, 376–7, 400, 405, 413

  61st 463–9

  63rd (Royal Naval) 502–15, 517–18

  Dorsetshire Regiment 42

  Downes, Pte Barney 227–8, 268–9, 275–6

  Dragoon Guards 274

  Dray, Pte George 360

  Dray, John 360

  Drinkwater, Chaplain Francis 221

  Dublin Trench 190, 191–2

  Duke of Wellington’s Regiment 207, 543

  Durham Light Infantry 137, 138–9, 176, 178, 416, 486, 488–99

  Durrant, Cpl Arthur 138–9

  East Lancashire Regiment 139

  East Surrey Regiment 88, 103–4, 111, 187–8, 220, 520–1

  East Yorkshire Regiment 79, 516

  Eaucourt 1’Abbaye 59, 66, 209, 274, 362, 380, 411, 446–7, 530

  Ebbetts, Cpl Robert 121

  Eck Trench 121, 123, 129

  Edward VII, King 21

  Emmett, Pte Reginald 419, 420–1, 422

  Engall, 2nd Lt Jack 104–5

  Englebelmer 81

  Essex Regiment 148, 291, 507

  Eversmann, Pte 93, 107–8, 158–9

  Exe Trench 115, 129

  Fabeck Graben Line 320; Trench 383

  Falfemont Farm 199, 324, 328, 331, 333, 334, 335, 344

  Falkenhayn, Gen. Erich von 35–6, 366, 529

  Fanshawe, Lt Gen. E.A. 500

  Farrer, Pte Basil 45, 113, 349–50

  Faversham, Col. the Earl of 399

  Fayolle, Gen. 197

  Feilding, Lt Col. Rowland 343

  Female Trench 129

  Fen Trench 115, 129

  Ferguson, Lt Lionel 212–13, 237, 239–41

  Ferret Trench 115, 130

  Field Ambulance Brigade 474, 477, 520

  Fields, Pte Francis 298, 300, 335–6

  Fifth (Reserve) Army 63, 205, 229, 295, 297, 302, 323, 329, 362, 377, 379, 383, 416, 423, 464, 484, 485, 500

  First Army 20–1, 22, 24, 25

  Fitzgerald, Lt Col. Alfred 176

  Flank Trench 134

  Flaucourt ridge 65

  Fleming, Pte Morrison 41

  Flers 59, 209, 265, 274, 362, 369, 383, 392, 450; battle of Flers-Courcelette 361, 362, 370, 378–9, 380, 381–95; tanks enter Flers 396-400; 401–8, 414; 411, 453, 530

  Flers Support Trench 393

  Flers Trench 391, 393, 396, 397–8

  Foaden, Lance Cpl John 121, 128–9

  Foch, Marshal Ferdinand 71

  Fokker Monoplane EIII 198, 200

  Fourth Army 63, 66, 68, 70, 72, 132, 199, 204, 205, 209, 258, 262–3, 275, 282, 295, 297, 323, 327–8, 333, 362, 369, 377, 383, 405, 446, 472, 485, 524

  Fourth Avenue 309

  Framvilliers 372, 373


  as European power 16

  and Entente Cordiale 17, 222, 531

  see also French Army Frankfort Trench 515

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke 18

  Fraser-Tytler, Maj. Neil 87, 267, 274, 449–50, 458–60, 474, 476–7

  Frégicourt 362, 380, 411, 415

  French Army

  disastrous offensive in Alsace-Lorraine 19

  joint Allied offensive planned 33, 34–5

  and Verdun 36–7, 71, 222, 224, 325, 410

  French sector 199, 205, 224, 258, 266, 282, 296

  battle of Flers-Courcelette 377, 410

  battle of Morval 413, 415

  Sixth Army 197, 198, 199, 331, 362, 411

  French, Gen. Sir John 18, 19, 27, 34

  Freyberg, Col. Bernard 509–10, 513, 514, 515, 517

  Fricourt 58, 59, 66, 80, 91, 175, 176, 177, 179

  assault on 181-3; 184, 202, 199, 209

  occupied by Allies 225, 226; 230, 238, 352 261, 362, 530

  Fricourt Farm 225; Spur 162, 175

  Fuller, Pte Sydney 421

  Gallipoli 31, 32, 33, 144, 147, 302, 313, 325, 502, 503, 505, 514, 531

  Gambling, Signaller F.J.G. 272–3

  Gameson, MO Lt Lawrence 353–8, 477–9, 480, 523, 546–7

  gas, use of 26, 46–7, 90, 375, 378, 468, 470, 539–40

  Gee, Capt. Rex 176, 178

  George V, King 327, 443

  German Air Force 469, 476; Albatros DI 451; Roland 452

  German Army 16, 20, 57–8, 75, 93, 94–5, 107–8, 145, 159–60, 161, 194, 442

  conscription system 38, 366

  declining morale 366, 409, 444–5, 534

  reaction to tanks 382

  taking stock 525–6


  as continental power 16

  military might 16

  war plan 19

  as heart of Central Powers 31

  see also German Air Force, German Army

  Ginchy 59, 65, 66, 175, 209, 328, 331, 333, 334, 337, 340, 342, 343, 362, 400, 411, 530

  Gird Support Trench 487, 488

  Gird Trench 399, 411, 415–16, 487, 488, 492, 493, 494

  Glatz Alley 194; Redoubt 184, 190, 193

  Glenn, Pte Reginald 137–8

  Gloucestershire Regiment 40

  Goat Redoubt 150

  Gommecourt 59, 65, 75, 77, 87; failure of diversion 114, 115, 122–31, 143, 204, 215, 216, 484

  Gommecourt Salient 446

  Gordon Highlanders 181

  Gough, Gen. Hubert 13

  background 25–6

  at battle of Loos 26–7

  i/c Fifth (Reserve) Army 63, 67, 205, 229, 296

  assault on Pozières 297, 306

  at Courcelette 379, 383

  at Thiepval Ridge 416

  spoken of as possible Haig replacement 484

  prepares for new attack 499–500

  battle of the Ancre 516, 518

  Grandcourt 59, 66, 151, 202, 209, 362, 501, 521, 530

  Grant, Gunner William 155

  Gray, Rifleman W. J. 376–7, 406

  Green, Lt Herbert 495–6

  Green Howards 45, 113, 349

  Grenadier Guards 347–8, 359, 413, 414

  Grover, Pte Walter 339–40

  Gueudecourt 362, 369, 380, 393, 397, 411, 413, 415; taken by Allies 416; 449, 453, 457, 458, 461

  Guillemont 57, 58, 59, 66, 199, 209, 224, 260, 296; taken by Allies 300-1; 323, 324, 328, 329–30, 331, 333–4, 362, 380, 411, 470, 508, 530

  Guiton, Cpl M. J. 385–6

  Gwyn-Jones, Maj. Gwyn 399

  Haig, Field Marshall Douglas 11, 13

  background and early career 21

  his principles of war 21–2

  character 28–30

  at battle of Neuve Chapelle 21

  urges Rawlinson to press forward 24, 26

  and Gough 26

  put i/c BEF 27, 32

  concentration on Western Front 31, 32

  relations with Joffre 33–5, 71, 223–4

  planning Somme offensive 35–7

  and reorganisation of
British Army 39

  rejects Rawlinson’s Somme plan of

  attack 64–5, 67

  his bolder counter-proposals 65, 68

  optimistic for first assault 101

  assesses position 204–5

  decides to push ahead in south 223–4

  and Thiepval 233

  on Mametz Wood 254

  compromises with Rawlinson on plans

  for Bazentin Ridge assault 264–6

  favours night attacks 295

  orders Gough to take Pozières 297

  blames ANZACs for Pozières failure 308

  refutes Churchill’s criticisms 325–7

  ‘wearing out’ battle tactics 327–9, 361

  urges Rawlinson to take more

  responsibility 330, 334

  champions the tank 364–6

  impatient with Rawlinson’s caution 368-9; 409

  writes confidenty to King 443–4

  notes German resistance has stiffened 457; faces winter choices 483–4

  talk of his replacing 484–5

  urges Gough to new attack weather

  permitting 499–500, 505–6

  sanctions one last push 518

  closes down Somme offensive 524; 529, 531–2

  Haig, Neil 415

  Haine, Sgt Reginald 517

  Haldane, Richard 21, 39

  Hamilton, MO Capt. Eben 351–3

  Hamilton, Ian 484

  Hampshire Regiment 475

  Hanbury-Sparrow, Capt. Alan 166

  Hansa Line 150, 152

  Happy Valley 251, 253

  Hardecourt 59, 66, 197–8, 199, 230, 238, 261, 362, 530

  Hardwick, Capt. Arthur 473–4, 481, 520

  Harfleet, Pte William 454, 455

  Harper, Maj. Gen. G.M. 515

  Harris, Capt. J. R. O. 304

  Hastie, 2nd Lt Stuart 396, 397–8

  Hawker, Sgt Donald 120–1, 122–3

  Hawker, Maj. Lanoe 200, 202

  Hawkings, Sgt Frank 112, 119

  Hawkins, Pte Stanley 512

  Hawkins, Lt Victor 461

  Hawthorne Redboubt 58, 79, 133; mined 135, 140, 145–6, 149

  Hawthorne Ridge 144, 502, 515

  Hayward, Pte Harold 40

  Hébuterne 87

  Heidenkopf Redoubt 140–1, 143

  Hem 65, 66, 199, 209

  Henriques, 2nd Lt Basil 401–2, 404–5

  Henwood, Pte Fred 186

  Herbert, Capt. A.P. 504, 506

  Hessian Trench 432

  Hidden Wood 177, 179

  High Wood 66, 209, 265, 273, 274, 275, 296, 298, 300, 323, 330, 332, 333, 334, 337, 339, 344, 362, 380, taken by Allies 383–91, 408; 411, 452

  Highland Light Infantry 156, 157–8

  Hindenburg Line 529

  Hindenburg, Gen. Paul von 366

  Hindenburg Trench 156

  Hodgson, Lt Noel 106–7, 179, 219

  Holford-Walker, Capt. Archie 401

  Home, Brig. Archibald 71, 407, 408, 410, 484, 498–9

  Honourable Artillery Company 508, 512, 517–18

  Hook Sap 487, 493; Trench 350, 384

  Horne, Sgt Harold 375, 378

  Horne, Lt Gen. Henry 175

  Howell, Corp. William 454–5, 456

  Hudson, Maj. Gen. H. 164

  Huffam, 2nd Lt Victor 395

  Hull, Gen. 204

  Hunter-Weston, Lt Gen. Aylmer 132, 134, 204

  Hurst, Pte Albert 113

  Indian Cavalry: 1st Division 415; 2nd Division 265, 274–5

  Indian Corps 22

  Ingle, 2nd Lt Roland 91, 97–8

  Inglis, Capt. Arthur 382

  Intermediate Trench 296

  Irwin, Lt Col. Alfred 104, 111, 187–8, 220, 521

  Italian front 34

  Jack, Pte James 156, 157

  Jacka VC, Lt Albert 313, 314, 316–19

  Jacob, Lt Gen. C.W. 500

  Jacobs, 2nd Lt Alan 188, 220

  Jacobs, Rifleman Frank 117, 120, 131

  James, Capt. D.H. 174, 226–7

  Jardine, Brig. J. B. 156

  Jeeves, Chaplian Leonard 188–9, 190

  Jenkins, Brig. Gen. N. F. 236

  Jennings, Pte Thomas 291–4, 423–5, 543

  Jerrold, Capt. Douglas 502–3, 504–5, 506, 507, 511, 512–13

  Joffre, General Joseph

  Western Front commitment 26, 485

  background 33

  relations with Haig 33–4, 71

  planning Somme offensive 34–5

  tactical argument with Haig 223–4

  proposes combined assault 330

  at Chantilly Conference 34, 524; 529, 531

  John Copse 134, 516

  Johnston, Lt Col. A.C. 460

  Jones, Capt Glyn 255, 257

  Jordan, Sgt Stewart 216

  Jourdain, 2nd Lt Francis 343, 344

  Karslake, Lt Col. Henry 384–5

  Kemp, Signaller Sidney 206–7, 216, 229, 231–3

  Kennedy, Pte Pat 194, 196, 197

  Kerr, Sgt William 348–9, 350–1

  Kettle, Lt Tom 340–2

  Kiggell, Lt Gen. Launcelot 265, 330, 499, 518

  Kinchington, Pte P. 305

  King’s Liverpool Regiment 191–2, 332–3, 463, 545

  King’s Own Scottish Borderers 335

  King’s Royal Rifle Corps 374–5, 378, 393–4, 399–400

  Kitchener, Field Marshal Lord 33, 34, 39–43

  Knyvett, Capt. R. Hugh 544

  La Boisselle 58, 59, 66, 91, 162, 163, 166, 167, 169, 174, 175, 176, 202, 209, taken by Allies 226, 227; 238, 261, 362, 530, Salient 79, 164, 167; Spur 162

  La Barque, 408

  Lancashire Fusiliers 52–3, 100, 145, 147–8, 149, 207–8, 210, 217–18, 219–20, 239, 418, 461, 519, 526–7, 540

  Lansdown, Pte Victor 251, 252–3, 254

  Lawson, Capt. Cuthbert 90, 221

  Lawton, Pte John 462–3, 545

  Leak VC, Pte John 303

  Lee Enfield rifles 19, 44

  Leipzig Redoubt 150, 156, 158, 164

  Le Sars 59, 66, 209, 362, 408, 411, 446, 447; taken by Allies 457, 530

  Lesboeufs 59, 66, 209, 362, 369, 411, 413, 415, 453, 461, 470, 530

  Le Transloy 59, 66, 209, 362, 369, 411, 415, 461, 472, 530; battle of Transloy Ridge 453; Ridge 408, 446

  Lewis, 2nd Lt Cecil 168, 172–3, 394–5

  Lewis, 2nd Lt Gwilym 200, 452

  Lewis machine guns 45, 129, 140, 192, 200, 256

  Ligny Thilloy 209, 408

  Lincolnshire Regiment 91, 97–8, 110, 111–12, 112–13, 167–8, 169–71, 173–4, 539

  Lindsey-Renton, Capt. Reginald 215–16

  Lloyd George, David 31, 484, 531

  Lochnagar mine 163, 167, 168, 169–70, 174

  London Regiment 42, 55, 75, 76–7, 104–5, 112, 117, 118, 119–21, 123–4, 125, 127, 128–31, 132, 215–16, 359, 372–4, 376–7, 378–9, 385–8, 389–92, 452, 454–6, 546

  Longueval 57, 59, 66, 197, 224, 225, 229, 237, 238, 259, 261, 270, 273, 275, 284, 285, 300; taken by Allies 323; 380, 441, 450, 530, Reboubt 268

  Loop Trench 406

  Loos offensive 25, 26–7, 63, 64

  Lord, Lt Edgar 52–3, 100, 207–8, 210, 217–18, 219–20, 519, 526–7, 540

  Ludendorff, First Quartermaster Gen. Erich 366, 525

  Luthor, Driver Roland 545

  Machine Gun Corps 45, 332–3, 336–7, 394, 395–8, 399, 401–3, 404–5, 413–14, 494, 497, 542, 548

  Mailly-Maillet 81

  Malins, Geoffrey 145

  Mallett, Pte Hugh 284, 286

  Mametz 57, 66, 80; bombarded 91, 99; 177; taken by Allies 178, 181, 183; 199, 209, 214, 230, 238, 261

  Mametz Spur 175, 184, 204

  Mametz Wood 163, 175, 177, 185, 199, 202, 209, 230, 238; Welsh assaults 250–7, 260; 261, 264, 362, 273

  Manchester Regiment 85, 91, 98–9, 105–6, 109, 111, 113, 181, 182–3, 191, 192–3, 194, 195, 196, 197, 227–8, 301, 431

  Mansell Copse 63, 179, 180, 219,

  Maricourt 59, 64, 65, 66, 209, 530, Ridge 184

  Marillier, Pte Frank 287, 288–9

  Marne offensive 19

  Marne, River 33

  Martinpuich 59, 66, 209, 313, 362, 380, 383, 411, 453, 530

  Mash Valley 162, 163, 164, 167, 227, 230, 238, 261, 297

  Maubeuge 19 Maurepas 59, 65, 66, 199, 209, 324, 325, 530

  Maw, Cpl John 168

  Maxse, Maj. Gen. Sir Ivor 186, 422

  Maxwell VC, Lt Col. Frank 46, 190, 226, 276–81, 293, 419, 421–3

  Maxwell Trench 492, 495

  May, Capt. Charles 85, 91, 98–9, 105–6, 109

  Maze, the 114, 115, 121, 122

  McIntyre, Lance Cpl John 388

  McIntyre Hood, Pte Magnus 381–2

  McKerrow, MO Capt. Charles 258, 522, 541–2

  Macpherson, 2nd Lt George 401, 403, 404

  Meadows, Pte Bentley 157–8

  Mealing, Lt Kenneth 463–9

  Medlicort, Capt. 286, 289–90

  Menaud-Lissenburg, Signaller Dudley 47, 82, 84, 89, 92, 102, 146, 148, 540

  Meo, 2nd Lt 438–40

  Mesnil 514

  Mesopotamia 31, 531

  Middlesex Regiment 46, 61–2, 87–8, 100, 226, 276–81, 419, 421–2

  Mild Trench 472

  Miller, Pte Ralph 60–1, 98

  Mills bombs 46, 111, 189, 242

  Miraumont 65, 66, 209, 362, 501

  Mons, battle of 19

  Montauban 59, 66, 184, 188; taken by Allies 190-5; 199, 202, 204, 209, 214, 227, 228, 230, 238, 261, 274, 362, 530, Alley 184, 186, 190, 194; Spur 184, 204

  Morden, Lance Cpl Charles 378–9

  Morshead, MO Capt. R.S. 518

  Morval 57, 59, 66, 209, 362, 369, 530; battle of 410, 472, 412–16

  Mountfield, Sgt Roland 248–50, 360

  Mouquet Farm 59, 66, 150, 162, 164, 209, 319, 320, 322, 329, 380, 417, 418, 467, 530; Switch Line 150, 152

  Munich Trench 143, 507, 518; New Munich Trench 518

  Munster Alley 328

  Murphy, 2nd Lt 403

  Murray, 2nd Lt 403

  Murray, Capt. H.W. 320–2

  Murray, OS Joe 505, 507–11, 513–14

  Myers, Lt Col. C.S. 479, 480

  Nab Valley 151, 162, 164, 380

  Neame VC, Maj. Philip 56, 126–7, 405–6

  Netherlands 15

  Neuve Chapelle, battle of 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 212

  Nevill, Capt. Wilfred 88; dies kicking a football into No Man’s Land 103–4, 187, 188–9, 220

  New Zealand 14th and 41st Divisions 392, 393, 409, 413, 449

  Newfoundland Regiment 148, 507

  Newman, Pte Sydney 125 Nord Werk 150


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