Redemption (Cambria University #2)

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Redemption (Cambria University #2) Page 29

by Sadie T. Williams

  “Owl, we’re good,” I offer as we walk into The Castle to grab some coffee at Gypsy Juice. As soon as we hit the coffeehouse, all eyes are glued to us. Maisy’s whole body tenses as we enter the line.

  “They’re staring at me, not you. They’ve never seen me like this with anyone,” I say and hold up our hands. “It’s new. Give it time.” I kiss her knuckles.

  “I know.” She pauses. “I just feel like I’m cheating on Holy Sip!.” The statement makes me laugh and I can feel the tension leaving her tiny body a little bit.

  “Blake!” Rhodes shouts over the crowd. He’s standing with Jax, Madigan, one of our lineman, and the baseball boys, Finn, Logan, Stoner and Sims. They all head over to where Maisy and I are waiting. “What’s up, man? How was Cali?” he asks as he wraps me in a bro hug. “Obviously, went well.” He eyes Maisy and our interlocked hands.

  This is it. This is where I bite the bullet for Maisy and makes sure she never feels insecure around these assholes because of what I did. Rhodes knew I was in Cali and he’s giving me a chance to tell everyone. This dude knows me better than anyone, I swear.

  “It was good. Got my girl.” I hold up our interlocked hands. “And we just got back, so I stayed at Maisy’s last night,” I reply. The baseball boys stare at me, glance at each other, look down to our hands and then back to my face to check to make sure this isn’t some kind of joke.

  “Your girl?” Finn finally asks. I look down to Maisy, whose cheeks are bright red and it isn’t from the cold Massachusetts wind.

  I nod. “Yeah, after a lot of begging, Maisy agreed to actually date me. What I did was shitty and wrong on so many levels, but luckily this girl has the biggest heart and forgave me for being an asshole.” I pull Maisy tighter to my side to leave no doubt.

  “Seriously? After all the shit you did? You must really have a big dick if she’s willing to take you back after that,” Sims says and slaps Logan on the back. Logan snaps his head to Sims, who he assumes is a dead man because prior to going to L.A., I would have lost it and beat the shit out of Sims for saying that.

  “Yup,” I say, popping the “p” sound. “I’m a lucky bastard.”

  “And it takes two to bet,” Finn says. “I really want you to know, Maze, that I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me too.”

  “It’s over. That was last year now, right?” she says. “It’s a new year and a new start for all of us. I just want to forget it and move on with Van.”

  “Van?” Rhodes questions and shoots me a puzzled a look. The last time he heard that name I was tossing Sydney out on her ass.

  “That’s what Maisy calls me.” I shrug and tell him with my eyes to drop it. He nods and doesn’t say anything else.

  “So, the combine and draft are coming up. You guys and Bateman ready?” Logan asks, breaking the silence between all of us and thankfully changing the subject.

  “Fuck yeah we are!” Rhodes smiles and flexes, which earns him a pat on the shoulder from Logan.

  “That’s really awesome, boys,” Logan grins. “The four bad boys of Cambria could all be in the NFL by next season. That’s insane.” He’s right. Brooks is already there, playing for New England. Bateman will be a highly sought-after wide receiver, Rhodes will be a first or early second round running back, and I experts are predicting that I should be picked up later in the draft as well.

  Maisy looks up at me quizzically. Fuck, we never discussed this. With everything going on, I never brought it up. She knew I declared for the draft, but we’ve been together for just a short time and I was working so hard to get her back in my life and protect her that we never discussed the future and what that looks like - together. We will. After the fight, we will talk about it. All of it. If she doesn’t want me to play, I won’t. I know that is a fact.

  “Big. Dick. Blake,” a female voice purrs from the other side of the line and snaps my train of thought. I can’t see who it is, because we are facing the boys, but I recognize that voice. Syd the Screamer. We all turn to see her standing behind me, in all her slutty glory. It’s January in Massachusetts, which is the perfect weather for a tiny, strapless wrap dress and a half-sweater thing. The makeup is caked on, and her hair is curled and teased. I look to Maisy who is in comfy, sexy leggings and an oversized sweater. Maisy grips the end of her sweater and eyes Sydney’s dress. She’s feeling insecure about her appearance. She shouldn’t. There’s no comparison. Maisy is hands down the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. But this is Syd, so it could get awkward or ugly really fucking fast.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” I murmur and grasp Maisy’s hand as she tries to pull away. Her face is redder than before and her eyes are filling with tears. This is the first time they’ve been face to face since Halloween.

  “Syd, how’s it hanging?” Rhodes pipes up before Sydney can get her claws out.

  “Just fucking perfect, Jessup,” she snaps. She uses his first name sarcastically. “What the fuck, Blake?” she asks as she turns her glare on me and Maisy.

  “Syd, not here. Let me get our coffee and we’ll meet you outside,” I offer.

  “We? Our? You’re like a couple now?” she shouts and the attention in the entire coffeehouse is now on us.

  I take a deep breath. “Owl, I need to ask you for your trust and your forgiveness,” I say.

  “Okay,” she looks at me skeptically. “What are you doing, Van?”

  “Van?!?” I think Sydney has just exploded.

  I lean down to kiss Maisy. Fuck, I hope this isn’t the last time she lets me, but I need to get this over with before Sydney can cause a scene. I don't want Maisy to be embarrassed by whatever Sydney plans to do. I don’t get embarrassed – remember the dick in my hand? Love you, I mouth to her as I walk away.

  “Everyone!” I shout as I climb on top of a table.

  “Sir, you can’t be up there,” a Gypsy Juice employee instructs.

  “Yeah, I know. This is the only time in my life I’ll be quick. Promise,” I say and wink at her. She blushes and nods.

  “Okay, now that I have your attention,” I continue shouting, while everyone grabs their phones to either record this rant or live stream it. Viral, here I come. “I want you to know that I fucked up last semester. The rumors are true—“

  “You have a big dick?” someone shouts and cuts off my speech. I have really created a reputation as a man-whore.

  “Don’t be an asshole! I’m trying to have a moment here!” I shout back but flash my best smile at the crowd and everyone laughs. “As you all heard, I’m sure, I was spiraling. There was a very special girl who stole my heart, but my dumb ass ruined it… more than once actually. Anyway, I thought you all should know that over winter break I flew out to get my girl. I apologized and groveled and begged and apologized again. Reluctantly, she agreed to give me another chance. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m madly in love with this woman, and I just wanted you all to know that. So, send those videos you’re recording right now. Get the message out. Donovan Blake is officially taken. Off the market.”

  “No more Big Dick Blake?” a female voice whines to my left.

  “Well, my dick didn’t shrink just cuz my heart grew. But it only belongs to one woman now.” I smirk and look at Maisy. The crowd laughs and starts to applause. Her eyes are filled with tears, and I’m hoping to God they’re happy tears. I can never tell.

  I get off the table and walk back over to Maisy as the applause dies down. Sydney is standing there with the boys, mouth agape. I blow past her and straight into Maisy’s arms.

  “I love you so much,” I say and press a kiss to her lips. She kisses me back. Good sign. As our lips part I can hear Sydney huff.

  “Bye, Syd,” Rhodes says and she takes a hint. She turns on her heel, fluffs her hair and flounces off.

  “You didn’t need to the do that,” Maisy whispers.

  “Yes, I did. Now there’s no doubt, Owl. You don’t need to worry about your rep.” I nudge her and she laughs. My phone starts pinging with Ins
tagram notifications.

  “Bold strategy, Cotton,” Stoner says quoting the movie Dodgeball while he checks his phone. “There you are.” He holds up his phone and shows me video after video of my speech from different angles.

  “Big love… big moves, my man,” I say.

  “I’m still sorry I busted you at the party,” he offers his apology.

  “It was for the best, bro.” I smile and give him a five. “We’re good.”

  “This really is a whole new you. I’m happy for you, Blake,” Rhodes says and smiles at Maisy. “You saved my main man here, and just gained a lot of brothers, Maisy.”

  “And I’m very excited about it.” Maisy smiles at Rhodes. She leans in, kisses his cheek and gives him a hug. “Thank you for helping him.” Rhodes nods and appears to be at a loss for words.

  Our order is finally ready, so we say our goodbyes to the boys and head to class.

  “I’ll see you at work after class,” I say to Maisy as I kiss her goodbye in front of Carriage House for her English class. She has a shift at Holy Sip! after and I told her I would meet her there to do some homework, or let’s be real, watch sports highlights and cat videos on YouTube. But I’ll be there with her, and that’s all that matters.

  I walk off toward Bennett Hall where my marketing class is this semester. I’m feeling pretty good after my public display in Gypsy Juice.

  *Ding* My phone alerts me to a text message. I have hundreds of notifications from my sudden Instagram success, but it’s the text preview that catches my attention. Emilio.

  “March 11th. 9 p.m. Eduardo will meet you at the airport on March 8th. You can train at the facility for two days. Your room will be under your name at the Bellagio. Doc will be there as promised. Chet has been informed.”

  “Got it. Who am I fighting?” I reply. I wish I could rip that guy’s throat out with my bare hands.

  “Aero Carter.”

  My stomach sinks. Aero fucking Carter. Jesus, take the wheel. I immediately text Drake. “Bro, need some work. You got time this next month?” I slip my phone back in my pocket as I enter the lecture hall.

  After an incredibly long and boring class where I couldn’t think about anything except Aero Carter, I head over to Holy Sip! to see my girlfriend. My girlfriend. I love saying it.

  Maisy is clearing tables when I enter. She is so damn cute in her apron with her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun. It makes her long, tan neck irresistible, so I stroll over, wrap my arms around her waist, her back to my chest, and begin kissing that neck.

  “Van,” she says as she leans back against me, “you can’t do that here.”

  “Your mouth is saying one thing, but your body is telling me something completely different,” I reply as I slid a hand inside her apron and up her sweater.

  “Van,” she whispers, “stop.” There isn’t an ounce of conviction in her words.

  “You’re not convincing me or yourself,” I say as I grip her breast in my hand and run my thumb over her puckered nipple underneath the lace of her bra.

  She turns to face me, runs her fingers through my hair, stands on her tip-toes and brushes her lips against mine. My cock twitches in my joggers. She runs a single fingernail from my hair, down my scruff and my neck, between my pecs, and down my abs to my waistband. She dips her finger inside the waistband of my briefs and King Richard is at full salute. This fabric is not meant to hide boners, and my girlfriend just gave me a massive erection in the middle of a coffeehouse without even touching it.

  “We can’t do this here.” She smiles and walks back behind the counter, leaving me facing the table she was just cleaning, hard and aching for her. Fuck me. I have the hottest, sexiest, smartest, and most evil girlfriend on the planet. I adjust my cock to try to hide just how much she turns me on.

  I must not have done a very good job because there are three girls sitting close by who have their eyes glued to my crotch. Damn you, Maisy.

  “So, Owl, I got the text.” I tell her and try to calm myself down from her touch.

  She spins around and fear engulfs her face. “Why didn’t you say so?” she says as she bolts around the counter to me.

  “I got distracted by how hot my girlfriend looks in an apron,” I say as I wrap my arms around her again and cup her luscious ass.

  “Stop. For real. Tell me.” She swats my hand away.

  “The fight is March eleventh. We need to be there the eighth. Emilio has a hotel room for us. I get two days to train and then I fight. Then it’s over.” I kiss her forehead.

  “Then it’s over,” she repeats. I nod.


  I look at my phone and there’s a text from Drake.

  “Bro! What the fuck is up? How’ve you been? It’s been so long. Followed your football career. Congrats on the ‘ship and declaring for the draft. I’m free. I just fought in December. Can’t fight til June. What do you need?”

  I text him back immediately. “Got a fight coming up. Nothing legit. Need some refreshers. I can come to you if you’re still in NYC.”

  “Who is that?” Maisy asks.

  “Drake Reed. He is an MMA fighter from New York that I used to work out with. I’m hoping he’ll get me ready for the fight.”

  She nods as a new text from Drake comes in.

  “You’re fighting before the draft? Where is the fight? When?”

  “Vegas. March 11th.”

  “Vegas? That’s the big time. Who you fighting?”

  “No, it’s for an underground fighting ring. Nothing official. I’m fighting Aero Carter.”

  “Aero. Carter. The former champ who got busted for PEDs? The only MMA fighter to actually kill a guy? For a shady as shit fight club that doesn’t regulate? Are you fucking insane?”


  “Fuck. Okay. We need to start soon. You have a month to train and that isn’t long enough, but I’ll do what I can. And I’m coming to Vegas with you. You in Boston?”

  Having a heart is weird because I’m feeling overwhelmed with gratitude when Drake offers to be there with me. In my corner.

  “I owe you. Yes, still at Cambria. You tell me where and when I’ll be there.”

  “Tomorrow. I’m coming to Boston. I got a gym there I used to work out in. Ring Rat’s. 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. every day.”

  “Done. See you there. You can crash at my place as long as you need.”

  I make a mental note to clean the office and put sheets on the mattress. The Viper is on his way to save me.

  “Drake will train me,” I confirm to Maisy. “Every day at six in the morning and six at night. He is coming to Vegas with us too.” A sense of relief washes over me. Aero Carter may kill me, but I’ve got Drake Reed in my corner now and that gives me more hope than I had a few hours ago.

  “Is that a good thing?” she asks.

  “Yes, this is really good news. He’s one of the best.”

  She nods.

  “We have work to do, Owl. New opponent to scout and there’s a lot more info on him. You’re with me on this, right?”

  “I’m all in. I’ll be over at eight when my shift is done.”

  “Love you,” I say and kiss her forehead again.

  “Love you, too.” She smiles and it dawns on me that she hasn’t really had time to process everything that happened to her mother yet. I don’t think now is the time to ask, not with the monumental amount of shit that is coming down the pipe. I have a plan to free Maisy, forever, not just until Emilio needs something else. I don’t trust him to leave us alone after Vegas. But fuck, if it doesn’t scare me to death, I’d be lying.

  Chapter 39: Maisy


  It’s here. The fight is here. I’m ready to put Emilio and everything else behind us after this weekend. Living each day for the last month like everything is normal is harder than it sounds knowing what was coming.

  The weeks leading up to today have been grueling, emotionally for me and physically for Van. I can’t stop thinking about my moth
er’s last moments on this earth and how her life ended so prematurely. But now is not the time to dwell on my mother and overload Van with more than he’s already dealing with. I’ve lived without her for fourteen years, and I will push those thoughts and emotions into a small space in my brain that I’ve locked away just for her.

  Van has been training with Drake twice a day for the last four weeks, seven days a week. His already elite body is shredded to the point of being illegal. His roped muscles were tight and defined, but now they’re bulging. They’re stretching the limits of every tattoo and shirt that is lucky enough to touch his flawlessly taut skin. He said he’s even gained a few pounds of pure muscle working with Drake, who I’m convinced should consider a career in personal training when he’s ready to retire from MMA.

  “Ready, Owl?” Van asks as he packs his bag to head to the venue for the fight. We’ve been in Las Vegas for two days and he and Drake have been working out in the ring to get Van used to the size, shape, and feel. The atmosphere will be neutral, but word spread about Van’s fight in L.A., thanks to some humble promotion from Emilio I’m sure, and people are chomping at the bit to see him fight in person.

  I want Van to succeed, to win, but it makes me worried that Emilio will never let him, us, go when it’s over.

  We’ve spent the last month studying video on Aero Carter with Drake. The dude is fierce. He is just a little shorter than Van and has less muscle, but he is so fucking fast. Most of his (legal) fights in MMA bouts ended by submission. He just wore his opponent down with his relentlessness, and once they were exhausted, he would execute a submission hold like ankle lock or triangle choke hold. All the videos looked painful. Aero locked out one’s guy leg during a submission hold and the guy passed out from the pain as his knee inverted. That incident is what led to Aero being suspended, and then the results of a test for performance-enhancing drugs came back positive, and he was banned from MMA for good. The other guy never fought again. He can barely walk to this day.

  Van convinced me that he and Drake have a strategy. I don’t know what it is, and probably wouldn’t understand it even if they explained it, but I’m nervous as hell. Playing some Taylor Swift and acting like a fluffy unicorn aren’t going to win this fight. Aero Carter is a professional. He’s not Matthias, some guy Emilio pulled off the street because he was a strong.


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