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Page 15

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Are you all right?” Jacob asked, keeping his laughter in check. He could almost hear

  Kory’s gears turning in his head.

  “Oh, yeah. Just…um… thinking.” Kory swallowed hard, his eyes drifting southward, eyeing what Jacob was hiding in those faded blue jeans.

  Jacob motioned to Kory’s hair. “I know it’s been a while, but I don’t remember your hair being that, um, particular shade.”

  Kory blushed and grinned. “It was an experiment gone awry. I’m going to change it back eventually.”

  Jacob crossed his arms and looked Kory over from head to toe. “I don’t know. It kind of suits you.” Jacob smiled as Kory blushed. “Well, I’ve got to get back to the athletic compound; I’ve got to get all the gear set up. So, maybe I’ll see you later?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Kory forced his eyes back up to Jacob’s. Those eyes looked so familiar.

  “See you later Kory

  Maguire,” Jacob winked before turning and heading towards the sports complex.

  “Yeah, bye.” Kory watched Jacob’s ass as he retreated further from him. “Damn, that’s nice,” Kory chuckled. He straightened up as Jacob looked over his shoulder with a smile. “Shit,” Kory

  whispered. Had Jacob heard him? He couldn’t have. Kory stood there with what he knew was a

  ridiculous smile on his face. Yeah, he could see himself kissing Jacob Steele.


  Will walked around Deer Lake taking in the pristine scenery. Forest stretched out for miles around and the air was crisp and clean and smelled of pine. He hummed along to the music of his iPod as he watched the horses run along the water’s edge. He stopped and sucked in a breath as a white horse flew out of the forest with a man atop it. They moved together fluidly, the man’s muscles flexing as his thighs gripped the horse’s sides. It was like a scene from a movie and Will couldn’t look away.

  Short black hair was swept up by the wind and the man’s strong hands clenched around the reins. Will could see the man waving and waved back. It took a few seconds before it registered that the man wasn’t waving, he was warning. Will turned to see another horse heading right for him. He ducked out of the way and hit the ground with a loud grunt, hitting his head. Will lay there, trying to regain his breath as stars lit up behind his eyes.

  Seth jumped from his horse and ran to the man on the ground. “Are you okay!?”

  Will tried to sit up and moaned, lying back down. “I think so.”

  “Can you open your eyes for me? I’m sorry about that; I was trying to get Fury back to the stables.”

  Will cracked one eye open. The man who was perched above him was movie star material. Gorgeous head of black hair, arresting green eyes, strong square chin and high cheek bones. Holy shit, the guy was huge. He had massive biceps as big as Will’s thighs and broad shoulders.

  “Who are you?” Will tried to sit up again.

  “I’m Seth Ralston. I’m working at the camp. I’ll be

  running the self-defense class.” Seth ran his hand over Will’s head. “That’s pretty bad; we should get you back to the camp and get the first aid kit.”

  “It’s not so bad.” Will tried to stand up. Nausea hit him full force and he lost his footing as the world tipped sideways.

  “Whoa,” Seth grabbed the man before he fell. His scent assaulted him and Seth sucked in a breath. He was holding his mate in his arms. His mate. Seth closed his eyes, willing himself to stay human.

  “What’s your name?”


  “Okay, Will. I’m taking you back to the camp. Your head is bleeding and you look pale.”

  “Don’t put me on a horse,” Will closed his eyes as the

  darkness came.

  Seth tightened his grip on Will. His mate had passed out in his arms. Seth whistled at Fury and narrowed his eyes at the mare. “What is wrong with you? You almost ran him down. Go back to the stables. No carrot for you.”

  Fury snorted, raking at the ground with her hoof before setting off towards the stables.

  Seth’s head snapped up, and he whistled again. Fury stopped and turned her head. “You knew he was my mate, didn’t you?

  Somehow, you knew.” Seth grinned as Fury whipped her tail and trotted off towards the stables. He looked at the beautiful young man in his arms and had to smile. His mate was much shorter than him. Maybe five foot seven at the most. “Let’s get you taken care of.” ~~

  A voice was somewhere. Far off, or not. Will couldn’t tell. It was a soothing voice, speaking calmly and quietly. The words weren’t making any sense though. Will tried to concentrate on the voice.

  “Hey, there you are,” Seth leaned over, applying the cool washcloth to Will’s head.

  “What happened?” Will opened his eyes and saw green ones looking back into his. A very large hand was on his forehead and the man sitting next to the bed was huge. Will shrank back, edging himself as far away as possible. Seth took his hand back, confusion clouding his features. Will cursed himself, this man hadn’t done anything but help him.

  “Sorry,” Will mumbled.

  “I wouldn’t hurt you, Will,” Seth said quietly. “I know I look rough, but I would never hurt you.”

  Will squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m sorry; I know you’re only trying to help me.”

  “We had to glue your head back together,” Seth stood up and walked to the sink, rinsing the wash cloth.

  “Huh?” Will looked up.

  “You had a nasty gash on your head. Don’t worry, we didn’t shave you bald.” Seth grinned, walking back to the bed. He sat down in the chair and regarded Will. “I’m going to put the

  washcloth back on your forehead. Is that all right?”

  Will nodded, his eyes searching Seth’s. The man was only trying to help. Pull yourself together, Will.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you.”

  “It’s not you, it’s—” Will clamped his mouth shut. This man didn’t need to know his whole story or how much nasty baggage he was carrying. “Never mind.”

  Seth tilted his head, but let it go. “Well, you need to stay in bed. I’ve got some medical background and I think you may have a mild concussion.”

  Will settled back, closing his eyes. “No problem,”

  Seth chuckled. “Good, I didn’t want to have to tie you to the bed.” Seth noticed Will’s muscles tense and frowned. “I’m kidding.”

  Will exhaled loudly. “I’m a mess, don’t take it personally.” He opened his eyes. Seth’s green eyes were filled with concern. Damn but the man was breathtakingly

  beautiful. Too bad he’d never have a chance. “Thank you, for helping me.”

  Seth smiled; his mate was perfect. Short brown hair and doebrown eyes, his lips were a perfect shade of rose and lifted in the most exquisite way when he smiled. Seth wanted to keep a smile on that face. The eyes sparkled and

  dimples peeked out from the corners of Will’s cheeks. He’d always thought when he found his mate it’d be someone like himself tall, muscular and strong minded. Someone he wouldn’t scare away.

  “What’s your last name?”

  “Cooper, why?”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Will Cooper.” Seth put his hand out.

  Will eyed the extended hand and slipped his own into it.

  Warmth enveloped his body as Seth’s heat seeped into him. His toes curled as Seth smiled again.

  “Nice to meet you, too.”

  “I’m going to grab you some food. Anything in particular you’d like?”

  Will thought about it.

  “Grilled cheese?”

  “One slice or two?”

  Will flushed. “Three?”

  Seth grinned; he loved three slices of cheese on his grilled cheese as well.

  “Coming right up.”

  Will sat up a bit as Seth turned to leave. Damn; the man had an ass worth drooling over. Will licked his lips watching said ass move. Kory moved into the

  doorway and Will frowned.
  “Well, shit,” Kory laughed. “That’s the reception I get?” Kory pulled a chair over to the bed and sat down smiling at his friend. “Jacob’s here. I see you’ve met his roommate.”

  Will’s eyes widened. “Seth is Jacob’s roommate? Are they like…”

  “Involved?” Kory grinned as Will’s face flushed. “No, they aren’t involved. I don’t even know if Seth is gay.”

  Will sighed. “Of course he’s not, that would be too easy.

  Besides, look at me,” Will lie back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Like I could ever get a guy like that anyway.”

  “Hey, don’t sell yourself short, Will. You are a good

  looking guy.”

  “Pfft, please. Gary always said—” Will closed his eyes and shut his mouth.

  “Gary always said what?” Kory leaned forward, studying his friend.

  “Nothing.” Will pursed his lips and rolled over on his side.

  “You can talk to me, Will. You know that, right?”

  “Can we not talk about this? I just want to get some rest, okay?”

  Kory stood up and patted Will’s shoulder. “Sure, if you ever just want to vent, I’m here.”

  “Thanks.” Will tried to smile.

  He pulled the blankets up and closed his eyes as Kory left. Seth Ralston interested in him? Damn if that wasn’t a laugh and then some. The guy was beautiful and built, and a badass to boot.

  Will sighed.

  Gary had always said he’d been lucky that Gary even wanted his scrawny ass. Their relationship had been great in the beginning, until Gary started getting jealous of the time he spent at the outreach center. It started with a shove, then a slap and always followed up with flowers and an apology. Will sighed, rolling back on his other side. He’d wanted to believe Gary could change, but it never

  happened. The worst of it was he knew he was still damaged by Gary’s abuse. Seeing a counselor had helped some, but he knew he had a long way to go.

  Will’s nose twitched as the smell of cheese wafted up his nostrils. He opened his eyes to see Seth seated by the bed, waving the plate in front of his nose.

  “I didn’t even hear you come in.”

  “Well, I was a SEAL,” Seth grinned. “Stealthy and all that.”

  Will sat up slowly and took the plate being offered. The bread was golden brown, just how he liked it. “Thank you, this looks really good.” Will took a bite and couldn’t hold back the soft moan. The sandwich was perfect. “So, how come you’re not a SEAL anymore?”

  Seth sat forward, resting his elbows on his thighs and clasped his hands.

  “It gets to be too much. I knew the job I was doing was needed, but after so many years, I wanted out. Jacob and I, along with our friend Tristan, got out at the same time. Now I work SWAT in Seattle.”

  “So, now you’re a cop?”

  Seth grinned. “Kind of. We are called in for situations that need a bit more force.”

  Will eyed Seth’s strong hands. “Have you…killed

  people?” He saw Seth’s eyes darken. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have asked that question. It’s none of my business,” Will said quickly.

  “No, it’s all right. Yes, I have. It’s either them or me and I prefer living.”

  “Oh,” Will swallowed hard.

  “I’m not a bad man, Will. I know I look it…”

  Will’s head snapped up. “Oh, wait, that’s not—”

  “Seth,” Jacob poked his head in the door. “We’ve got training.”

  Seth stood and looked down at his mate on the bed. “You take care, okay?”

  Will nodded. “Sure,” Will lay back, looking at his sandwich as Seth left. The guy was beautiful and seemed so sweet. “Why did I have to open my mouth?” Will groaned.

  “Summer Of Awakenings” February 2013 Start the ride from the beginning with : A Marked Man, Alaska, With Love, By the light of the Moon, Half Moon Rising, Best Laid plans, For the love of Caden, The General’s Lover, Russian Prey, An Ignited Passion, Reflash, The Red Zone, Irish Wishes and Pleading the Fifth

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