Rock-a-Bye, Baby: A Vegas, Baby Novella

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Rock-a-Bye, Baby: A Vegas, Baby Novella Page 4

by Fiona Davenport

  “You’re going out on a date? With him? Today?” Knox scoffed.

  I didn’t get why it was so hard for him to wrap his thick skull around the idea. “Not that I owe you any details, but yes. Griffith is meeting me at the shop to help out with the flowers for a wedding today, and then we’re going out to eat tonight.”

  Knox tilted his head in Griffith’s direction and quirked an eyebrow. “Have you been hanging out with Julian Storm?”

  “What?” I shook my head, not understanding what the magician who starred in The Lennox’s show had to do with our conversation. “Why are you asking him about Julian?”

  Knox shrugged his shoulders. “I just figured that if he’s going out on a date with you today, someone must’ve taught him how to be in two places at once.”

  “Shit,” Griffith groaned, his hand gliding up my back in a soothing gesture. My brother must’ve landed a verbal blow of some kind, but apparently, I was the only one who didn’t know exactly what it was.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought, asshole.” Knox reached out to grab my bicep, but Griffith stepped in front of me.

  “You’ve got it all wrong.”

  I tugged on Griffith’s arm until he turned back towards me. “He’s got what all wrong?”

  “Yesterday was his last day in Vegas,” Knox answered from behind him. “He’s supposed to be on a plane to LA in a few hours.”

  I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. “You’re leaving?”

  Griffith glared at Knox over his shoulder. “Nice job hurting your sister, jackass.”

  “Don’t blame the messenger for delivering news that you should’ve told me yourself,” I hissed. “Like maybe before I handed you my virginity, or when you were talking about how you’re not going anywhere, and we’ve got more than enough time to talk about stuff in the future and a possible preg—” I broke off suddenly, glancing over at my brother uncomfortably. His eyes flared, but I couldn’t tell if he’d caught on to my slip of the tongue.

  Griffith picked up on the awkward tension and led me over to an alcove. Knox followed us until Griffith pointed a finger at the opposite wall and grunted, “You’ve already fucked this up enough. Go stand over there and give us some privacy so I can fix things. Once I’m done talking to your sister, you’re more than welcome to try to kick my ass. But be prepared because I’m not going to just stand there and take your punches, not after you’ve hurt Belle by sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”

  The promise of a fight must’ve temporarily appeased my brother because he crossed over to the wall and leaned against it. When it was just Griffith and me, he tried to pull me close, but I jerked away from him. Pacing back and forth in the small space, I tried to understand how things could’ve gone wrong so quickly. After I got the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks under control, I turned to Griffith. “Are you really leaving today?”

  “No.” His purple-blue eyes burned with a sincerity that was impossible to miss.

  “Then why does Knox think you’re getting on a plane in a few hours? My brother doesn’t make mistakes when it comes to stuff like this.”

  I let Griffith come near without jerking away again. “He was half right. I was supposed to fly out today, but I bumped my flight because I’m not ready to leave you. I want as much time with you as I can get before I have to be in the studio with the rest of the band to start recording our next album the day after tomorrow.”

  “The day after tomorrow?” I echoed softly as the tears started to fill my eyes again.

  “Please don’t cry, baby.” Griffith pulled me into his arms and brushed his lips over each of my eyes. “I know the timing sucks, but this isn’t something I can get out of. Not when we already signed the contract.”

  “I really wish I’d known that before I slept with you last night,” I sniffled. “And this morning.”

  Griffith tilted my head back and stared down at me. “Would you really have made a different decision if I’d told you?”

  “Yes.” My answer burst past my lips without any thought. After I considered everything that had happened between us for a moment, I corrected myself by saying, “Maybe.” I shifted in his hold and felt his dick press against my belly. If I’d been wearing panties, they would’ve combusted. It was the nudge I needed to admit, “Probably not, but I still wish you would’ve been honest with me. I know I was a virgin before last night and don’t have any experience with stuff like this, but that didn’t mean that you had to act like this was more than a one-night stand to get into my panties.”

  “I was honest with you,” he growled, one hand going to my lower back to press me closer. “Did I fuck up by not telling you that I had to leave for LA soon? Yeah, I’m willing to admit to that. But I didn’t lie to you about anything, and there’s no need for me to pretend this isn’t a one-night stand because it’s not. You gave yourself to me last night, and I have no intention of letting you take that back. Now or ever. You’re stuck with me, baby.”

  I loved the sound of that, but I couldn’t see how that was possible. “How’s that supposed to work if you’re in LA, and I’m in Vegas?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but I have no doubt we’ll figure it out.” He brushed his lips against mine. “We’ll have to because this thing between us is a done deal, even if it means we’re doing it long distance for a while.”

  “You really mean it, don’t you?” I looked up at him with wide eyes. “You want to have a long-distance relationship with me after only one night together?”

  “First of all, it’s going to be after two nights together, not one,” he corrected. “And of course I’d prefer if it wasn’t long distance, but it’s not like you can just pick up and leave when you’ve got a business to run.”

  My lips curved up in a small smile. “Did you think about asking me to?”

  “Yeah, for about half a second.” He ran his hand through his hair. “But I knew it wasn’t a good option, not with the way your eyes lit up when you were telling me about the flower shop and working with your sisters at the chapel.”

  I loved his answer because it meant he’d really listened to me last night. It hadn’t been only about the sex for him; he cared about me as a person. “Well, then. I guess you’d better have your talk with Knox, and I’ll see you at the flower shop when you’re done.” I rose up on my toes to give him a kiss. “Just do me a favor and clean up the blood before I see you. I wouldn’t want you to scare off any of my customers.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Knox grumbled. “You forgave him that easily?”

  I flashed my brother a brilliant smile. “Yup, I sure did.”

  Knox laced his fingers together and stretched his arms out, cracking his knuckles. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m harder to convince than you are.”

  “Go easy on him,” I cautioned my brother. Then I decided to make him pay a little for the trouble he’d caused by adding, “I wouldn’t want you to damage any of his body parts that I have plans for later tonight.”

  With that parting shot—and Knox’s pained groan ringing in my ears—I swiveled on my heel and marched away. I had wedding flowers to arrange...and another incredible night with my sexy rock god to look forward to. One I’d need to hold onto until we could be together again.

  Chapter 7


  I watched Belle walk away, wishing I could go after her instead of dealing with her bastard of a brother.

  “You want to stop looking at my sister’s ass, Thorne?” Knox growled.

  I scowled and swung my head in his direction. “Seriously?”

  Knox cracked his knuckles again as he stepped closer, and I barely contained the instinct to roll my eyes. “You take advantage of my baby sister, promise her a pack of lies, and I’m supposed to just stand here while you ogle her?”

  “For the love of—” I didn’t bother hiding my eye roll this time. “I don’t know what your glitch is, but press reset and fucking listen to th
e words coming out of my mouth.” I didn’t back up a single step, meeting him toe to toe and making sure he could see the sincerity in my eyes. “Belle is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m going to do whatever it takes to be with her. To make her happy. For the rest of my life.”

  Knox scoffed, but there was less conviction than before.

  I tried a different tactic. “You’ve known me for what? A couple of years?”

  “Long enough to have seen the number of women who throw themselves at you,” he spat.

  “Have you ever seen me with any of them?” I countered. He shook his head, his attitude a little less violent. “Or any woman at all?”

  “What’s your point?” His tone was a little belligerent, basically just being an ass since I’d taken the bullet out of his gun.

  I folded my arms across my chest and leveled him with a direct stare. “You know exactly what I’m saying, Knox. You watched it happen with Drew and Becket.” They’d both fallen for their wives the minute they met them.

  His eyes widened and his stance shifted away from me, letting me know that my bones would remain intact for the moment. “You’re in love with her?” His expression made it clear that if I didn’t answer correctly, said bones wouldn’t be so safe anymore.

  “I’m not going to say that for the first time to anyone other than Belle.”

  Knox’s eyes sparked with respect, and he backed off a little further. “Belle’s strong, but she’s a hopeless romantic. She wants the kind of marriage our parents have. She’s not built for a long-distance relationship.”

  I shook my head and waved away his concern. “I already sent a text to Tyson about setting up a new meeting with Drew, Becket, and Zack. I’m going to sign the three-year contract. And when that’s up, I’ll sign another one. We’ll keep any tours short, and I won’t go unless she can take the time to go with me.”

  “And if the band doesn’t want to stay?” he pushed.

  “Then I’ll be going solo,” I answered without hesitation.

  All of the threatening energy dissipated, though I still got the feeling I wasn’t Knox’s favorite person. Probably something to do with the fact that I’d seen his sister naked.

  “When are you going to tell her?” he asked.

  “As soon as the deal is done. If something goes wrong and I don’t end up with the deal, I’ll figure something else out. I don’t want to tell her one thing and then have to change the plan and put her in any more turmoil over how I’m going to make this work.”

  “Fine.” Knox crossed his bulky arms over his equally big chest, giving me a meaningful glare. “You break her heart, and I’ll break your everything before I drop your body in the desert to be devoured by coyotes and scorpions.”

  “There is nothing more important to me than Belle.”

  Knox sighed. “Go. Before I decide to kick your ass just for the fun of it and piss off Belle even more.”

  I sat in the back pew of the beautiful little chapel within the hotel and admired the wonderland my Belle had created. The Chapel of Dreams was small, but Belle and her sisters obviously put everything into making it as incredible as the most elaborate cathedral.

  There was no doubt in my mind that it was where Belle and I would be exchanging our vows. She drew my attention when she slipped through a side door and slid onto the bench seat next to me. “You’re amazing,” I whispered. She blushed prettily, and her sparkling brown eyes swept over the scene.

  “It turned out better than I hoped. The bride and groom seem pleased.”

  The couple was standing under an altar of exotic flowers, and they looked at each other like they were the only two people in the universe. The part of me that had sprouted a pussy felt a little choked up as I pictured us in their shoes.

  The other part, the one that ruled my cock, was fucking hard at the images of my Belle in a sexy, white wedding dress.

  “Are you ready to go?” I whispered.

  She nodded and kissed my cheek before scooting out of the pew. I quickly followed and laced our hands together. Belle had changed into a flirty, yellow sundress before we met at her shop, but I still needed to change.

  We walked into the hotel lobby, making our way towards the elevator bay. Zack and his brother Becket, the owners of The Artemis, waved at me and strode in our direction at a clipped pace.

  “Griff,” Zack said, holding out his hand as he reached us. I shook both brother’s hands, and then they greeted Belle warmly. Zach started to pull her in for a hug, and a growl erupted from my chest.

  I wrapped Belle up in my arms, her back pressed against my front. “What do you want?” I snapped. I probably should have been nicer to the guys who held the fate of my relationship and career in their hands at the moment. Still, motherfuckers shouldn’t be touching what belonged to someone else.

  Becket threw his head back and laughed then slapped me on the back. “I heard it was like that.”

  I scowled. “You guys are worse gossips than high school girls.”

  Zack rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you guys. That your women don’t run screaming in the opposite direction of you is a mystery to me.”

  Becket smirked at his brother. “I bet Drew a hundred bucks that you’ll be the worst of all of us when you finally meet your woman.”

  Belle was giggling uncontrollably, and it soothed my jealousy. Her sweet laughter would never get old. In fact, I felt myself craving it.

  I kissed the top of her head and grinned at the brothers. “You guys just come over here to annoy me or what?”

  “Tyson called,” Zack said, sticking his hands in his pockets and smiling widely at me.

  I nodded, my chin bumping the spot I’d just kissed on Belle’s head. “I’ll be back in LA tomorrow. We can do a video conference between recording sessions next week.” I gave them a meaningful look.

  Zack opened his mouth, but Becket just smacked his chest and told him to shut the fuck up. “Have a great night, you two.”

  I led Belle to the elevator and once we were on, she glanced at me curiously. “Isn’t Tyson your agent?” I nodded and turned her to face me. She gave me an expectant look, clearly wanting more of an explanation. There was no way I could give her one yet, so I kissed her instead.

  I was trying to distract her, but it quickly consumed us both. When a ding signaled we’d reached our floor, I was grateful we hadn’t stopped to pick up any other passengers. If we had, I would probably have killed someone when I realized that the top of Belle’s dress was askew, showing off her big tits, wrapped up in yellow lace. Damn, I was so hard it was difficult to walk into the suite.

  I didn’t give her a chance to fix her clothes; immediately drawing her back in for another drugging kiss. Her arms went around my neck, and my hands glided down over her ass and on until I reached the hem. The silky skin of her thighs burned my palms as I brought them up underneath the material.

  When I came into contact with her very bare ass, I froze, my hands clenching the cheeks. “You better be wearing a thong, baby,” I growled. “Not that I’m very happy with that choice either.”

  Belle giggled and wiggled her hips, pressing her stomach into my steel shaft. My eyes went up to the ceiling, and I sent up a silent prayer for some fucking control. Pun not intended. I took a deep breath and slowly slid my hand around where I cupped her very naked, very wet pussy.

  “Fuck,” I grunted. “Baby, you’re in so much trouble.”

  Her giggle was muffled in my shirt, but it quickly morphed into a moan when I plunged a finger inside her channel.

  “Were you trying to get me worked up, Belle?”

  “Um”—I swirled my finger, making sure to pass over her g-spot—“oh my—um, maybe?”

  “Look at me,” I demanded and grunted in approval when she obeyed. I withdrew my finger and brought it to her lips and traced them, leaving a sticky, wet trail behind it. Then I licked up every drop before plunging my tongue in her mouth and tasting her sweetn
ess while sharing it with her.

  Belle whimpered, and I sunk fully under the rip current of lust. With both hands on her ass, I boosted her up so she could wrap her legs around me. Keeping our mouths locked in a torrent of passion, I stalked to the bedroom, then kept on going until we were in the bathroom.

  I couldn’t wait another second to be inside her, to remind her who owned this pussy. Carefully, I dropped her onto her feet in front of the vanity. Then I spun her around to face the mirror.

  Cupping her tits, I massaged them as I pressed my groin into her ass. “You know what happens to little girls who disobey?” I rasped.

  Her brown eyes were unfocused, her face flushed with desire as she watched my reflection. “No,” she replied breathily.

  “They get a spanking,” I croaked. My throat was strained from the effort my body was making to keep from coming at just the thought of spanking Belle’s lush ass. Her lips formed a little O of surprise, but heat flared in her eyes and she whimpered.

  With a gentle hand on her back, I pushed her forward until she was bending over the counter. Then I gripped her hip and lifted her to her tiptoes. “Keep your tits down, and your ass in the air,” I instructed.

  I made quick work of my zipper, releasing my fat, angry cock. Then I flipped up her skirt, and it was the fight of my life not to come at the sight before me.

  Grasping her again, I drove in deep, bottoming out as my balls slapped against her pussy. Keeping a firm hold on one hip, I buried the other in her hair and lightly tugged. Our eyes met in the mirror, and I tightened my fist. “Eyes on me. Always.”

  She nodded and when I didn’t let up the tension of my hold on her hair, the small sting made her moan and the walls of her pussy clamped down on my dick.

  My eyes practically rolled to the back of my head. “Fucking hell,” I grunted. “You’re hot for it, aren’t you, baby? Does my naughty girl like to be reminded who owns her while I fuck her hard?” Belle mewled and wiggled her ass, her womb desperately trying to drag my orgasm from me. But, I wasn’t ready to let go yet.


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