Recipe for Lust: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Novel

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Recipe for Lust: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Novel Page 54

by Ward, Alice

  “Because Rachel begged her not to. In her statement, she insisted she would have done something if Asher hadn’t left for college.”

  “Aside from her statement, what did they find?” Asher asked.

  Kennedy took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Something we’re going to have a hard time explaining away,” she warned.

  “Do you happen to remember making a video with Rachel and two other men?” Kennedy asked, her brows raised.

  What the fuck is she talking about?

  The color drained from Asher’s face and he finally sat down beside me.

  “That’s what this is about? I remember making the movie, Kennedy. But the details are fuzzy. Those other guys were college kids in town on summer vacation. Rachel and I got drunk with them one night and they convinced us to trip acid with them. Someone mentioned The Blaire Witch Project and the next thing I knew, we were in the woods with a camera. It was a crime against cinema for sure, but I can’t imagine how I could be charged for anything because of it.”

  Kennedy sighed again and checked the time on her phone. “Did you ever watch the finished product?”

  Asher shook his head. “I woke up the next morning in our apartment and I hadn’t thought about it since. What don’t I know about it?”

  “At one point, you and one of the men disappear into the woods and Rachel stays behind with the second man. She tells the guy the same sort of stuff the investigators heard from Michelle yesterday.”

  “So? That doesn’t make it true,” I pointed out.

  “It gets worse. About twenty minutes later, the guy confronts Asher about her accusations on camera. It’s clear that you’re inebriated and the guy was a little vague with his accusations. I think you probably thought he was talking about what happened with Miguel. But you agreed that you’d fucked up… and more than once, you referred to yourself as a monster.”

  “Shit,” Asher exhaled the word and dropped his head to his hands. I sat beside him in numb disbelief.

  “I’m still not finished,” Kennedy warned. “In addition to the charges stemming from the so called kidnapping, you’re being charged with money laundering, racketeering, and drug trafficking.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I replied without thinking.

  Asher sat up straight, his face twisted with pain. “You’re kidding me.”

  Kennedy shook her head. “I really wish I was. The task force tracked down a storage unit upstate that’s been leased to EnvisionTech for the last six years. They pulled a warrant for it late last night and found all sorts of incriminating files. After reviewing the evidence, the feds don’t believe you ever stopped working with the Chavez family.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense,” I argued. “He spent a decade hiding from those people.”

  “I know that, Lauren. I’m just trying to explain what we’re up against.”

  “I killed Miguel,” he reminded her. “I never denied that. The family would have killed me. They’d never have gone into business with me.”

  “Crime families have been known to forgive a lot more for a lot less of a return,” Kennedy explained. “Based on the files, it looks like you’ve made the family tens of millions of dollars. You could have killed the Don and still been kept around for that kind of cash. Several members of the family are facing the same charges you are,” she added.

  “She’s putting everyone behind bars with one fell swoop,” I realized out loud.

  “That’s what it looks like,” Kennedy agreed. “Which brings me to my final piece of bad news. Both doctors have issued their opinions with the court. And they’ve both declared Cynthia Goins mentally sound.”

  I knew the news was the final nail in our coffin. Rachel was so good at being psychotic, she’d convinced one of the country’s leading mental health experts that she was completely sane. She was tearing our lives down around us and we were defenseless against her.

  “How much time do I have?” Asher asked.

  Kennedy checked her phone again and stared up at him with a frown. “We need to leave in twenty minutes. If we’re not at the courthouse by noon, they’re going to come here and take you into custody. Your arraignment has already been scheduled for this afternoon.”

  I stood up; I felt like I had to do something or I’d have a breakdown. “You haven’t had breakfast. I’ll make you something to eat.”

  Asher took my hand and pulled me back to the sofa. “I’m not hungry, baby. Kennedy, I’d like to spend the few minutes I have left alone with my wife. Will that be okay?”

  She nodded. “Of course. I completely understand. I’ll be outside.”

  “Thank you. I’ll join you in fifteen minutes.”

  Kennedy rose and hugged each of us before leaving. “I’m trying to get permission for you to attend the arraignment, Lauren. I’ll keep you posted.”

  I nodded, too upset to form words. She seemed to understand and left without further comment. The moment we were alone, I fell into Asher’s arms.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” I confessed. “I know that sounds stupid. We’ve been bracing ourselves for it for weeks. But now that it’s real… it’s just so much. I can’t do this. I can’t lose you.”

  “Shh,” he whispered into my ear. “I know this is overwhelming. You’re in shock, baby. But no matter what happens, you’re never going to lose me.”

  He dropped his hand to my wedding ring and turned it in his fingers. “No matter what happens, I will find a way back to you, remember? I promised to never quit fighting for us. We won’t be apart for long.”

  I pushed myself off his chest and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and then took Asher’s hand.

  “You’re right. This is just another bump in the road. I’m sorry, you’re the one who’s about to turn himself in on federal charges and I’m sitting here falling apart. Is there anything you want, anything at all I can do for you before you have to go?” I asked, lifting the last phase with a hint of suggestion. I dropped my eyes to his waistband and he gave me a sad grin.

  “I’d love nothing more than to make love to you one last time. But then leaving you would be too unbearable. I just want to hold you and memorize the way you feel in my arms.”

  “Well, that’s definitely something I can accommodate,” I agreed. I settled back into his arms and he held me tightly against him. I concentrated on the rhythm of his heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest. I breathed in his scent and on impulse, I moved my hands to the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head.

  “Baby, we don’t have time,” he warned again.

  “I know,” I replied, climbing off the sofa. “This shirt smells like you. I’m keeping it. I’ll go grab you a new one.”

  I raced to the bedroom, grabbed a clean shirt from Asher’s top drawer, and stepped into the kitchen just as Kennedy pushed open the front door.

  “It’s time to go,” she announced.

  I tossed the shirt to Asher and he quickly dressed.

  “I love you,” he said, pulling me into his arms again.

  “I love you too. We’ll get through this. Stay strong and I’ll see you as soon as they’ll let me.”

  My husband lowered his lips to mine one last time and then turned and walked out of the house.


  I wasn’t allowed to attend Asher’s arraignment. Instead, I sat at home with Claire and my parents and watched the story unfold on television. The judge refused to allow cameras at the hearing, but the Channel 2 cameraman managed to get a shot of Asher and Kennedy entering the courthouse with a short, confident man I assumed was Clark, the new lead attorney.

  Reporters inside the courtroom sent real time updates to their counterparts outside, so we were able to keep up with the hearing as it progressed. Clark seemed to do all of the talking, and the judge seemed hostile right off the bat.

  Asher pled not guilty to all charges and Clark’s motion for bail was immediat
ely denied. The judge froze EnvisionTech’s corporate accounts, as well as Asher’s personal funds, and ordered that he be taken to Atwater Federal Penitentiary to await trial. Mom gasped when the prison was mentioned.

  “Isn’t that where Asher’s father is?” she asked.

  I nodded, staring at the screen. “It’s also where Luis’ brothers and uncles are serving time. I doubt they’ll grant him any sort of protection since they think he’s been working with the family this whole time. This couldn’t get any worse.”

  “For the love of God, Lauren, don’t say that out loud,” Mom scolded me. “You have quite enough to deal with without tempting fate.”

  “I know. You’re right,” I agreed with a cringe. “I’m just so worried about him. Asher’s past is full of so much pain. I hate that he’s having to revisit it in such a terrible way. And knowing I can’t even visit him is breaking my heart.” I glared down at the monitor around my ankle.

  “Mom and I will visit as often as they let us,” Dad volunteered.

  “You’d do that for me?” I asked.

  “We’ll do it for both of you,” Mom answered, taking my hand. “You’re not the only one who needs to see for herself that he’s doing okay. Asher’s family now. We shouldn’t have any trouble getting our names on the visitor’s list.”

  Dad cleared his throat. “Where is your lawyer, sweetheart? I have a few questions about what these new charges could mean for your case.”

  “Parker’s still in LA,” I explained. “The police confiscated a small warehouse full of evidence against the Chavez organization after the latest round of arrests. She’s staying close and keeping in contact with some of her old friends at the courthouse. We’re hoping the investigators find something in the family’s files that contradicts the evidence found in that storage building.”

  “Kennedy will be here soon, Mr. Matthews,” Claire announced, nodding toward the television. I looked up and saw Kennedy and Clark step in front of a crowd on the courthouse steps. “She can answer any of your questions.”

  I shushed Claire and turned up the volume. Clark explained to the press that Asher was completely innocent of the charges and promised that his name would be cleared as more evidence came to light. His calm words did nothing to reassure me; I knew he was just posturing for the cameras.

  I flipped off the television and set off for the kitchen.

  “Anyone else feel like a drink?” I called over my shoulder.

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Claire answered.

  “Me too,” Dad added.

  “Just bring the bottle,” Mom directed.

  “I’ll do you one better,” I replied.

  I took the ice bucket from the cart, filled it, and then rolled the entire bar into the living room. I dropped two pieces of ice into a glass and added two fingers of Jackson’s favorite scotch. Dad quickly accepted it from my extended hand and I looked to Mom and Claire.

  “Any special requests?”

  Claire stood and moved beside me. “Pour yourself whatever you want and sit back down,” she insisted. “You don’t have to play hostess. We can take care of ourselves.”

  “It helps me to have something to do,” I explained.

  She nodded and returned to her armchair. “I’d like a little soda in my scotch,” she told me.

  “Coming right up. Mom?”

  “I’ll have the same.”

  I poured three scotch and sodas. After a few moments of tense silence, Dad reached for the remote and turned the television on again. He changed it to the twenty-four-hour news station that focused predominantly on the stock market and corporate finance. As I’d feared, EnvisionTech’s stock had plummeted. A panel of commentators were arranged around a round table, discussing what the charges against Asher meant for the company’s future.

  “I should probably call someone,” I announced. “Brian is probably losing his mind. And with Asher away, the company is my responsibility.”

  “Asher stepped down from the board,” Claire reminded me, her voice soft. “They made it pretty clear they don’t want him associated with the company until all of this is cleared up. Maybe you should talk to Kennedy before you make any calls.”

  She’s right. From this point forward, I probably shouldn’t blink without asking Kennedy first. Why, why, why did I get in the truck that morning? I should have let Asher leave alone. I could have called Detective Austin to go after him. Would have, could have, should have…

  I knew there was no point in thinking about what might have been. I knew that none of the blame for what happened rested on my shoulders. But that didn’t ease my regret.

  The four of us finished our first round of drinks in silence as we watched the journalists recap the so called facts of the case. A psychiatrist who specialized in cult behavior joined the panel via satellite and expressed his expert opinion that Asher fit the classic profile of a cult leader. One of the other panelists, an overweight, middle aged man best known for his ultra-right wing books suggested that I may be Asher’s latest victim. The single female panelist agreed with him, citing our quickie marriage as evidence of my brainwashing.

  I was about to throw my empty glass at the screen when the front door opened and Kennedy stepped into the house. She dropped her briefcase in the entryway and kicked off her heels before joining us.

  “I assume you saw everything on TV?” she asked, stepping up to the bar. She pulled a bottle of vodka from the bottom rack and poured a double shot into a crystal tumbler.

  “Yeah… was the judge as big of an ass in person as he seemed to be on the news?” I asked.

  She nodded. “I’m not sure ass is the right word. But he’s tough, no patience for nonsense.”

  Dad cleared his throat. “Is there anything we can do to have Asher moved somewhere other than Atwater?”

  She shook her head and tossed back the liquor. “He has to go where there’s room. Clark called in some favors and got the warden to agree to keep Asher away from anyone connected to the Chavez family. That’s the best we can do.”

  “Well, it’s certainly a good start,” Mom assured her.

  Leave it to Mom. The world could be burning down around us and she’d still instinctively make sure that everyone feels loved and appreciated.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Matthews,” Kennedy replied with a weak smile. She took a seat beside me on the couch and reached for my hand. “I’m sorry we couldn’t get bail.”

  “No one expected you to,” I reminded her.

  “I know. But I’m still sorry.”

  “Kennedy, how will these new developments affect Lauren’s case?” Dad asked.

  “They shouldn’t,” she replied. “If anything, they may actually help. The press has done a bang up job of tampering with the jury pool. Donaldson knows it will be hard to get a conviction with everyone on the panel suspecting that Asher brainwashed Lauren the way he supposedly did to Cynthia. I think there’s a good chance Parker will be able to get the charges dropped completely. I spoke with her on my way over here and she’s going to file the motion first thing in the morning.”

  “Well, at least we have a little good news,” Mom observed. She glanced at her watch and I knew she was worried about the guests back at the bed and breakfast.

  “I appreciate you all being here,” I began. “But I know you have your own lives to live. Mom, Dad, why don’t you head home for the night? It’s getting late and I know you hate driving after dark.”

  “Are you sure, honey?” Dad asked. “I don’t like the idea of leaving you all alone.”

  I squeezed Kennedy’s hand. “I won’t be alone. Right?”

  She nodded. “I spoke to Jackson on my way over here as well. He’s checking us out of the hotel now. We’ll stay here and make sure Lauren is taken care of.”

  “I’ll stay too,” Claire offered.

  “See? I’ll be well taken care of.”

  My parents stood and Dad pulled his wallet from his pocket. “Let me at least give y
ou some cash. I don’t want you worrying about money while Asher’s accounts are frozen.”

  “That won’t be necessary either, Mr. Matthews,” Kennedy explained. “Two days after Cynthia disappeared, Asher opened an account in Lauren’s name only. There’s more than enough money in it for Lauren to live a long, extravagant life.”

  The surprises just keep coming.

  “He did that?” I asked. “Why didn’t I know about it?”

  “Asher thought you’d be upset if you knew he was preparing for the worst. He didn’t want to depress you, but he wanted to know you’d be able to take care of yourself if something terrible happened.”

  “The more I learn about my new son-in-law, the more I like him,” Dad announced. “Speaking of which, Ellen and I would like to visit Asher. What steps do we have to take to make that happen?”

  “I’ll make the calls in the morning and email the visitation hours and procedures,” she replied.

  “Thanks, Kennedy.”

  Dad passed me his untouched scotch and kissed the top of my head before turning for the door. Mom promised they’d call later that evening and reminded me the phone worked both ways. I assured her I’d let her know if I needed anything and they reluctantly left the house. Kennedy took me by one hand, Claire the other.

  “How are you holding up, Lauren?” Kennedy whispered.

  “I don’t know. I think I’m mostly numb.”

  “Can we get you anything?” Claire asked.

  I shook my head and remembered Asher’s t-shirt waiting in the bedroom.

  “I think what I really need is some rest. Would you mind if I lay down for a while?”

  “Of course not,” Kennedy replied. “You have to take care of yourself. You go to bed. We’ll be right here if you need us.”

  “Thanks, guys.”

  I squeezed their hands and then released them, rising to my feet. I padded barefoot into the bedroom, curled Asher’s shirt against my chest, and burrowed under the blankets. I took in his lingering scent with deep breaths and imagined his face until I eventually drifted off to sleep.


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