Beware the Devil (Mafia Soldiers Book 3)

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Beware the Devil (Mafia Soldiers Book 3) Page 18

by Samantha Cade

  Bruno stands his ground. “Come on, Sal. You put all this into motion. Let’s finish this. I’ll call Franco, tell him Molly’s here. We can use her to lure him in-“

  My consciousness fades while Bruno’s talking. I fully expect Sal to agree to this idea, to use me again to fulfill his ambitions. At least I’ll know for sure that Sal never cared about me.

  I hear the slip of metal against leather as Sal removes his gun from his holster. He’s going to point it at my head, and hold me hostage here, I think. Sal raises his arm, pointing the gun at his intended target; Bruno. The relief that washes over me is a cool wave of euphoria.

  “Don’t make me shoot you,” Sal says, a tinge of emotion in his voice. He’s not bluffing. He’s absolutely serious. He’d kill his longtime partner and friend to get me to safety.

  Bruno looks at me briefly, then back at Sal. He puts his hands up, and moves out of the way. Sal grabs my arm tightly, and pulls me out into the hallway. Before going down the stairs, I plant my feet.

  “Wait,” I say. Sal turns to me, his face twisted in desperation. “Sal, come with me. Get on that plane with me.”

  His bruised and battered face spreads into a sincere smile. “Did you really think I wasn’t going to? You’re not going anywhere without me, Molly. Don’t you even try.”

  This is real. My doubts change to certainty all at once. Sal’s choosing me over controlling the family. He doesn’t care about Franco, or whatever his evil scheme was. He cares about me. It doesn’t matter that he used me in the beginning to get back into the family, this is where we are now. Sal slides his hand to the back of my neck, staring at me intensely. A smile tugs at my lips as I give him a nod. He closes his eyes, sighing, his relief palpable, before leaning forward and devouring me with a passionate kiss.

  All is well. All is right. The man I thought I’d lost is here. He exists. The world turns in perfect serenity as we kiss, until the gunshots ring out from downstairs.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Wouldn’t this be a sweet way to die, with the taste of Molly lingering on my lips? But I’m not giving up, not yet. I thought I’d lost Molly forever. Now, I have her in my arms, and she’s looking at me to protect her. Why stop now? Why not get everything I want?

  Bruno bursts out into the hallway at the sound of the gunfire. I instruct him to take Molly back into the apartment, and watch her while I check out what’s going on. While creeping down the stairs, I hear muffled voices coming from the grocer, one of them is definitely Franco. At the bottom of the stairwell, I peek into the store. There’s Franco, and two low level associates, as well as Anthony and Snake. Rick is slumped on the floor, leaning against the counter, cradling his bloody stomach. There’s a middle aged man lying near the entrance of the store with bullet wounds in his back. He’s obviously dead. He’s no one I know, just a random customer. Usually, you can’t go wrong with one of Rick’s delicious meatball subs, but this guy picked the wrong time to fulfill his craving.

  Franco stares at Rick with contempt. With a flick of his hand, he orders one of the associates to deliver a mercy shot into Rick’s head. He obeys. One shot to the temple, and Rick’s lights go out. He slumps to the side in a lifeless heap.

  I’ve seen dozens of men die, but this one cuts deep. Rick was always a guy I could count on, though not a member of the Mariano rank and file. He was loyal to me, to Bruno, Snake, and Anthony on several occasions. Snake and Anthony tip their heads down solemnly in respect to our dear friend.

  “Let’s go,” Franco tells them, cutting their grieving short.

  Anthony and Snake lead the brigade towards the back of the store. Franco is next, followed by the armed associates behind him. I conceal myself in the stairwell, weighing my options. I could come out shooting, and take out as many of them as I can. But I can’t see how that scenario could end without me getting shot as well. If I die, they’ll get to Molly.

  And the truth is, I don’t want to kill Snake and Anthony, who are now on the front lines. I’d left Anthony’s house in such a hurry, I’d left things with Snake unresolved. I could still get him on my side. My best option is to rely on my manipulative skills. In other words, I’m going to wing it.

  I light a cigarette, and step out of the stairwell, revealing myself. “Shall we?” I ask, blowing a thick plume of smoke towards Snake and Anthony.

  Franco steps forward, studying me from under his fedora. “Sal, there you are. Yes, we shall.”

  He gives Anthony and Snake the signal. They grab my arms, and lead me up the stairs.

  “What’s up, you guys,” I say under my breath.

  Anthony yanks me forward. “Shut up, Sal,” he whispers, forcefully. “Do as Franco says. He might let you live.”

  “Seems a little optimistic,” I say. “What about you, Snake? We can still turn this around.”

  Snake sets his jaw, his eyes trained straight ahead. “Why didn’t you leave the country, you stupid motherfucker?”

  At the top of the stairs, Snake uses his key to open the apartment door. It swings open to reveal Bruno blocking the doorway.

  “Out of the way, Beast,” Snake says.

  Footsteps clang up the stairs. Bruno glances behind us, the glare of gunmetal reflected in his eyes, and steps to the side. Franco shoulders past all of this, waltzing into the apartment like he owns the place.

  “Molly, darling, where are you?” Franco calls in a singsong way.

  The bedroom door creaks open. Molly’s face is pale and tinged with red streams of tears. With her chin held high, she walks out. She gives me a look so clear I can read her thoughts. Do whatever he says, she’s saying.

  Franco pulls out a chair. “Have a seat,” he says to Molly.

  She obeys. The associates immediately get to work tying her hands behind her back with cable ties. I feel white hot rage. I’m the only one that should be tying her up.

  Franco removes his hat politely, then takes his place at the center of the room. “Now that we’re all settled, it’s time we had a talk. You see, communication is essential to any team. Wouldn’t you agree, Molly? Loyalty, that’s all I ask of my men. In return, I take care of you, give you a good life.” He turns to where Snake and Anthony are holding me. “You’ve broken my heart, dear nephew. What’s brought on this misguided attempt at mutiny?”

  I chew my lip, knowing Franco doesn’t want an answer to this question. He’s a longwinded asshole, but I’m grateful for his theatrics. It’s buying me time. Franco continues.

  “When you came back to me, back into the fold, it made my heart joyful, Salvatore. I think we can get back to that place. I understand you’re angry about your father, but he was a liability. He almost ruined this family, and honestly, isn’t worth avenging.”

  I cringe as Franco digs up old wounds. I glance up at Snake, feeling a flash of anger. He killed my father. How quickly I forget. Franco walks behind Molly, and rests his hands on her shoulders.

  “We need to heal,” Franco says. “And for that to happen, you need to know the truth, Sal. All of it.”

  I raise an eyebrow in confusion. I’m annoyed. There’s something I don’t know?

  Franco takes his hands off of Molly, and holds them behind his back. His expression goes soft with paternal compassion. “Glenda, your mother, she didn’t kill herself. She didn’t slam into that median on purpose. Monty cut her brakes.”

  I bite back the buried emotion that threatens to burst forth. “No,” I mumble, shaking my head. “You’re full of shit.”

  “I assure you, I’m not,” Franco says, solemnly. “I nearly killed Monty myself after that grisly ordeal, but it’s not my place to meddle in domestic matters. You can say you don’t believe me, but deep down, you know it’s true. Perhaps you’ve always known. Glenda wasn’t depressed. She adored you. She’d never leave you willingly.”

  I close my eyes, trying to get a handle on myself. This is an unexpected blow, and I’m having trouble thinking straight. Memories flash in my m
ind, of my mother, smiling and happy, spinning around with me in the backyard, then the white roses spread out over her closed casket. I see my father towering over me, telling me to bury my sadness. He never cried for her, and I know why. He was the one who killed her. As much as I want to deny it, I know Franco’s telling the truth. I know exactly the kind of man my father was.

  I’m suddenly aware of Snake by my side. From the way his muscles tense, I can tell he didn’t know this either. I can’t bring myself to look at him.

  “Now that everything’s in the open, we can put this bad blood behind us,” Franco says.

  I force myself to stand up straighter, and cock my head at Franco. “You’re willing to forgive me? You’ll welcome me back with open arms, just like that?”

  Molly lets out a small whimper. Don’t worry, I tell her telepathically. I’ll never turn on you.

  “Yes,” Franco says. “And I’ll demonstrate my good faith.”

  I brace myself as Franco reaches into his jacket and pulls out his gun. But instead of aiming it at me, he lays it flat against his palm, and offers it to me. Anthony and Snake loosen their grip on me as I accept it. The two associates remain focused, their weapons still trained at my chest.

  “I’ll forget all about this little fiasco,” Franco says. “But not without a sacrifice. You need to prove your loyalty.” He looks to Molly, then back at me. “It shouldn’t be too difficult for you. I’m sure she was a good fuck, but you don’t need her any more.” He takes my hand, pressing the gun harder into my palm. “Kill her, Salvatore, and the slate will be wiped clean.”

  I look at Anthony, then Snake, pointedly. “The slate will be wiped cleaned,” I tell them, my words dripping with meaning. When Snake meets my eyes, we reach a shared understanding. Holding the gun by my side, I approach Molly, and point the gun at her head. She looks up with teary eyes, and gives me a slight nod. No, sweet Molly, you’re not sacrificing yourself for me.

  “Do it,” Franco urges. “Kill her now.”

  With my finger on the trigger, I take a deep breath, and slowly exhale. Molly closes her eyes, waiting for the gun to go off. At the last second, I yank the gun away.

  “This feels selfish,” I say, waving the gun in the air. “Someone else might want the honor of proving their loyalty to the almighty Franco Mariano.” I hold the gun out towards the associates. “Maybe one of you would like to do it.”

  “Stop fucking around,” Franco snaps. “Get on with it.”

  I look down at the gun in my hand, feeling its weight. The gun is a simple contraption, really, but whoever holds it possesses so much power. The only problem is, there are several more guns pointed at me right now. One false move, and I’m toast. But Franco’s right. I need to get on with it. I decide to show my hand, and point the gun at Franco. There’s a cacophony of clicking metal as the two associates cock their guns.

  “Easy boys,” Franco says, a creepy smile on his withered face. “He’s obviously joking. He’s not that stupid.” He steps towards me, showing me his palms. “Sal, think carefully about your next move. My men will blow your head off before you could pull that trigger.”

  “Would they?” I say, quickly. “I brought these men on as associates. I taught them everything.”

  “They’re under my command,” Franco says.

  I look at the men directly. They’ve aged since I first brought them into the fold, but they’re still the same guys. “That’s what he thinks of you. You’re GI Joes. Fucking toys.”

  “That’s enough,” Franco growls.

  “How many times has Franco turned you against your friends, your brothers?” I ask. “Which one of you had to kill Rick? Or the guy who just wanted a sandwich?”

  “Rick lied,” Franco says. “He said no one was here. He’s a traitor, like you, and your father.”

  “You’re a tyrant, and you’re losing your grip,” I say. “You’re going to ruin this family.” I turn back to the men. “You have orders to shoot me after I kill Molly, don’t you?” I can tell from the guilty looks on their faces that they do. I turn back to Franco, my face twisted in disgust. “All that talk about forgiveness, it’s just a show. You want your underlings to see me die, groveling at your feet. I know all of your tricks, Franco.”

  Franco raises his chin, a threatening look in his eyes. “Snake, kill the lovers here.”

  “Franco-“ Snake starts in protest.

  “Or they’ll kill you.” Franco snaps his fingers. The men turn their guns on Snake.

  Franco smiles sickeningly at me, reveling in his power. I turn my focus to Snake, and shake my head discreetly.

  “I don’t have a choice,” Snake says.

  No, this can’t happen. Franco can’t win the day, not like this. I’m grappling for an idea when the air shifts around me. Bruno steps forward, placing his massive body between Snake and Molly and me.

  “You’ll have to kill me too,” Bruno says, folding his arms across his chest.

  “Get out of the way, Beast,” Snake warns.

  I look out from the shadow of the beast. “You have a choice, Snake. Franco, or me.”

  Snake is silent for a few, heavy seconds. He keeps his gun aimed at us, gritting his teeth. “I saw the books, Franco,” Snake says. “I know you’re skimming my profits. Who else are you ripping off?”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sakes,” Franco grumbles. He turns to his men. “I’m ready to go home. Kill them all.”

  “You have a choice too,” I shout to the men, making them hesitate. “How long has Franco promised you’d be made men? It’s always right around the corner, isn’t it?”

  “Don’t listen to him,” Franco yells.

  “I promise you,” I say. “If I come out of this alive, consider yourself made men. You have my word.”

  The men look at each other, communicating silently. To seal the deal, Snake takes his gun off the beast, and aims at Franco. Slowly, the men follow suit. Last but not least, Anthony makes his choice, and points his gun at Franco as well. The color drains from the old man’s face as he realizes all of his power has just slipped through his fingers.

  “What’s the call, boss?” Snake asks.

  I lick the back of my teeth, preparing to deliver the order that would put Franco down for good. But then I look at Molly. Her bottom lip quivers, her eyes are wide and soft. She’s scared of me. It’s a look I never want to see again. I have the power to kill Franco with one wave of my hand. Is that the kind of leader I’m going to be? No, I need to be better, for Molly.

  “I’ll leave this last decision up to you, Franco. Will you concede power peacefully? Come on, Uncle, enjoy your golden years. Travel, take up photography, find an inappropriately young girlfriend.”

  Franco’s head drops to his hands. He removes his glasses, wiping this eyes. He seems to have aged several years in the span of a few seconds. With his eyes on the ground, he nods to me. The tension immediately dissipates from the room.

  “What a breakthrough,” I say, since it’s my turn to perform the theatrics. “I feel good. Do you feel good, Uncle Franco?” I turn to the men. “Get my uncle home safely, please. Put him to bed. And watch him for a few days.” I walk up to them, and give them both a hearty pat on the back. “We’ll schedule a time for you to take your omertà next week.”

  They give me a grateful smile, then escort Uncle Franco out of the apartment. The shock and adrenaline disperse inside of me. I rush to Molly, and cut the cable ties that bind her hand. She jumps to her feet immediately, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Did you just become a mafia boss?” she asks with as sardonic smile.

  “I did. How do you feel about that?”

  “I don’t know,” she says with an exasperated laugh. “But I’ll stick around to find out.”

  I press my forehead against hers, breathing in her scent. I sense someone standing behind me. I turn around to see Snake. Reluctantly, I let Molly go to talk to him.

  “All that stuff about forgiveness,” Snake says, rubbi
ng the back of his neck. “You really mean that?”

  I place my hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eye. “I do, brother. It turns out you did me a favor. I would’ve had to kill Monty eventually, for what he did to my mother.”

  “It’s still no excuse for what I did-“

  “Stop it,” I say, reaching out to shake his hand. “That’s in the past. I’m more concerned about the future. And I’ll need a new underboss. What do you say?”

  Snake smiles, looking down at his feet. He clicks his heels together, standing at attention, and gives me a salute. “It’ll be a pleasure to serve you, sir.”

  “Knock it off,” I say, playfully punching his arm.

  There will be a lot of work to do, rebuilding the family from the ground up. But right now, I need to be close to Molly. I wrap my arms around my waist, and pull her in for a kiss. I got what I wanted, I got the girl, and I didn’t have to bring down a rain of bullets, guns, and terror to do it. I never thought a villain like me could make such a good hero.


  For two years, I played the part of the mafia boss. I slipped right into Franco’s role, overseeing the gun trafficking business, cyber fraud schemes, protection rackets, illegal gambling rings, selling stolen goods, and the list goes on and on. For a while, I convinced myself that I was different than my uncle. I paid my men their fair share, kept only one set of books, and minor disagreements weren’t solved with an execution. But when I came home to Molly each night, I felt like I was covered in a thick layer of grime that could never be washed off. I defeated Franco, gained control of the family, and earned Molly’s trust, but I was still unworthy of her.

  My first rule of business after becoming boss was to make a large donation to the center, with no strings attached. Molly, in her angelic brilliance, used the funds to build a state of the art facility that serves thousands of clients. Soon after, she was able to open another branch in Northern California. I won’t be surprised when branches are opened all over the country.


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