by Kaylee, Katy
Taylor blotted her lips with her napkin. “He was when it came to this. I mean, he knew it was my first time and that I wanted it to be special. He laid down roses, he lit candles, and he was so gentle with me.”
Amber picked up her head. “So, it didn’t hurt?”
Taylor shook her hand from side to side. “I mean nothing like what they tell you it’s going to feel like. We’ve messed around a lot over the years, though. It definitely was special losing my virginity to my high school sweetheart. I swear, we are going to be the minority of couples that make it through college in one piece. At least I really hope so.”
Amber waved her hands. “He adores you. He waited patiently for four years and then went out of his way to make it amazing. He wouldn’t have done all that if he wasn’t planning on forever with you. Guys these days are too impatient. They know they can go out and get it wherever, so it takes some caring to do what he did.”
Taylor sighed with a smile. “I know. He’s the best.”
Amber cleared her throat and lowered her voice. “Besides all the excitement of the first time, how was he?”
Taylor leaned forward and stretched her hands nine inches apart. “He was more than adequate if you know what I mean, and he definitely had the motion of the ocean to go with it. I had two orgasms by the time we were done with the first round.”
Amber gasped. “The first? How many times?”
Taylor shrugged with a smirk. “Several. It’s like once the first time is done with there is no holding back. All the inhibitions are out the window.”
Amber playfully fanned herself with her napkin. “I wouldn’t even know what to do. I would be fumbling all over the place.”
“Nah, once you’re in it you kind of feel your way through it. Plus, it was the first time for both of us, so a couple elbows were thrown and laughter was involved. It made it all that much more special.” Taylor smiled as the waitress approached, refilling her drink.
Amber sat up and waited for the girl to walk away. “Well, maybe in college I’ll figure it all out. My life has been an endless stream of preparations to get into school.”
Taylor grumped. “Yeah, but there has to be someone in your sights, right? I mean, some guy that makes you feel tingly all over, gives you butterflies when you see him? This is your last free summer for years. I mean, people usually come home from college in the summer, but I know you. You’ll be taking summer classes just to get through it faster.”
Amber lifted her eyebrows. “Well, summer classes are cheaper, that’s for sure. And you know how my dad likes it when I say cheaper. Anyway, I have to prepare for Yale, entrance exams, and the summer assignments I’ll have. I won’t have any time for summer romance. What’s the point anyway? It will end in tears, on his end, and me just wishing I had studied more.”
Taylor laughed. “You are crazy. You do have emotions in there I’ve seen them. All I’m saying is, don’t let life pass you by because of school. You are more than capable of meeting someone and doing well at Yale. I know this because of all the extracurricular you did in high school, coupled with becoming the class valedictorian.”
Amber rolled her eyes. “Extracurricular is way different than a relationship. I just have to stay in super hyper focus mode for one last summer, and then I will have everything I worked so hard for. Once I’m there I can open my eyes to beyond that. I know you think I don’t think about these things, but I do. I want a family one day, a husband, maybe some kids, but I have time. If mister right just landed on my doorstep it’s not like I would send him away, but there hasn’t been anyone amazing enough to draw me away from what I’m focused on.”
Taylor took a bite of her salad, nodding her head. “I know, I get it. I am super proud of you for being the person you are. You are so damn driven. If I had even a quarter of that fight I would be going to Yale with you, but instead me and Casey are going to do the local college circuit and get a place together. We don’t want to be apart and neither one of us has the motivation that you had. In fact, I’m starting to think you sucked the high school dry of it.”
Amber laughed as she picked up her sandwich. “No, I just didn’t get caught up in the sparkly stuff, you know? I didn’t want to be a fool and think I could have it all. So I gave up certain things. I don’t regret it, at least not yet. I’m too busy picking out Yale hoodies and preparing for freshman English Lit in the fall.”
Taylor reached across and touched Amber’s hand. “I’m going to miss you. We’re all going to miss you. Your brother will be lost and Logan will be sad, too. Everyone loves you.”
Amber blushed. “I’ll miss you guys too… actually… never mind.”
Taylor lifted an eyebrow. “Uh, no. What were you going to say?”
Amber put down her sandwich and wiped her hands. “It’s just something weird that happened last night, but I don’t want to blow it out of proportion.”
Taylor leaned forward excitedly. “Oh my God. Tell me, what is it?”
Amber took in a deep breath. “So last night, or this morning, really, Logan came in at like three AM completely plastered. He rounded the corner and almost fell right over me. I took him into the kitchen, made him a sandwich, got him some water, and we talked. It was just normal conversation, nothing crazy. My brother had gone off with some girl for the night.”
Taylor scoffed. “Of course.”
Amber giggled. “Anyway, I went to put the sandwich stuff in the refrigerator and the next thing I know, I feel Logan’s hands around my waist. He was telling me about how sexy I was, how he dreams about me and so on.”
Taylor’s mouth dropped wide open. “Oh my God! What did you do? Did you kiss him? Tell me you kissed him.”
Amber wrinkled her nose. “No! He could barely even stand up straight. Honestly, I think it was the alcohol talking. He was confused, I was in my pajamas, and he didn’t know what he was saying. I gracefully pushed him back and told him he was drunk and that we would laugh about it later.”
Taylor put on knowing face. “Girl, you are crazy. I have seen the way that Logan looks at you. It started like his junior year in college. You went through a crazy growth spurt, your tits got huge and you became this curvy goddess. Every time you walk by him he sneaks a glance. I think it was the alcohol too, but only the fact that it lowered his inhibitions enough to tell you the truth. The dude totally wants you in the worst way.”
Amber rested her face on her hand again. “You think? No. No that is not true. He thinks of me as a little sister.”
Taylor shook her head. “No, he doesn’t. He thinks of you as a beautiful woman that he shared a house with during those tough years in his life. He thinks of you as family but the friend kind of family, not the platonic kind of family. I totally think you should hit that before you leave.”
Amber giggled again, shaking her head. “Hit that? You lose your virginity and all of a sudden you are talking like Lil’ Kim? I am not going to hit that or anything else that goes along those lines of vocabulary. Besides, I don’t think you’re right. I think you are creating it in your head because you want me to find a man.”
Taylor shrugged. “I want you to be happy, whatever that means. And I didn’t make it up, I just didn’t say anything until now because I didn’t want you to feel weird around him in your own house.”
“I wouldn’t, and I don’t, because I don’t think it’s true,” Amber said resolutely.
Taylor put down her fork, a dreamy look coming into her eyes. “It was like a dream come true for you though, wasn’t it? Don’t think I have forgotten the crush that you’ve had on that boy since he came to stay at your house.”
Amber could feel the heat in her chest all over again. “I know. It was a school girl crush, that’s all.”
“It was fun, though. Remember how we used to sit up and giggle about him all night and then try to catch glimpses of him from the pool? He was always so cool with your brother, never showing a vulnerable side.” Taylor wiggled her eyebrows.
Amber threw her napkin at Taylor. “Stop. Yes, I had a huge crush on him, up until, well…”
Taylor pointed her finger at her. “I knew it! You still have a crush on him. Oh my God, you have to act on this. It’s not weird now, because you are both out of school, and you are leaving, so if it does get weird you can vanish. Of course, you would have to hide it from your brother.”
Amber lifted her shoulders wearily. “He would castrate him on the kitchen counter. Jordan is more protective of me than my own father is. No one is good enough for me, not even his best friend in the whole world.”
Amber realized what she was saying and shook her head back and forth. “Doesn’t matter anyway, because it’s not going to happen. He’s probably already brooding over what he said, if he remembers. He will avoid me for several days and then act like nothing ever happened. Trust me, he is not really interested in me, and I’m not going to suck myself off into some fantasy land where my feelings are going to get hurt.”
Taylor pouted. “Fine, but if anything else happens, you have to tell me immediately. I must know everything that is going on this summer, because once you leave for Yale and make your smart friends, I will be a memory in the past.”
“You are ridiculous, I will never just forget about you. And as far as Logan is concerned, I can promise you your phone will be staying silent.”
Taylor changed the subject to a wedding she had to go to in a week, but Amber’s mind lingered on Logan. She couldn’t help but wonder if there was any bit of truth in what Taylor said. She couldn’t deny that ever since that morning she couldn’t get his hands on her body off her mind. He was starting to infiltrate every thought she had, and that was exactly what she didn’t want to happen.
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Also by Katy Kaylee
Brother’s Best Friend - A Contemporary Romance Box Set
Saving Her
Just Faking It
Second Chances Forever: A Contemporary Romance Collection
Just Another Chance
Saving Beth
Best Friend’s Li’l Sis
Forbidden Desires: A 6 Book Romance Boxset
Make You Mine
Love You Forever
Come With Me
Say Yes
Playing Pretend