Betting on Grace

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Betting on Grace Page 23

by Nicole Edwards

  From her seat, Grace had the perfect view of Lane bent over the couch and Grant driving into him from behind. It was so hot she was surprised she hadn’t gone up in a puff of smoke.

  “Fuck me, Grant,” Lane pleaded as he drove his hips back against Grant, who was plunging into Lane forcefully.

  This was hardcore, erotic fucking, and these two clearly couldn’t get enough of one another. She was surprised that she didn’t feel like an outsider as she sat in Grant’s recliner, her legs spread wide, teasing herself mercilessly while she watched.

  But the way they both glanced over at her from time to time kept her connected to them in a way that made her heart sing.

  This was hot.

  Sliding one finger into her pussy, Grace slowly fucked herself while she watched Grant slam into Lane over and over, Lane’s powerful body remaining upright while he used his own strength to drive himself back against Grant.

  “Oh, yes,” Grant groaned. “Squeeze my dick.”

  Lane lifted one hand to his own cock, stroking himself. Slowly at first, then faster, his eyes closed, a constant stream of moans and groans coming from both men.

  Oh, hell. Grace was close. She was so close, and to think neither of them had touched her. She was fingering herself, something she rarely did because she much preferred her trusty vibrator, but right now, she was almost convinced that a well-placed puff of air would send her over the edge.

  “You want me to come in your ass?” Grant asked Lane.

  Grace loved how they talked to each other.

  Closing her eyes, she listened to the sounds of their heavy breaths, the slap of their bodies, the rumbles and groans that signaled every driving thrust.

  “Yes,” Lane grunted. “Come deep in my ass.”

  Grace was hanging on by the skin of her teeth, not wanting to go over until they did, but she didn’t think she was going to make it. She was so lost to the sounds, she kept her eyes closed, hoping to hang on just a little while longer.

  “I love your ass.” Grant’s voice rumbled, sending a jolt of pleasure to Grace’s core. “I love driving my dick deep inside you, fucking you, riding you hard.”

  “Oh, fuck,” Lane roared, and Grace tried to force her eyes open, but she couldn’t.

  Grace cried out, her own climax ricocheting through her, her body tensing as she came so hard she was surprised she didn’t lose consciousness.

  “Well, well, well. What the fuck do we have here?”

  Grace couldn’t help it, she screamed. Her arms flew up to cover herself as she stared over at the door where the voice came from, her breath lodged in her throat.

  There, standing behind Grant and Lane, was Grant’s father.

  “Get. The. Fuck. Out!” Grant snarled, the sound so fierce that Grace flinched, as both men reached for something to cover themselves.

  Lane took three long strides and was standing in front of Grace, blocking her completely from the view of the man at the door even as he was yanking on his own jeans.

  Grace peered around him, noticing that Grant had turned as well, attempting to block the man’s view of both of them.

  “Well, this explains a helluva lot,” Darrell belted out, his eyes reflecting what looked like hatred as he stared at Grant. “I always knew there was somethin’ wrong with you. Doesn’t surprise me that you’re in to this debauchery.”

  Grace had to lean over to keep her eyes on the man, something she found herself regretting when his bloodshot eyes met hers.

  “Hmm, and this is daddy’s little girl, huh? Wonder what he’ll think when I tell him you’re in here fornicatin’ with two men. What do you think he’ll say?”

  Fornicating? What the fuck?

  “Don’t you fuckin’ think about it,” Grant yelled, yanking on his jeans and stalking toward the man.

  “Or what? Huh? What’re you gonna do? It’s just too bad I didn’t think to grab my phone. Then I’d have video proof.”

  The thought had a shudder bursting through Grace followed by a wave of nausea, her teeth chattering from the pure fear she felt as she stared at this crazy man. How long had he been there? Watching them?

  Oh, God, the thought of him seeing something so private had her breathing deep, trying not to throw up.

  “Get. Out. And if you dream of sayin’ one fuckin’ word, I swear to God, I’ll–”

  “Grant!” Lane interrupted. “Enough. Get him out of here before I do.”

  Grace hadn’t even realized that Lane had pulled his jeans on and had tossed the clean T-shirt that had been on the couch at her. She hid behind Lane and yanked it on over her head, not realizing until she was covered that it was on inside out.

  Who fucking cared?

  “See, now, here’s what I’m thinkin’,” Darrell spat, glaring at Grant. “You’ve got somethin’ I need, and I’ve got a secret you don’t want to get out. I think it’s time we had a little chat. Don’t you?”

  “No,” Grace shouted, pushing up out of the chair.

  “Stay out of this, Gracie.”

  Grace ignored Grant’s instruction, trying to move toward him but being held back by Lane’s big body blocking her path. As she stared at Lane’s broad back, she realized he was breathing hard. Placing her hand on his warm skin, she tried to ease around him, but he blocked her attempt again.

  “Last warning, Grant. Get him the fuck out of here, or I will,” Lane growled, the menace in his tone sending a cold chill down Grace’s spine.

  “Don’t let him blackmail you, Grant,” Grace said, leaning around Lane when moving past him proved futile.

  “She’s a feisty one,” Darrell said, his eyes locked with Grant’s.

  Grace was surprised he even acknowledged her. After all, it was about all he’d done the last time she’d been in his presence.

  “Get. Out.” Grant’s face was contorted in fury, and he had begun to stalk his father, forcing him back to the door. “We’ll talk outside,” Grant bit out.

  “No, you won’t,” Grace demanded, giving Lane a firm shove, which worked to get him to move briefly. She took the opportunity and stomped across the room until she was standing next to Grant, placing her hand on his arm. “We’re not gonna do this. Do you hear me? We’re not gonna let him use this against us.”

  “Hear that?” Darrell mouthed. “She doesn’t mind if her daddy finds out she’s actin’ out her fantasy of watchin’ two guys fuck each other.” The disgust on the man’s splotchy face made Grace cringe.

  Grant finally turned to look at her, but she could see in the swirling depths of his eyes that he wasn’t listening. Or if he was, he certainly didn’t agree with her. He shook his head at her and then turned his attention back to his father. “Outside,” Grant said again.

  Grace could only stare at them both as they turned toward the door. She glanced back at Lane, wishing like hell he’d step in. What man would want to go up against Lane?


  No, maybe she didn’t want him to. Lane looked downright terrifying as he stood there, his chest heaving, his forehead creased as he glared at Grant’s father.

  She raised her eyebrows at him, a nonverbal question of “Aren’t you gonna do something?” transmitting across the room.

  He clearly didn’t translate her expression, because his eyes just slid back toward the door that was now closing on Grant and his father.


  Now how the hell was she going to fix this?


  The red cloud hazing Lane’s vision didn’t dissipate even after Grant’s father turned around and walked out the front door. And now, as he stood staring at Gracie while she stared at the door, he didn’t even know what to say.

  “Are you okay?” Lane asked, the words seemingly coming out of his mouth of their own accord. Not a bad thing since his brain was currently scrambled from the rage flooding his veins.

  “Me?” Gracie asked, turning around to face him. “I… I’m fine.”

  Yeah, she sounded fine, all r
ight. Not a chance.

  Moving across the room on legs that felt like they’d been filled with lead, Lane reached for her, pulling her into his arms and crushing her to him. From the second he’d heard that bastard’s voice, Lane had been battling an overwhelming urge to kill someone. Namely Darrell Kingsley.

  He had watched them.

  The fucking perverted old bastard had stood in Grant’s house and watched them.

  The thought made Lane sick.

  Gracie’s arms wrapping tightly around him was the only thing keeping him together. From where he stood, he could hear the argument raging outside, and he feared what Grant was saying. He’d seen it in Grant’s eyes, the fear and embarrassment of his father being there, invading the privacy that the three of them were supposed to have. But it was the way Grant had frozen, not protecting Gracie the way he should’ve. Had that been Lane’s father, Lane would’ve grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and tossed him out on his ass. Only then would he have addressed the crazy son of a bitch.

  Not Grant. He’d stood there and let that bastard ogle Gracie until Lane had finally managed to toss her a shirt so that she could cover herself.

  Needless to say, Lane was furious. At Darrell. At Grant. At himself.


  “Hey,” Gracie said, pulling Lane from his thoughts. “Are you okay?”

  “Never fucking better,” he grumbled as he forced his arms not to tighten around her. He knew he would crush her if the violence that was racing through him got free.

  “We need to talk to Grant,” Gracie said, taking a step back but not forcing Lane to release her.

  Her brilliant turquoise eyes glittered with a sheen of tears.

  “Grant’s a big boy,” Lane offered. “He can handle himself.”

  “What if he gives in? What if he gives Darrell money to keep him from talkin’?”

  Those were the questions searing Lane’s brain. He didn’t want to think about what the answer might be, because as far as he was concerned, giving in, or giving that asshole money, wasn’t even an option. Blackmail never worked. Grant’s father would push and push until he drained Grant dry.

  “He can’t give in.” That was the only thing Lane could come up with.

  “Should we go out there?”

  Lane didn’t have to answer that because Grant chose then to come inside, his face pale, his hands shaking as he came to a stop right in the doorway. “No need. He’s gone.”

  Surprisingly, Gracie didn’t run into Grant’s arms. She turned around slowly, remaining only a few inches from Lane as they both stared back at Grant. Lane wondered whether she was waiting for an explanation as much as he was.

  No, Lane didn’t want to know why Grant’s father had showed up and invaded their private moment in the most despicable way possible. Lane wanted to know whether or not Grant had stood up for the three of them, for what he believed was right.

  “I told him that I’d see him tomorrow,” Grant admitted, and Lane saw the defeat on his face.

  He didn’t need to hear anything more to know that Grant wasn’t going to stand up to Darrell. He was going to give in, give the man money, and then sit and wait for it all to crumble around him. Because that was exactly what was going to happen.

  “Why’re you gonna see him?” Gracie questioned, a hint of frustration in her tone.

  Was it him or did she actually move closer to Lane?

  “What else am I gonna do, Gracie? Huh? Tell me that!” Grant yelled, his eyes blazing with anger.

  “You’re gonna stand up to him,” Lane barked, moving Gracie out of the way as he took a step closer to Grant. “You’re gonna stand up for the people you supposedly care about.”

  “Yeah? And how the fuck do I do that?” Grant countered. “What? Do I run to Jerry and tell him that I’m fuckin’ his daughter and my best friend? How’s that gonna go over with him, do you think?”

  “Fucking, huh? Is that what this is?” Lane asked, unable to disguise the hurt in his voice.

  Grant didn’t answer.

  “The truth is gonna come out sooner or later,” Lane added. “You think your father will be satisfied with just a little bit of money? What happens when that runs out? Are you gonna fund his habit for the rest of his miserable life?”

  “If I have to!” Grant shouted.

  Lane realized they were practically nose to nose.

  “So you’re not man enough to step up and admit your feelings for me and Gracie, are you?”

  “You know how I feel about you. That’s all that matters.”

  Lane shook his head. “No, actually, I don’t. I know how I feel about you and Gracie. And you and Gracie know how I feel about the two of you. But me? No, I sit in my bed at night and hope like hell that you’ll tell me that you love me.” Darting his head around, he pinned Gracie with a look. “That you’ll tell me.” Jerking back, Lane came face-to-face with Grant once again. “That doesn’t happen for me. I go through each fucking day wishin’ like hell that at least one of you would acknowledge your feelings for me.”

  Lane was having a hard time breathing. He had promised himself that he would never call either of them out on their feelings. He had tried to convince himself that when they were ready, they would tell him, and that would be enough.

  It wasn’t enough.

  Lane was tired of waiting to hear the words. And now that Darrell was going to blackmail Grant, he didn’t expect to hear them any time soon, if ever.

  Storming off, Lane went to the couch and yanked on his boots, his face heating from the fury still slicing him into a million pieces. Still shirtless, Lane decided to take his chances. He made his way across the room, not bothering to look at Gracie or Grant. He had to push past Grant, but he got to the door.

  He sent up one last silent prayer, begging God to let one of them stop him.

  They didn’t.

  As Lane stepped out onto the front porch, the sound of the coyotes howling in the distance had him stopping. He wanted to yell, to scream to the top of his lungs about how unfair it all was.

  But he didn’t.

  No, Lane took a deep breath and stepped off the porch, wondering if he’d just lost the two best things he’d ever had. And it didn’t help one fucking bit that he knew it wasn’t his fault.

  The pain in his heart didn’t seem to care.


  Grace was speechless as she watched Lane walk out the front door, his big shoulders slumped as though he’d just been beaten down. She was tempted to run after him, but she didn’t. For whatever reason, her feet were glued to the floor.

  Had he really been waiting for them to tell him how they felt? Had she really not told him that she loved him? Because she did. Love them, that is. There was no doubt about that. She loved both of them.

  Grace peered up into Grant’s eyes. And if Lane had looked defeated, Grant looked as though the world had just crumbled down around him and there was no one left.

  “You can’t give in, you know,” she finally said when the silence became too much to bear.

  “I have to,” he replied, making his way across the room. “I don’t have any other choice. And it’s the only way that I can protect you and Lane.”

  Grace watched as Grant picked up her clothes, stacking them on the arm of the recliner.

  “And just how do you think that’s protectin’ us?” she argued, her anger growing exponentially.

  “What do you think your dad’s gonna say when he finds out, huh?”

  “I don’t care what he says,” she lied.

  “You do care, Gracie.”

  Yes, she did care what her father said. She didn’t want him to do something rash, but she knew that he’d never reacted badly when it came to her or her sisters dating someone. Not that they let him in on their little secrets that often, but the man wasn’t a hermit. He was a very important part of the ranch, and he spent his days out in the sun with the rest of them. Jerry knew what was going on even if he didn’t admit

  Not that she thought he knew about her threesome with Lane and Grant.

  No, Grace suspected he knew about her and Grant, especially after the little scene in her father’s office just a couple of hours ago. It had been that moment when Grace had decided it was time to stand up for what she wanted.

  But letting her father know that she was there for Grant as more than a friend had been the least of her worries. What she feared was how he’d react when he found out that she loved both of these men equally. But she couldn’t back down from it. She couldn’t allow some crazy guy to waltz in and take all of that away from her.

  “Fine. I care. But this is somethin’ that I can explain to him. I just need to find the right time.”

  “Don’t you get it?” Grant moved closer to her. “There isn’t gonna be a right time. Once your father finds out, he’s gonna fire me. Or worse, he’s gonna fire Lane. I can’t let that happen.”

  “What are you talkin’ about?” she asked indignantly. Her father would never stoop so low as to fire someone because he was dating one of his daughters.

  “Remember Garrett Daniels?” Grant questioned.

  “Of course I remember him. That asshole was a psycho!”

  “What? You think he was a psycho because he wanted to stand up to your father? He wanted to be with Trinity.”

  Grace laughed, but it sounded more like a strangled cough. “Garrett was a rapist, Grant! He didn’t want to stand up for anyone. That was the rumor he started when my father fired his ass for tryin’ to hurt my sister!”

  Grant’s eyes widened, and that’s when Grace realized he truly believed her father had no regard for anyone other than himself.

  “I can’t believe you,” Grace whispered. “You don’t think highly of anyone, do you, Grant? You really think my father would do that?”

  “I… I thought… Even Faith believes that,” Grant stuttered.

  “We tried to keep that from Faith. Hell, we tried to keep it from everyone. Trinity was messed up after that. And Dallas threatened to kill Garrett. Why would we want that sort of shit running rampant at the ranch?” Grace realized she had her hands on her hips and she was facing off with Grant, growing angrier with each passing second.


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