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Grandelyn Page 6

by Dionne Lee Nelson

  Chapter 5

  Beginning of the War

  Out of fear that someone would find his discovery, Kalos’ new burden for the slaves was to build a shield to cover the newly discovered Soul Realm. Day and night, the slaves were to use brick and cement mix to build a dome shaped cover over this portal. They were placed into different groups and were assigned specific tasks. The women were to mix the mortar, the children were to carry the extremely heavy ready-made cinder blocks and bricks to the men, and the men would slather on the mortar and begin laying the brick down in a building pattern. The Soul Realm was massive however, and it took six months to finish only one side of the shield. Kalos grew extremely paranoid that his precious portal would be found, and became convinced that the slaves weren't working quickly enough. It was then when he decided to use his Soul Realm for the first time.

  Late one night, Zodner and Semp were instructed to bring Mr. Toplin to the palace. They made their way to the dirt nook where Mr. Toplin was sleeping, and struggled to pull him up from the ground. They tied his big arms to the hooks on the saddle of the horse and dragged him forward as their horses galloped away.

  Crystaline yelled from behind. “Where are you taking him? He has done nothing wrong!” She pleaded with frustration.

  “It’s alright, Crystal. I’ll be back by morning.” Mr. Toplin calmly assured her as the horses sped faster, causing him to run with them.

  He was brought to Kalos, who was standing in the field behind the palace next to the half-built shield. Kalos was standing with his back facing them and his cloak flailing in the wind. The light from the portal illuminated his silver faceless mask as Noire wrapped himself around his left thigh.

  “Drop him” Kalos demanded, still facing the portal. Mr. Toplin was pushed to the ground and laughed at. Slowly Kalos turned around and towered over Mr. Toplin, who was struggling to stand. Kalos stood quietly, his blank mask staring into a worried Mr. Toplin.

  “You wanted to see me, sir?” He stuttered. Kalos said nothing. The wind was painfully beating against their skin from the force of the Soul Realm. Finally Kalos broke his silence.

  “Tell me, Toplin. How long do you think it will take to complete this shield?” He asked with a hiss.

  “I don’t know, sir. It could take years. I don’t even know if it can be shielded. It is coming from the sky.” Kalos was silent again. He looked Mr. Toplin over, curious of his appearance.

  “You, like the others, have gotten very grotesque. Do you care to tell me how that happened?” Mr. Toplin, who used to be a very tall, slender, dark-skinned man, was now pot-bellied and big-armed with a thick shiny bald head. He looked very strong to Kalos. That is exactly what Kalos liked about him. But he still wanted to know about the weight gain. Mr. Toplin had no intention of sharing the secret of the beloved fafura. So he remained silent. Kalos realized that Mr. Toplin would not reveal the secret.

  “So you don’t think this great beam of light can be hidden, huh?’ Kalos asked with a hidden smile. Mr. Toplin shook his head. “Toplin, do you know what this is?”

  “No, sir, but it must be something important if you want to hide it.”

  “Yes, and I need to hide it quickly. I just don’t think you all can do it in a substantial amount of time. Maybe I need to hire new workers.”

  “Well I don’t know where you’ll get that. We are the best workers you have and will ever get.” Mr. Toplin said taking pride and adapting to his role as a slave.

  “Well we’ll have to just see about that.” Suddenly with a big force, Kalos kicked Mr. Toplin into the portal. The wretched screams of Mr. Toplin didn’t last long. Kalos looked anxiously inside to see what would happen. But he didn’t see anything at all. There was no sparks, no lightening, no noise, nothing.

  “Worthless! It doesn’t work at all!” He screamed at Zodner and Semp. He began kicking the shield and the palace walls, when suddenly thick pressure began to weigh his neck down. “What is going on?” he asked. He ripped the medallion off and threw it to the ground. They couldn’t believe what they saw.

  In the next few weeks, the slaves continued to work tirelessly on the shield. Each day was the same routine. Mixing the mortar, carrying the bricks, and laying the pattern down; all while being starved to bring their weight back down. They worked hard like this as the force of the portal whipped through their skin, causing many lacerations to the slaves. They soon noticed that new slaves had begun to work there. They knew these slaves were not from among their ranks because they were too skinny. The new slaves all looked like each other, like they were all the same person except some were as light as the day and some were as dark as the night. They were clothed in new, crisp white linens, not the shabby, tattered, beige rags that the old slaves wore. Although these slaves had never been seen before, they all still looked very familiar.

  That's when Crystaline began to connect the dots. Ever since Zodner and Semp came to take Mr. Toplin away, he had not been seen. She suddenly realized that all these slaves resembled him, men and women. It was obvious to her that Kalos had used his portal on Mr. Toplin.

  On that night after Kalos ripped the medallion from his neck and threw it to the ground, the locket opened when suddenly a man popped out. Zodner and Semp became afraid. The man was tall, dark, skinny, bald, and he had white eyes. He was naked and he had a hard time standing up straight. His body was flimsy, like that of a newborn baby. But his legs kept moving, though wobbly. He looked like a skinny corpse version of Mr. Toplin. Kalos stood back and watched in both disgust and amazement at what just appeared. Kalos slowly walked to this being. Noire was erect and ready to lunge.

  “What is your name? What are you?” He asked. The being let out an incoherent, lazy, somber moan.

  “Emperor, what is going on?” Zodner asked with fear.

  “I’m not sure.” Suddenly another man popped out of the medallion. He looked just like the first one. Then another man popped out looking like the first two except he was white. Then a woman popped out looking like the beings before her and she looked like Mr. Toplin too. More and more of these beings popped out of that locket, all recreations of Mr. Toplin. Then Kalos realized these were his desires. He wanted more slaves to build the shield to the portal and when he kicked Mr. Toplin inside; his desires came into the locket. He didn’t expect them to look like that, but was happy to know that the portal did work.

  The courtyards and terrains were filled with these somber almost zombie-like Toplin re-creations. They did not speak, they marched back and forth mixing mortar, carrying bricks and cinder blocks, and laying the rest of the foundation for the surrounding shield. They looked like well-dressed corpses, and their appearance frightened many of the children. Crystaline was heartbroken to know that her friend was sacrificed for such a selfish reason. As the new slaves continued working on the shield, Crystaline held a secret gathering on the unfinished side of the realm.

  “Do you see this?” Mr. Crowesh asked in disbelief, his pale forehead wrinkling up with perplexity.

  “Yes, Jon, I see. And I also see that this thing is the cause.” Crystaline answered with dread in her voice. “This thing is evil. Well at least that's what it's being used for. Kalos has perverted this energy and nothing good can become of it.”

  “My ancestors spoke of a presence such as this.” Vanka chimed in. “Back home in the Reema Islands, my great-grandmother used to tell us stories of a source that could grant wishes, be they good or evil. She told us that only the key-holder could use it, and if the key was to get into the wrong hands all of man-kind could be doomed.” Everyone listened closely to Vanka's deep voice recall her story. “I never would have thought that the stories were true and I certainly never would've imagined the energies she spoke of would be here in Mandune or Ferocities.” As Vanka continued to speak, Ariyah could see the minions, walking their horses, getting closer to their circle. “Emperor Kalos is a cruel man and all of his intentions are wrong. We have to do something soon before it's
too late.” Vanka whispered.

  Crystaline realized time would soon be closing in on them. “I know. We must...”

  “Hey, Pigs!” A loud thunderous voice boomed, interrupting Crystaline and startling everyone. Zodner was sitting on top of his big black horse, glaring down at them. “Break this little union up now. The Emperor doesn't like it.” Crystaline looked at him with revolt. They didn't move, which flustered Zodner. With his silver feather helmet sliding slightly down his forehead, he shouted “Don't start with me, Crystaline.” He directed his anger to their obvious leader. “You don't want a few thrashings, now do you?” as he reached for his leather and metal whip.

  Ariyah squirmed as she grasped her mother's arm in fear. Crystaline could feel her anguish. She looked to her friends and gave a head nod signaling for them to obey. They all got up and began walking back to their designated working areas. “Zodner continued taunting Crystaline as he trailed after them. “I don't know why Emperor has yet to slay you. I just don't understand, but you'll get what's coming to you soon enough.”

  Crystaline went back to the women's area with the re-creation slaves and she watched them closely. Ariyah stayed close to Sheevar and Orraco as they worked as a team to help carry the bricks to the shield area. Ariyah worriedly watched her mother from a distance.

  “I have a feeling that something really bad is going to happen, friends. And I am afraid.” Sheevar's little chubby body delicately hugged her and Orraco stroked her back in comfort.

  “Whatever happens, Ariyah, I'll protect you” Orraco bravely promised. Her words were all too true. As the night time fell, they could hear the minions yelling at the re-creation slaves. Some were getting thrashed with the whips for not listening or understanding their directions. All that could be heard was the teasing from the minions and the loud screams of torture and gibberish coming from the slaves. Ariyah was shaking with fear inside the dirt nook. Crystaline felt her. She turned over and put her big burly arms around Ariyah.

  “Its okay, Ariyah. Mother's here. Sleep, cherub, sleep.” Her voice was so comforting to the frightened child. Ariyah watched her mother’s big beautiful face gaze at hers in such a loving and reassured way. She, to Ariyah, looked like an angel from the Heavens. Ariyah was able to fall asleep again even though temperatures had dropped outside and the wind was blowing fiercely. The warmth of Crystaline’s ample body soothed her right back to sleep.

  As dawn approached the slaves were awakened to the horrific sounds of the minion’s barks. “Get up! Get up, you vile peons! Get up!” Semp galloped back and forth on his horse, across their nooks was yelling. The men, women, and children all shot up out of their dirt beds. “Bring them out too!” Semp continued to bark out orders, his big nose wet with mucous from the cold temperatures outside. The other minions went to the cages to let the sleeping children out. “All of you get to the courtyard now!” He swung his whip viciously in the air. “The Emperor wishes to see you.” Semp then began to cackle as he quickly galloped his horse back to the courtyard of the palace, his blonde pony-tail whipping wildy behind him. Everyone looked worried and frightened.

  “Crystaline, what's happening?” Vanka asked, holding Sheevar and Orraco.

  “I don't know. But we are surely about to find out.” Ariyah grabbed hold of Sheevar's hand, which was tightly holding Oracco's. Ariyah also held onto her mother's arm and refused to let go as they began making their way nervously to the courtyard. The slaves came in droves. The courtyard was filled with all of them and they were met with the stillness and eeriness of Kalos, who was sitting quietly on top of his black horse. His usual mask was blank, which frightened the slaves more as they could not tell what he was thinking.

  After they finished packing into the courtyard, Zodner yelled out, “Quiet! Quiet, you slaves! The Emperor has something to say.” The courtyard became pin-drop quiet. Kalos and his horse walked toward the shivering slaves and then stopped. They all looked at each other with concern as Kalos just sat there waiting.

  “How long did you think I would let the betrayal last?” His deep nearly muffled voice suddenly boomed through his closed mask. No one dared to answer him as they were not quite sure what he meant. “I gave you all a place to stay. Jobs. Food to eat. And this is how you choose to repay me?” He continued as his horse went back and forth in front of them. “Me? Your lord, your king? I could have slaughtered you all a long time ago, but I kept your lives and you scheme behind my back?” He seemed to search right through them with his eyes, maybe searching for answers.

  “No one has yet to tell me how you all have gained so much weight.” He looked through them again. “We've starved you. We have taken pleasure in starving you... and yet you still have all become fat, worthless peasants. Now tell me how does one manage to do such a thing?” The slaves remained quiet. No one was going to give up the secret. His blank mask remained still.

  “Very well.” He broke his silence. “I have concocted a little plan of my own.” The slaves began to look at each other and the mumbling began.

  “Quiet!” Zodner yelled out thrashing his whip again.

  “Since I can no longer trust you, I have acquired new slaves. They're better slaves and they work harder than you. You are now expendable, and will be disposed of immediately... starting with the children.”

  Cries and screams rang out as the minions violently came through and began to tear the children away from their mothers and fathers. The first 12 children were pulled to the edge of the courtyard terrain and thrown off the rocky cliff. Ariyah grabbed Crystaline’s leg in horror. More cries of terror and anguish filled the courtyard. Crystaline grasped Ariyah with a look of fear on her face. The sight of the children being thrown to their deaths shot a pain of fear through all the parents.

  “They're going to kill us.” Vanka said desperately in her thick accent. Sheevar and Orraco held on tight to Ariyah as she continued to lock onto her mother. Mr. Crowesh’s heavy pale body rushed over to Crystaline and Vanka.

  “What are we going to do, Crystaline?” He asked franticly. Although Crystaline wasn't prepared, she remained calm as she observed what was happening. More children were being snatched away and thrown to their deaths, leaving behind horrified loved ones. She was trying to focus. She was looking for possible escape routes when one of the soldiers bum-rushed into their section and grabbed hold of Ariyah’s arm. Ariyah screamed as he began trying to pull her away, his grip tremendously firm. Crystaline cut her focus and used her big body to bump him back. Stumbling backwards, he gave Crystaline the look of audacity. He tried to reach around her again to get to Ariyah and she bumped him even harder and further back, like a charging bull. He stared at her and she stared him down in true defiance, breathing heavy and getting ready. He couldn't believe the amount of strength she had.

  Growing flustered the soldier yelled, “Move, you arrogant wench!” And with that he charged through her, grabbed Ariyah’s arm and tried to carry her away, all while Sheevar and Orraco striking him. Crystaline reached around him and grabbed his heavy metal sword. She came up with a forceful uppercut blow jamming the sword into his jaw. The soldier dropped Ariyah and wrapped his hands around his bloody throat before perishing face-first in the dirt.

  With that, it had begun. Crystaline went on a rampage. “Slaves, do as I have taught you! GO!” Remembering all the skills Crystaline had trained them in; the slaves began to fight back as the horse-ridden metal clad soldiers rushed in on them with swinging swords. A horse soldier was charging right at Crystaline. She took her sword, jammed the horse in the throat and swiped through, tearing his whole head in half. The soldier fell backwards off of the horse. Crystaline threw the sword like a dagger, striking him in the chest. Two more minions ran to attack her. One punched her in the face, temporarily dazing her. She recovered and she kicked him in the throat, knocking him down to the ground. The second minion kicked her in the leg, but she quickly regained her balance, grabbed him by the head and swiftly twisted it, snapping hi
s neck.

  Through all the chaos, Ariyah watched in amazement as her mother took each and every oncoming opponent and defeated him. She was so preoccupied watching her mother that she didn't see the minion running towards her. He went to grapple her but she ducked and gave him a forceful kick in his side. He toppled over. She was in warrior position now. Another minion ran to attack her. He charged at her but she sidestepped him and gave a forceful and deliberate swift blow to his throat. He died instantly. Ariyah had achieved one of the deadly staggito moves.

  As Crystaline fought her enemies, she would occasionally look over to Ariyah to make sure she was handling herself well. When she saw that Ariyah was proving her warrior skills, Crystaline continued to wreak havoc. Sheevar and Orraco were each battling minions. Vanka and Mr. Crowesh were handling themselves well too. They were giving the Savage Kingdom the fight of their lives.

  The bloodied soldiers could see who the slave’s leader was and they chose to attack her at once. While Crystaline was simultaneously slaying 3 minions, 10 horse-ridden soldiers barged through. One of the horses kicked her in the head, knocking her to the ground. No one could help her. The slaves were still fighting minions off themselves.

  “Bring her to me!” Kalos demanded fiercely. The horse-kick to the head made Crystaline very dizzy, and she struggled to gain composure as the minions and soldiers tied her to the back of the 10 horses.

  “Mother!” Ariyah screamed out as they rode her up the road to the back entrance of the palace. “Mother!” She called out again. Suddenly she was met with a kick to the face and knocked down to the ground by another minion. Dazed and shocked, Ariyah got up, wiped the blood from her nose and charged him with a jump and kneed him in the chin. As his head went backward, she came down with her elbow to his throat, crushing his Adam's apple and killing him. She looked around for more approaching minions. They were all being handled by the other slaves.

  “Ariyah!” She heard her name being called in the mist of the chaos. She looked around. It was Vanka.

  “Ariyah, come on. Come with me” she called out. Ariyah ran through the crowd to follow her when a minion pounced on her. He smashed her young body into the ground. He was laughing with glee as he put all his weight onto her, making it difficult to breathe. Ariyah recalled her training, when Crystaline would smash her into to the ground with all her weight. Remembering how Crystaline taught her to respond, she bit into his chest as hard as her teeth would allow, kneed him in the groin, and then flipped his body over her. Now on top, she then straddled him and punched his nose up into his brain, killing him.

  Ariyah rose up, looked at her surroundings, straightened her ragged clothing and continued to run to Vanka. Vanka took her by the hand as they ran up the same back road that Crystaline had been taken. Mr. Crowesh followed.

  When they got to the back of the palace, they could hear Crystaline's screams of torture. She had apparently fought them off as much as she could, seeing how most of the soldiers were bloody and sprawled out on the ground. But they had overtaken her and strapped her to the Boulder Guillotine. Kalos was laughing in delight, still on top of his horse. Vanka, Mr. Crowesh and Ariyah were hiding behind part of the palace tower wall. They were very close to the Soul Realm portal on the unfinished side of the shield. The re-creation slaves were pacing around the shield franticly, with no direction at all. They seemed to be distressed by all the chaos but lacked the mental capacity to understand it.

  “Oh no, Vanka, they're going to kill her.” Ariyah wept quietly. Vanka remained quiet as she continued to look on. Kalos got down from his horse and walked over to Crystaline, who was struggling to get out of the base of the trap door. He knelt down and they seemed to be having a small argument. Kalos suddenly took off his mask, but the beam from the bright sun created a dark shadow that kept his face covered.

  “You have always been my most rebellious slave. I have spared you for too long. Your time is up, Crystaline.” Crystaline struggled to un-wrap her wrists from the metal belts holding them.

  “I had every right to disobey you. You are an evil man and the day will come when you will rot like the corpses of those you have killed.” She spoke through gritted teeth. “What you did to me and many others will come back to you tenfold. What you did to me will never be forgotten. May it always haunt you.” He stared down at her, and remained speechless. The chilled wind and portal force moved debris all around them. She stared back, blood trickling from her lips and skin. He looked away and walked off.

  “Let it drop!” Kalos commanded.

  “Mother!” Ariyah cried out running from their hideout.

  Vanka called out, trying to stop her. Crystaline, who saw Ariyah running toward her, panicked as she didn’t want Kalos or the soldiers to harm her. Unable to stop her daughter, Crystaline had a look of defeat as she knew her life would be over soon and no one could help her now. Kalos moved to attack Ariyah. But before he could pass the Boulder Guillotine, Crystaline managed to forcefully grab the bottom of his cloak garment through the arm loops. He lost his balance and fell to his knees, immediately next to her. She grabbed him by his collar, where his medallion was hanging, and shouted out “And with my death I commend my spirit into the Soul Realm!” She snatched the medallion off his neck and threw it backwards to Ariyah. “Remember all I have taught you, Ariyah! Now run!”

  Ariyah quickly ran back to Vanka and Mr. Crowesh, minions following, but she just had to look back once more. As she did, the soldiers cut the netting rope down and the 10 ton boulder came crashing down onto Crystaline’s head, blood splattering everywhere. Ariyah screamed as she watched the minions rushing closer to her.

  “Come on, Ariyah!” Mr. Crowesh yelled, tugging at her arm.

  “Get my medallion back!” Kalos screamed, running toward them as well. There was no more time for tears, they had to move fast. . They ran back down to the courtyard where the other slaves were still fighting, and soon all of the minions were defeated.

  “Slaves, go! Go! GO!” Mr. Crowesh commanded as he knocked a soldier off of his horse and grabbed as many children as he could to begin the ride off and out of the kingdom. Vanka grabbed a horse, and together with Ariyah, Sheevar, and Orraco they began to ride out of the kingdom as well. The others followed suit and soon the slaves had taken enough horses and were able to escape. Tired, out of breath and without transportation, the Savage Kingdom soldiers and minions stopped chasing the runaways. The Savage Kingdom had been defeated, and Ariyah was in possession of the great Emperor's most sacred possession – his medallion. She didn't really understand why her mother had given it to her just yet. The runaway slaves rode out of the Savage Kingdom and the City of Ferocities. They didn't quite know where they were going, but they were surely on the right track.


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