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Grandelyn Page 24

by Dionne Lee Nelson

  Chapter 23


  Ariyah was in the back yard of the Crystaria Palace. She was lounging at her gold table and chair watching Elai chasing Adley around the back courtyard. Adley was Elai’s new mate. She was discovered upon a trip to the stream where Ariyah found Elai years ago. Ariyah and Sheevar were taking a zebraling ride towards the stream for water when Elai, who was usually perched on Ariyah’s shoulder, flew off in a frenzy.

  “Elai! Elai! What is wrong?” Ariyah called after him very concerned. Her cries went ignored as Elai flew frantically through the forest, determined to catch whatever it was he was chasing. Sheevar and Ariyah sat on top of their zebralings in the middle of the forest confused. They could hear the wild whipping of the tree leaves as Elai’s wings and his victim’s bum rushed through them. As the two women watched in confusion, suddenly a huge black image bolted out passed them and crashed right to the white sand ground. It was a bird. An eagle and it looked like Elai except it was black with white wings, while Elai was white with black wings. It looked hurt as it flipped and turned on the sand. Elai then bolted out and flew down to the injured bird. He huddled over it studying it. The injured bird saw Elai and began to squawk angrily at him. It even started flapping the unharmed wing at Elai to fight him away. Ariyah got off her zebraling and crouched over the bird.

  “Back away, Elai. This poor bird is hurt.” She said with compassion. Ariyah went to pick the eagle up but it snapped its beak at her. “Look what you’ve done, Elai. You made this bird get hurt.”

  “I would stay away from that thing, Ariyah. It looks pretty angry.” Sheevar chimed in, backing away from the scene. Elai was hopping around this bird almost anxiously. Ariyah saw this and became suspicious of why Elai, usually a calm bird, was acting this way. She picked up the snappy bird and flipped it over. A smile came across her face.

  “No wonder you’re acting this way. It’s a girl.” Ariyah and Sheevar began to laugh as they watched Elai go crazy over this bird. “Calm down, Elai…this is no way to approach a lady” Ariyah teased. She could see that the bird was in a lot of pain and wanted to help her. She carried the eagle back to the Crystaria Palace with her. There, she had a nurse bandage the bird’s wing and care for it.

  “Now you’ve really done it, Elai” Ariyah continued to tease him as they watched the bird lay sedated in one of the bedrooms. Elai put his head down in Ariyah’s hair. “It’s ok, buddy. She’ll be fine.” Then something occurred to Ariyah. Elai was always with her and never really ventured out on his own. She knew he must feel lonely. “Would you like me to keep her?” Elai began flapping his wings with excitement. “Ok we can keep her then. But you can’t be so rough with her, she may just attack you.” Ariyah nudged his bill. Ariyah set out to name her new bird. “What do you think of Adley, Elai?” He flapped his wings again with approval. “Adley and Elai…I like the way that sounds.” Ariyah said proudly. “Let’s just hope she likes you. You did cause her to break her wing.”

  Eventually Adley did like Elai and she loved Ariyah more. The two birds adapted well to each other and became inseparable. They would fly about all over Grandelyn and follow Ariyah around most days. The two ended up becoming the guardians of Grandelyn. They were to watch over the land and give fair warning to the citizens if intruders were coming.

  Now here they were zooming over Ariyah as she sat at her table enjoying the cool breeze and the smell of fresh berries outside. She was a bit tired because she had spent the afternoon swimming in the Sea of Amethyst and she felt weak. Also the thought of that picture bothered her more. She couldn’t understand why her mother was buzzing so wildly at the site of the picture earlier. It angered her that she would never be able to receive the other half of that ripped picture. The Crystaria Palace had been rebuilt and obviously the workers must have discarded it. She just wished she could get some kind of clue, something that could tell her about this place before they arrived. But there was no point in stressing over it now. All she could do was move on.

  The sun was setting and she just wanted to relax. Then she heard a shaking from the bush behind her. She turned slowly to see what it was. It was Orraco. He had taken a shortcut to the back yard.

  “Oh you scared me, Orraco…and there wouldn’t have been anything that I could do because I’m so sluggish” she chuckled.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you, my Queen” he said almost bashfully.

  “Is there something you wanted?” Ariyah asked as a servant came out to her with a drink of lemonade.

  “I was wondering if I…if we…I would like to do a session with you.” He finally managed to say. He was nervous and sweaty and it was obvious he had not partaken in the bathing because he was fully alert.

  “A session? Now?” Ariyah was stunned and exhausted.

  “Yes. I would like to spar with you.” Ariyah couldn’t understand his enthusiasm. Everyone in the land should have been resting or sleeping because of the draining strength of the Sea of Amethyst, but here he wanted to spar with the sensei, the queen!

  “I don’t know, Orraco. Not today. Maybe another time.” She said putting her head back into the gold head rest and closing her eyes. Ever determined, Orraco knew how to persuade her.

  “What? Are you scared, little girl? You don’t want to spar because you are such a girl.” He began to tease Ariyah in a girly voice just as he did when they were little.

  “Excuse me?” Ariyah’s eyes opened and she sat up as Elai and Adley both perched themselves on her shoulders.

  “You don’t want to spar with me because you know how good I’ve become. I think you’re scared to see that I may just be better than you.” Ariyah stared him down with a smirk. Even though she was a humble queen she couldn’t help but to laugh at the very thought of one of her students being better than her.

  “Ok, let’s do it. Though I think you have an unfair advantage I’ll entertain you.” She got up quickly, flinging Adley and Elai from her. She didn’t even change out of her turquoise jumpsuit. She just put on her zitheranium face mask and met him at the front courtyard. He had on his red and black soldier’s uniform and he held a sword in his hand. The night sky had completely come down as the moon was full and seemingly close to the earth. Their shadows were high on the palace walls.

  “I see you want to use real weapons to spar?” Ariyah asked with confidence yet confused.

  “You can handle it, can’t you?” Orraco teased.

  “Let’s find out.” She slammed the face plate closed and charged at him. She was able to land five quick slaps to his face and neck and he ducked from the other swings. She charged him again and landed three kicks to his side and a forceful kick right to his stomach. He doubled over for a second but then recovered quickly. He got up still holding the sword in his hand. Ariyah’s mission was to get that sword from his hand. She pretended to lung at the sword but instead stepped on both of his feet and barged him down with her elbow.

  “Come on, Orraco. There’s no way I’m beating you this easily. Not after the bath I had. Come on!” Ariyah teased walking around him. He was really trying but she was too good even in her somber state. They both got back into fighter stance. He was so intrigued by this woman; her strength, her agility, her mesmerizing face and humble persona. He was deeply in love and he wasn’t sure what to do about it.

  Whatever effect his feelings were having on him quickly disappeared as Ariyah charged at him. He ducked her swings and avoided her kicks. This time he kicked her legs, causing her to stumble forward. He used his body to catch her and push her backward to the palace wall, holding her there with the sword to her neck. Both breathing profusely, Ariyah was a little scared seeing this look in Orraco’s eyes as he held the thick blade to her throat.

  “Orraco, what are you doing?” She asked. He was breathing so deeply, so hard, so passionately that his breath had fogged up the metal surface on her face plate. She thought for sure that he was going to jab that sword into her neck. She didn�
�t want to hurt her friend but she didn’t know what was happening to him. He breathed harder as he got closer and closer to her face. He opened the latch to her face plate and he stared deep into her perplexed brown eyes. He calmed his breath as he went in for a kiss. Ariyah squealed in panic, no longer the warrior but a girl who’d never kissed anyone. She pushed him back.

  “Orraco, what are you doing?” She protested.

  “Ariyah, I have never felt this way about anyone in my entire life. I can’t go one single day without thinking about you, or wanting to be with you. I need you, Ariyah.” Ariyah was confused, shocked, and even a little embarrassed.

  “We can’t do this.” She said slowly wiping her lips. Orraco became frustrated and furiously backed away from her.

  “What are you afraid of?”

  “I’m not afraid of anything. I just don’t see you like that. You’re like my brother. You are my brother.” He became angrier.

  “I am not your brother! Crystaline’s blood does not run through my veins.” This sudden expression of love was too much for Ariyah. She had never been involved with any man in a romantic way. So to find out her best friend was in love with her was scary to her. She stood still, looking off to the side thinking about what had just happened. Orraco calmed down and got close to her again. He pressed his body up to hers’ and he stared into her wandering eyes again. He searched for an answer in her eyes. He needed to know how she felt. He leaned in and pressed his soft lips against hers’ again, but this time she didn’t resist. She let it happen. She was too confused to fight it, she didn’t want to hurt him, and a part of her enjoyed his lips. But then the kisses became stronger and deeper and it became too much for her. She pushed him away.

  “I can’t. I can’t do this. I’m not ready for this. I’m sorry.” She looked down to the ground. Orraco stood there glaring at Ariyah. He felt foolish and rejected. He really loved her and he finally stirred up the courage to tell her. And he failed. All he could do was stare. She could feel him staring at her and she lifted her eyes to say once more, “I’m sorry.”

  Orraco let his sword drop to the ground and he turned to leave. Then suddenly they heard the clambering footsteps of Grandenite soldiers. “Queen! Queen, we are being attacked!” One of the burly soldiers said frantically. Orraco turned back around to see what he was saying. “The Twins have broken apart and they are fighting away an army of men. Some of our soldiers are down there fighting as well.” He said with fear.

  “I have to get down there.” Ariyah said running to the stables to get a zebraling.

  “I’m coming with you!” Orraco said following her. They got on their zebralings and charged down to the beach mainland and the gates, Elai and Adley flying high above them. Ariyah could see the Twin Dragons squealing high and rearing at some people. It was dark and she couldn’t see this army. Some of the Grandenites were successfully fighting these invaders. She was about get off of her zebraling to join the fight, but Orraco grabbed her by the arm.

  “You can’t go in there like that.” She looked down at herself and realized she didn’t have on her battle gear. She backed up and watched attentively as her people fought the intruders. She just couldn’t get close enough to see who they were fighting. But then she saw a black horse with a silver mask on it and she remembered the horses from Ferocities had those. Kalos had finally decided to attack and she wasn’t prepared. She wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to help but by the time she’d get to the Empire and back to the mainland the fight may be over. So she just watched helplessly.

  The stomach of one of the dragons began to glow, and gray smoke began to billow from its lips. One of the intruding soldiers yelled, “It’s going to set us on fire! Get out of the way!”

  And the dragon did just that. A big gust of flames shot from its mouth and set four horses on fire and a dozen or so soldiers. The rest scurried away. After making sure their enemies were away, the Twins turned back around and put themselves together as a gate again.

  The Grandenites came back in exhausted. They saw their queen sitting on a zebraling waiting for them. They were proud that she watched them protect the land, but she felt guilty for not helping. This was the first time since being Commander of Defense and Queen that she felt helpless and she didn’t like the feeling. She held her arms out to her soldiers and said, “Next time I shall be prepared. I’ll never let you fight alone again. I promise.” They smiled, bowed and walked back to Ash City to find nurses and doctors.

  Vanka, Mr. Crowesh and Sheevar were running from Ash City to see what chaos was happening. “Ariyah, Queen, is everything alright?” Vanka asked. Ariyah was so upset that she almost came to tears.

  “I let my people down. I wasn’t able to fight with them. I wasn’t prepared.” She looked through the electrical gate and saw the scorched bodies and horses and became determined. “But it won’t ever happen again. Next time…there will be no next time.” Then she rode her zebraling wildly back to the Crystaria Palace.

  Ariyah sat at the vanity in her bedroom. She watched the rhinestones sparkle in the part of her hairline as her mind went everywhere. She was still disappointed in herself and she couldn’t shake the feeling. Was that what she had been anticipating this whole time? Was that the attack that she had the strong feeling about? She looked down at the rusty medallion and stroked the Woolly mammoth carving on it. Once again Crystaline had been silent. No vibrations, no sensations, nothing. Ariyah didn’t want to keep feeling helpless and hopeless. That was not her nature.

  She looked at her closet door and remembered a gift that was given to her by Mr. Demi, the blacksmith and weapons maker. She went inside, picked up the heavy pink box and carried it to the bed. She opened it and inside was a beautiful gift. A gift suited for a warrior Queen. It was a 24 karat gold mace. She picked it up and it was a bit heavy. She thought it was gorgeous. This was the first time that she even really looked at it. When it was given to her, she didn’t know what to do with it. So it stayed in the closet. But now she wanted to try it out.

  She studied it. She was mesmerized by the long shiny gold chain that led to the spiky golden ball. There was a black suede handle for her hand and she loved the jewels that went across the ball. Emeralds, sapphires, rubies, and diamonds went along the base of the ball and the spikes were extremely pointy. She pricked her finger on one as she examined this weapon. She loved it, but she still didn’t know how to use it. Her weapon of choice had always been the sword. That’s what her mother trained her with and that’s all she knew. But she was determined to master this weapon like she had done everything else. Then she also realized that if they were going to go into battle again they would need better riding animals. Zebaralings were delicate animals and wouldn’t do well in warfare. She thought for awhile and then an idea came to her. She put on her white chiffon robe and headed down to where the rhinos inhabit.


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