Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5)

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Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5) Page 29

by Veronica Blade

  He chuckled softly and slipped under the covers.

  “We’ll be good tonight. We have to be,” I said.

  “Easy for you to say.”

  Not really.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to ignore the feel of his warm skin and length of his thighs against the back of mine. The tip of his thumb pressed into my waist as his big, warm hand covered my hip and scooted me closer. Butterflies danced in my stomach and warm tingles spread over my chest.

  I could resist temptation. I had to. Otherwise we’d have to sleep apart. I rearranged his arm so it lay at my ribs. Unfortunately, that was distracting in an entirely different way.

  Zack brushed my hair off my shoulders and kissed the back of my neck. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep this way either,” he whispered, sending goose bumps dancing along my skin. “But I’ll be much happier while I’m wide-awake.”

  “Keep that up and I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  He groaned, snuggled up to my back, and stayed very still. After a while, his breathing settled to a steady rhythm. I knew rest wouldn’t come as easy for me, but so long as I had Zack, I’d put up with a little sleep deprivation.

  † † †

  “Autumn, wake up.” Zack shook me gently. “You need to slip out before it’s light outside.”

  “Ten more minutes.” My lids grated over my dry, tired eyes. The room was beginning to brighten.

  “Shhhh! They’ll hear you.”

  I was lying on my side facing him, our lips just inches away. His breath smelled sweet. Had he brushed already?

  “Who are they?” I asked, speaking a little louder than was wise.

  He kissed me, probably to shut me up. I cringed, afraid I’d offend him since I hadn’t freshened up yet.

  “Don’t worry.” Zack chuckled quietly. “Our bodies heal quickly, remember? We don’t have the bacteria and all that stuff. You only need to brush if you eat spinach.”

  Seriously? Best news ever! I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him to me, my lips locking onto his. He slid over me as I turned onto my back. Zack’s stomach pressed into me as our bare legs tangled under the sheets. Mmm. It was way too nice and I didn’t want it to end.

  But it had to. This time, I was the one to stop, pushing my palms against his chest as I got in one last lick on his bottom lip.

  He rolled off me and ran his fingers through his hair. “You’re even hotter when you’re sleepy.”

  “Yeah, same to you.” It was getting light outside and too risky to leave his room in my human form. Reluctantly, I rose from the bed, morphed into a squirrel and slipped through the open window.

  † † †

  Zack appeared at my door later that morning just before I had to leave for school, grinning and holding out a sprig of flowers. He wore a faded green shirt that read Vampires are all talk. Werewolves are all action. Lord, he was beautiful. And totally sweet. Warmth spread over my chest as I inhaled. Jasmine.

  “Thank you.” Opening the door, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and snagged the fragrant blooms.

  As Zack passed me, his gaze drifted lower to my short skirt and bare legs. His mouth curved up. The look in his eyes made me want to drag him upstairs and skip school.

  Shaking it off, I went in search of a vase and arranged the flowers.

  We drove to school and my eyes instinctively scanned the perimeter as I exited the Mustang. Beyond the gate, cars lined the curb. Farther down the block, I could just see the front of a dark sports car. Midnight-blue.

  Chills raced through me.

  When I glanced back at Zack, his stony expression told me he’d seen it too.

  Probably not Renzo’s car. Even if it is, he’d have to get through Charles. Zack held my hand and walked me toward my homeroom class.

  When we passed Gina — the skank who’d hooked up with my now ex — she glared at me. Her lips moved and even though she was yards away, I heard what she said. “Liar!”

  The burning hatred in her eyes intensified as I neared her. Sure, I’d told her yesterday that Zack and I weren’t together, but it was the truth at the time. Whatever. She wasn’t worth stressing over.

  At lunch, we sat with Maya and Trevor and every time I glanced at Gina, she was ignoring her tablemates and sending me a death glare. I sighed, mentally acknowledging the inevitable confrontation. I met her gaze, then jerked my head toward the exit and rose.

  “Where are you going?” Zack asked.

  “To deal with Gina.” I quickly explained why.

  He grinned. “Aw, you don’t have to get into a catfight over me, babe.”

  I lightly slapped the top of his head, just enough to ruffle his hair, then left. Gina followed right behind me as I led the way to the bathroom where we’d have privacy.

  Once inside, she scowled, fists planted on her hips.

  I checked under the stalls to make sure we were alone, then raised my hand, hoping to prevent a tirade. “I didn’t lie. It really was over between Zack and me yesterday, but we made up.”

  Gina sneered. “I’m supposed to buy that?”

  I sighed. “It’s the truth.”

  She dug out her eyeliner and began touching up her eyes in the mirror. “It’s comforting to know that you, the Virgin Princess, haven’t done the things with Zack that I have.”

  A knot formed in my stomach. “As if I’d believe anything you said. Besides, you guys barely knew each other.”

  “Not at first,” she chirped, her words heavy with implication. While I digested that, she dropped her eyeliner into her purse and her mouth curled up. “What can I say? Daniel couldn’t say no to me either.”

  Zack wasn’t anything like Daniel and he’d easily resist Gina now. I was sure of it. But we weren’t together two weeks ago. . . In fact, we hadn’t even liked each other. Had he fooled around with her?

  My stomach lurched, but I feigned boredom and folded my arms over my chest to mask the doubt creeping up on me. “It’s not working, Gina.”

  Moving to stand directly in front of me, she got right up in my face. “Ask him.”

  Was this the rare moment Gina actually told the truth? If she was lying, she wouldn’t be pushing me to talk to Zack about it, would she?

  And just like that, my world turned a shade of gray.

  I refused to let her see how much her words affected me. I pushed past her, trying to act more composed than I felt. “This is a waste of my time.”

  Storming through the corridor on my way back to the cafeteria, I couldn’t get Gina’s words out of my head. Should I ask Zack about it? Wait, if he had slept with Gina, did I really want to know? Did I really want images of them making out — and who knew what else — knocking around in my head?

  Too late. They were already there.

  I returned to our table and Zack reached for my hand, but it did little to ease my tension.

  “What did she want?” Maya asked.

  No way was I going to validate Gina’s words by saying it out loud. “The usual. To irritate me.”

  “She’s just jealous.” Maya brushed it off with a wave.

  She sounded so sure, and I wished I felt that confident. Still, for the duration of lunch and through the rest of the school day, I obsessed on how many things Gina might have done with Zack that I’d never be able to do with him.

  I had to put it out of my mind or it would drive me crazy.

  After my last class, I waited for Zack by the curb. Gina strolled toward me, then stopped, blocking my view of the wide double doors I’d been watching.

  She smirked. “Did you ask him?”

  “Zack’s with me now and that’s all I care about.” I rolled my eyes.

  Gina tapped her chin thoughtfully. “It’s probably for the best that you don’t bring it up. If he doesn’t admit it, you’ll always wonder if he told you the truth. Either way, you’ll never be sure.”

  I stuck my hands in my back pocket to curb my temptation to slap her. “One thing I am sure
about is that I’ll never take your word over Zack’s.”

  Her smile didn’t waver, but her eye twitched. “Are you still saving yourself? Careful. Someone might come along and do your job for you. A man’s got needs.”

  “Giving it up for some guy who doesn’t care about you doesn’t make you better than me.” I started to turn toward my car, then paused. “It makes you a slut.”

  As I headed toward my car, I looked over my shoulder and saw Zack coming. Good. He’d keep me from pounding on Gina. A moment later, he fell into step with me.

  “What was that about?” He glanced at her retreating back.

  “She’s just trying to get under my skin.” Knowing Gina, though, annoying me wouldn’t be enough. I didn’t trust her. Not one bit.

  Chapter Three

  Once inside my house, I made sure all the doors and windows were locked. I’d grown paranoid after being stalked the last couple weeks by my psycho ex-boyfriend-turned-werewolf. Daniel might have been forced out of town, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t come back. And then there were Charles and Renzo.

  The threats were adding up, and I wasn’t taking any chances.

  While Zack finished his shift at the auto shop, I did all my homework, then finished his. It was strange how much easier school was since I’d begun maturing into a shape-shifter. I wondered if being healthier had somehow increased my intelligence.

  I booted up my laptop and was just about to reply to an e-mail from my mom when I heard the front door creak open and footsteps patter into the living room. The skin on the back of my neck prickled. Who the hell was in my house?

  I jumped up and moved stealthily to the top of the stairs before peeking down. Zack came into view and I raced down the stairs and leapt on him. He laughed, one hand at my lower back and the other on my leg, which was wrapped around his hip.

  “Missed me, did you?” He grinned.

  “Always.” I planted my lips on his and gave him a long, searing kiss.

  “You okay?” he asked, coming up for air.

  “Sure. The door was locked and I thought someone broke in. Forgot you had my keys.”

  He studied my face, his brows pulling down. “If it makes you feel any better, I saw Charles nearby. Renzo or anyone else will have to get through him first.”

  Knowing Charles was watching us didn’t ease my mind one little bit. I rolled my eyes. “Awesome.”

  He chuckled, one hand sliding up my thigh. “We’d better go before we get too, uh, comfortable.”

  Didn’t he miss me too? Why hadn’t he said it back? Suddenly, I pictured him with Gina and took a deep breath. Damn Gina.

  I forced a smile. “After dinner, we’ll have the rest of the night to chill since I did all our homework.”

  “You’re amazing.” He kissed me again, but it was obvious he was holding back. “We should get to my house.”

  When I felt him begin to release his grip on me, I kept my legs wrapped around him, my fingers interlocked behind his neck. “To pick up your mom?”

  “No trip to the doctor today.” He shook his head and sighed. “She insists she’s fine.”

  “Maybe she is.” I squeezed closer against his chest to discourage him from putting me down. “Zack?” Oh, crap I shouldn’t ask. But Ihad to know. “Did you ever date Gina?”

  “We hung out.” He said it so casually, as if being with her in that way was no big deal. “You guys were best friends and she didn’t tell you?”

  I jumped off Zack and dodged him when he reached out for me. “Define ‘hung out,’” I asked, incapable of hiding the disgust in my voice.

  “Um…” He narrowed his eyes. “Autumn, you were still with Daniel. And you hated me then.”

  “So? That doesn’t make it right. She’s a skank.”

  He grunted. “Gina may have fooled around with your boyfriend, but Daniel tried to kill us. He’s way worse and you dated him.”

  “He only got violent after he was turned into a werewolf.” Although he had gotten kind of creepy and obsessive when I’d refused to sleep with him, then dumped him. “And anyway, at least he and I weren’t hiding that we were together.” I folded my arms over my chest and glared.

  “Gina and I weren’t hiding either and we weren’t together. And you know what else? At the time, you liked her too. She was your best friend, so don’t judge me.” Zack caught me around my waist and dragged me against him. His mouth swooped down on mine, probably either trying to make me forget about Gina or to get me to stop talking. It wasn’t going to work.

  That said, Zack was a really great kisser.

  Just as I melted into him, he withdrew. “That’s why I was so pissed off at you for not telling me everything she’d done. If I’d known she was such a bitch, I wouldn’t have hung out with her at all.”

  Yeah, but I still didn’t know how far had they’d gone when they’d ‘hung out’ and I couldn’t bring myself to ask.

  † † †

  After dinner at Zack’s, I helped him with kitchen duty, then spent time with his mom while he talked to Trevor. I planted myself on the bed at her side. Her face was just as pale as the night before and her breathing just as labored.

  “Isn’t prom this weekend?” Favianne asked between breaths.

  I smiled to try to lighten the mood. She looked in need of a distraction. “Yes. I didn’t get to go to prom last year, because we moved a week before and I was too late for prom at my next school.”

  “They started you in a new school so close to the end of the year?” She frowned and sucked in another shallow breath. “I did it to Zack this year, but didn’t think other parents were that cruel.”

  “You had to, because it wasn’t practical to live on your own anymore. My dad, on the other hand, often relocates for work. He thinks it’s easier to move us all together than leave us behind and commute. They were about to move me again, but I put up a fight.”

  “I’m not sure it’s a good idea for you to live by yourself, but I’m glad you’re still around.” She patted my hand and yawned.

  “I should let you rest.” I moved to leave, then on impulse leaned over to drop a kiss on her forehead.

  She smiled sleepily and raised a hand to rest against my cheek. “You’re a nice girl. I’m so happy Zack found you.”

  She had to be the sweetest, most generous woman I’d ever met. I loved her more every day. “Me too. Goodnight.”

  I crept out and closed the door, running into Zack’s muscular chest in the hallway.

  “She looks better, doesn’t she?” he asked, looking hopeful.

  “I guess so.” That wasn’t the truth, but I didn’t want him stressing. His brows furrowed as he entwined his fingers with mine. I rubbed his arm with my free hand. “So what’s the plan for tonight?”

  “We hang with my family until it’s time for you to go, then I walk you home.” A smile hinted on his lips. Then we go for a run in the woods and later you’ll sneak into my bedroom, he finished silently.

  “Excellent plan.” I grinned. “It’s cooling off outside. Let’s go sit on the front porch.”

  Zack led the way. At the top of the steps, I brought my legs up and rested my chin on my knees. He sprawled out on the other end with his back against the railing, and faced me.

  “I guess Gina got under your skin earlier, huh?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Maybe a little.”

  “You want me to talk to her?” Zack nudged my thigh with his sneaker. “Tell her to back off?”

  And give Gina the opportunity to be alone with him? “No, I can handle her. But thanks.”

  I heard footsteps and my head snapped around to look beyond the front yard. My whole body stiffened when I saw Zack’s supervisor, but I took care not to let the tension show. In my peripheral vision, Zack straightened his spine and faced Charles.

  “Good evening.” He halted midstride and tipped his cowboy hat. “Nice night.”

  I forced a smile. “Yes, it is.”

  “How are you feeling?
Any more fainting spells?”

  As far as Charles knew, I was human. He had no clue that the chloroform Daniel had dosed me with the other day hadn’t affected me or that I’d witnessed Daniel and Zack battling it out. Or that I’d seen Daniel’s maker arrive, only to be run out of town by Charles. When the dust had settled, Charles had ordered Zack to convince me that I’d fainted so I wouldn’t go to the police. Werewolves didn’t like officials involved, because they didn’t want to make their existence known to the mortals.

  “Yeah, that was weird, huh? I’ve been one hundred percent fine since, but thanks for asking.” I reminded myself that he had saved our lives the other day. I just wished he didn’t have ulterior motives — like planning to take Zack to the werewolf king after graduation in only a month and a half or so.

  Not that Zack intended to go with Charles. But whether Zack joined the king or escaped, I’d probably never see him again. Anyone who wanted to shorten my already limited time with him was most definitely my enemy.

  “Glad to see all’s well. Enjoy your evening.” Charles tipped his hat again and resumed his walk.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him cross the street and stroll to the end of the next block. He was far enough away now that he couldn’t hear us, but I kept my voice low anyway.

  “Having him around makes me nervous,” I said.

  “You may as well get used to it.” His thumb made soothing strokes against the back of my hand. “Just because you don’t see him doesn’t mean he’s not there. Charles is never far away. He’s only obvious when he wants to remind me he’s watching. But we’re not in danger as long as I’m cooperating.”

  “I hope you’re right.” I’d have to tune in my supernatural radar to Charles.

  “It’s in his best interest to keep me alive. If he doesn’t bring me to the king in good health, how can he justify the time he’s spent here? Try not to let his appearances bother you.”

  “I’ll try. But next time you’re getting regular visits from a werewolf, you should clue me in instead of letting me find out days later.” I raised one brow and eyed him. “Your habit of withholding information is getting a little annoying.”


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