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Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5)

Page 44

by Veronica Blade

  “Maybe we’ll stop by too,” Maya said.

  “That sounds great.” Having friends there would make a meeting with Renzo seem less like standing in front of a firing squad. Or maybe not.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  After finishing my homework, I grabbed the shape-shifter book I’d been reading and dropped onto the living room couch, unsure when Renzo and Alura expected me. I’d been too fear-stricken when Renzo had summoned me that I hadn’t even thought to ask what time he wanted me there.

  As the evening drew closer, I set the book aside and checked my e-mail, but became too antsy to concentrate on anything. What if Renzo got mad at me for being late? Getting to the coffee shop before them wasn’t an option either. The waiting would drive me crazy. What did he want anyway? To continue the interrogation, probably.

  Thankfully, Alura would be there to diffuse the worst of it. That is, if she were still acting like she was on my side.

  I wondered if I could talk to Alura or Renzo telepathically like I did with Zack. Concentrating on Alura and visualizing her in my head, I said, Hey, it’s Autumn.

  Hi, Autumn! Alura sang in her calming voice. I’m quite impressed you’re able to talk to me this way.

  I almost lied and blurted out that I’d learned about it from the SWAAST website, rather than involve Zack. Then it occurred to me the Shape-shifter Werewolf Alliance Against Slavery and Tyranny were the most hunted supernaturals ever. Having information on werewolf or shape-shifter rebels would give Renzo one more reason to eliminate me.

  I’d have to find new sites with the same information. And fast.

  What time are you guys going for coffee? I asked.

  Around seven.

  Thanks. I’ll see you then. I shut her out, suddenly panicked that she’d suspect I’d been lying about everything. I’d told them my parents were human and that Zack didn’t know about me. There weren’t any other shape-shifters around to mentor me and I hadn’t known I was a shape-shifter long. So how could I explain why I knew so much about our world?

  Contacting her that way had been a stupid move. I needed to be smarter. Refocusing on my laptop, I opened the browser to look for alternative websites to tell them about.

  Wait… Renzo had talked to me telepathically at the coffee shop the other day so they already knew I could hear them. I exhaled in relief, the heaviness in my shoulders dissipating as I forced my body to calm, limb by limb.

  But I knew the stress would return soon enough.

  I felt a little like those drivers you see on the news, barreling down the highway with cops chasing them and helicopters overhead. The driver knows he’s going to get caught, but so long as he has hope for freedom, he keeps driving.

  This weekend would be different though. I had some real hope for a break. Zack and I would get away, just the two of us with nothing to do but look for information on my birth parents. Once we figured out a way to leave without anyone following us, we’d have over forty-eight hours of freedom.

  Suddenly, I missed my mom and dad terribly. Finding my phone, I scrolled to my mom’s cell phone number, but then stopped. A live conversation wouldn’t do. I loved them just as much as ever, but no way could I keep the bitterness out of my voice after they’d lied to me. I couldn’t talk to them just yet and I hoped they wouldn’t show up out of the blue. Because I’d surely lose my temper.

  I settled for shooting off a quick text reminding them I loved them.

  Focusing on my computer screen again, I willed myself to concentrate and find some sites with usable information on shifters. The thought of arriving unprepared for my meeting with Renzo made my pulse quicken.

  † † †

  Hearing a knock at the door, I tore my eyes from the computer monitor and rubbed them. I hoped it wasn’t Renzo… or worse, Charles. I crept toward the peephole.

  “Autumn, are you in there?” Zack called from the other side.

  I swung the door open, a big smile waiting for him. “Hey!”

  He wasn’t smiling back. “I’m glad you’re okay. Where have you been? You were supposed to have dinner at my house, remember? I’ve already briefed my mom.”

  Right. I planned to talk about the trip so she would order Zack to go with me. “Sorry, I got caught up in something.”

  “Caught up in what? Everything all right?”

  “Alura wants to meet for coffee later.”

  “Alura?” His eyes snapped to mine. “What about Renzo?”

  “Him too, I guess. It seems like they’re always together.” I felt sleazy coloring the truth, but at least I’d told him about the birth certificate and getting caught cheating. Only one lie left. And it would stay that way so Zack wouldn’t take matters into his own hands and leave town. Or worse, get himself killed to protect me.

  In any case, it would be too dangerous having to keep track of Zack knowing that Renzo knew about me, but that Renzo didn’t know that Zack knew that he knew, and on and on. My head reeled with that garbage.

  I figured it wouldn’t be too difficult to handle Zack if he caught me in a lie, since he’d been guilty of it so many times himself, but I could barely handle Renzo as it was.

  Plus, I couldn’t allow Zack to be distracted by Renzo and the fact that I’d been discovered. I needed him focused on helping me expose Gina’s frame job.

  “Autumn, you need to stay away from them.”

  I didn’t want to have this conversation with him. The more I talked about it, the more chance I’d slip up. “After we’ve already hung out with her?” I asked. “I couldn’t think of a way out of it. And if I were really human, I’d probably accept her invitation. I didn’t want to raise suspicion.”

  Zack studied me a moment, then glanced over my shoulder into the living room. “Are you alone?”

  “No, I have the entire cast of The Vampire Diaries inside.” That was a strange question. “Of course I’m alone. Who else would be here?”

  “You tell me.” Zack folded his arms across his chest.

  Was he jealous and thought I might have Cameron over? Way to trust your girlfriend, dude. Not that I could blame him since I wasn’t being totally honest with him about other things. I opened the door the rest of the way and motioned for him to come in. “See for yourself.”

  “Not a good idea.” He shook his head and stayed put. “After Yosemite, hopefully we’ll know more about your parents. If they’re human, it’ll be safe to come inside because they won’t smell me.”

  Folding my arms over my chest, I eyed him. “If I remember correctly, that wasn’t the only reason you didn’t want to be here alone with me. Lost interest in me already, have you?”

  I eyed Zack and the strange look on his face, trying to figure out what was up. The next instant, he’d passed through the doorway and was pressing me against the wall. His mouth explored mine, his palms on either side of my hips so I couldn’t get away.

  Exactly what I needed after a long day of stress. Zack all over me. Mmm.

  His lips left my mouth in search of the hollow below my jaw. “Does it seem like I’ve lost interest?”

  “I suppose not. We should go,” I said, as his hands splayed at my ribs, thumbs at the edge of my bra. “Or not…”

  He chuckled as his lips found my mouth again.

  As good as his kisses were, we couldn’t stay. Laying my hands on either side of his face, I forced him to look at me. “As much as it pains me, we really have to stop.” Grabbing my purse and phone, I led the way.

  Zack blinked, then ran a hand through his hair and followed me outside.

  We strolled along the sidewalk and his little yellow house and wide red porch came into view. I breathed a sigh of relief. “Why does she want to meet with you?” Zack asked.

  “Maybe I’m likable.” I glanced over at him.

  He shook his head. “No, that’s not it.”

  “I’m not likable?” I teased.

  Grabbing my arm, he pulled me to a halt. “I think she wants something. Be careful. They’ll
fish for information. Try to give them as little as possible.”

  Like I hadn’t already been there and done that. And failed epically.

  “You’re meeting in a public place so they won’t act. After I finish up with Gina, I’ll come by,” he said. “To make sure everything’s all right.”


  He didn’t seem inclined to continue to his house. At this rate, we’d be very late for dinner, we’d look very suspicious and Cara would be annoyed.

  “You’re hiding something.” His eyes turned to slits as he studied my face.

  My brain worked overtime to come up with a response which was the truth, but not the truth. “I just didn’t want to complain. This whole thing sucks. We have a short time before you’re forced to leave and this is how we spend it. Strangers by day and stealing time together at night.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s not easy for me either, but I don’t have another solution just yet. C’mon. Let’s get to dinner before Aunt Cara disowns me.” He turned and resumed walking.

  “Zack, tell me again why you think my parents are human.”

  “I can’t detect any shape-shifter scent on them.”

  “But no one has detected any on me either. The only reason you do is because your nose gets literally against my skin. You haven’t been that close to my parents. You haven’t even met them.”

  “But if they were shape-shifters, Autumn,” he said, “don’t you think they’d clue you in on what you are? By not telling you, they’re throwing you to the wolves. Literally. I have a hard time believing they’d be so irresponsible.”

  He had a good point. We sprinted up the steps to his house and he opened the door for me. Everyone was already seated at the dinner table, including Maya. Good. She was the most important person to convince.

  “Finally,” Cara said, one brow raised.

  “Sorry. I got immersed in homework and lost track of time. Hi, everyone.” I smiled, my eyes searching out each person at the table.

  “Tesora, sit next to me. I don’t see you as often since you dumped my poor son.” Favianne was really working it.

  I tried not to giggle. “Dinner looks great. Thanks so much for having me.”

  We all passed dishes around and served ourselves, making small talk along the way.

  “So how are you doing all alone at your house? Things working out?” Favianne asked.

  Now’s your chance to tell them about your trip, Zack said.

  “Actually, things have been… interesting.” I glanced at Maya. “I was poking around the house and came across a birth certificate. It was strange and… well, I’ll show you.” I got up to fetch my purse and dug out the folded copy of the document. I handed it to Maya and returned to my seat. “See how it has a different last name for me and completely different parents? The birthday matches mine exactly though.”

  “So…” Maya looked at me, obviously trying to wrap her head around it. “What does this mean? You were adopted or something?”

  “I don’t know yet.” I shrugged.

  Maya blinked, then closed her mouth as Trevor slipped the certificate from her fingers. “Who woulda thought, huh?” she asked. “You look so much like your mom.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “But maybe they just changed their identity. I didn’t get anywhere searching those names on the Internet, so I thought this weekend I’d drive up to the hospital where I was born to see what I can find out. If I do have different birthparents, they might still live there and someone might know them. It’s a small town, not like a big city where it’s easier to disappear, right?”

  “Sorry, I’m still in shock.” Maya made the time out sign. “It’s hard to believe Mr. Rossi might not be your real dad.”

  Tears burned behind my eyes and I fought them away. “I’m going to find out more before I jump to conclusions.”

  “I’ve never heard of Oakhurst, California. Where is it?” Trevor asked, glancing up at me from the certificate.

  “It’s a few minutes’ drive from Yosemite,” I answered.

  Favianne raised a brow. “Who’s going with you?”

  I shrugged. “I figured I’d go alone.”

  “No. Zack will drive you.” Favianne stared him down. “Right, Zack?”

  He frowned. “Um… Mom, we broke up. Autumn doesn’t want to be stuck with me on a road trip.”

  “Friends can do road trips together.” Favianne switched to me. “You can’t go alone. I’ll worry about you the whole time.”

  “I don’t really mind going alone but—”

  “We should all go.” Maya’s eyes were huge with excitement. “All four of us. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

  Oh, damn. I hadn’t planned on that possibility. There went my weekend alone with Zack where we didn’t have to pretend. It had been my one chance…

  “Yeah,” Trevor chimed in. “If we were with you, we wouldn’t worry either. Let us do this for you, Autumn.”

  I looked at Zack for confirmation, hoping he’d come up with something to stop them.

  “Fine. We’ll all go.” Zack held up his hands in surrender, then shoveled in another bite of pasta, impressing me with how convincing he could be. I reminded myself that, like me, he’d had practice. For the last couple years, he’d been persuading his family and everyone else to believe he was human.

  “Wonderful. I’ll feel so much better knowing Zack is looking out for you.” Favianne returned to her meal, looking puzzled that our scheme had backfired.

  “I was planning on leaving right after school.” Less chance of being followed. “That way I could arrive in Oakhurst early enough to talk to people and do some digging. Diners will still be open, the hospital, maybe even some stores.”

  “Yeah, but why waste a Friday night on the road when we can leave Saturday morning?” Trevor asked.

  “Because I want to make sure there’s plenty of time to find out everything I possibly can. It’s too far away to make the trip twice.”

  Maya looked from me to Trevor. “We have plans for Friday night — a concert and we already have the tickets. You sure it can’t wait until Saturday?”

  I raised a brow. “If you were me and found a birth certificate like that, would you want to wait?”

  “No,” she conceded. “We’ll give away our tickets.”

  Zack groaned. “Guys, forget it. I’ll go with her. It’ll be… nice to get away, I guess. And if Autumn’s running around all over the place, it’s going to be work. You guys will probably get bored anyway. It’s not like you’ll have your own car. If you do, it defeats the whole purpose of driving together.”

  “True,” Maya said.

  Zack, saving me again.

  † † †

  I helped Zack clean up the dinner dishes. After a chat with Cara, then Maya and Favianne, it was almost time for my meeting with Renzo. My stomach felt queasy but I’d feel worse if he came after me.

  It was seven on the nose when I walked through the side door of the coffee house. After getting my drink, I made my way to the front patio. The werewolves were already there. Waiting to pounce.

  I took the seat next to Alura. Zack could sit next to scary Renzo this time, if he stopped by.

  “Good evening.” Renzo nodded at me, unnerving me with his steady gaze.

  “Hi.” I took a sip of my coffee. “Zack will be here later, maybe our other friends, too. So if you’re going to grill me, you should get it out of the way now.” I hoped Renzo bought my attempt at being nonchalant. In reality, my nerves were frayed from angst and my fingers trembled. I was a wreck.

  “Uncle, you’re making her nervous. Please stop.”

  “If she weren’t afraid of getting caught in a lie, she’d be more relaxed.” He brought his coffee cup to his lips, his eyes steady on mine.

  “I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that our species have been at war for centuries. Or that you could probably kill me with one strike.” I shot him a scowl, then sucked in a lungful and released it. “Plus, I’m not
used to being forced into meetings with werewolves.”

  Renzo leaned forward. “Then tell me what happened to Charles.”

  “You keep asking me that, but I can’t magically know something simply because you want me to.”

  “You’re lying.” His deep dark eyes bore through mine. “I saw you in the woods yesterday.”

  My body froze.

  I was so dead.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  I cleared my throat, stalling for extra seconds, but it was impossible to think with his heated gaze bearing down on me. “All right. I’ll tell you the truth.”

  He sent Alura a smirk. Her frown deepened.

  Taking a breath, I said, “I went running Friday night and came across a dead wolf. It was a bloody mess. You kept asking about Charles and yesterday I put two and two together. Thought I’d check it out.”

  “You killed him,” he accused.

  “Me?” I laughed. “Attack and kill a werewolf much older and more powerful than me? You give me too much credit.”

  “Uncle Renzo, another werewolf could’ve done it. Sorry, but I just don’t see Autumn capable of overpowering him.”

  “Exactly,” I said.

  Renzo didn’t look convinced. He leaned back in his chair and eyed me. “Why do you barely smell like a shape-shifter?”

  “How should I know? I thought it was because I was still maturing and the scent would become stronger with time.”

  “It’ll get stronger, yes, but I should’ve been able to spot you immediately.”

  “Really? Then why couldn’t you?”

  His eye twitched. “That’s what I’m asking you.”

  “Look, anything I know was learned on the Internet and they didn’t cover that in Shape-shifter 101.” I blew out a breath. “You should be the one telling me.”

  “Do your parents know you’re maturing?”


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