Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5)

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Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5) Page 102

by Veronica Blade

  And I reset the password how? I hoped he’d give me more, but he didn’t reply. He was probably near a werewolf and didn’t want any telepathic energy sensed. I was lucky to have stolen those brief moments with Zack.

  My stomach roiled. The looming battle was getting a little too real for me. “Dathan, I need to go straight for Mortimer’s suite and disable the override so the building will stay in lockdown mode. That way no one else will be able to enter the building. Less people to fight.”

  “We’ll have to fight them eventually, but it will be easier if we kill Mortimer first.” He slowed as we approached a small town. “If Zack neutralized the guards on the roof, we’ll be fine while you do what you have to do.”

  “Okay.” I needed to practice whatever witchy powers I’d gotten from Dathan and Jane. I had put it off the last few hours because I couldn’t play with my magic the entire six-hour drive and still keep my witchy powers. Dathan wasn’t thrilled over the others learning about my magic, but I didn’t know if it was possible to be discreet. One of the six supernaturals in the car was bound to sense what I was doing and then Dathan’s secret would be out.

  But I couldn’t put it off any longer. Since we were currently passing through a town, I had more things to experiment with.

  In the distance, I spotted a mound of dirt in an empty parking lot. I zeroed in on the top of it, my mind’s eye seeing each tiny speck. When I imagined flicking the top of the mound, it looked like a gust of wind hit it. I’d moved the sand around! I scanned the area for people, but only a couple were walking along the storefronts. None of them seemed to notice what I had done.

  Up ahead, a speed limit sign oscillated in the wind. Focusing on it, I willed it to stay still. It stood rigid for a few moments before I released my hold.

  But that was simple stuff. I wondered if I could control bigger things, for instance people. Or powerful supernaturals. Experimenting on anyone in this car was probably a bad idea.

  The Escalade accelerated as we approached the end of the town. A side street accommodated a big truck and I zeroed in on it, imagining the wheels lifting off the ground. The front of the truck reared up like a stallion, then dropped and quivered when it hit the ground.


  I didn’t want to waste my magic. I needed to move on, test as many different witchy abilities as I could with what little time we had left. Dathan, I’m going to see if I can block people from sensing me. I’ll practice on you. Let me know if you lose track of me.

  How did I even begin to block my energy? I imagined my power staying inside my body, rather than flowing out. But it didn’t feel right. Holding onto my energy wasn’t natural at all.

  I can still sense you behind me, Dathan said.

  “A strange energy is coming from you, Autumn.” Tessa tilted her head, studying me. “You’re going in and out.”

  Zoe stared at me, squinting. “I’m thinking my grandmother has been very generous with her blood.”

  I looked to the ceiling of the cab, waiting for Dathan to interject. I was guessing he’d come to the same conclusion as I—if I was going to practice, everyone would know soon enough. I cleared my throat. “Maybe she needs us as powerful as we can be to give us a better chance of bringing her family back.”

  “Ah, that’s why we sensed you changing,” Tessa said. “You’re practicing magic.”

  “Yes, my blocking skills.” I twisted around in my seat to face her.

  “You’re on the right track if I can sense your energy level fluctuating.” Tessa studied me a moment. “When you morph into a different form, you see it in your mind, right?”

  “Yes. But in this case, I’m seeing others not sense me. Sort of.”

  “Imagine an invisible barrier,” Zoe said. “You know how we extract images from your mind or we can insert them there? Blocking is similar. We’re placing a barrier around us which blocks our energy. Try it again.”

  Zeroing in on the driver’s seat in front of me, I started at the floor of the Escalade and slowly built up an invisible wall. Once it rose above Dathan’s head, I fortified the wall, then felt it grow taller until it reached the headliner.

  “Well done, Autumn. You’ve fallen off my radar,” Dathan said. “My confidence in you has been well placed.”

  My mom sent me a strange look, like she’d never really seen me before. “I’ve underestimated you, haven’t I?”

  I shrugged, since it didn’t matter what I did. She and Dad would always hover over me as if I were five.

  “You’re on a roll.” My dad pulled a dagger from his waistband and held it out on his palm. “Take it.”

  They’d all figured out I had witch blood running through my veins. No doubt they all smelled the vampire on me as well. No point in hiding anything now. Besides, I needed the practice.

  “Once you work it out, don’t spend any more time practicing. Move on. You need to save your magic,” Dathan reminded me.

  My new, temporary powers were definitely out in the open now. Here goes...Imagining an invisible string connecting me to the dagger, I zeroed in on it.


  “Not sure what you’re doing, but it’s obviously wrong.” Chait chuckled. “You’re basically rearranging space and energy. While you bring in the dagger, you also part the Red Sea, so to speak. Except in this case, you’re moving atoms out of the way and then the dagger uses that space.”

  Brilliant. Why didn’t I think of that? I willed the dagger to come to me, making a path for it so nothing was in the way. It didn’t budge. I took a deep breath, focused on the dagger again. I ignored all eyes on me—even Dathan’s in the rearview mirror—and shut them out. And then I relaxed and decided the dagger was already in my hand. I held out my palm in time for the dagger to slam into it.

  I laughed. “I did it.”

  “Yes, you did,” my dad whispered. He reached past my mom and cupped my face, then leaned over and kissed the top of my head. “Having power doesn’t always mean knowing how to use it. Dathan’s instinct was correct in putting his faith in you. I’m damn proud of you, honey.”

  “Easy on the gushing. We still have an epic war to wage and even with those abilities, we have very little chance of winning.” Dathan slowed when we passed gas station signs and took the exit, making a right toward the gas pumps.

  “Thanks, Dathan,” I said, adding some salt to the words. Why did he have to steal my thunder? “Always so uplifting.”

  “Just keeping it real.” Dathan killed the engine next to a pump. “If you can block your presence, you can enter Mortimer’s room without a witch.”

  My adrenaline spiked. He wanted me to go in all alone? Oh, God, I hated him.

  “He’s got a point, sweetheart.” My mom shook her head. “You’re the only one who can block your presence and still morph into something small enough to get into Mortimer’s suite.”

  After fighting werewolves, then vampires and running to the shape-shifter compound to gather an army, we’d ended up with my parents, Dathan, Zack, four witches and myself. Not an army at all. And at the end of everything, all the effort we’d put into the final plan, it would all come down to Zack and me in the werewolf castle all alone?

  He and I were so screwed.

  Chapter THIRTEEN


  I’d been very careful to follow every order David barked at me. If he sent me to Mortimer and they threw me in solitary—or worse, killed me—all this would’ve been for nothing. Unfortunately, he’d kept me so busy the last hour that I hadn’t been able to check in with Autumn again. Still better than being dead.

  “I’m burning up with cabin fever. I need to get out of here, see someone other than you and these disgusting shape-shifters.” David whooshed out and the door slammed an instant later.

  Colin, check the cameras by the back door and tell me if anyone’s around. What if David caught me giving the food and weapons to the prisoners? Also, inform me of David’s whereabouts at all times.

  Yes, sir. I’ll c
heck the monitors. Colin was silent a moment. David is in the cafeteria and the rear door is all clear.

  I raced out of the dungeon and out the door, grabbed the bag of weapons and sack of food, then hurried inside. I lifted out the first meal and put half on the lid to feed two people. With six meals, I could feed twelve shifters, which would take care of most of the ones who were awake. I picked the stronger ones who would be more useful. After distributing the meals and warning the prisoners to hide the containers, I passed out weapons, again giving them to the strongest shape-shifters.

  David’s going to smell the food, Benjamin said.

  Colin, where is David? In the cafeteria?

  He just left. Now he’s walking the grounds, about two buildings from you.

  Let me know if he gets any closer. I dashed out of the dungeon to the cafeteria, compelled a werewolf into letting me go to the front of the line, then piled a plate sky-high with food and raced back to the dungeon. I gave the extra food to Benjamin and let the rest sit in David’s office to explain the smell of food. I’d eat soon to keep me strong for the battle.

  That was only about an hour away.

  Time to open all the cells. As I unlocked each one, I told them showtime was in about an hour and reminded them that their first priority was to protect their queen. They were to stay in their cells and act as if everything was normal. This way if anyone accessed the security room and watched the monitors—which was very likely to happen once we entered battle—they would believe the prisoners were contained and not a threat. Any surprise on our side would help.

  I’d kept two daggers for myself, stuffing them into my waistband. No one would notice them under my loose t-shirt.

  David is on his way to the mansion, Colin told me.

  Which meant I had only a moment to check on Natasha. I darted to the cell next to David’s and raised the lid. David’s on his way. We have about an hour before war breaks out. You need to stay here until I tell you to come out. Got it?


  I slipped one of the daggers under her back. You’ll need this soon. The dungeon door banged shut and I closed the lid to the coffin.

  “Why is he still on the table?” David screamed.

  I inclined my head. “Sir, I’m trying to follow directions and do exactly what you want. You didn’t ask me to move him and I didn’t want you to get mad at me for taking him away if you weren’t done with him.”

  His breathing slowed as his anger diffused. Whew. “Very well. Take him away and bring me another.”

  “Right away, sir. And when I’m finished, would it be all right if I had my dinner? I got myself some food, but haven’t had a chance to eat yet.”

  “Fine. Fine. Get this guy out of here.” David turned to his wall of torture tools.

  I unstrapped the latest victim, then hauled him away. Once in his cell, I retrieved one of the syringes I always kept in my pocket and was about to dose him. If we failed, he’d never know about the attempted coup. He couldn’t be disappointed if he never had hopes in the first place.

  The guy in the next cell said Mortimer is being taken out soon and you’re helping. If that’s true, why are you about to dose me? The shape-shifter’s eyes were dull and bloodshot. But the spark told me he was anything but defeated.

  I put the syringe in my pocket. I already gave out the food rations and weapons to others and don’t have any more. You’re going to heal slowly and may not be much help in the battle. I figured you’d probably rather be unconscious than in pain.

  After a year here, pain is nothing to me. If someone is killing Mortimer and that animal witch, I want to be awake and alert to savor every sweet second of it.

  Then play dead but pay attention. I closed the gate and moved to David’s next victim, dragging him into David’s office. “Where do you want this one?”

  I loaded the new guy onto the table, helped David strap him in, then retrieved my food. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll eat away from the blood and guts.”

  “Make sure all the prisoners’ cells are locked up tight. His Majesty believes a war is coming very soon. I want these guys quiet and completely useless. In fact, as soon as I’m alerted of an intruder, I plan to kill them all. I may or may not need help to do it, depending how much time we have.” He flashed me a twisted grin. “Just think how much fun we’ll have with the newcomers.”

  “Happy to help any way I can, sir.” I bowed my head and backed away.

  Did you all hear that? I said, focusing my words on every prisoner I had talked to. Even the king knows it’s going to happen at any moment. Be ready.

  I leaned against the wall near the door, then slid down until my butt touched the floor. Then I dug into my food. Colin, what’s happening out there?

  All cameras are working, nothing abnormal.

  Is there a way to disable all the cameras?

  I can do it, yes.

  Can you lock yourself in the security room, so no one, especially the king, can get in there? I waited a beat. Are you able to answer?

  No, sir, I can’t answer.

  Which meant the king had compelled Colin into something and had ultimate control of the security room. Precisely what I expected. If you disable all the cameras, will Mortimer be able to switch them back on?

  Highly probable he’ll ask me to do it, sir.

  And Colin would do it, of course. Which meant I’d be seen running around once I got David out of the way. Damn, how was I going to get around that? Colin, how would I get from the roof directly to Mortimer’s room? After Colin gave me directions through the ducts, I contacted Autumn. What’s your eta?

  About thirty minutes. When we arrive, how will I get to Mortimer’s suite?

  It’s a one-story building, but it’s huge so it covers a lot of ground. There’s a hatch on the roof. Go in through there, then take the ladder to the attic. Morph small then access the ducting, go right and his room is the big one at the very end. Remembering my food, I gulped another bite. I need to know ten minutes before you drop down. If the timing is wrong, we’re all screwed.

  I won’t forget. Keep in mind I have to morph small enough not to be seen. It might take me a while to get to his suite.

  I wolfed down more of my food. I left about a third of it uneaten and was still a little hungry. After folding the paper plate, I slipped it into the cell of the last guy I’d talked to. Maybe he wouldn’t be strong enough to fight, but the food would help with the pain. When you’re done, put it in the toilet tank if you can’t hide it in your clothes.

  At David’s side again, I scooped the drill off the floor. “You haven’t used this in a while.” The drill was my least favorite of all David’s tools. But it made him happy and I needed him soothed and content before I betrayed the hell out of him.

  Anticipating the fight for our lives, the next twenty minutes had my nerves raw and my heart skipping. Any second now...

  Zack, we’re ten minutes away, Autumn said.


  Adrenaline roared through my body. David was peering into the guy’s open chest, using scissors to slice and dice his organs. Sadly, I’d learned to turn off the screams of agony and barely heard his victims anymore. I couldn’t afford to let it get to me if I wanted to keep my sanity and concentrate.

  Moving beside David so that he was on my right, I checked the vicinity for weapons he could use against me. Seeing none—other than his usual tools—I stayed at his side and reached into the front of my jeans. But I couldn’t have him spotting a weapon because I didn’t want him to have a chance to respond. His power of telekinesis could be a bitch.

  “What are you doing?” David eyed me suspiciously.

  “I’ve never looked inside a person except on TV and I didn’t do well in biology.” I pretended to be fascinated and David returned to his task. Snip. Snip. Snip. In one fluid movement, I drew my dagger and stabbed David in the back. He toppled to the ground and I listened to his heart. No sound, which meant I’d hit a bull’s-eye and he was paraly

  Blood oozed from his wound and the sweet smell made me dizzy. Maybe I shouldn’t have given away part of my dinner. But did it matter at this point if I consumed blood and anyone smelled vampire on me? Probably not. Once the fight started, no one would have time to notice. My fangs popped out and I sunk them into his neck.

  No wonder Dathan’s vampires had said witches were delicious. Made me want to keep him alive and feed from him forever. But then I’d be almost as bad as them.

  If you wake and we’re still at war, you will help me and my friends and any witches you encounter. I had to eliminate any possible way he could survive to ever torture anyone again. Whether we win or not, when the fighting stops, you’ll rip out your own heart and kill yourself.

  That was a much kinder fate than he had allowed any of the prisoners.

  Once I got my fill, I released him and grabbed a syringe from my pocket. After putting the entire contents into his shoulder, I emptied a second one into him and then another. The excess volume of poison would keep him down for a while. I went to the next cell over to Natasha and opened the coffin lid. David is neutralized for the moment. Less than five minutes before the cavalry arrives. Don’t leave the cell or the cameras will see you. Mortimer will likely be monitoring them. Stay here until one of us tells you otherwise.

  As much as I wanted their help fighting Mortimer and the werewolves, I wanted the shape-shifters protecting Natasha since I hadn’t thought to give her the food instead of the last guy David had tortured. Now she was still too weak to fight. I was the biggest idiot ever.

  Once I reset the password, no one could get in the dungeon and hurt any of them. For now, this was the safest place for Natasha.

  I stumbled and gripped a cell bar to keep from slipping. My head spun. What the hell?


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