Stone (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 2)

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Stone (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 2) Page 22

by S. Nelson

  The only thing I could do to alleviate the thick tension was to leave, allow my father time to calm down, and hopefully let what Stone had said sink in.

  “I think it’s best we go,” I said, reaching over and touching my father’s arm. That time, he didn’t pull back, instead looking at me with fear in his eyes. I knew I meant the world to him, and the fact I was upsetting him tore me to shreds. But I loved Stone. I was carrying his child. I needed him, more than I could ever explain to my father. “I promise I’ll call you in a couple days. Trust me to know that what I’m doing is right for me,” I pleaded.

  Taking a step back, I reached for Stone’s hand and pulled him toward the door.

  Thankfully, he followed me without hesitation.


  The majority of the ride home was done in silence. The explosive encounter with Addy’s father continued to attack the protective side of me. To hear him challenge me, to insinuate I wasn’t man enough to care for and protect his daughter, really hit a nerve, mainly because it was an insecurity of mine. I’d hoped for the best that evening, but I was a fool to think he would welcome me with open arms.

  Addy sat beside me, her hand resting on the top of my thigh. She never spoke but her support, and apology, shone through her simple touch. We were a few miles from home when she finally spoke.

  “I’m so sorry about the way my father behaved. I really think he’ll calm down in a few days, realize he was out of line.” Her head was turned toward me and I knew she was staring at the side of my face, willing me to look her way. But I kept my stare straight ahead.

  “But that’s the thing. He wasn’t out of line. And that’s what’s messing with me.” My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I tried to rein in my fleeting temper. I was upset. More than upset, if I was being honest. But confusion riddled me, making me feel helpless. My brain was on overdrive, thoughts of attacking her father for making me feel worthless mixed with admiration for the man that he’d stood up to me and tried to protect his daughter. Because I knew I would do the same damn thing, if ever the situation arose.

  “Please don’t believe anything he said. He’s just hurt, and scared for me. He doesn’t know you, or the guys at the club for that matter. He knows what a good man my uncle is, and in time he’ll see you in that light as well.”

  “Don’t hold your breath,” I shot back at her. Calming my tone, realizing she didn’t deserve any of it, I took a few deep breaths and continued to stare ahead, focusing on the road instead of the distraught woman sitting next to me.

  When we finally arrived home, Addy exited the truck quicker than I could get to her, walking briskly toward the front of the house without a second thought of waiting for me. She had the door unlocked and had disappeared inside before I stepped foot in front of my truck. The last thing I wanted to do was upset her, but that was exactly what happened tonight. Although I wasn’t really to blame, I was the one who had to calm her, to assure her everything would be all right. I knew how close she was with her father, and although I knew I wasn’t gonna be seeing him anytime soon, I knew I had to convince her to talk to him sooner rather than later. She had enough stress in her life; she didn’t need to be worrying about the status of their relationship on top of everything else going on.

  Finally following her inside, I threw my keys on the side entry table and kicked off my boots before walking toward the kitchen. I needed a beer like no one’s business, and since I was home I felt it was safe to indulge. I needed something to soothe the rising fire inside me. The more I repeated his words over and over in my head, the more conflicted I became. ‘They’re nothing but a bunch of murdering, drug-dealing, lowlife scumbags.’ I knew it wasn’t all true. Well . . . the low-life-scumbag part anyway.

  Swallowing half my beer in a few long gulps, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before setting the bottle on the countertop. I didn’t want to get too carried away, and if I finished my drink too quickly, I would just reach for another. Then another. And another.

  I knew eventually Addy would need to talk about what happened, and how would it look if I was sloshed off my ass, and not there for her to discuss the new stress weighing her down?

  Having time alone before I searched for her, I found I was able to calm myself a little more. Rational thought drove me to wash away most of my insecurities, and while I wasn’t completely convinced I was good enough for Addy, and never would be, I felt better about my role in her life. Her father spoke from a place of love, I realized that, but his attack on me and my club still cut deep. But I couldn’t focus on that any longer. I had to stop worrying about myself and how I felt, and start worrying about the woman who was dealing with the brunt of the situation. She was caught dead center in the middle of this new war between me and the man she loved more than anything. Pushing out a harsh breath, I steeled my nerves and vowed to be the bigger person. I had no idea how, since I’d never had to take on such a role before, but with her help I would figure it out.

  I was gonna be the last person she would need to worry about. If only her father knew about her cancer, I bet he’d change his entire tune. It wasn’t my place, however, no matter how much I wanted to inform him of his daughter’s precarious condition.

  Finally having enough solitude, I strode down the short hallway toward our bedroom. I figured she’d disappeared inside to get away to collect herself, much like I’d done in the kitchen. The door was open, a small light on in the corner of the room. My eyes searched the space quickly, but I couldn’t find her. Stepping inside, I walked toward the closet, thinking she was changing, but she wasn’t in there either. There was only one other place she could be. Slowly pushing open the bathroom door, I spotted her sitting on the edge of the tub, her head hung low and resting in her hands. Her long locks covered her face, but I didn’t need to look into her eyes to know how upset she was. I saw it in the shake of her shoulders, in the way her fingers threaded through her hair, and I could hear it in her voice when she spoke.

  “I can’t talk about it,” she cried. “I just can’t deal with it right now, so please don’t ask me to.” Reaching out to caress the top of her head, she leaned in to my touch and it was right then I knew I would do everything in my power to keep her safe and unharmed. I would make it my life’s mission to make her the happiest woman in the world, even when life got in the way.

  “You don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to. Just know I’m here for you. Always,” I promised. I continued to stroke her hair, moving closer in case she needed more of my strength.

  Her breathing was short and choppy, but she soon regained some of her composure. Lifting her head, her eyes pinned me and what I saw surprised me. I thought for sure she was gonna lose herself in sorrow, but like always, her will to move past things, if only for a while, told me of the type of woman she was. Addy never wanted to wallow in the heartache of the moment; she took time to process, felt the emotions rushing through her, and then pushed forward.

  This time was no different.

  Reaching for my fingers still running through her hair, she held onto me for support, rising from her seat so she stood in front of me.

  Her beautiful blues spoke volumes without her having to utter a single word. My woman needed something desperately. And I had a good idea what that was.

  Wrapping her arms around my waist, she leaned up on her tiptoes and softly pressed her mouth to mine, her tongue drifting over my bottom lip in the quickest of teases. “Will you make love to me?” she asked, as if she even needed to pose the question. “But not soft and gentle. I need a distraction right now, and I need to feel you take me with a need like never before.”

  I was stunned to say the least. Not that she wanted to have sex, but that she was asking me to unleash a bit of the beast inside me. Glancing down at her belly, then back to her face, I bit my lip in reservation. And lust. Right then, I wasn’t sure which emotion was gonna win out, but they were splayed all over my face and she read me like an open book

  “You’re not going to hurt him,” she promised. “I’m not asking you to have crazy rough sex with me. I’m just askin’ you to not treat me like I’m gonna break. That’s all.” Her hands shot to my belt buckle before I could respond, tugging it open and pulling it free from the loops in one swift motion. The clank of the metal hitting the floor startled me. I was entirely focused on the look of lust spreading not only over her face, but throughout her body, her nipples pebbling behind the soft material of her bra, her dress unable to disguise her reaction.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, licking my lips as she grasped the button of my jeans, popping it free and sliding the zipper through its many teeth. “I guess so.” I laughed, seeing as there was no stopping her now. Not that I was complaining. Once she pushed my jeans down my thighs, I stepped free and kicked them behind me, tugging off my socks just as quickly. When I reached for the hem of my shirt, she stopped me, replacing my hands with hers and slowly drawing the white fabric up my torso. The tickle of her fingertips made my skin come alive, every nerve ending on high alert the more of my skin she exposed. When my shirt cleared my head, she tossed it behind me, raking her nails down the length of my chest until she came to the waistband of my boxer briefs. She told me with a quick flick of her eyes to remain still until she’d completely undressed me.

  Normally, I was the one who was in charge of undressing the both of us, but I had to admit I loved letting her take the lead. Her desire for me fueled mine to heights I’d never known before. I was forever learning new things about Addy, pleased when she slowly showed me another side to her, making sure to keep me on my toes. Keeping the mystery alive, I supposed.

  Slightly caressing me with her fingers, she ran her hands behind me, tugging the material of my underwear away from my body so she could slip underneath. While she teasingly lowered it, she grasped my ass, pulling me to her while she placed random kisses all over my chest. Flicking her tongue over my nipple, I choked on a ragged inhale, my mouth suddenly popping open while my eyes stared straight into the depths of hers. Tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear, I lifted her chin and took her mouth. I wasn’t gentle, but I wasn’t as harsh as my body wanted me to be. I couldn’t fully unleash myself on her until after she had my son. Only then would my reservations go away.

  For as idiotic as it may seem to others, I held back when claiming my woman, fear always threatening that I could do some kind of damage, especially if I really gave in to the animal inside clawing to get out.

  When our mouths parted, she took the opportunity to tell me something she thought I should hear. “I love you. You’re a wonderful, albeit infuriating, man, but I couldn’t ask for a better partner or father for our son.” What she didn’t say was, ‘Don’t let my father’s words fester inside you, making you second-guess the type of man you are.’

  Pushing the last piece of fabric covering my body down my thighs, her hand quickly wrapped around my cock, tightening her hold while I tried my hardest to regain my composure. The heat from her hand undid me, and if she decided to stroke me a few times I couldn’t be held accountable for my body’s reaction.

  Threading my fingers through her hair, I yanked her head back until her throat was exposed, the pulse of her desire thumping so strongly I saw it through her creamy white skin. She continued to grip me, her other hand on the hard planes of my chest. I needed to connect with her in the worst way, so before I knew what I was doing my mouth found the soft expanse of her neck, nipping and biting her the more she drove me out of my goddamn mind.

  “I want you so bad,” I groaned, my hand falling from her hair to cup her plump breast. I swore every day her tits seemed to get bigger, and while I loved every change our son caused, I hated when other men noticed as well. Choosing not to mentally go down that path right then, I focused back on Addy, ravaging her mouth, nipping her lip and swirling my tongue with hers, until she exhaled and the sexiest moan fell from her mouth. I was gonna explode in two seconds if I didn’t bury myself inside her soon.

  Breaking our connection, both of us pleading for air, I abruptly turned her around and told her to place her hands on the edge of the vanity. Nudging her legs apart with my thigh, I nestled in between and flipped her dress up, exposing her delectable ass. I wasn’t slow with any of my movements, ripping her panties from her body before she even realized what I was doing. She gasped in surprise, but I saw the satisfied smile plastered across her face in the reflection in the mirror.

  Smirking, I yanked down the top of her dress, exposing the rest of her without pulling the material all the way off. Addy was overly sensitive about her body, and while she was proud of her belly, she was still self-conscious of it at the same time. As if that made a lick of sense. I loved every inch of her, but right then I didn’t want to have to deal with any of her insecurities. So I let the remainder of her dress cover her stomach, all the while gazing intently at her tits in the mirror and running my hands greedily over the plump globes of her backside.

  “Couldn’t wait until we made it to the bed?” She laughed, backing herself into me as I pressed forward. All amusement died when she felt my rigid length teasing her swollen folds, her wetness coating me. “Oh. . . .” she moaned, her head falling forward while her arms locked in position.

  “No.” I teased her clit with the tip of my cock. “Look at me, Addy. Look at what you do to me,” I demanded, continuing to torment her body until she started to shake.

  Raising her head so I could see her eyes in the mirror, I licked my lips before covering her with my body, placing my free hand on her waist and pulling her back to meet me. It was a tug of war.

  Pull back.

  Press forward.

  Lining myself up at her entrance, I thrust inside her in one swift motion, holding her steady until I was completely sheathed. Her body shook, her knees buckling while her arms dropped from the edge of the sink. I pulled her back until she righted herself, standing tall while I slowly started to move inside her. “You okay,” I asked, fearful I was hurting her in some way.

  “Yes, never better,” she said, turning her head to the side so she could see me. She smiled, but the curve of her lips disappeared when I hit that perfect spot inside her. “Oh, my God. Yes . . . yes . . . right there,” she moaned, the sounds wafting in the air around me, pushing me to make her come as soon as possible.

  Bending my knees slightly, I withdrew almost completely, and it wasn’t until I heard her groan in frustration that I pushed back inside, repeating the move until I thought she was gonna kill me. “Sorry, baby, but you feel way too good, and if I fuck you like I want to, this is gonna be over before we know it.” Trapping her lovely face, I bent down and smashed my mouth against hers, biting her lip in utter recklessness. A faint smell of copper filled my nose and I knew I’d made her bleed, but she didn’t seem to care, licking at my mouth while she searched for my tongue, doing her best to devour me.

  She tugged on the strands of my hair, eliciting a slight sting of pain, something which only spurred me further. While one arm held her close, my free one roamed over her body, kneading her tits and pinching her puckered nipples between my fingers.

  I was trying to hold out, tease the both of us to make this last as long as possible, but the all too familiar pull in my balls warned me I was close to exploding. “Lean over. Place your hands back on the sink and don’t move.” She did as she was told and once I knew she was braced for my attack, I gripped her waist with both hands and rutted inside her like I was never gonna have her again. I knew she was close, her gasps coming quicker than before, her full lips parted while she anxiously waited to detonate.

  Stroking her body with my own, I needed to tip her over the edge before my orgasm claimed me, so I ran my finger over her most sensitive area, applying a bit of pressure while I swirled my movements.

  Faster and faster.

  Until her body locked up tight.

  Her muscles milked me to come deep inside her. As soon as her cries hit my ears, I
slammed into her a few more times before falling over the edge right along with her. The jet of my release filled her so completely it dripped down her thighs, and there was nothing more fulfilling than seeing my seed painted on her skin.

  Locking eyes in the reflection of the mirror, we both smiled in satisfaction. Our bodies had found a release, sure, but I reveled in the comfort that I’d been able to make her forget the unfortunate turn of events that evening for the briefest of moments.


  “Of course. I’ll be right there. Okay . . . I know. Yeah, that’s fine.” Slowly opening my tired eyes, I managed to catch the end of Stone’s phone conversation, which wasn’t hard to do since he was pacing around the room. And while his voice woke me up, I was never so happy because I was gifted with the sight of his naked body, his muscles bunching in frustration the longer he engaged whoever was on the other end of the phone.

  His club kept him extremely busy these days, and while I missed him when he was gone, I enjoyed and made the most of my time alone, catching up on movies I’d wanted to see or books I’d been meaning to read. Whenever we were together, we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves, so most times we ended up enjoying each other for hours on end, then lazing about until it was time for bed. And while I wasn’t complaining one bit, sometimes I simply needed some solitude.

  He flicked his cell closed and glanced in my direction, smiling when he saw I was awake. “Sorry, babe. Did I wake you?” he asked, rounding the bed to come and stand next to me. Reaching down, he played with the strands of my hair, tucking them behind my ear before tracing a line down the side of my cheek, his thumb running over the seam of my lips before suddenly pulling back.

  “Why did you stop?” A puff of frustration barreled forth from my mouth before I could stop it. “I was kinda hoping we could . . . ya know . . . before you have to leave.”


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