Stone (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 2)

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Stone (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 2) Page 25

by S. Nelson

  The only part of Stone I could reach from my position was his leg, so I smacked his thigh in annoyance. “Knock it off. He’s not hitting on me. Not at all. Actually, I’m the one who approached him, if you must know.”

  Stone’s grip on me tightened slightly, his irritation prominent in the way he held onto me.

  “Yeah? And why’s that?”

  “I came over to tell him that someone better put Ryder to bed, because he keeps mumbling things I’m positive shouldn’t be heard by anyone other than the men. Things I’m sure were said in private.”

  Both Stone and Tripp cursed at the same time, walking away from me to wrangle up Ryder and lock him away inside his room before he stirred up more shit.

  Fortunately, the rest of the evening was quite uneventful. Everyone had retired to their respective rooms, the common area becoming deserted well before midnight. There were only a few men milling about, walking in and out of Chambers, whispering their business away from the rest of us.

  The whole scene was quite surreal. I’d never been around when there was a lockdown, only ever hearing bits and pieces from my uncle when I’d overheard him talking to one of the other members. I knew enough not to inquire, however, because it had never had anything to do with me before. But everything was different now, ever since I’d become officially involved with Stone.

  While I couldn’t be happier that I was finally with the man I was meant for, my reservations barreled forth. Times like this were exactly why I’d denied him for so long. There was no going back, though, so I kept my chin up and followed his instructions, something which was hard for me to do without complaint.

  I was just about to hop in the shower for a quick rinse before bed when Stone walked into the room, his disheveled hair quite telling of the day he’d had so far. First, he’d been consumed with the goings-on here, with his club, and then I broke the news that I still had cancer. Even after all the treatments I’d endured. And now, he was still dealing with a possible threat toward everyone he cared about.

  I wanted to do something for him, not wanting to wallow in self-pity about my situation, instead focusing that energy onto him. If he felt better, I would feel better.

  “Wanna take a shower with me?” I coaxed, lifting the hem of my dress up my body and over my head, standing before him in my white cotton bra and panties.

  Briskly walking toward me, he guided me toward the bathroom before his response left his lips. “Yes.” Kicking off his shoes and socks, he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans, pushing them down his muscular thighs and taking his boxer briefs right along with them. The last thing to go was his shirt, tossed on the floor at his feet with the rest of his discarded clothes.

  A naked Stone was the most beautiful, erotic sight I’d ever been gifted with. The toned, rippled muscles of his torso called for my touch. The need to run my fingertips over his sculpted chest bombarded me each time I was given the opportunity. I stood there staring at him as if it were the first time I’d ever seen him naked.

  “Are we jumping in this shower, or do you want to stare at me a little while longer?” He laughed, licking his lips as he leaned his hip against the sink. Crossing his arms over his chest only spurred my incessant desire to visually devour him that much more.

  “Give me a minute.” I chuckled, moving forward and running my hands down his chest, pulling at his arms until they fell at his sides. I’d touched him hundreds of times before, but for some reason this time was different. Having no idea if the bad news I’d received earlier had any bearing, I pushed all thoughts of my sickness aside and committed every line and plane of his body to memory, needing to focus on him instead of the persistent cancer inside me.

  My fingers trailed down the rest of his body, settling on his defined abdominal muscles, sinking lower still until his thickness filled my hand. When he inhaled quickly, I knew he was enthralled with my fascination, jerking his hips forward until I grasped him tighter.

  “Addy . . .” he moaned, threading his fingers through my long hair, caressing my scalp with a lazy massage.

  “Do you like that?” I asked, knowing damn well what his answer would be. Releasing him, I traced the rest of his warm skin with the tips of my fingers, unintentionally tickling him as I skated around the back of his body. Looking deep into his dark, expressive eyes, I pulled him closer, leaning up and capturing his mouth before he could react.

  His tongue pressed into my mouth, drawing out my lust until he’d essentially held me captive with his kiss. Nipping at my bottom lip, he broke our connection for the briefest of moments, pulling back so he could peer into my eyes. “I would have never guessed you’d be in the mood for this,” he said, gesturing back and forth between us. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Well . . . I’m kinda hoping you’ll be the one ‘getting into me.’”

  His gravelly laugh made me smile.

  “As you wish, but let’s get in the shower first. That way, I can clean you right after I dirty you all up.” The gleam in his eyes sealed the deal.

  A half hour later, we snuggled under the covers and tried our best to get some much needed sleep.

  Even though we were essentially trapped inside the clubhouse, a very real threat to the livelihood of all the members and their families, there was no place on Earth I would rather be than wrapped in Stone’s arms.


  Another month passed.

  Another month of silence on the part of our greatest enemy.

  Psych still had not made a move to come and collect his daughter, Marek’s wife. He was either planning some kind of elaborate attack or he had more sense than any of us gave him credit for, realizing we would kill him on sight. If I was gonna go with either scenario, though, it would be the first one. Unfortunately.

  Psych Brooks was one crazy motherfucker, and I had no doubt he’d been lying low the entire time because he was biding his time until he found what he believed to be his prime opportunity. But he’d better hurry if he wanted a chance for retaliation; otherwise, we were gonna snuff him out of existence as soon as we seized the chance.

  The president of the Savage Reapers had to die, and the sooner Marek was able to accomplish it, the better. He was completely focused on disposing of Rico Yanez because of what he’d done to Sully, however. Although, if my opinion counted for anything, I believed her father to be a more satisfying prize to eliminate, solely based on the few things my friend had revealed to me. I was aware that Psych had raped his own daughter. Repeatedly. As well as beating her whenever he saw fit. The man had also handed his only child over to the likes of that despicable bastard Vex, which in and of itself was more than enough to snatch his life.

  But Marek viewed the situation differently. He wanted to kill Yanez. Then, and only then, could he redirect the rest of his rage on Psych Brooks, extinguishing his very existence so he no longer breathed the same air as the rest of us.

  Marek had successfully set up a meeting with Carrillo a while back, taking me along for both physical and emotional support, although he would deny it if asked. While Carrillo was visibly angry with the evidence we showed him of his right-hand man clearly still engaged with the Reapers, it wasn’t enough in his eyes to sign his death warrant. Instead, the head of the cartel assured us he would do his own investigating, promising to hand over what was left of him after he exacted his own punishment, assuring Marek that Yanez would still be breathing when he got his hands on him. It was the best deal we could get, so we agreed. Honestly, we really didn’t have much of a say in what happened to Yanez, so the fact Carrillo offered any part of the soulless fucker to us was a win.

  Addy’s belly continued to grow, and since she was two weeks past her due date, she was beyond frustrated that our son decided to stay nestled inside her, refusing to come out and greet the world. I did as much for her as I could, including rubbing her feet and back when I saw the slightest look of discomfort slide across her lovely face. I knew her so well I could read her like an open book,
something for which she was both grateful for and annoyed by. It meant she couldn’t hide anything from me anymore, as I paid extra-close attention to her, even when she wasn’t aware.

  We’d gone over some names, but we still hadn’t decided which one to go with. She said she wanted to wait and see him first, that once she held him in her arms she would know the perfect name for him.

  Addy had set up an appointment with Dr. Weber, one I was included in because I had some questions about what was going to happen with her treatment going forward. The good doctor described the tests he’d performed, and that Addy’s condition was better than it had been. However, he believed the cancer was still present, and he was going to take a biopsy of her ovaries after the birth of our son. Just as Addy had told me earlier. But it was different, more affirming, hearing it directly from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.

  All things considered, life was good. Her dad still didn’t want anything to do with me, but I could only hope in time, once I’d proved I could take care of his daughter and grandson without issue, he would come around and at least acknowledge me as a permanent fixture in their lives.

  My cell vibrated on top of the table, interrupting Marek as he spoke about our latest issues. Normally, we weren’t allowed to bring our phones into Chambers, as they were simply a distraction. However, since Addy’s due date had come and gone, I needed for her to be able to reach me at any time.

  Glancing at my screen, I saw it was indeed my woman and, for some reason, I looked across the table and caught Trigger’s attention with the widening of my eyes. I’d called Addy before we came into the room, telling her to only call me if it was an emergency; otherwise, I would call her whenever our meeting ended. I knew she wouldn’t take that lightly, so the fact her beautiful face was lighting up my phone, I knew something had happened.

  Flicking the phone open, I answered quickly. “Hello? Is it time?” An ear-splitting grin appeared on my face at her confirmation.

  Marek slapped my forearm and said, “Well, men, looks like we’re gonna postpone business.” I heard him speak, but I was so focused on the strain in Addy’s voice I never responded, instead rising from the table and hurrying outside toward my bike. I swore I broke every traffic rule there was trying to get to her as fast as possible.

  Once I arrived, I rushed toward the reception area of the hospital, hurriedly asking the woman for Addy’s room number. I raced toward the bank of elevators down the nearby hallway, praying the entire time for her safety as well as for our son’s. I pounded continuously on the floor button, cursing out loud because it took so damn long for the doors to close. Thankfully, I was alone, or I would have probably scared someone. So many thoughts invaded my brain. Would my son be healthy? Would Addy be okay during the delivery, and after? I flip-flopped from smiling wide to chewing on my lip in nervousness. Fear and elation battled within me. Too bad the warring emotions would stay with me until I knew for sure that both mother and baby would be fine.

  Practically tripping into her room, I saw Addy lying in the hospital bed, already hooked up to a monitor. Sully was at her side, holding her hand and talking her through the pain. The two women had been doing some last minute baby shopping when I got the call. I had quickly learned her contractions were only five minutes apart, a fact I found unbelievable since Addy had just called me not twenty minutes prior. Apparently, she’d been experiencing them for a few hours, but failed to mention anything.

  Approaching her bed, I reached for her other hand and leaned down to kiss her. “Why didn’t you call me when you first started getting them?”

  “Because I wasn’t sure if they were real or Braxton Hicks contractions.” She pushed a breath of air from her mouth. “I didn’t want to bother you if it was nothing,” she confessed.

  “Bother me?” I asked incredulously. Shaking my head, I gave her a stern look before leaning over to kiss her again. “I should be upset with you, but all I want is to help you through this.”

  Sully took that as her cue to give us some privacy, rising from her seat and leaning down to give her friend a quick hug. “I’m gonna wait for Cole in the waiting room. No doubt he’s on his way with the other guys.” She smiled at me before walking around the bed and heading toward the door.

  I’d thought we would get some time alone, but it wasn’t to be. If Dr. Weber wasn’t paying Addy a visit, we were talking to nurses, several who had come and gone for the day, changing shifts. Addy had been in labor for hours on end with no relief in sight, until finally Dr. Weber said she was close to ten centimeters dilated and it was gonna be time for her to start pushing soon.

  For some odd reason, she decided not to have an epidural, a decision she was definitely regretting. She’d tried to convince Dr. Weber to give her one, but he’d informed her that her window of opportunity had closed. If I could have given her my condition, I would have. In a heartbeat. To witness someone I love writhe around in pain, to realize there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it, tore at me. It destroyed me. But I couldn’t focus on myself, I had to give her my strength, offer her something else to focus on beside the agony tearing through her.

  “I don’t think I can take much more of this,” Addy complained, her face scrunching in a grimace when the next contraction hit. Clasping my hand tightly, she held her breath and shook her head back and forth.

  “You have to breathe.” I stroked the top of her hand. “Breathe through the pain,” I said, thinking I was helping to remind her of what she needed to do. Once the pain had passed, she loosened her grip, turned her head to look at me, and told me just what she thought of my suggestion.

  “Easy for you to say. You’ve never felt pain a day in your life. What the hell do you know about this?” Tears of frustration slipped from her eyes, pulling her hand from mine in anger. “I’m in so much pain here, and all you can do is tell me to breathe. Really?” she asked, glaring at me as if she wished the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

  Before I could come back with some sort of retort, Dr. Weber strolled into the room, looking the part of the calm, comforting doctor. As soon as Addy laid eyes on him, she changed her demeanor right away, smiling at him as if he held the golden ticket. At first, I was pissed, but then I realized the only reason she was floating on cloud nine in front of the doctor was because he was there to help move the delivery along, essentially ending her pain.

  “How we doing?” he asked, smiling as he wheeled the stool closer to the edge of the hospital bed. I wasn’t gonna lie; the fact he was looking at Addy underneath her hospital gown, up close and personal, angered me, but for the sake of everyone involved, including Dr. Weber, I held my temper in check. Addy took notice, however, reaching to touch my arm to bring my attention back to her. Giving me a slight smile, she turned her head back to Dr. Weber.

  “I’m ready,” she confessed. “My God . . . I’m ready.”

  “Yes, please,” I answered as well. “Can’t we move this along? I’m fearing for my life over here,” I half-joked.

  Dr. Weber smirked, shaking his head at my ludicrous statement. I may be a tough bastard, but my woman could destroy me with a single look.

  Fiddling underneath the sheet, Dr. Weber mumbled something to himself before wheeling his stool back. “Addy, the baby is not in the right position. You’re fully dilated, but I can’t have you start pushing yet.” More tears coursed down her face. “The baby is in what we call a transverse position.” The confused look on our faces forced him to explain further. “The baby’s head is sideways. I’m going to try and move him so he is facing down. Now, I have to warn you, this is probably going to be a little uncomfortable. Okay?”

  She simply nodded, clutching my hand in anticipation for what was to come. I wasn’t stupid; I knew damn well he had to reach inside her to try and turn the baby. The thought infuriated me, and I tried not to focus on the fact he was going to cause my woman intentional pain, even though he needed to do it in order for Addy to start pushing. Regardless, it didn’t sooth
e my need to cause him bodily harm.

  As soon as she shut her eyes and bit her lip, I knew she was in pain. Thankfully, Dr. Weber was successful in moving the baby, and did so relatively quickly.

  When he wheeled back and rose from his seat, he patted Addy’s knee before excusing himself, telling us he would be right back.

  My instinct was to protect her, but there wasn’t a damn thing I could do for her right then, other than sit by her side until our son was born. She was exhausted and in tremendous pain. From where we sat, it seemed like there was no end in sight, more so for her than for me.

  I was man enough to realize her yelling at me before was the anguish talking, but it still struck a nerve. I was also smart enough to realize I shouldn’t mention it—not until after the baby was born, at least. Or maybe never. Yeah, never talking about it was probably my best bet. Especially if I ever wanted to get her pregnant again.

  Jesus! I’m already thinking about more babies with her.

  “What are you smiling at?” Addy shouted, gripping my hand again to help her through another contraction.

  Dr. Weber chuckled, catching Addy’s words to me as he walked back into the room. “Game face, Stone. Don’t mess around over there.” He winked when I looked at him, and I had to admit I actually liked the guy, even if he did piss me off from time to time by touching Addy or looking directly at the one area no other set of eyes should ever see.

  Wheeling himself in front of her again, he placed her feet in the stirrups and gently pushed her legs apart. Two nurses had come in behind him, waiting to assist in the delivery.

  “Well, it looks like we’re ready to go,” Dr. Weber said, raising his head briefly to smile at her. She returned his gesture, grateful she was going to welcome the newest member of our family very soon. “The next time your body signals for you to push, I want you to bear down, okay?”

  She nodded, glancing over at me with fear and happiness all tangled together.


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