The Topaz Brooch

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The Topaz Brooch Page 76

by Katherine Lowry Logan

  “If ye’d taken us with ye, we might have found an answer,” David said.

  Elliott shrugged. “If ye want to do yer own investigation, I won’t stop ye.”

  “I will,” Kenzie said. “We’re fortunate Elliott and Remy made it back alive and uninjured. There’s no reason to take more risks.”

  “I’m not so sure, Kenzie,” Penny said. “I want to know.”

  “It’s not something we have to decide right now,” Rick said. “But what about the ancient warriors in David’s vision and Penny’s nightmares? Who were they?”

  “There were ancient Celtic warriors and ancient Viking warriors,” Elliott said. “Celtic warriors enhanced their appearance by painting blue patterns all over their bodies.”

  “Then those were Celtic warriors in my vision and Penny’s nightmares,” David said. “And they had the torc?”

  “David, yer vision and Penny’s nightmares might just be composites, not a true representation, since the Celts lived during the Iron Age, long before the Vikings,” Elliott said.

  “So, what do we know for sure?” Kenzie asked.

  “That traveling back and forth lengthens our telomeres, makes us healthier, and we’ll probably live longer,” Charlotte said.

  “Oh,” Penny said. “I forgot something that might be relevant. Churchill recognized the gold and silver container the pendant was in. He said he’d seen Navy Lieutenant Maurice Bowes with one just like it, and that he kept letters in his.”

  “Who is he?” Charlotte asked.

  “He was one of the British officers who came to Barataria to persuade Jean to side with the British against America. He wore a ring with the image of crossed keys that symbolizes secrecy and trust and is one of the symbols of the Illuminati. It was the same ring Colonel Bowes wore when he”—she took a deep breath—“hurt me…the summer before my senior year at the Academy.”

  A soft collective gasp circled the table, and although no one spoke for a moment, Rick put his arm around her shoulders, letting her know she was safe.

  Then David asked, “Lafitte must have found him.”

  “It would make sense,” Penny said.

  “And killed him?” Kenzie asked.

  “If he did, Colonel Bowes won’t be alive now,” Penny said. “He’s supposed to be up for a promotion, so he shouldn’t be that hard to find.”

  “If he’s dead, or was never born, you certainly got your revenge,” Kenzie said.

  “And then there’s the Illuminati symbol on his ring,” Penny said. “Tying that organization to the brooches.”

  “I don’t know much about the Illuminati, do you?” Kenzie snorted.

  “I do,” Jack said. “They disbanded in the late 1700s. Historians tend to believe the Illuminati were only mildly successful, but others believe they took over the world and are still in control of it today through some kind of shadow government. If they have control of one or more brooches, they could not only control the world but change it.”


  Mallory Plantation—Penny

  It was a clear night, and the full moon cast its soft, milky light over the James River as Penny and Rick returned to the cabin by way of the well-worn running path along the bank. This moonlight stroll with Rick had to be the most romantic thing she’d ever done. The light breeze brought the scent of the water, horses in the nearby paddock, the freshly mowed grass now slightly damp from the earlier rain, and the lemony scent of the magnolias.

  She’d given up her heels for a pair of backup sandals and swung her power shoes with each stride. “I can’t believe Elliott made all those trips without telling anyone. What do you think of what he did?”

  “I can’t condone anyone going off without sufficient backup. It was dangerous, and it put us all at risk.”

  “I agree, but I also think he’s wrong about the present danger. At first, I thought he was telling us that finding the torc wasn’t necessary so that we wouldn’t worry about it. Then I decided he believed it. And he’s wrong. The evil isn’t contained. It’s still out there, and if we aren’t vigilant it could kill us all.”

  Rick put his arm around her. “How about we stop thinking about it for now?”

  She shuddered. “Okay. What do you want to talk about?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “What we’re going to do when we get back to the cabin.”

  “I thought we were going to get in the hot tub.”

  He stopped and pulled her into his arms, hugging her. “Have I told you lately how much I want you?”

  Before she could respond, his mouth was on hers, and she was lost in the feel and the taste of the sweet wine on his breath.

  He whispered against her lips. “I don’t know if I can sleep with you another night and not have you naked in my arms.”

  She stepped back and mirrored his longing expression right back at him. “Okay, but can we keep the lights on? And…there’s something else.”

  “Whatever you want, babe.”

  “I want to be on top.”

  He blinked. “Seriously?”

  She nodded. “Can you handle it? I’m worried about how I’ll react if I’m under you the first time we make love.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want. We’ll take it slow. I’ll even keep my briefs on until you’re ready so that I won’t scare you.”

  “I just hope that asshole stays out of my head.”

  “If I sing to you, maybe he will. But Penny, I don’t want to pressure you or move faster than you’re ready to go. You can stop me anytime. You have your safe word, and I’ll honor it.”

  She kissed him, pouring every ounce of the love she had for him into the kiss. “M-kay. Then let’s do it.”

  He took her hand, and they ran to the cabin, arriving laughing and out of breath. Somehow she was sure they’d be good together, even if sizable potholes riddled their road to happiness.

  “There’s something I need to do before you go in. Will you sit in the rocker, stare out at the river, and give me a few minutes?”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “You’ll see. Just wait here, and put your power shoes back on.”

  “Okay.” She sat down, put her shoes on, and rocked, visualizing what they were about to do. Then she heard him crooning softly to “Chances Are.” But he wasn’t singing a cappella. He was singing with a full orchestra, and it sounded divine.

  That song ended, and “Misty” began. If his aim was to melt her heart, it was already puddling on the porch. Then “When I Fall in Love” came on, and she realized she must be listening to a recording of every love song in his repertoire.

  The lemony breeze brushed her face, and she smiled. The screen door opened, and Rick came to her and kissed the top of her head. “Dance with me.”

  He took her hand and pulled her into a slow waltz around the porch. When the song ended, he dipped her. And when he pulled her up, he kissed her. Their mouths sought each other hungrily. Her tongue was giving and receiving, and the way he drew her tongue into his mouth was as erotic as hell.

  He unzipped her dress and pushed it off her shoulders, over her breasts and hips until the red silk puddled at her feet, leaving her wearing only a red bra, red thong, and red shoes. He picked it up, folded it, handed it to her, then lifted her into his arms.

  “I want this to be perfect for you. So tell me what you want, what feels good, what doesn’t. Or if you want it harder, softer, faster, whatever. I want tonight to replace all the bad experiences. But I can’t get into your head. If you don’t talk to me, I won’t know what you need.”

  “I’ll try,” she said.

  He carried her into the cabin and into a candlelit wonderland. Every surface had a burning candle, and the fireplace glowed with crackling flames. Even with the heat of the fire and candles, the room was crisp and fresh and fragrant.

  Rose petals formed a path from the door to the bed, where he’d sprinkled more rose petals over the pillows. The covers were turned down, and a bottle of champagne wit
h two filled glasses stood ready on the bedside table. Next to the glasses was one condom.

  The music continued, now playing, “I Love My Lady.”

  The fragrance of a rose always lingers / and / surrounds her / everywhere she goes / I can’t say that she’s perfect / cause that’s not / good enough / it will just have to do / to say she’s loved…

  “Everything is so perfect,” she said on a soft exhale. “The music, the flowers, and only one condom, which says I’ll protect you always. What in the world did I ever do to deserve this?”

  “Babe, you deserve the world, and I want to give it to you.”

  He placed her on the bed, then stood back and looked at her. “God, you’re a gorgeous red package I can’t wait to open.”

  He slipped off his jacket and hung it in the closet with her red dress. Then off came his tie, shirt, undershirt. And damn, his body was chiseled—scarred, battle-ridden, and built like a damn action hero.

  She watched him hanging up the rest of his clothes and lining his shoes up on the closet floor, and then realized he was giving her time to adjust to the setting, the music, and—most of all—him, while he stripped down to a pair of boxer briefs.

  When he turned to face her, she gasped at the sight of his erection pushing against his SwissTouch boxer briefs, and she knew how soft they were because she’d folded his laundry at the rental house. And her fingers itched to touch him now to feel his hardness beneath the softness.

  He picked up the glasses of champagne and handed one to her, then tipped his toward hers.

  “To our night. To a new beginning. To my ladylove.” He clinked her glass, and she watched him as they both drank.

  Then she tipped hers to his. “To our night. To a new beginning. To my…heart’s love.” She clinked his glass, and he watched her as she had watched him. When her glass was empty, she handed it to him. He set the glasses aside and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “This is so perfect. I don’t want to do anything to spoil it,” she said.

  “Just talk to me, babe. Tell me what you like, and I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”

  She quirked her eyebrow. “You’ll fulfill my every fantasy?”

  “I’d like to try. Just tell me what they are.” He leaned across her, bracing his hand on the mattress, and trailed soft kisses along her jaw, down her neck, and over the curve of her shoulder. Then he did the same on the other side. And when he finished, he returned to her lips, and she opened her mouth to his, tasting the champagne. And each silky stroke of his tongue smoothing away her remaining hesitations.

  She quivered when he dipped his tongue into the hollow of her collarbone. He must have liked her reaction, because he did it again and again, and she tightened her grip around his neck, instinctively pulling him in closer to murmur near his ear, “I like that.”

  “I can tell. Let’s see what other hot spots you have. Do you want to tell me, or let me find out on my own?”

  “I’ll let you unwrap me like a Christmas present.”

  “Christmas is my favorite time of year. It’s all about family and love and joy and worship. But right now, I’m going to worship you until you scream my name.”

  “What if I just scream? I won’t, but what if I do.”

  “As long as it’s with pleasure, you can scream or shriek or yell fuck, I don’t care. But I have my own fantasies when it comes to you.”

  He stroked and caressed her hollows and her peaks, and she felt worshipped and adored. “What are yours?”

  “They’re all about you, babe. I want you to come with my tongue and then with my dick.”

  She grinned. “That’s doable.”

  He smiled. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded and to show him how serious she was, she arched into his touch without fear, her grin turning into a wide smile as he curved his hands around her breasts.

  “Can I take this off?”

  “Yes,” she said, and almost begged him to do it quickly.

  He unclasped her bra and slid the satin straps off her shoulders. He held it up. “This has got to be the sexiest bra I’ve ever seen.”

  “And you’ve seen a lot of them, I guess.”

  “Damn. I didn’t mean to say that.”

  “You’ve got a past, and so do I. It’s okay. I already know you’ve been with a lot of women. I just hope I can measure up.”

  “You’ve already surpassed every woman I’ve ever known in all the qualities that are important to me.” He cupped the soft flesh and stroked his thumbs over her taut peaks, teasing and toying with them.

  The teasing strokes were disorienting, and it took a minute to remember what she’d been about to ask. “Oh, what are they? Those qualities?”

  “Courage.” He pulled a nipple into his mouth and mumbled around it, “Compassion, friendship, devotion.” He lifted his head. “But courage is probably the most important. And you have that in spades.”

  “I don’t feel so courageous right now.”

  “You’re wrong. I believe you feel more courageous right now than you ever have. You’re surrendering control to me, trusting that I won’t hurt you.” His head dipped, and he tugged the other nipple into his mouth.

  With each nip, her body jerked. “Do you have to take so much time with…everything? It might be morning before we get down to actually doing”—she put a big smile into her words—“the dirty.”

  He chuckled against her skin. It tickled, and goose bumps flashed under his tongue’s caress. “I don’t want to screw up, babe. I’m going at a snail’s pace to give you time to back out if you need to. But just so you’ll know, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do next. After I finish my warm-up, feasting on your nipples, I’m going to spread you wide, and lash my tongue over you, kissing every inch. And if I still have a green light, I’m going to thrust my dick inside you.” He feathered his breath over one aroused tip and then the other.

  A low moan escaped from her throat as her fingers slid into his hair.

  “If you don’t like what I’m doing, tell me to stop.”

  She reclined on the pillow, pulling him with her. “Don’t stop.” Her smile was pure, sweet joy.

  “Tonight is for you, for your pleasure,” he said. “All I want is to make you happy.”

  Then the next song played on the sound system, “Just the Two of Us.” And a fiery purr escaped on her breath that he caught on his tongue.

  Just the two of us, can we make it if we try / Just the two of us, just the two of us / Building castles in the sky.

  “You’re doing an amazing job,” she said. “Flickering candles, rose petals, romantic music, and not just any music, but yours. Everything is perfect. Being an event planner, I know something this special took time to pull off, and I adore all you did. But when did you have time to organize all this?”

  “Hell, Penny. I had to do something during the almost three weeks when you wouldn’t see me. I got tired of doing two-a-days at the gym.”

  She laughed. “But you’re singing with a full orchestra. How’d you pull that off?”

  “I called in a few favors.”

  She glanced around the room at the abundant evidence of his remarkable attention to the smallest details…bottled water, fresh washcloths, her robe neatly folded at the end of the bed, and rose petals galore. “Staying here in the cabin was all part of your plan?”

  “I confess I had help. Pete and Sophia made sure everything I needed was here.”

  “A-ha! So that’s what she started to say earlier but caught herself. Sneaky.”

  “They didn’t care. The boys really wanted to stay in the big house.”

  “It was sweet of them to do that. Soph asked me today to be the baby’s godmother.”

  “Pete asked me to be the baby’s godfather.”

  “Ahh,” Penny clasped her chest. “We’ll have a baby to dote on.”

  So softly that his words were almost inaudible, he said, “I hope so.” Then he moved between her legs and planted a solid kis
s on the skin between her navel and the lacy edge of her thong. He dipped his head lower and brushed the triangle of silk and lace with his lips. “These are kinda in my way. Can I take ’em off?”

  The next song, “We’re in This Love Together,” started, and she almost believed he’d timed this down to the second.

  It’s like a rainy night and candlelight / And ooh, it’s so romantic /We got the whole thing working out so right…

  “Yes,” she said because it was all she could say, she was panting so hard. She needed him more than she needed to breathe.

  He slid her panties down. “They’re wet.”

  Damn. She could almost come just from the sound of his voice. “What’d you expect? We’re not exactly playing checkers.”

  She raised her hips to help him strip them away, and then his fingertips grazed the soft hair before inching down between her thighs. He slid his fingers over her wet folds, paying attention to her clit, before dipping a finger into her, and she gasped at the exquisite sensations.

  “You like?”

  “I like.”


  She didn’t want him to be gentle as he thrust one finger and then another in and out while arousal poured off her. In all her life she’d never felt so fantastic, so alive.

  He flicked his tongue over her clit until the first tremors started to run through her, and she lifted her hips, surrendering the last of her defenses, and the last of her self-control. She forgot how to breathe. Even though her eyes were closed, she could see him so plainly. Then she threw back her head and undulated against the pressure. He grabbed her ass, holding her tight against his mouth.

  “Don’t stop,” she said breathlessly.

  ‘So let’s make this a night to remember / Every word that’s left unspoken in our silent serenade / Cause tonight is forever and forever you’ll be mine…


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