Box Set

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Box Set Page 44

by Kim Petersen

  His psyche dulled as hatred fuelled the deepest recesses of his mind and his world turn pitch-black. He craved the sweet taste of revenge. This was no time to become weak. He pulled on some fresh clothes and reached for the door with renewed determination. These are vital times; a time when rivals finally play out the end game. And he was always one for end games.

  ‘Oh, thank God,’ Madison muttered when she heard the cottage door shut as Ace and Arella left. She was still holed up in the tiny bathroom after deliberately prolonging her shower. She wiped at the foggy mirror and peered at herself. Her eyes were rimmed with the distinct mark of shadows and her freckled features appeared bright against her pale, freshly scrubbed skin. She poked out her tongue at her reflection and screwed up her face. Even my tongue is fat and ugly, she thought. Her dark eyes bladed as she assessed herself with loathing. She had never liked the way she looked. No matter how hard she scrubbed, she could never wash away the dirty feeling inside that stuck with her like a second skin. She figured that was the reason she had gravitated so freely towards Apepsis and the ways of black magic. If she had been a beauty, perhaps she would have attracted the lovelier things in life. Perhaps she would feel purer within.

  Her thoughts drifted towards the imminent arrival of her friend later that day. Madison never understood why her friend was drawn to the dark path, as her beauty was radiant; even at the blackest of times. They had been raised within the same coven and grew up as blood sisters. Blood sisters, she mused. She vividly recalled her blonde friend smeared with goat’s blood the night they both had pledged themselves to Apepsis. Her turquoise eyes had glinted lucidly against the flames of the fire and her features were frozen in torment; yet even then her beauty had been unmistakable.

  Madison had often dreamed of taking her blood sister for herself. She was her only frailty. Yet it was a weakness that was worth the wait. A tingle of longing shimmied down her spine at the thought of seeing her again so soon. Her presence was vital in the hex they planned; two witches were more powerful than one. But perhaps her presence may serve me in other integral areas too, she mused. Her friend always had a soft spot for men like Ace; even more so when she would learn of his powers.

  Her lips moved as she began to hum a tune and reach for her make-up. ‘Today we shall conjure your beauty with paint!’ she remarked to her reflection. A smile permeated her face. ‘And then we shall conjure up all hell.’

  Oh, to be the darkest of black witches!

  The sun hung low to the west of the mountains, and the air was becoming damp when Ace and Arella returned to the cottage. The first stars of the evening appeared against the deepening horizon.

  Arella grasped Ace’s hand. ‘Wait! Look!’ she said, pointing towards the stars. ‘The first stars of the night!’

  ‘Over there is the planet Venus, and some nights Jupiter can be spotted that way, Mars sits somewhere in this direction,’ Ace said, pointing at the sky.

  Her brows furrowed. ‘Wait, how do you know that?’ she asked.

  He shrugged. ‘I’ve been fascinated with the stars since I was a child … since I really took notice of them.’

  ‘I can see why. They remind us of expansion,’ she said.

  He chuckled. ‘C’mon, let’s expand inside. I have to go out for a while, but I’ll be back soon.’

  She halted. ‘You mean you’re leaving me alone with her?’

  ‘Not for too long. I have to go see a guy; he called earlier this morning.’ He opened the cottage door.

  ‘Seriously?’ she griped.

  ‘Yeah,’ he said.

  His curiosity was piqued when Madison had told him Warren sounded grim when he had called that morning while he was out.

  Ace’s thoughts were interrupted when he spotted a tall blonde standing at Madison’s altar. She was inspecting Madison’s jar collection and arranging various ingredients around the cauldron. Her long hair hung loosely down her back and flipped elegantly when she turned to face them.

  She dazzled them with a smile. ‘Well, hello. You must be Ace,’ she said. Her hips swayed as she sashayed towards them.

  His eyes fell to her stilettos and traced up the longest legs he thought he had ever seen before settling on her face. His nose flared at her sweet scent and he scraped his teeth lightly with the tip of his tongue. Things just got a little more interesting around here.

  ‘You may be a little over-dressed for this country,’ he chuckled.

  Her long lashes fluttered. ‘My mother always told me to dress like it’s the best day of my life.’

  ‘Well, it just may be the best day of your life, sugar-puss’ he winked.

  Her smile was all sauce. ‘From what Madi tells me, I’m pretty sure we may get close,’ she said.

  ‘Oh, aren’t you just the perfect little vixen!’ he responded.

  They grinned at each other while a current of desire flowed between their eyes.

  Madison appeared from the back of the cottage, stopping short when she noticed Ace and Arella. She was quick to reach his side, almost knocking Arella over as she snaked her arms around him. She nuzzled at his ear and pulled at his lobe with her teeth before throwing her friend a triumphant look.

  ‘Baby, we have a visitor,’ she said.

  He hadn’t taken his eyes from her. ‘And does our visitor have a name? Or should I just call her vixen?’

  ‘You can call me whatever you like, baby. Or you can just call me Selina,’ she laughed.

  He licked his lips. ‘Well, hello Selina.’

  Arella rolled her eyes. ‘Yeah hello, I’m here too!’ She waved up at the adults.

  Selina smiled down at her. ‘Hello there little girl,’ she said before looking back at Madison. ‘I’m going to keep prepping for tonight.’

  She spun around with a flick of her hair and sauntered back to the altar.

  Madison grabbed Ace’s hand and led him to the kitchen. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t know,’ she said.

  He thrust her against the counter and kissed her roughly. She opened her mouth around his and franticly pushed up against him. He gripped at her hair and seized her head as he pulled away from her. The blue of his eyes darkened as they penetrated hers.

  ‘I don’t like surprises,’ he growled.

  ‘I know, I know,’ she whispered.

  He tightened his hold on her scalp. She winced and a small shriek escaped her lips. ‘Who is she and what is she doing here?’ he hissed.

  She flinched. ‘She’s my blood sister. She’s come for the van; I burrowed it from her! Besides, we have to practise a ritual tonight; for Apepsis. Please, you’re hurting me,’ she said.

  His jaw hardened. ‘What ritual?’ he demanded.

  ‘The binding of evil sorcerers. We perform the ritual with each season. It’s vital for the rise of Apepsis. Ace, please,’ she pleaded.

  ‘It’s a spell for the conjuration of Apepsis, Ace,’ Selina’s voice sliced between them.

  Ace whirled around to look at her. She was casually leaning on the door frame toying with a small glass dripper bottle. He loosened his hold on Madison.

  ‘Apepsis is your serpent god, no?’ Selina said.

  He nodded.

  ‘Then it’s best you let us get on with our witchery. We do need a little privacy though,’ she said.

  He looked from one to the other. ‘I’m going over to Warren’s for a few hours. You wait until Rella is sleeping before you start,’ he said gruffly. His lips curled as he focused on Madison. ‘Do you understand? You wait for her to go to sleep.’

  ‘Yes, of course. Thank you, baby,’ she said.

  He strolled to the door, pausing in front of Selina. He looked her over before reaching for her breasts. His beefy fingers easily found what he was looking for over the sheer fabric of her blouse. He took an erect nipple between his fingers and clamped down hard.

  ‘When I return we perform my kind of ritual,’ he jeered, rolling her flesh firmly.

  Selina’s eyes flashed. ‘We will be ready,’ she promised.

  He gave a low grunt, then stalked from the kitchen. ‘Fucking witches,’ he muttered.

  Damon was hunched over an image of a map. ‘So where do you want to start searching tomorrow?’

  The three of them had barely stopped since arriving in Brisbane earlier that morning. After hiring a car, their vigorous search for Arella had begun by scouring through the Brisbane hinterland and national parks, but they had soon realised it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

  Millie pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes while she thought. ‘Okay, we need to think more rural. Dad said he was working farms,’ she said.

  ‘But there’s a thousand farms up here! We need to tell the police, Millie,’ he frowned.

  The volume of the TV increased in the background. She grimaced at Glen. ‘Just give me one more day, please,’ she said.

  She took Damon’s hands. ‘I know what he is, and he knows what I am. I need to try and get to him before the police; it’s the only way I can help my brother.’

  Damon gritted his teeth. ‘What do you mean who you are? Brother or not, he’s taken our daughter. One more day, Millie; that’s it,’ he said.

  ‘Look at this!’ Glen called over his shoulder. He pointed to the TV. ‘A policeman was murdered at a town near Coffs Harbour; it’s him. I know it,’ he said.

  Millie and Damon watched the news story in grim silence.

  Damon’s brow furrowed. ‘They’re saying there were no witnesses and the man’s injuries are likely to be caused by some kind of animal,’ he said.

  ‘They’re calling for the couple last seen in the diner before the attack to come forward,’ Millie said. Her eyebrows raised. ‘A couple with a little girl.’

  Damon scratched his head. ‘That guy was decapitated. I haven’t seen your brother in years; but how is it he could tear a man’s head off like an animal?’ His voice trembled.

  Millie and Glen stared at each other. Glen gave her a nod and she sighed heavily. ‘Damon, I think you better sit down,’ she murmured.

  Millie flicked her fingers under the shower water and adjusted the temperature before stepping into the recess and totally immersing herself under the firm spray. She felt her tension subside as the warm water saturated her body. She shut her eyes and pushed aside whirling thoughts, deliberately focusing her attention on the water as it cascaded over her body. She became aware of every drop of water as it sprinkled over her, and with every micro collision, she felt its energising properties renewing the cells of her body.

  Her thoughts turned to Damon. He had taken their revelations surprisingly well. As well as could be expected when you discover half of your girlfriend’s family are infected with serpent-like gifts, she mused. And that she possessed a gift of her own. That, he seemed to accept without question; almost. The disbelief on his face was obvious at the revelation that Ace could change form and she could somehow grow a set of wings. Still, she did notice him warming up to the idea as she answered some of his queries.

  ‘Just because you don’t believe in something, doesn’t make it less true,’ she had said.

  Damon had smiled awkwardly. ‘I need to get some air, Millie-pie.’

  She knew it was a lot for him to consider. Yet at a time like this, she didn’t have the luxury of easing him into the reality of her family’s special abilities. It was just as well she had known him since childhood.

  She heard the loud shrill of the phone over the running shower before her father’s heavy footsteps and thud at the bathroom door.

  ‘Millie! Millie! You have to come to the phone!’ he bellowed.

  She wrapped a towel around her and hurried out. ‘Yes?’ she panted into the phone while making a small puddle at her feet.

  ‘Millie, thank God! I have been trying to track you down. You left so early this morning and I missed you,’ Bella stammered.

  ‘What is it, Bella? Has something happened?’ she asked.

  Bella’s voice became urgent. ‘Yes; I spoke to Arella last night. I know where she is!’ she said.

  ‘What do you mean you spoke with her?’ Where?’ Millie replied.

  ‘The Golden World,’ Bella said hesitantly.

  ‘The Golden World? I’ve been trying to connect with her there, but I think I’ve been trying too hard,’ Millie whispered. She felt a slight tingle start around the wet strands of her hair and travel over her neck like a gentle breeze. She squeezed her eyes together. Oh, thank God for Bella!

  ‘Mary Valley. She’s somewhere in the Mary Valley. Millie, there’s something else. I’m flying up tonight to help,’ Bella said.

  ‘Bella, my brother is deadly. I don’t want to involve you, it’s too dangerous.’

  ‘No, you don’t understand – I’m coming!’ Bella insisted.

  She was about to argue the point further when the line went dead. She pulled the handset from her ear and looked at it accusingly. ‘Great,’ she muttered, turning to look at Glen. ‘I guess I know where to start looking tomorrow.’ She started back towards the bathroom.

  ‘How did she know?’ Glen said.

  She chuckled. ‘Bella reached out to her in another realm. Wait till I explain this one to Damon,’ she said.

  Arella tossed an arm over her face. A glower painted her features while she encountered a fretful sleep. She groaned softly and her eyes fluttered open. A feeling of dread overwhelmed her. Something isn’t right. Her eyes widened at the sound of the grim chant that found her ears. She turned her head on the pillow and faced the closed bedroom door. She could discern a sliver of light from the gap between the bottom of the door and the floor, yet all seemed quiet inside the cottage.

  A high-pitched wail flowed through the window. Arella gasped and sunk further under the sheets, scrunching the blankets over her face. The intonations continued like an out-of-tune melody, and as she listened closer, she recognised one of the voices. It’s Madison! She peeped through a small crack in the blankets towards the window. Her jaw clamped shut and her nostrils flared when she noticed the curtains appeared to glow like a slow-moving sunset behind a mountain. She drew back the blankets and silently tip-toed to the window. Her muscles tensed and her pulse raced as she reached up to pull the curtain aside.

  Her mouth became dry and Arella could barely swallow when she saw a framed circle of wildfire. The flames licked over the grass with vigour, casting eerie shadows into the bordering bushland. Her breath caught in her throat when she noticed two dark figures moving in the circle. They were dressed identically in flowing black gowns and appeared to float as they swayed together. As her eyes adjusted, she saw their faces were smeared with a dark ink-like substance.

  Madison and Selina’s chanting quietened as they turned their attention to the cauldron in the centre of the flamed circle. It was perched above its own little fire and they were adding ingredients as they murmured to one another. Suddenly, a loud bell sounded over the low crackle of flames. Arella’s eyes bulged when she spied a large knife in Selina’s hands. Madison surrendered her wrist to the blade and allowed her blood to drip freely into the cauldron. The bell rang again as Selina did the same, allowing her blood to fall into the mix.

  A small cry echoed in Arella’s ears. She scanned the dark yard in search of the little cries. The bellows grew and reached a hysterical peak. It was then she noticed Madison was holding a tiny lamb in her arms. Her heart constricted and her eyes stung with the salt of her tears as she watched as Selina slit the lamb’s throat with a swift flick of the knife.

  Arella squeezed her eyes shut. Her chest heaved with the images that burned into her mind. Her head began to spin and giddiness crept over her. She tried to steady herself against the window frame as she felt her legs buckle under her weight. She grasped at the curtains and turned her eyes to the bed. It’s not that far, only a few steps. I can make it. She released the curtain and took a step. As she felt herself tumbling to the floor, an involuntary cry reverberated through the cottage. She gazed to the curtains listlessly. I love fal
ling sunsets over the mountains, she thought. Then her world turned black.

  Madison leaned against the kitchen benchtop while taking a long sip of red wine and grinned. She revelled in the euphoric high that followed their rituals. Her gaze settled on Selina.

  Selina smiled back and pushed back crimson-tinted blonde hair from her face. ‘Great ritual. Apepsis is pleased; I can feel his zeal,’ she said.

  Madison agreed. She too could feel his pleasing presence; a sure confirmation their sacrificial ritual had been a success.

  ‘Poor Ace. He will miss out on the sibling confrontation he so yearns for,’ she laughed, thinking of the piece of hair she had been able to steal from Millie during her gallery visit. This allowed them to combine their conjuration spell with a powerful evil hex which was certain to bring discord and darkness to Millie.

  ‘It’s for the greater good. With his sister out of the way, he’ll be free to focus on less personal matters,’ Selina said.

  Madison glanced to the witch-head clock mounted on the kitchen wall. ‘Speaking of which, he’s due back soon. We better go wash up; the night is far from over,’ she winked as she looked Selina over suggestively. And I can’t wait! she thought, turning to head for the bathroom.

  She stopped short and all desire dissolved into irritation when she saw Arella standing beside the kitchen door. ‘What are you doing up?’ she snapped.

  Arella watched them silently. Her eyes were as wide as a doe-eyed cow, yet there was a radiant current moving through them. Madison’s frown deepened as she attempted to push aside a creeping discomfort. ‘Go back to bed, Arella,’ she said, stepping towards her with menace.

  Arella stood firm as her eyes bore into Madison.

  Madison laughed. ‘What is wrong with you?’ she said, glancing back at Selina behind her.


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