Box Set

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Box Set Page 46

by Kim Petersen

  They bundled Craig into the back seat and stretched his leg flat. Bella leaned over him. ‘Don’t move an inch, you hear me? Not one little bit,’ she commanded.

  Damon got behind the wheel. ‘Buckle up, we’re doing this at warp speed.’ He put the car in gear and set off towards the nearest hospital.

  A flock of cockatoos made a raucous chorus as Arella moaned as she stirred in her sleep. A small elbow flung over her closed eyes as the noise of the birds elevated to a shrill. Her lashes fluttered slightly as she fought to escape the deep tendrils of darkness that had enraptured her. She scuffed the top of her hair while forcing her eyes to blink open. One blink; she groaned. My head hurts. Two blinks; she inhaled while her eyes found the window. Three blinks; she gasped as memories of the night before flooded her mind.

  A sob tore through her throat while she sat upright. Her eyes didn’t leave the window as images of the fire, the knife and the lamb danced before her mind’s eye. Glancing back towards the bedroom door, she strained to listen. All was quiet despite it being at least midway through the morning. She knew this by the position of the sun’s rays against the only window in the bedroom. She never slept this late in the day. She figured it was because she must have bumped her head on the floor when she had fallen the night before, as it was the last thing she remembered.

  Throwing the blankets aside, she tip-toed to the window. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she pulled back the curtain and peered into the yard. The winter sun beamed across the grass and warmed the forest canopy under a gentle breeze. Two white butterflies fluttered close to the window, and birds of all kinds jostled about through the air. The scene would be pleasant and inviting, if it weren’t for the distinct ring of ash in the centre of the yard.

  Arella’s mind flashed with the haunting images of the two witches. Rosebud lips began to tremble with the pounding of her heart. She knew she had to leave this place. She had to leave now!

  Scurrying to the only chair in the room, Arella pulled on a pair of worn black leggings that were too tight and an over-sized sweater. Her uncle had given her a plastic bag full of girls’ clothing the day after they had arrived at the cottage. Most didn’t fit properly, and all of them were used. She never asked where he had gotten the clothes, preferring not to know. Jamming her feet into her school shoes, she peeked out of the door into the tiny hallway.

  There were only two bedrooms in the cottage; the other located across the hall from hers. The door to the other bedroom was slightly ajar and Arella could see the room was darkened. She sneaked into the hall and peeked into the bedroom. Her uncle was lying between Madison and Selina. Arms and legs were thrown bare and entangled over the bed, and they were sound asleep. She turned from their slumbering bodies and scampered to the front door, closing it softly behind her.

  Once outside, Arella breathed in the fresh air and ignored the grumble of her empty stomach. No way was she going to chance wakening them to get something to eat. Looking left to right, a frown spread over her face as she deliberated which way to go. She decided to follow the dirt road that had taken them there, but she knew enough to keep out of sight. She knew her uncle would come looking for her as soon as he discovered she was gone.

  As she set off, she spied the two butterflies she had seen through the window. They drifted closer to her and followed her as she walked down the dirt road. She smiled as a warming tingle wrapped down her spine.

  ‘Hello butterflies. Want to go for a walk with me?’ she said, pausing and holding out her hand.

  They hovered in front of her before coming to rest on her palm. Their delicate wings swayed with the breeze.

  She laughed softly. ‘Just what I thought,’ she whispered.

  Ace woke with a start. A sharp breath whistled through his teeth and his eyes darted about the ceiling. For a moment he felt disoriented, then his tongue came alive as he tasted the aftermath of sex mixed with the distinct metallic zing of blood. That was some night, he silently applauded himself. However, his acquisition fell short as he became aware of their legs and arms splayed over him as if he were a public leaning pole.

  Both women groaned when he shoved them off him and crawled out of the bed. He gazed down at them, unable to stop the rise of contempt creeping through him. Thoughts of his Softail Heritage Harley floated through his mind. He knew he needed some time with his bike and the open road; alone. And that’s exactly what he intended to do after dealing with his sister.

  He entered the bathroom, instantly reaching for the toothpaste and turning on the shower. The water was scalding against his skin, but he didn’t care. The hotter the better, he thought. And reaching for the soap, he scrubbed those witches off him as best he could.

  Ace wandered into the small kitchen after showering, expecting to find Arella sitting at the table doing her puzzles or drawing her next sketch for him. He loved her drawings. Each time she handed him a new one, he carefully folded the paper and stuffed it into his overnight bag. They would make good company on the road when the nights proved too still with the beating of his heart.

  ‘Arella?’ he queried. She wasn’t in the kitchen or in the tiny lounge area. Hmmm, where could she be? He strode towards her bedroom and flung opened the door. It took only a second for his eyes to sweep the room. ‘Arella?’ he called a little louder. He swung around and burst through the other bedroom door. ‘Where’s Arella?’ he boomed towards a slumbering Madison.

  She sat up, rubbing her eyes while throwing off the last remnants of sleep. ‘I don’t know,’ she said groggily.

  ‘She’s not in the cottage. Did she go to bed okay last night?’ Ace growled.

  She balanced herself on her hands, thrusting her bare milky breasts forward as she did so. Large strawberry nipples poked towards him while she cocked her head to one side. ‘She’s probably in the garden. You were something else last night; why don’t you come back and play with us, baby?’ She licked her lips.

  His eyes sliced through her. ‘She better be,’ he snarled, turning from her. She better be.

  Millie barely noticed the endless rolling hills with a landscape of patchwork littered with grazing cattle as they drove onwards. Nor did she notice the passing macadamia farms and lush rainforest as they climbed towards their destination again. Her stomach was tight and knotted. She had never believed in coincidences, but two life-threatening events on the same day that they searched for Arella proved too much a correlation. Something else was at play here, and she had a niggling feeling that that ‘something else’ might have to do with the witch.

  Damon caressed her arm. ‘Are you okay, Millie-pie?’ he said.

  Her eyes swung from the window to linger on him. For the first time that day she noticed how tired he looked. She covered his hand with her own and gave him a squeeze. ‘I’m okay. Are you?’

  He tore his eyes from the road to glance at her. ‘I’ll be better when we get our girl back safely.’ His voice trembled.

  ‘We’re almost there! Look, there’s a sign for the rodeo,’ Bella leaned her head between them from the back seat.

  Millie sighed audibly. Thank God! she thought, eager to do something more constructive than take members of their group to the hospital.

  Craig had ushered them from the emergency room as soon as they had arrived at Gympie hospital. And with the staff assuring them of his wellbeing, they had left minutes later. Still, it was going on 3pm now and the sun would soon be falling beyond the horizon.

  Damon steered the car along a pot-holed dirt road that opened out onto an empty car lot. Rickety timber grandstands bordered a dusty arena, and to the far side was an old brick building and a set of stables and ringed fences for livestock. The place was deserted.

  Millie turned to Damon and Bella. ‘Be careful out there,’ she cautioned before unbuckling and getting out of the car.

  She wandered to the arena and leaned against the wooden fencing. A thousand hoof marks indented the dirt like polka dots. She imagined how this place would come alive and
attract a lot of locals with the excitement of rough stock events. Giving my brother the perfect opportunity to practise his shape-shifting skills, she shuddered.

  ‘Millie! Bella!’ Damon called from the far side of the arena.

  Her heart skipped a beat. She ran to him, fighting to catch her breath when she came up beside him. ‘What is it?’ she panted.

  He pointed into the bush. ‘There’s a pathway, and listen,’ he whispered, looking at her. ‘I hear something.’

  Arella hummed a tune as she ambled down the dirt road. She tried to ignore the dryness of her throat as she paused her song to swallow imaginary saliva. Why didn’t I at least bring some water? she fretted, looking up towards the sun. It had moved a lot since she had left the cottage; she was certain she had been walking for hours. Granted, there had been some delightful distractions along the way. What with the butterflies and the birds and the colourful flowers; and to her joy, she had even spotted a deer prancing through the rainforest.

  She stopped as a low rumbling sound caught her attention. It sounded like a gurgling stream.

  ‘Water!’ she whirled around to peer into the bush. Should I leave the road and search for the stream? she thought. Trying to swallow again, her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth as she was urged forward. She peered closer into the green foliage and caught sight of a giant frog springing through the undergrowth. It was green and stripy and appeared to be heading towards the sound of the water.

  Then she heard the deep grumbling roar of a motorbike closing in fast. All hesitation dissolved as a shriek escaped her lips and she dived into the bush after the frog. She knew the giant frog would lead her to the water.

  Pulling the Harley to a halt at the end of the dirt road, Ace peered down the crossroads. Surely, she couldn’t have got this far? He sighed. I guess that depends on what time she had left the cottage. He cursed himself for sleeping in so late. Usually he was up at the crack of dawn and stretching on his rock ledge over the gorge, but by the time he had arrived back from Warren Glassop’s homestead the night before, it had already been late. Then Madison and Selina had kept him occupied till the early hours of the morning and time had been lost to him.

  He contemplated going to Warren’s homestead in search of Arella, but the thought evaporated as quickly as it had emerged. He doubted she would have gone down that way or even reached that far on foot. Besides, Warren’s bantering and warning him about Madison the night before was more than an earful for him right now. The man was convinced she was responsible for the snake deaths. His mouth twisted at the irony of that scenario.

  He considered each road in turn. One led to the rodeo arena while the other connected with the main road down to Gympie. What to do? He shook his head. It was useless to search for his niece like this; he needed his extra sensory powers to track her scent. There was only one thing he could do.

  He muttered under his breath while he gave the throttle a sharp jolt of fuel. His patience was growing thin. He had no time for this fiasco because with each passing hour he could sense his sister’s presence drawing closer, and he needed to prepare for her visit.

  He turned the bike and skidded over the road, leaving a brown cloud of dust in his wake as he gunned towards the arena.

  Bella’s eyes met Millie’s. ‘It sounds like running water,’ she said.

  Damon pulled the map from his pocket and unwrinkled the flimsy paper. ‘It’s the river. And look, the trail may lead to the cottages the man told you about,’ he said, poking his finger at the map.

  Millie sighed and looked at the trail disappearing into the trees. She needed more than a map. She whirled around to face Bella. ‘We need the angels to guide us to Arella,’ her eyes pleaded. ‘We need help. Are you up for it?’

  Bella grinned. ‘That’s why I’m here.’

  She about to say something to Damon but suddenly clamped her jaw shut. There was nothing more she could say to prepare him. He would just have to draw his conclusion from his observations.

  The sun struck low, casting glittering rays that beamed across the tree canopy. Bursts of light flickered over them with the gentle sway of the leaves. Millie noted the sun rapidly sinking towards the horizon and inhaled sharply. Her face wrinkled with uncertainty. ‘I’m not sure if this is going to work,’ she said.

  Bella tilted her head at her. ‘Hey, I believe in you.’ She caressed Millie’s arm gently and lowered her voice. ‘Millie with her coloured wings. You are a descendant of the angels; believe in yourself. Believe in me.’

  Millie’s heart cascaded with pure love like a brimming river. Her eyes filled with tears and she nodded. ‘Okay,’ she whispered, reaching for Bella’s hands.

  Their fingertips brushed together with a shimmering spark. A small smile played over Millie’s lips before she closed her eyes and firmly grasped Bella’s hands. The intent was powerful and they were instantly bathed in a shaft of golden light. As they focused their thoughts on one another, the golden light glimmered with a tinge of radiant pink. Her breathing slowed while she allowed herself to become immersed in the love-stream with Bella, and when she opened her eyes, she was overwhelmed at the grace and beauty of Bella’s soft pink wings.

  A foreign tide of knowledge flowed into her, filling the corners of her mind like a consuming tidal wave. All at once, she knew of Bella’s loss and sorrow as her experiences and feelings became part of her. Her heart ached for her new friend. Emerald eyes traced over Bella’s features, gradually taking in her chiselled chin against her high cheekbones and the slight prominence of her nose. Her long lashes tickled together over closed eyes, and in that moment she appeared serene and peaceful. But there is something else. Millie concentrated and shook her head. Arella. Where is Arella? She was aware of a growing sense of water. The moist substance gushed and spewed through her mind until it overflowed her consciousness. Bella’s eyes flew open and peered into hers. She gasped and her jaw fell open as a flood of recognition gripped at the core of her heart.

  ‘Millie … Millie,’ Damon’s voice echoed through the radiance.

  Bella’s eyes held hers and she beamed towards her.

  ‘Millie! Bella!’ Damon’s calls became urgent.

  Millie heard the distinct rumbling sound of a motorbike drawing near. She released her hold on Bella and the golden-pink light diminished in a gradual fuse. ‘I’m sorry about your mum,’ she said.

  Bella’s eyes glistened. ‘And I’m sorry about Emily,’ she whispered back.

  Millie’s eyes glazed over for moment. ‘I …’ she struggled to find the words that reflected the revelations she had experienced.

  ‘I have a feeling you’ll both be more sorry if we don’t do something now!’ Damon barked, gesturing towards the motorbike engine growing louder by the second.

  She whirled around to face him. ‘It’s Ace; he’s coming! But I know where she is, let’s go!’ she turned and stepped onto the track in the bush.

  Damon and Bella followed her.

  ‘By the way, that was some kind of awesome,’ Damon mumbled behind them.

  Ace circled the parking lot like a cagey predator. His eyes narrowed beneath his sunglasses when he spotted a lone car parked at the far side of one of the grandstands. The car had a sticker on the back window indicating a hire car company.

  A burning spasm shuddered through his head while he killed the bike engine and stalked around the car. Inside were a few idle belongings but nothing he recognised. He pulled his leather jacket over his gloved fist and glanced around the empty lot before slamming his hand through the passenger window. The glass burst with a loud crunch, and small chunks scattered over his boots and spilled into the front seat of the car.

  He hauled the door open and grabbed the small canvas bag laying on the passenger floor. He fingered the bag before pulling it up under his nose. His nostrils flared and his eyes closed as he breathed in her unmistakable musky scent. She smells just like her, he sneered inwardly, sucking in more of the odour. A shadowy world began to permeate h
im with every intake of breath, until he could no longer tolerate the stench emanating from the duffle bag.

  A beastly growl coursed through his throat as he flung the bag across the dirt road. A menacing pain shot through his head and his vision became hazy. His legs buckled and he fell to his knees while gripping his temples and howling through the empty lot. Images of Millie teased his mind as hatred twisted and overwhelmed him.

  The haze in his head dissolved to reveal a set of bright yellow eyes leering at him from under the shadows of the grandstand. His coiling mind unfurled as he blinked and focused on Apepsis.

  ‘The time has come to complete the last of your trials, my apprentice. Once it is done, all resistance will dissolve with the puddle of blood she will leave behind, and you will finally be free of the torment that plagues you,’ hissed the voice of the serpent.

  Ace felt clarity pinching through his veins and pulsating with the beat of his heart. An elongated forked tongue protruded from the serpent’s mouth and fondled the top of Ace’s head before shrinking back between his sharp pointed fangs.

  A low snigger emanated from beneath the bleachers. ‘Go now and prepare for your finale. My pride, my joyous human-serpent, power and riches await you,’ he sneered, before fading from sight.

  Ace rose to his feet and straddled his bike with steely determination. He pulled his sunglasses into place and grinned with menace. He gave the engine a burst of fuel with the flick of his wrist before putting the bike into gear and roaring from the arena.

  He knew what he had to do, and despite his recent feelings of confusion, there was no stopping him now.

  Power and riches awaited.

  Careful to keep her shoes dry, Arella squatted at the edge of the river and cupped her hands. She shivered while she scooped and drank the icy cold water. After a few mouthfuls, she turned to look at the giant frog sitting on a small boulder beside her.


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