by Mikal Malone
Mercedes rolled her eyes. “Carissa, just stop—”
“Don’t tell me what to do!” I yelled pointing at her. “We need to either kill these bitches or put them out before they turn on us next.” I said referring to Rocky, Kisha and Dukes. “You even had the nerve to authorize giving Rocky a gun, ‘Vette.”
Yvette scratched her head. “Oh yeah, take Rocky’s gun until I figure everything out.”
88 quickly relieved her of her weapon and Fresh’s who she was also holding.
Slowly Yvette walked up to me. “Now that, that’s done what you gonna do is chill the fuck out. Getting extra excited about things won’t help us. Don’t forget about what happened with the Black Water Klan. Making quick moves without thinking is why we lost most of our men, Carissa. And your daughter.”
That was a low blow.
“You know what, I don’t trust nobody in this apartment!” I yelled. “And don’t blame me when you find out I’m right about trusting people.” I rolled my eyes. “I need some air, I’ll be back when I feel like it.” I grabbed my white fur coat out the coat closet, even though I probably wouldn’t be able to open the building’s door to go outside due to the snow. “But it’s not like anybody cares anyway.”
“So you gonna go outside after they got shot?” Mercedes asked.
“Shut up!”
“Stupid, bitch! Always clasping for attention. Sit your boney ass down!”
I moved toward the door and 88 jumped in front of me. “I’m sorry, boss, but I can’t let you leave. I hope you understand. Things are too busy out there right now. Look at Fresh.”
I frowned. “Nigga, you better get out of my face before I hurt you.”
“I wish I could move out your way,” he continued. “But C said I wasn’t to let you guys leave the apartment.” He paused. “If you want me to call him I’ll—”
I was about to take my coat off because at least he cared.
“You know what…just let her go,” Mercedes said waving her hand. “If she want to walk down the hallway when we’re being hunted maybe she deserves to die. I’m sick of her shit.”
“But C said—”
“88, just let her go,” Mercedes said firmly. “We have to tend to Fresh.”
I rolled my eyes.
As usual, nobody gave a fuck about me.
I stormed out of the apartment.
“His fate is already chosen,” I said. “But yours has just begun.”
Istood over Fresh’s body whose breath was getting weaker. He was lying on Carissa’s bed as blood poured from his wounds and dampened the mattress under him. As I watched his breath weakening I was still having a hard time believing that all of this was happening to us. We were close to Christmas and it was supposed to be more festive.
Yeah right.
I turned around to look at Mercedes, Rocky and 88 who were also in the room. “He’s not gonna make it,” I said.
“I know…what we gonna do?” Mercedes asked.
“We can’t call 911,” I said. “Even if they could make it through the snow to save him it would bring a whole lot of questions with it.” I walked to the other side of the room and sat on a chair. “I wonder who’s doing this, Mercedes. We need a plan.”
It was at that point that I realized I had said the same thing repeatedly. Think of a plan. Think of a plan. Where I was use to making decisions in the past quickly, it was like I was doubting myself now. Basically not trusting my own direction.
It wasn’t all my fault.
The last time I made big decisions Carissa’s daughter was killed.
All I wanted was to be careful.
“What are we going to do about Carissa?” 88 asked. “I really don’t feel good about her being out there by herself. C told me to keep eyes on all three of you. Want me to go look for her?”
“No!” Mercedes yelled. “And stop asking!”
Rocky and me looked at her.
I took a deep breath. “Rocky, leave us alone for a minute. I have to rap to Mercedes and them right quick.”
“Sure…no problem, Yvette.” She walked out and closed the door, allowing me to focus on the secret couple.
“If Lil C finds out both of you are fuckin’ each other he’s gonna stage a war in the family.” I whispered not trying to disturb Fresh. “Now I don’t want to get into the details of how wrong this is and on how many levels. I know you know already. But trust that he will go off.”
“We aren’t fuc—”
“Mercedes, please don’t lie to me,” I said stopping her game. “It’s not necessary and it won’t change what I know to be true. I don’t have a problem with it but we both know C will.”
Mercedes sighed. “It’s not like that. We just spend a little time together that’s all.”
“A little time together.” 88 laughed. “On that note I’m gonna wait out in the living room. To guard the door and what not. Let me know if either of you need something.” He stomped out.
“Wow, and he’s in love,” I said as I witnessed his mood. “Got a young nigga shook do you?”
“Yvette, please don’t…”
“What you gonna do about Jackson, Mercedes? You started a whole ‘nother relationship when you haven’t even ended it with him. How you think that’s gonna play out?”
I shrugged. “Are we really gonna talk about this now?” she said. “Must I remind you we have a half dead man in our midst. Can we work on one thing at a time? I’m begging you.”
We both looked at Fresh.
“His fate is already chosen,” I said. “But yours has just begun. Be careful with that man, Mercedes.”
“Don’t worry, it’s about to be over. I care about 88 but I can’t be what he wants me to be now, ‘Vette.” She moved closer to Fresh. “Especially with all of this going on.” She took a deep breath. “What we gonna do about the Trap?”
“At the end of the day nobody takes nothing from us, Mercedes,” I said firmly. “Nobody. So we gonna attack. Storm the Trap.”
Heavy came into the room. “You need anything, baby? I can get—”
When my phone rang I looked down and shook my head. “It’s Carissa.” I grinned. “Ain’t been five minutes and already she calling.” I put the phone on speaker. “Yeah, Carissa. You realize what the world already knows? That you’re snowed in and can’t go no fucking where like the rest of us? Just come back here please. Before somebody snatch you.”
“You won’t be laughing when I tell you what I found out.”
My expression grew serious. “What is it?”
“Somebody you won’t see coming is involved in all of this mess…”
“Stop fucking around and tell me who, Carissa!”
“It’s Grace,” she said. “I saw her open the door a few minutes ago. Now will you believe me when I say Heavy’s involved?”
Gut punched, I looked at Heavy who sighed.
“The only thing on my mind is my coke.”
I stood in front of Heavy in my bedroom trying to understand how or why Grace would be tied into all of this. Not only that, while Carissa was talking suddenly we heard a noise and the call went dead. Since she wouldn’t answer her phone when we tried to reach her back we weren’t sure if she was hurt or if the call just died.
I knew I needed more men so I had Lil C send two more soldiers from around Marjorie who were not necessarily working with us, but not against the regime either. The pickings were slim and he needed all the help we could get. It was hell getting over here and Heavy gave them warm clothes to replace their wet ones.
They were in the living room waiting on my orders.
But first I had to deal with Heavy.
“What is Grace doing in the Trap, Heavy? Huh? She fucking with my shit or something?” I frowned.
He approached me and touched my shoulder but I walked away. “Don’t put your hands on me. Ever. Because you lying to
me, nigga. And I want to know why.”
He stomped to the bed and flopped down. It groaned a little under his weight. “I’m gonna answer your question, but first I need to know if you think I would be capable of hurting you? In any kind of way?”
“Yvette, is that the type of man you think I am? One who would share your bed and then hurt you? If Grace is in the Trap I don’t have nothing to do with it. I’m done with her. You know that.”
“Don’t try to turn this around.”
“Baby, Yvette…I…I…”
“Don’t say those words,” I said crossing my arms over my breasts. “Even if they’re true if you say the words right now I’m gonna think you’re doing it because of everything that’s going on. It won’t feel genuine. Tell me you feel that way when the time is different.”
“Saying the words now doesn’t mean they’re not true. I love you, Yvette.” He got up and walked toward me. “When my daughter died I thought I would go with her. I didn’t want to be around anybody or anything and you stepped up in ways I didn’t think possible.”
I sighed. “Because I didn’t want you alone.”
“And I don’t want to be alone now. Yvette, baby, whatever Grace got going on, whatever she’s doing…is not my doing. Do you hear what I’m saying? Because you’re rolling your eyes while I’m talking. I’m trying to tell you that I’m not a part of whatever the fuck Grace got going on.”
“That may be true, Heavy,” I said looking up at him. “Right now the only thing on my mind is my coke. Even if I had a pocket of time for this type shit I couldn’t do it now.”
Mercedes walked into the room. “I know you know 88’s friends are out here.” She looked at Heavy and rolled her eyes. “We waiting on you, ‘Vette. Let’s go and handle business.”
“Mercedes, I know you don’t believe me but—”
“I can’t stand Carissa sometimes,” Mercedes started cutting Heavy off. “We fight a lot and it makes me not want to be around her most days but if something happens to my friend and Grace is involved I will burn down this building and everybody you’ve ever loved, Heavy. It’s important that you know that.” She stormed away.
“Fuck!” Heavy yelled punching the air. “This bitch is fucking up everything I’m building with you. Even got your friends thinking I’m a snake.”
I looked at him opened my mouth and walked out. Words felt dumb right now.
I cared about Heavy and I haven’t cared about a man as much since Thick but the same traits I found attractive in Thick were the same ones that existed in Heavy.
A lot of mystery and unanswered questions.
I had to be smart.
Right now there’s one thing on my mind.
Getting my coke and friend back safely.
88 walked up to Fresh’s bedside and looked down at him. Rocky who was a RN had redressed his bandages with cloths made out of clean sheets since she didn’t have any more fresh gauze available. But it was obvious that no matter what she did he wasn’t going to make it.
Rocky looked as if she wanted to cry as she gazed down at Fresh’s bullet battered body. In her mind she bared some responsibility and it was fucking with her head. “I’m sorry, 88, I…I…I tried to—”
88 raised his hand. “Don’t say anything,” he told Rocky. “Just leave us alone for a second.”
She walked out and closed the door.
Fresh opened his eyes and looked at his friend before closing them again. In a voice so low it was almost inaudible he said, “You need to tell C, man about you and his mother. Don’t let him find out another way.”
88 smiled and walked a little closer. “This nigga on his last breath and he using it to get into my business. It’s so like you. Controlling stuff to the end.”
Fresh smiled, although his lids remained sealed. “You right, nigga. I may be dying but I’m not trying to see your face too soon when I’m in the afterlife. Just ‘cause you fucking with C’s mother.”
88 rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. “I was just fucking around about you dying. You not leaving me too soon. You could still make it with—”
“Over shawty’s house, in that old white Volvo without the plates, there’s a box full of money. About $90,000. Divide it between her and my mother.”
“Come on, man…”
Fresh groaned, the pain from the bullet wounds he suffered reminding him that he was on borrowed minutes. “I don’t have a lot of time to beg you, 88. I asked for something and I need you to follow through. Can I count on you?”
88 sighed. “Yeah, my nigga.”
“Good. Now let me get my rest,” Fresh continued. “I’m gonna need it.”
“Carissa, what you talking about?” I paced the area in front of the door just as 88 walked into the living room after sitting with Fresh. “One minute you hang up and the next you calling like everything is cool. Where are you?”
“I’m on my way back in a little while, ‘Vette,” she said. “Nothing’s wrong though.”
I looked at my friends. “This doesn’t make any sense.” I continued. “Where were you when the call ended? Why we hear that loud noise in the background?”
“I said it was a misunderstanding! Leave it alone!” She yelled. “Oh, and you should come to the Trap. I’m gonna check some things out and I want you to come with me. But come by yourself. We don’t need a big parade or nothing.”
My eyebrows rose and I looked at Mercedes. Someone was forcing her to say these things. “Oh really? Come by myself? Why?”
“No major reason, ‘Vette,” Carissa said. “I just think everything is okay at the Trap and I thought you wanted to check on it too. Now come on. You can bring Mercedes but nobody else.”
“Yeah…aight…I’ll do that.” I ended the call and tossed the phone on the sofa before running my hand down my face.
“She’s clearly lying, Yvette,” Mercedes said. “But what we gonna do because you not going by yourself?”
“I don’t mean to be rude but is there anything left to eat? I’m hungry.” Kisha said insensitive to our friend being in trouble.
Irritated with her insensitivity, Mercedes grabbed her by the hair, dragged her to the door and removed a set of keys from her pocket. “88, there’s a supply closet across the hall, throw her ass inside.”
He grabbed her by the arm. “No problem.”
“Please don’t do this!” Kisha screamed rubbing her belly. She did that every time she asked for something to eat. “I’m scared of small places and I’m with child.”
“We put niggas in there before. There’s a pillow and blanket inside, you’ll be alright for a little while.”
Kisha looked at Dukes and Rocky as 88 dragged her out.
Thinking her friends were gonna jump I looked at them.
“I’m gonna check on Fresh,” Rocky said walking to the back.
“And I’m gonna help Rocky,” Dukes said following her.
I guess her friends were tired of her too because they left her hanging.
Mercedes walked up to me and said, “Even if Carissa’s lying we still have to get her. She won’t survive in a heated situation long.”
I took a deep breath and looked back at our new additions, Scott and Vance, two of Lil C’s men. “Do you know much about Kliyo and Quinton?” I asked them.
“No, Yvette,” Scott said. “But I heard Quinton use to rape chicks.”
“I heard that too.” Vance said.
“Well if it’s true that he overdosed we might not have to worry about him,” I responded. “Kliyo, on the other hand is a problem. Do you think either of them have manpower?”
“Nah, outside of your men they be by them selves around Marjorie,” Scott said. “They can’t summon nobody that’ll want to get involved with your set.”
“What about Grace?” I continued. “Who’s she related too?” I could’ve asked Heavy but I had a feeling he was gonna fake dumb. He
stood behind me and looked sick to his stomach.
Vance and Scott looked at Heavy. “All I know about her is that Heavy use to deal with her and that her cousin is Wilson,” Scott continued, throwing Heavy under the bus as politely as possible. “A native from Marjorie who I think keeps time with C’s squad recently. And some underground niggas who can’t be trusted.”
“Yeah…I know.” I paused before looking back at Heavy and then the men. “Okay, we have to get inside the Trap. The thing is the metal door is reinforced with a security bar. We had the door made so it couldn’t be kicked in as easily. Now it would cause us more problems than it’s worth.”
“I got something for that.” Vance said. He walked toward the door where a large grey duffle I noticed earlier sat. Slowly he kneeled down and removed a few high power guns and then a huge black battering ram. It took some work to lift it up but he showed me. “Don’t ask how I came across this but let me be clear. With this in our arsenal we’ll get through any door. Even the Trap.”
Lil C chose the right niggas.
And all I could do was smile.
“Sometimes a girl wants a lie or two.”
The apartment was almost completely silent.
There was no announcement to grow quiet but everyone seemed to be thinking about the same thing. That we were moving out in two hours and needed a moment of peace.
Carissa called back several times to ask where Yvette was and each time Yvette gave her a different ETA of when she would be coming. We knew they were using her to get to us but we would not move out on their time. It was clear that she was being held against her will.