Bad for the Boss_A BWAM Office Romance

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Bad for the Boss_A BWAM Office Romance Page 12

by Talia Hibbert

  But then the man stepped forward—he really was very handsome—and spoke. “I just wanted to let you know, Mrs Campbell, how wonderful your granddaughter is.” He cleared his throat again. Perhaps he had a cold. “We are so very grateful to have her at…”

  “At the bar,” Jenny said.

  “Oh.” Violet considered this. Her mind felt sluggish, like stirring through treacle. “Well,” she said. “That’s so very kind of you, Mr Chamberlain, to bring her home and say so. I do worry about her walking home on these late nights.”

  “Please,” the man said with a charming smile. “Call me Theo. And don’t worry about Jennifer; she won’t be walking home alone anymore. I’ll look after her. I promise.” His voice was low and rather intense. Privately, Violet began to suspect that he had a bit of a thing for her Jenny. But he seemed a decent sort.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I appreciate that, I really do.” She yawned. “Oh, excuse me. I hope you don’t mind. I’m rather tired…”

  “You go to sleep, Grandma,” Jenny said. She was such a good girl.

  “You sleep too, Jenny-darling. You at the coffee shop tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” Jenny said. “Early shift.” Her voice sounded a little strange. But no, Violet was tired. She must be imagining things.

  “Goodnight then, Jenny.”

  “Goodnight, Grandma. I love you.”

  “I love you more,” Violet said. But she might have fallen to sleep before she finished the sentence; she wasn’t sure.


  They drove halfway back in silence.

  As they reached a junction Theo flicked on the indicator, tapped a finger against the steering wheel in time with each click. Finally, Jen forced herself to speak.

  “She has sarcoidosis. Have you heard of it?”

  He shook his head. “Can’t say I have.”

  “It’s rare. Complicated. Long story short, she can develop spontaneous tumours anywhere. They appear and disappear all the time.”

  “I see.”

  “She has a couple in her brain. Small ones. Affecting her memory in… Strange ways. There’s some in her spine. A few in her lungs, but they aren’t causing major problems just yet.”

  “I’m sorry.” Theo paused at a traffic light, and the red glow painted his amber skin scarlet. Then he said, “I know what happened in 2001. And in 2002.”

  She bit her lip. Bit her lip until she tasted blood.

  “Goring told me.”

  “She had no right to do that.”

  “It was my fault. I called to harass them about your case. I suppose she lost her head and blurted out every relevant piece of information.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. “What did she tell you?”


  “Just say it.”

  He hesitated, then sighed. “That your parents were the victims of a double murder. Home invasion. That you were upstairs. That you saw one of the men, identified him in court. Testified.”

  She nodded.

  “It was Violet who raised you, after that, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “How old were you?”

  “I was eleven.”

  His hand reached over, found hers in the dark. She held on, grateful despite herself.

  “Have you checked your emails? Your personal emails, I mean.”

  She looked over at him. “No. Why?”

  “She said they’d emailed you. I thought you knew.”

  “Thought I knew what?”

  “The men who killed your parents? Neither of them have been released yet. One of them’s still in a Cat B, and the other one actually died recently.”

  “Really?” Her voice sounded so far away, even though she knew it was coming from her lips. “Which one?”

  He frowned, as though trying to remember. Then he said, tentatively “Wainwright? Marvin Wainwright?”

  Her shoulders sagged with relief. “He’s the one. The one I saw. He got life because of me. I thought…”

  Theo squeezed her hand. “He’s dead. Stomach cancer.”

  “Hm,” Jen murmured. She hoped it fucking hurt.

  Feeling lighter than she had in days, Jennifer let her head fall back against the seat. God. She’d really started to wonder if they were coming for her, somehow. But they weren’t; of course they weren’t. Her childhood nightmares weren’t coming to life. Someone had still nailed a dead cat to her door, sure. That wasn’t exactly easy to handle.

  But it was a hell of a lot easier, now.

  She turned to Theo. “I think I might be interested in seeing that contract.”

  He was silent for a moment—probably adjusting to that sudden change in subject. But when he did finally speak, he was smooth as ever. “Really?” He said, the lightness of his tone belied by the sudden heat in the car. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I’m sure. Very sure.”

  “Well, alright then.” He changed gears and swung the car down a side street suddenly. “It’s at my house. That okay?”


  “Alright.” The engine purred as they sped through the city.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Theo shut his front door behind them, locked it, then turned to Jen and pushed her up against the hallway wall. Just like that.

  “Jenny,” he breathed, burying his face against her hair, breathing deep. “You know how this is going to be?” He trailed his mouth down the curve of her throat, and she shivered.

  “No. How’s it going to be?”

  He pulled back slightly, his eyes twin black-holes, standing out against the city-darkness. “Like this,” he rasped, sliding his hands over her hips. He tucked his fingers into the waist of her skirt. “Rule number one: you do as I tell you. Exactly as I tell you.”

  “I don’t know if I like that rule,” she breathed.

  His eyes flared, and he ripped her skirt right off her. The cotton tore like paper, and the force of the movement pulled her into him. When she shifted, her skirt didn’t come move with her. It fell drunkenly, then caught on the flare of her thighs. She looked down in shock at the ragged pieces, clinging together by a thread.

  “Oh my,” she said.

  “I’ll buy you a new one.” He gave another firm tug, and the fabric fell away from her body. “Rule number two: you break the first rule, you face your punishment.”

  “What’s my punishment?”

  He palmed her bare arse with both hands, squeezed hard. She wondered if he’d tear off her thong too.

  “Your punishment is whatever I decide it to be, Ms Johnson.’

  “Will it fit the crime?”

  He bit her lower lip, sucked. She felt the pull down between her legs, as though he had a direct line to her clit. “Are you planning on disobeying me tonight?” He asked. “Because it sounds like you might be.”

  “I just like to cover all my bases,” she breathed

  He slapped her arse, hard and sudden. She yelped at the shock. Outraged, she looked up at him. The streetlights filtered through the front door’s frosted glass, adding to the devilish heat in his eyes.

  “Don’t test me, Jenny,” he said softly. He stroked the plump, stinging cheek, soothing the hurt. Then he pulled her up against him, his grip punishing, his swollen cock grinding against her belly. “You’re very precious, Ms Johnson. A fine artefact. And I’ll look after you, if you let me. Would you like that?”

  She nodded slowly, felt her thong grow wet. His gaze was insistent, fierce. Uncompromising.

  “Good. Good girl. But if I’m going to give you what you need, you have to do as I say. Understand, Princess?”

  “Yes,” she murmured. The sting of her ass had become a throbbing heat, one that grew to suffuse her hips, her pelvis. She felt the urge to grind against his erection, and obeyed. He smirked.

  “Yes, what?” He whispered silkily.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” He looked down at their bodies, at the place whe
re she ground against him. “What’s this, kitten? Are you trying to seduce me?”

  Jen bit her lip.

  “You want my cock, Princess? Here’s a tip: take off your shirt, before I rip that up too. Strip.” He stepped back, left her alone and wanting.

  Under his watchful gaze, she pulled her shirt up over her head, ignoring the buttons. Then she fumbled behind her back until the bra she was wearing loosened, fell. Her tits bounced free and he sighed and fisted his cock through his trousers.

  “Beautiful. You’re so beautiful.”

  She wrapped an arm around her exposed belly, the movement reflexive. All at once, the reality of the situation hit her: she was alone with this man, in his home. Her clothes were gone, and he was looking at her in such a way that she felt his gaze. He was looking at her like he couldn’t decide whether to devour her or worship her. Her nipples tightened at the prospect that he might just end up doing both.

  “What are you doing, Jen?” He asked softly. He reached down and tugged away the arm that hid her stomach. “I didn’t tell you to do that.”

  “But I’m—“

  “Don’t finish that sentence.”


  “Unless you’re going to say sexy as shit, I can guarantee we won’t agree on this.” He reached forward and swept her up into his arms, just like he had on the night she fainted.

  “Oh, God, you don’t need to carry me!”

  “Shut up, Jenny. I’m trying to get you to the bedroom before I continue defiling you.”


  He frowned as he strode through the house. “Good fucking question.”

  But when they arrived at his room, she was glad. His bed was big and soft and bathed in moonlight, and when he tossed her onto the cushions she bounced, giggling. The nerves in her stomach disappeared. It was Theo. Only Theo.

  He climbed over her, still fully clothed, and kicked off his shoes. The look in his eyes quelled her laughter, replacing it with something hot and desperate. He ran a finger down the aching centre of her desire, over her soaked underwear. Then he smirked. “What’s this, Princess? You’re all wet.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she whispered.

  “Oh, no. Don’t be sorry. Spread your legs.” She obeyed, and he slipped a finger inside her thong, dipped it into her exposed pussy. Then he brought the finger up to her mouth, traced her own juices over her lips. “I want to keep you wet,” he murmured. “Never know when I’ll need to bend you over.”

  Abruptly, he got up. He stood over her, the jut of his erection almost obscene. “Take off the thong.”

  Biting her lip, Jennifer did as she was told.


  Theo watched, barely clinging to his sanity, as Jenny eased her pretty underwear down her dimpled thighs. In the low light, he saw her sucking in her cheeks. She was nervous. She was nervous, and he was so hard he thought he might pass out.

  “You okay, Princess?”

  She nodded.

  “Tell me something.” He shrugged off his jacket, undid his tie, began to unbutton his shirt. “Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

  “A few,” she said. “And a girlfriend.”

  He filed that information away for later. “Just the one?”

  Her voice was tight as she said, “Yep. Just the one.” She kicked off the thong. He tried not to lose his mind, kept his eyes on her face.

  “So you’re not a virgin.” It wasn’t a question.

  She didn’t answer.

  “Jenny,” he said, taking off his belt. “Are you?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I’m not.”

  He felt himself relax. Inexperience was one thing, but if he’d just started off her first time by ripping off her skirt and throwing her onto his bed, he would’ve kicked himself.

  “I don’t know much, though. I’m sorry.”

  “That doesn’t matter, Princess. Don’t be sorry.” He slid off his trousers, then his boxers. His cock sprang free, rigid and throbbing. She stared at it, her eyes huge.

  “I have condoms this time,” he said, and pulled the box out of his bedside table. Holding her gaze, he tore open one foil packet and rolled the latex over his aching length. Then he sat down on the bed beside her, resting against the pillows. “Come here,” he said softly.

  Hesitant, she sat up. Her tits swayed as she moved, ripe and full and soft. Her nipples were thick, dark nubs, swollen and stiff. He wrapped his hands around her hips, savoured the fine ridges of her stretch marks like raw silk. Then he pulled her into his lap so that she was straddling him, his cock trapped between their bellies and his tits jutting towards his face.

  Giving into temptation, he bent his head and tugged one plump nipple into his mouth. She whimpered as he laved it with his tongue, as he gently slid his teeth across the wetness he had made.

  “Theo,” she gasped, threading her fingers through his hair. She ground against him, swivelling her hips, and he felt her juices rubbing onto his thighs. With one hand, he tugged at her other nipple, rolling it between finger and thumb. With the other, he caressed her inner thigh, his fingers dancing closer and closer to her pussy. God, he’d been dreaming of her pussy.

  He hadn’t even seen it, before—but he’d felt it, the plump folds cradling his cock, the damp heat of her cunt calling to him. His fingers found her clit, stiff and swollen, and he rubbed it firmly, circling the nub in time with the rocking of her hips.

  “Oh, God,” she gasped. He was supposed to be giving her orders, taking control. That’s how he usually did things. But she was so fucking much, he could barely think. Fuck teasing her. Fuck dragging this out. If he didn’t get inside her in the next thirty seconds, he’d lose it.

  “Jenny,” he choked out, pulling away from the pillows of her breasts. “Got to fuck you.” He grabbed her thighs, lifted her up. And Jesus, thank fuck, she held his cock with tentative fingers and lined it up to her entrance, the heat of her arousal scalding his swollen head.

  With a desperate groan, Theo eased her down onto his length, hissing out his satisfaction. Inch by torturous inch, she sank onto him, her full lips parting as she gasped. He let her control the pace, and she took her sweet time. Her lips were parted, and an expression of faint shock took over her face as she slid down his cock.

  “You okay, Princess?” He gritted out. She was so fucking tight, he could’ve come at that very moment.

  “Mmhm,” she murmured, biting her lip. He reached around to grab the fat globes of her arse, squeezing roughly, and she relaxed a little, the death grip of her cunt receding slightly, giving him room to breathe.

  When she settled fully onto his erection, her walls fluttering around him, her scent surrounding him, her body his only reality… He knew he was complete. He cradled her face with both hands and kissed her gently, worshipping her lips, conveying his reverence the only way he knew how.

  But then she began to move, riding his cock with languorous rolls of her wide hips, and the kiss grew deeper. Frantic. He plundered her mouth as she stole his soul, poured his lust into her as she moaned beneath his touch.

  Then she pulled back, looked down at him like a goddess taking her due as she used him. He reached between their bodies and found the swollen centre of her pleasure, stroking just the way she liked.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she breathed.

  “Like what?”


  “Like I need you?” He thrust up his hips to meet her stroke for stroke, his desire growing more urgent with each second. “But I do. More than I realised. When I don’t see you, I convince myself that I’m imagining things. It can’t possibly feel like this. You’re a beautiful woman and you make me smile. That’s all.” Suddenly, he rolled over, pulling her beneath him. She gasped softly, and he began to thrust hard and deep, forcing her legs wider. “But then I see you again, and I know that I imagined nothing. I want you more than a man should. I want all of you. Just like this.”

  “Theo,” she whimpered. “Plea

  He thrust faster, felt her shudder around him. “You’re so perfect Jen.” He whispered against her sweaty temple, pressed the words into her skin like a prayer. “You’re so lovely.” He drove into her, electricity shooting up his spine. She was a silken vice around him.

  “Oh, God, Theo—“ she broke off, a moan tearing through her. He’d thought she might scream, but when she came it was a sigh. A long, drawn-out sigh of bliss that rocked her whole body like a wave. Her pussy worked his aching cock and the soft pillows of her tits thrust hard against his chest, and she looked at him like he was the world.

  Then she dug her nails into his shoulders, and moaned low and quiet, and he couldn’t help himself. He swore and pumped into her like a man possessed, and when his release burst out like a lightening bolt across a midnight sky, he thought he’d been struck. He thought he’d died. He thought that this was heaven.

  She stroked lazy fingers along his back as he came back down to earth. His mind bleary, Theo rolled onto his side, cuddled her close, and cradled her belly with one hand.

  He wanted to speak. He wanted to tell her that she was his now, always. He wanted ask if he was hers.

  But before he could anything so ill-advised, he fell asleep.

  Thank God.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The shifting of the mattress as she rolled away from him tapped at his consciousness. The patting of her feet against the wooden floor woke him completely. But he waited a while, because he had a feeling that she’d talk more comfortably once she had some clothes on.

  When he judged that enough time had passed, Theo opened his eyes and sat up, slowly. Only he’d forgotten something crucial; half her clothes were in the hallway, and the other half had been torn to pieces. She crossed her arms over her bare chest and bit her lip, anxiety written over her face.

  “Hey,” he said softly. “You’re not having second thoughts, are you?”

  “No! I just… God, Theo, I’m so sorry.”

  He frowned and followed her gaze to the bed. Beside him, a stain marred the cream and blue covers, its colour barely identifiable in the low light.


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