Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4

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Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4 Page 29

by Evangeline Anderson

  “What?” The huge Tranq warrior turned to face him, frowning. “By what right do you claim her?” he asked, still keeping a firm grip on Liv’s arm.

  “She is my bride.” Baird’s deep voice was quiet but savage and the light of possession was shining in his eyes.

  A truculent look settled on her captor’s blunt features. “Then why do I not smell you on her? All I smell is her heat.”

  “I haven’t scent marked her recently.” Baird’s face was stony, as though he was admitting something humiliating. “But our minds aligned over six Earth months ago and I claimed her and brought her up to the ship myself. She is mine.”

  “What my brother says is true.” Sylvan stepped forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with Baird. “I myself witnessed it. The Earth female is his.”

  “Maybe she would rather belong to another,” the Tranq Kindred sneered. “Maybe that’s why she came here and initiated a Tis’Dane—in order to find a male who was more worthy of her.”

  “Oh no, I didn’t,” Liv said, finding her voice at last. “I’ve never even heard of a Tis…Tis…whatever it is. This is all just a big mistake—my Take-me wandered into this section when I wasn’t paying attention, that’s all. But now I just want to go home.” She looked at the warrior holding her arm pleadingly and he scowled.

  “How do I know you speak the truth? Your words may be lies—it is your scent that I believe.”

  “The Tranq speaks for all of us.” It was the Beast Kindred—the one who had first spoken to her and the Twin Kindred brothers were right behind him. Great. Just great. Liv eyed them grimly. Apparently they’d decided to put aside their quarrels for the moment in order to keep her here in the unmated males’ area. She wondered with sudden unease if the Tis’Dane ritual was a fight to the death or just a strongest man wins type of thing. Either way, she didn’t appreciate the caveman ways of these unknown males. Were all Kindred like this until they found the right woman or were these guys just prize jerks?

  Sylvan leaned forward and whispered something in Baird’s ear. Baird frowned. “No, I won’t ask her to do that.”

  “It’s either that or fight them all,” Liv heard Sylvan mutter.

  “Then I’ll fight.” Baird glared menacingly at the large warrior who still had her firmly by the arm and then widened his gaze to include the other three unmated males. “Prepare to defend your claims with your lives. I offer formal challenge for this female who by rights—”

  “Wait a minute!” Liv yelled. She looked at Sylvan. “What do I have to do?”

  Sylvan shifted uncomfortably and Baird growled deep in his throat. “It’s of no concern to you, Lilenta. I will be glad to fight and die, if necessary, to keep you.”

  “But it shouldn’t be necessary. Not if there’s something I can do to…to prove I’m yours.” She felt stupid saying it after all the times she’d told Baird she wasn’t his and never would be, but really, what choice did she have? She couldn’t let him fight and possibly die if there was some way out of this mess that didn’t involve violence.

  “You must submit to him,” Sylvan said, looking her in the eye.

  Liv felt her heart give a thump. “Submit to him? Submit how?”

  “They need to smell me on you.” Baird gave her a significant look. “Come to me now and offer your throat if you’re serious, Olivia. I need to scent mark you.”

  “What? Like…like you did last time, you mean?” Liv’s mouth was dry and her heart was pounding. All she could think of was having him on her, his big body covering hers as he stroked between her thighs. God, part of her craved that, wanted to feel him against her again, touching her, holding her, making her come. It’s just his scent working on me, she told herself. But from where she was standing she couldn’t smell that warm, spicy aroma she’d come to associate with him. Still…

  “Not quite,” Baird said, breaking into her frantic thoughts. “But I will need to remove some of your clothes.”

  Liv looked up at the warrior holding her arm and then back at Baird. Was she going to wind up stark naked in front of all these unmated males? God, she hoped not! But what choice did she have? Better to be naked with Baird, even if it was horribly embarrassing, than to be claimed by some unknown warrior. “All…all right,” she said at last.

  “Come to me then.” Baird motioned for her to join him and then shot the male holding her arm a warning look. “You know you must allow her to choose. If she proves she is mine—”

  “If she allows you to mark her, yes. Then you take her. If not…” The Tranq Warrior trailed off, a hungry gleam in his blue eyes. The other males behind him murmured among themselves but none of them protested as he slowly released Liv’s arm. “You can stay with me if you wish, little female,” he told her. “I will prove myself a better mate and protector than this one.”

  “Not a chance.” Liv couldn’t get away fast enough. The feel of being surrounded by so many big, alien males and their strange scents in her nose made her feel sick and disoriented. The minute she reached Baird’s side she put her arms around him and pressed her face to his chest. Home. The thought came to her unbidden as his familiar, spicy fragrance filled her senses. She could be angry about his duplicity later—right now she just wanted the safety of his massive arms around her and the feel of his hard body surrounding and protecting her.

  “Lilenta,” he murmured and held her close for a moment. Then he pulled away and looked her in the eyes. “I must mark you now.”

  “All right.” Liv tried to brace herself but there was no way she could have withstood the flood of emotions that washed over her as, with a quick, ruthless gesture, Baird ripped open her blouse.

  It was just a simple cotton button down—that and jeans had seemed like the most practical clothing for riding around on the Take-me. But as the little plastic buttons went flying, exposing her lacy white bra, Liv felt her breath catch in her throat. She wanted to ask whether such a dramatic gesture was really necessary but before she could open her mouth, Baird was pulling down the lace cups of her bra and exposing her breasts.

  “Baird!” she gasped and tried to cover herself but he shook his head. God, this was insane! Did he really expect her to just stand here and let him do this—let him expose her to all these complete strangers? Out of the corner of her eye Liv could see the hungry looks that were being thrown her way and her bare skin tingled with embarrassment.

  “Look at me.” The low, growling voice drew her attention away from the watching eyes and back to Baird. He was staring down at her, his golden eyes fierce.


  “Drop your arms.” He nodded down to where she was still trying to shield herself from the other warriors.


  “Do you want me to fight them and let the winner have you if I lose?” He nodded at the other males.

  “Of course not!” She glared at him.

  “Then drop your arms, Olivia. I need you exposed and open for me.” The command in his voice was undeniable and she found herself completely unable to disobey.

  Slowly she let her arms fall to her side and then, closing her eyes, she leaned her head back, exposing her vulnerable throat to him. She heard a low growl and then Baird was on her, his mouth hot and wet and urgent at the side of her neck. He cupped her breasts in his large hands, his palms warm and rough against their tender tips.

  At his touch, lust surged through her like an electric current. Liv moaned and pressed herself against him, all thought of who was watching completely forgotten. All she knew was that she wanted him, needed him and it had been far too long since they’d been so close.

  “That’s right, Lilenta,” she heard him growl. “Give it up for me. Just give it all up.”

  And that was exactly what she wanted to do. She no longer cared that they were in public or that she was bare from the waist up. All she wanted—all she needed was him—was Baird. Her heart was pounding as she pressed herself against him, arching her back, offering her breasts and throa
t to him.

  Baird took her up on her offer, sucking one of her nipples hard while he twisted the other one gently, sending pleasure and pain through her entire body. Liv cried out as he released her first nipple and began on the second one, sucking it into his hot, wet mouth. She expected to feel him pinching the other but instead his hand slipped down her abdomen and into her jeans and panties.

  “God, Baird!” she protested, vaguely aware that they were still in public but there was no stopping him. Before she could say another word two long, thick fingers slipped deep into her pussy, fucking up into her and making her arch her back and moan.

  “That’s good, Olivia,” he said in her ear. “Ride my fingers and let me fuck you. Gods your pussy is so hot and wet. Can’t wait to feel you coming.”

  “I’m not…I can’t…” she protested weakly but even as she spoke she felt the fire inside her building. How could he do this to her so easily? How could she possibly lose control of herself in public with strange men and Baird’s own brother watching her?

  But nothing she could tell herself seemed to help. Nothing could stop the pleasure from overwhelming her. Baird’s rough palm was rubbing against her clit mercilessly as he thrust into her and she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter, hotter and hotter…

  “Come for me,” Baird commanded in a low voice. “Come now, Lilenta, and prove you’re mine.”

  Liv couldn’t help herself. His voice in her ear and his fingers deep in her pussy were too much. With a gasp she felt herself coming, her pussy squeezing hard around his fingers as the orgasm shook her to her core. “Baird,” she moaned. “Baird, please. I can’t take anymore.”

  “Oh, you’re gonna take more. A helluva lot more. But not here.” Slowly he withdrew his fingers and showed them to her. To Liv’s mortification they were glistening with her juice, proving exactly how much she wanted him. His eyes never leaving hers, he thrust the fingers into his mouth and sucked them, cleaning away her honey with his tongue. It was an animalistic gesture and the light in his golden eyes was completely inhuman. It scared Liv to death and yet she could still feel her pussy quivering from his assault—almost as though she wanted more.

  Baird faced the other males with a snarl. “Satisfied?”

  “Enough.” The large Tranq warrior frowned. He and the other unmated males were staring at her and Baird with almost identical looks of lust and envy on their faces.

  “I said, enough. You have proved her to be yours.” The Tranq warrior waved a hand dismissively and glared at Baird. “But you should not let your female wander through the ship—especially this part of the ship—without your scent on her. To smell a female in heat and think her unspoken for is a torment to those of us without brides.”

  Baird nodded, looking a little more calm. “I ask your pardon.” Giving Liv a significant look, he added, “It will not happen again.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Liv demanded, attempting to pull up the cups of her bra.

  “It means when I get you back to the suite I’m going to mark you much more thoroughly. This isn’t going to happen again.” The look he gave her was so dark that Liv closed her mouth instead of protesting. Seeing that animalistic expression on his face again, it occurred to her that Baird was as hungry for her as any of the unmated males who had watched their little display.

  The need burning in his golden eyes made her shiver. He’d already exposed her and fingerfucked her to orgasm in public—how much worse were things going to get when they got back to the suite? Oh God, what am I in for?

  “I—”she began but Baird only shook his head.

  “Come, Olivia. It’s time we got back to our suite.” He made a motion at the Take-me, which was standing a little distance away and watching them with both heads. It came to him at once. Baird straddled it and pulled Liv against his chest. “Twice as big,” he growled and suddenly the beast was much more massive in form and they were both sitting on its back.

  The ride back was silent. Olivia kept her arms crossed over her chest to keep her ripped shirt from flying open and tried to quiet the storm of emotions that was brewing in her chest. Though he never said a word, she could feel Baird at her back—a hard, hot presence reminding her of what was coming. She could almost feel his need for her, pressing against her like a big warm hand, touching her everywhere whether she wanted to be touched or not. Even worse, she could feel her need for him. He’s going to do it, she thought as the hard bulge of his cock rubbed rhythmically against her ass in time to the Take-me’s swaying gait. He’s going to take me back to the suite, get us both naked and bond me to him.

  The thought should have been horrifying—it was exactly what she’d been fighting for so long. But all Liv could feel was a sense of relief. I can’t fight it anymore. Can’t fight him. He wants me and I can’t stop him from having me.

  She knew she ought to be angry. Wasn’t she only feeling this way because of his scent? She wouldn’t want him if it wasn’t for that, would she? She opened her mouth to ask him about it but just then they entered the maze of metal corridors on their end of the ship and he put his arms around her waist.

  “Almost home, Lilenta.” His breath was hot at the back of her neck and Liv found herself shivering again. Whatever she’d wanted to say to him flew right out of her head and suddenly all she could think about was what was going to happen when they got to their suite.

  They were there before she knew it. Baird was silent until they got inside and he’d sent the Take-me back to its den in the kitchen. Then he turned to her, his eyes blazing and said one word. “Strip.”

  “What?” Liv started to back away from him but he followed her, unrelenting.

  “You heard me.” His voice was a deep, commanding growl. “Don’t test me right now, Olivia. You don’t know what it did to me—seeing you with those other males, seeing that Tranq’s hands on you—” He broke off with a deep sound of frustration and came toward her again.

  “I didn’t want him to,” Liv said, still backing away. Her voice was coming out much more breathy than she wanted it to. “He just—”

  “He just assumed you were available because I hadn’t marked you. But you’re mine Lilenta. Can’t stand another male’s scent anywhere near you. Have to mark you. Now.” The last word was a muted roar.

  Liv took another step back and something hit the backs of her thighs. Turning her head she saw it was the bed—Baird had backed her into the bedroom. “Please,” she whispered. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Whatever I have to, to make you mine.” His voice was hoarse with need. “Now are you going to strip, Lilenta? Or am I going to strip you? Already made a good start on your blouse.” He gestured at the ragged cotton shirt which hung open on either side of her breasts.

  “I…I don’t…” Liv didn’t know what to say. To be honest, there didn’t seem to be anything to say. The light in Baird’s eyes was dangerous and while she knew he wouldn’t hurt her, she was sure there would be a great many things he could do to make her regret her reluctance that didn’t involve pain. “Fine,” she whispered at last, pulling off her shirt and bra in jerky motions. “Fine, I’ll…I’ll strip.” Her jeans and tennis shoes were next and then she was down to her panties. “There,” she said, trying to meet his eyes and failing. “That’s as far as I go. You’ll…you’ll have to mark me like this.”

  Baird stood before her bare chested. He’d been taking off his deep red uniform shirt as she removed her torn blouse and Liv could see the muscles in his chest flexing with tension. She had an idea he was barely holding himself in check and her open defiance seemed to be more than he could stand. With a low, lustful growl, he was suddenly on her.

  “When I say strip, Lilenta I mean strip. That means your panties come off too.” He pulled her close to him, pressing her bare breasts to the hard wall of his chest and burying his face in her neck as he had earlier.

  “Why…why should I have to take them off?” Liv demanded, fighting the urge to su
bmit. God, his hands seemed to be everywhere, stroking her sides and running up and down her back, cupping her ass and pulling her toward him so that the hard bulge of his cock was rubbing against her pussy. How long could she hold out? Not long, she was sure, which was why it was important to make her point now. “You…you’re just going to kiss and bite my neck again,” she whispered breathlessly. “You don’t need me completely naked for that.”

  “I’m going to kiss a lot more than just your neck.” Baird pulled away for a moment to look at her with half-lidded golden eyes. “Or have you forgotten this is the start of our tasting week?”

  “But…but I thought you just wanted to mark me,” she protested. “With…you said you…the Kindred have scent glands in their face.” He had also said they had scent glands lower—much lower—but Liv wasn’t about to go there. She hoped.

  “We do.” He kissed her and rubbed his rough cheek against hers almost like a cat. “But that’s not where other males smell when they’re tryin’ to see if you belong to someone.”

  Liv had a brief mental image of the Beast warrior who had first approached her sniffing from her neck all the way down to her crotch and suddenly understood. “Oh, I…so you want to rub your face against me there?” She nodded down to where he was still pressed unrelentingly between her legs.

  “Not just my face but it’ll do for a start. And I don’t want anything in the way when I mark you.” Without waiting for her reply, Baird slid one hand down her body and into her panties. Liv gasped sharply as she felt him cup her pussy. “Gods, you’re wet, Lilenta,” he growled softly. “Can’t wait to taste all that sweet honey.”

  Liv felt her breath catch in her throat as the old uncertainty came rushing back. “Wait!” She tried to wiggle away from him and failed.

  “Not waiting for anything.” Baird slid her panties down her thighs, still cupping her sex with his other hand.


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