Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4

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Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4 Page 93

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Because then I know you can’t deny it, even to yourself.” Deep stroked her cheek, his large hand surprisingly gentle. “If you watch, you have to admit it’s really happening, little Kat. And that you’re really enjoying it.”

  Kat had no answer for that. She watched, mesmerized, as Lock parted her pussy lips once more and placed a soft, open mouthed kiss on the throbbing button of her clit. “God!” Her back arched as pleasure raced through her. But she needed more…much more. Lock seemed to understand.

  “I need to lick you, my lady,” he murmured, looking up at her. “May I have your permission?”

  “Tell him yes,” Deep directed her in a low voice. “Say, ‘Yes, Lock, I want you to lick my pussy.’”

  Kat felt her entire body heat with a blush. “Why should I have to say that?”

  Deep tilted her chin towards him and looked into her eyes. “Because you need to admit you want it. Admit you need it. And because I want to hear you say it. Go on.”

  “I…” Wetting her lips, Kat forced herself to speak the words. “Yes, Lock, I…I want you to lick me.”

  “’To lick my pussy,’” Deep corrected her. “Say it right, Kat. Tell Lock what you want.”

  He still held her eyes with his own and she felt helpless to look away—helpless to disobey his orders. “Lock,” she whispered, looking at Deep as she said the words. “I want you to…to lick my pussy. Please.”

  She felt a surge of lust from Deep and he growled with approval. “Very good. I didn’t tell you to add the ‘please’ but it was a nice touch.”

  “I will gladly taste you, my lady,” Lock murmured. “I’ve wanted to do this since the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

  “We both have,” Deep said, stroking her cheek again. “Watch now, Kat. Watch and tell me how it feels.”

  Kat watched as Lock dipped his dark blond head between her thighs again. She honestly couldn’t believe she was doing this. Couldn’t believe she was lying here with the two of them, naked and spread open, completely defenseless while Lock licked her pussy and Deep watched.

  She moaned softly as Lock started at the bottom of her slit and gave her a long, loving taste. His tongue was hot against her sensitive clit—hot and gentle and incredibly intense all at the same time.

  “Delicious,” he said softly, looking up at her, his mouth wet with her juices. “I love the way you taste, my lady.”

  “Th-thank you,” Kat stuttered as Lock went back for a second taste. God, his tongue felt incredible on her. He was tracing her now, circling her clit in slow, intricate patterns that seemed designed to drive her crazy. She could feel herself getting close to the edge almost immediately but she still needed something…something she hardly dared name, even to herself.

  “How does it feel?” Deep demanded as Lock continued to lick and suck her inner folds. “Do you like his tongue between your legs? Does it make you feel like you need to be fucked?”

  Kat’s breath caught in her throat. How had Deep known? But of course, he could feel her emotions, the same way she could feel his and Lock’s. She knew it must be part of the strange, unwanted link they shared, but that didn’t make her feel any less embarrassed.

  “I told you, I don’t want to go that far,” she said breathlessly, trying to frown at Deep.

  “You don’t have to,” he assured her. “What you need is penetration. I can provide that easily enough without using my cock…if you’ll let me.”

  Kat bit her lip. Did she dare? She could see the hunger in his eyes, could hear the longing in his deep voice. But most of all she could feel the need coming off him in waves. He knows I’m afraid to trust him. He knows he scares me. And that knowledge hurt him, somehow. Hurt him deeply.

  “I know you fear me,” Deep said, as though reading her mind. “But I swear I would never hurt you, little Kat. Please…will you let me bring you pleasure?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, giving in at last. “Just this once, I guess it will be all right.”

  “Very good.” Deep plundered her mouth suddenly in a kiss that took her breath away. When he pulled back he looked at her intently. “If I only get to do it once, then let’s make it count.”

  “Deep—” Kat started to say, but he was already pulling her closer and sliding his hand under her to cup her pussy from below. Lock stopped licking her for a moment and looked up to catch her gaze.

  “It’s all right, my lady,” he murmured, stroking her inner thigh soothingly. “Deep’s going to penetrate you with his fingers. Just open yourself for him and let him fill your pussy.”

  Kat was drowning again—filled with their emotions as well as her own. But she knew there was no way around what was happening. She had to go through it—had to allow them to do as they wanted in order to come out the other side. Just once, she promised herself. Only once. She looked at Deep and nodded her head. “All right.”

  “Very good. That’s a good girl, Kat.” Slowly two thick fingers breached her entrance and slid deep into her pussy. Deep held her eyes as he penetrated her, watching her intently as he filled her. “Such a good girl to let me fingerfuck your tight little cunt.”

  Kat lifted her chin. “I’m only doing it because…because I have to,” she said, staring back at him challengingly. “Because there’s no other way.”

  “I know.” Instead of the anger she had expected, there was a depth of sadness in his voice that made her heart ache for some reason. “But I want you to enjoy it anyway.” The sadness faded, to be replaced by lust. “So tell me if you like it. Tell me how you want it.”

  “I…what do you mean?” Kat frowned, not understanding him.

  “Do you want it soft and gentle, like this?” Deep’s fingers withdrew and then pumped back into her in a long, slow glide as he kissed her cheek. “Do you want me to be sweet to you and fuck you gently while Lock licks your pussy?” he murmured.

  As if on cue, the blond twin went back to lapping her open cunt. Kat moaned out loud at the duel sensations of having one brother’s tongue laving her wet folds while the other brother pierced her with his fingers. God, it was too much, how could she stand it? And yet still she needed more.

  Deep seemed to sense it. “You want it harder, little Kat?” he asked, his black eyes half-lidded with lust. “You need more? Well, you’re going to have to ask for it.”

  “Damn you.” Kat glared at him. “What are you, some kind of a sexual sadist?”

  Deep laughed. “No, I’ll leave that kind of behavior for the Scourge. “But I want to hear exactly what you want. What you need.”

  Lock looked up again. “I know it seems like Deep is teasing you, my lady Kat, but truly, he doesn’t want to hurt you. He needs to know that you want it before he penetrates you with more force.” His brown eyes pleaded with her to understand, to forgive.

  Kat thought with exasperation that it was clear why the Twin Kindred always came in pairs. Without Lock to explain and apologize for him, Deep would be completely incomprehensible. He needed his brother to act as an emotional interpreter.

  “Fine,” she said, glaring at Deep. “I need it harder. Faster. Is that what you need to hear?”

  “Yes. Exactly what I need to hear. But I want you to say it right.”

  “Say what?” Kat squirmed impatiently. God, if he didn’t start soon…

  “Ask me to fuck you.” His voice was a soft, lustful growl. “And say my name when you do. I want to hear it on your sweet lips, little Kat. Want to hear you ask me for what you need.”

  Kat’s breath caught in her throat but she had never been one to back down. “All right then…” It took all her courage and her heart was thumping like a jackhammer but she looked him straight in his midnight black eyes as she spoke. “Fuck me, Deep,” she said in a soft, challenging tone. “Fuck me hard. I…I need you to.”

  “Gods!” His voice was hoarse with lust as he pumped deep into her open cunt, his thick fingers pistoning in and out of her until she moaned. “So beautiful, little Kat,” he growled. “How I
wish I was fucking you with my cock instead of my fingers.”

  For a moment Kat let herself imagine that. The thought of his huge, muscular body covering hers filled her mind. Fucking Deep would be like fucking a tiger—something so fierce and wild it was completely uncontrollable. She would be helpless, able only to spread her legs wide and try to accommodate his thick cock as he pounded into her. As he filled her with his shaft and his seed…

  Yes, Deep whispered in her head. I would ravage you, little Kat. Fuck you hard and long until I filled your pussy with my hot cum. But don’t forget, I wouldn’t be the only one…

  Another image filled her mind. This time Lock had joined the equation, filling her from behind. He held her and steadied her, helping her take Deep’s rough, delicious loving as he stroked slowly into her himself.

  God, Kat thought half deliriously. To be filled by both of them like that. To be fucked by two cocks at once…

  And that’s only one of the ways we could take you, Deep taunted her. Think, little Kat. With three instead of just two, the possibilities are limitless.

  Kat gasped as a barrage of images raced through her overloaded mind. She saw herself on her hands and knees, sucking Lock while Deep took her from behind. Saw Lock fucking her while Deep lapped her open pussy. And then, most frightening of all, she saw them bracketing her as they were now. Both of them were thrusting up and into her and it was clear that they were both piercing her at the same time in the same place…

  No! Fear raced through her—surely that wasn’t possible. Her stomach clenched but not only with fright.

  You want it, Deep whispered in her head. Want to take us both. To feel Lock and I filling your sweet pussy at the same time…

  No, Kat denied but her mental voice sounded weak, even to herself. Surely he had to be kidding her. There was no way…

  “You’re close now, my lady. I can feel it,” Lock murmured from between her legs, breaking her train of thought. “Just open yourself to both of us and let go. Let us take you where you need to be.” Ducking his head, he sucked her clit between his lips and began to lash it with his tongue.

  The intensely pleasurable sensations coupled with her forbidden fantasies were too much. “God!” Kat gripped the bedspread beneath her and bucked up, unable to stop herself from moving. The brothers were working in tandem now, neither one of them getting in the other’s way despite the close quarters. They seemed to be feeding off each other and her, setting up a mutual rhythm of licking and thrusting that pushed her to the edge of orgasm faster and harder than she’d ever been pushed before.

  “You’re going to come soon,” Deep murmured in her ear, his breath hot against the side of her neck. “When you do, I want you to look in my eyes. I want to see it when you lose control.”

  Kat wanted to shake her head, wanted to deny him. But somehow she couldn’t. Unable to stop herself, she turned to face him and felt herself drowning in the midnight depths of his gaze.

  “God,” she gasped as the pleasure peaked inside her. “I can’t…I’m…I’m…”

  “You’re coming.” Deep’s voice was a low, lustful growl as he held her gaze. “I can feel you all around me, squeezing my fingers. Gods, I wish it was my cock instead.”

  Kat shook her head. “No…not…”

  “Don’t worry.” He frowned. “Lock and I know you don’t want to go there with us. With me. But a male can dream, can’t he?” The image of both of them fucking her at once filled her head again and Kat knew it was more than his fantasy—it was his deepest wish. His most ardent desire.

  Kat couldn’t speak—couldn’t do anything but feel. As the orgasm rushed through her she felt something click into place inside her. It was as though some vital part of her had come loose, but with the rush of pleasure it reconnected, anchoring itself firmly once more. Is that my soul? she wondered uncertainly. My spirit? Am I all right now? Am I whole?

  “We won’t know until we take you back to Mother L’rin to be examined.” Lock was looking up at her. “Forgive me,” he said. “I know we’re not in a joining but I couldn’t help hearing your questions.”

  “You think very loudly,” Deep agreed, grinning. “But then, so do I. Wouldn’t you say, little Kat?”

  “I’m sorry,” Kat looked away uncomfortably, not wanting to acknowledge the forbidden exchange they’d had moments before. “I’ll, uh, try not to think so loudly in the future.”

  She couldn’t help noticing that now that her orgasm was over, Lock had withdrawn and was no longer tasting or touching her pussy. Deep, however, still had his fingers buried inside her, filling her in a way that was both uncomfortable and erotic. How do I ask him to stop? What if I get…excited again? What if—?

  “Just ask me if you want me to stop penetrating you, little Kat.” Deep sounded amused. “And to answer your question, if you get excited again, well, we’ll just have to make you come again. Maybe I’ll get between your thighs and taste your pussy this time. How would you like that?”

  Kat didn’t know what to say. The idea of letting the dark twin go where his brother had gone still seemed wrong to her—dangerous. “Deep,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “I need…need for you to take your fingers out of me now. Please.”

  “That ‘please’ again, tacked on to the end. So very polite.” He didn’t sound happy about it but he did withdraw his fingers…very slowly. “Well, until next time.”

  “There isn’t going to be a next time,” Kat reminded him, frowning.

  “Oh?” Deliberately he raised his fingers to his mouth and, keeping his eyes fixed on hers, sucked her juices off with apparent relish. “We’ll see what Mother L’rin has to say about that.”

  Kat wanted to answer but a sudden weariness took her and she could only shake her head. Later, when I get more energy I’m really going to let him have it.

  I look forward to it, little Kat. Deep grinned at her mockingly. You have no idea how much.


  “Kat’s all right—for now at least.” Baird was leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed over his massive chest and a serious look on his face.

  “Oh, thank God!” Olivia turned from her husband to her sister. “Sophie, she’s all right.”

  “I heard. I’m right here, you know.” Half laughing, half crying, Sophie hugged her sister tightly.

  “Deep and Lock got her to Twin Moons just in time,” Baird continued. “Their healer…” He snapped his fingers. “What was her name?”

  “Mother L’rin,” Liv supplied for him.

  “Right. She did some kind of healing ceremony and now Kat’s resting. Lock called and told me a minute ago.”

  “I’m so glad.” Sophie felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She’d been feeling horribly guilty ever since they’d allowed Deep and Lock to take Kat away to Twin Moons with them. But she and Liv had both trusted Sylvan’s decision that it was the only way to save their friend. Kat still wasn’t going to be happy to wake up on a strange planet with her two least favorite people in the universe, but at least now they knew she was going to live.

  “When can we talk to her?” Olivia asked eagerly.

  Baird frowned. “Not for a couple of days according to Lock. She needs to rest. But that isn’t the only thing I came to tell you.” He cleared his throat. “Do you remember telling me about the sister of your mother, Lilenta? The one who died in childbirth?”

  “Yes, of course. Aunt Abby.” Liv frowned. “What about her?”

  “Well, I just came from the view room and you have a call—you and Sophia both, actually. It’s a woman claiming to be her—your kin. Do you want to speak to her?”

  “What?” Olivia demanded.

  “But that’s impossible,” Sophie protested.

  Baird shrugged. “Could be a hoax, I guess. But I don’t know why someone would want to pretend such a thing. And…” He hesitated. “Well, she looks an awful lot like you two in the face. Looks like blood kin to me.”

  To me too,
Sylvan suddenly murmured inside Sophie’s head. His mental voice was serious. I’m in the view room now talking to her, Talana, he continued, using his pet name for Sophie. I think you and your sister should come see her.

  On our way, Sophie sent back. “Come on,” she said, hopping up and pulling Liv to her feet. “Let’s see what she has to say.”

  “All right.” Olivia still looked shocked but she followed Sophie out of the suite to the viewing room which was used mainly for long distance conversations. Hesitantly, they looked around the corner at the huge viewscreen mounted on the wall.

  Oh my God, Sylan was right! Sophie was shocked. The woman had black hair and light brown eyes but the face on the viewscreen could have been a slightly older version of hers and Liv’s. Or their mother’s.

  Olivia was obviously thinking along the same lines. “She looks just like Mom. Oh, Sophie.” She nearly crushed Sophie’s fingers with her grip.

  Sylvan, who had been standing in front of the viewscreen talking, motioned for them to come all the way into the room. “It’s all right, Talana, I believe she is who she says she is. Sophia, Olivia, meet your Aunt Abigail.”

  “Aunt Abby?” Sophie could hardly believe her eyes.

  “Yes, that’s me.” The woman nodded and for the first time, Sophie noticed that her lovely eyes, which were a brown so light they were almost amber, looked red from crying. “You must be Sophia and Olivia. I…I’m sorry we had to meet for the first time under these circumstances,” the woman continued.

  “What circumstances?” Olivia put a hand protectively over her belly. She was still in her first quadmester and wasn’t showing yet, but her mothering instincts were already in high gear.

  “Your husband didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell us what?” Liv frowned. “First tell us why you aren’t dead. No offense, but that’s what our mom told us before…before she passed away.”

  Aunt Abby closed her eyes for a moment as though holding back tears. “Yes, I heard about that. I can’t believe I never got to say goodbye to her. I always thought there would be time but I was afraid, so afraid she wouldn’t want me back in her life. And now it’s too late. She’s gone and Lauren is gone…I’ve lost everything. Everyone.”


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