Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4

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Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4 Page 107

by Evangeline Anderson

  By the use of his tongue? What exactly— But the question scarcely had time to form in her head before Deep was turning her to face him again. Then, as Kat watched, he went down on his knees before her. His face was on the same level as her leaf skirt and Kat suddenly understood what was about to happen.

  “Little Kat,” Deep murmured, looking up at her. “I know you feared me in the past, but I swear I would never, never hurt you. Will you allow me to taste your sweet pussy?”

  A shiver went through Kat, a strange feeling of apprehension mixed with desire so strong it took her breath away. Deep was right—she had been afraid of him in the very recent past. And she still wasn’t nearly as at ease with him as she was with Lock. But the pleading look in his eyes and the need she felt radiating from him seemed to melt her defenses.

  “It’s all right, my lady,” she heard Lock murmur, as he pressed his chest to her back, surrounding her with his comforting warmth. “Deep only wishes to give you pleasure. Just open your thighs and let him in.”

  Kat felt helpless to do anything else. Biting her lip, she watched as Deep untied the vines that held her skirt in place and let it drop to the ground beside her leafy top. She was completely naked now and she should have been feeling incredibly exposed. Instead, she felt surrounded and protected by the two men. With Lock at her back and Deep in front of her, she knew that no-one would dare try to hurt her. And if they did try…

  “We’d kill them,” Deep murmured, obviously catching her thought. “We’d do anything to protect you…and anything to pleasure you.” Bending his head, he nuzzled her thigh and kissed the top of her mound.

  “Deep…” Kat shifted uneasily but Lock stroked her shoulders soothingly and whispered in her ear.

  “Easy, my lady. Deep won’t hurt you. He simply wants to learn your scent before he tastes you.”

  Speaking of scent, Kat felt surrounded by both of theirs. Lock’s—warm, fresh, and comforting, and Deep’s—dark, dangerous, and completely intoxicating. She breathed them in, feeling dizzy with fear and desire.

  Deep kissed the inside of her thigh with surprising gentleness. “You smell so sweet, little Kat,” he growled softly. “And you’re already so hot and wet…” With one fingertip he traced the slit of her pussy, making Kat moan as he brushed lightly over her throbbing clit. Deep looked up at her. “You need this,” he said, his eyes meeting hers. “Need to be opened and tasted. I can feel it coming off you in waves.”

  Much to her shame, Kat couldn’t deny it. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the incomplete bond between them or simply because she was so turned on but it was true—she didn’t just want Deep to taste her, she needed him too.

  “Please,” she whispered, not sure what else to say. “Please, Deep, I…”

  “Yes.” He answered her unspoken request. Lifting her leg, he placed it over his broad shoulder. “Yes, sweetheart, I’ll give you what you need.”

  The new position spread her open, parting her pussy lips and putting her inner folds on display. If Kat had remembered that they had an unseen audience, she might have been embarrassed. But at that moment, in the lovely, unearthly moonlight, it was easy to forget that anyone else but the three of them existed.

  “Little Kat,” Deep murmured and then he parted her even further with his thumbs and took a long, loving taste of her pussy. He started at the bottom of her slit and licked up, pressing the flat of his tongue to her heated inner cunt, dragging upward in a slow, teasing taste that made Kat feel like she was melting from the waist down.

  “God!” Her hips bucked forward involuntarily and she might have fallen if Lock hadn’t been there to hold her up.

  “Is it good, my lady?” he said softly in her ear. “Does it feel good to let Deep taste you?”

  “Yes,” Kat breathed, unable to lie. “God, yes, it does. So much…”

  “Get ready, little Kat,” Deep growled, looking up at her. “Because it’s about to feel even better.” Pressing his face between her legs, he lapped her again and then sucked her swollen clit into his mouth and teased it mercilessly with his tongue.

  Kat cried out and found that she was clutching his head, her fingers clenching in the thick black silk of his hair. When she realized what she was doing she tried to let go, but somehow her fingers wouldn’t uncurl. And besides, her frantic grip seemed to actually add to Deep’s pleasure. She felt a fresh wave of lust from him, licking over her entire body like flames, and then he growled low in his throat and redoubled his efforts.

  “Deep…Oh God, Deep,” she gasped as he lapped her pussy mercilessly. One minute she could feel his hot tongue invading her and the next moment he was pressing two thick fingers deep in her cunt as he lashed her clit, licking and sucking as though he was determined to drive her completely mad.

  Through it all, Lock held her steady, talking softly about how beautiful she was when she surrendered herself and how he loved to watch her open herself for his brother. The constant low murmur of encouragement and the feelings of need, desire, and lust coming at her from all directions were pushing Kat to a higher peak than she’d ever been to before.

  I’m going to come, she thought deliriously as Deep pressed his tongue deep inside her yet again. Going to come so hard…

  But just at that moment, she heard the voice of the chief again and Deep stopped his relentless oral assault.

  “Nyra received pleasure such as she had never felt before from the dark brother’s tongue, but still she could not choose between them,” the low, melodious voice intoned.

  Damn it! Kat was so aggravated she wanted to scream. I was so close…so close… But the chief’s next words almost drove her sexual frustration right out of her head.

  “So it was that Lanara proposed a last contest, to see which of them should stay at the lady Nyra’s side forever. He said that it should be decided which should claim her by seeing which of their shafts fit the best inside her and gave her the most pleasure.”

  Oh my God, here we go. Kat suddenly felt as though she’d swallowed an entire bucketful of ice cubes. Could she really do this? Could she really let Lock penetrate her pussy for an audience—even an unseen one?

  “It’s all right, my lady,” she heard the light twin whisper in her ear. “I swear I’ll be gentle with you. And I’ll withdraw after only a few strokes.”

  “All…all right,” Kat whispered, knowing she really had no choice. “But just a few…”

  “Of course.” And then the twins were switching positions and the three of them were down on the soft, inviting belsh covered ground.

  “It’s all right.” Deep was behind her, holding her as he had been when Lock had used the carved wooden shaft on her. “It’s all right, little Kat. Just relax and let Lock fuck you.”

  Kat leaned back against the dark twin’s broad chest and watched, wide-eyed, as Lock insinuated himself between her thighs.

  “I’ll be slow and gentle,” he promised, leaning down to kiss her gently on the mouth. “You’ll barely feel me in you.”

  As he spoke, he fitted the broad, mushroom-shaped head of his cock to the slippery entrance of Kat’s pussy. Then, with one long, smooth thrust, he pressed inside her.

  Despite his promise that she would barely feel him, Kat couldn’t help moaning. He was thick and despite the bonding fruit she’d had recently, she could feel him stretching her open as he entered her.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” Deep murmured, stroking her hair. “Just relax. Lock only needs to thrust once or twice to fulfill the legend.”

  “Okay,” Kat gasped as the light twin pulled almost all the way out of her and thrust in again. He was keeping his thrusts shallow and wasn’t hitting bottom inside her, doubtless trying to make her feel more at ease. But Kat was getting used to the feel of him inside her now, getting used to the thick cock stretching her pussy, and she found that she liked it—liked it a lot. Her pleasure was building again, reaching closer to the peak with each slow, careful stroke and she wanted more…needed more…

/>   “So Lanare withdrew from her, having showed that he fit well within her,” the chief said and suddenly, Lock pulled all the way out of her, making Kat feel empty inside.

  Damn it, what is wrong with this woman? she thought, glaring in the general direction of the bushes. Does she have a sixth sense about screwing up other people’s orgasms or what? And then the chief was speaking again.

  “But Dakir vowed that he could outdo his brother. He asked Nyra to open herself to him in order that he might prove it was so.”

  Oh God. Kat felt her apprehension rising. It was Deep’s turn in her pussy—the dark twin’s turn to fuck her. And despite the fact that she was feeling much more comfortable around him lately, she still wasn’t completely relaxed about the idea of spreading her thighs and letting him thrust his long, thick cock deep inside her.

  Deep must have sensed her fear because he turned her slightly and lifted her chin so they were eye to eye. “It’s all right, Kat,” he murmured hoarsely. “You don’t have to be afraid. Just a few thrusts and I’ll be done. I won’t come in you.”

  “All right.” Kat looked down, unable to meet his intense gaze. Could she really do this? Yes, she decided. And not just because she had to. I want him in me, she thought with some surprise. Want to feel him thrusting inside me just the way Lock was. It doesn’t feel right, doesn’t feel…balanced if only one of them does it. She looked back up at Deep. “All right,” she repeated in a stronger voice. “Do you want me to lean against Lock?”

  “Yes, but not the way you’re thinking.” Deep urged her up until she was kneeling on her hands and knees, her bare breasts swaying like ripe fruit beneath her.

  Kat looked over her shoulder. “But—”

  “I’ll take you from behind,” he growled, caressing her bare ass with one large, warm hand. “That way you don’t have to see me do it.”

  Kat heard the faint hint of bitterness in his voice and knew what he was thinking. He still thinks I don’t want him—that I don’t feel for him like I feel for Lock. “Deep—” she started to say, but then Lock was in front of her, urging her to rest in his arms and lean her head against his broad chest as Deep got into position behind her.

  “It’s all right, my lady,” he murmured soothingly. “Just spread yourself open and let Deep enter your pussy.”

  Kat shivered as she felt the broad, blunt tip of Deep’s cock slide over her slick, swollen folds. Clutching Lock tightly, she pressed her face against the broad planes of his chest, trying to be ready for what was coming.

  “I’m afraid I can’t be quite as delicate as my brother,” Deep said from behind her. “I want you too badly, little Kat. Need to be inside you, even if it is only for a few thrusts.”

  “Don’t frighten her,” Lock said sharply, hugging Kat tightly to him. “You know you won’t hurt her, Deep, so don’t make her think you would.”

  “Hurt her? No.” Deep’s voice was a hungry growl. “But I can’t be satisfied with a few shallow thrusts, either. I need to be deep in her pussy, Brother. Need to fill her completely and feel her sweet little cunt clenching around my shaft.”

  “Then do it.” Kat turned her head to look at him, looming over her in the moonlight. Taking a deep breath, she parted her thighs even wider, trying to be open enough for him. “Just…just do it,” she said breathlessly. “Go on, Deep. Please.”

  “Your wish is my command.” And then he breached her suddenly, driving the full length of his thick, hot shaft deep inside her open pussy.

  Kat cried out and clutched wildly at Lock who held her tight and close. The light twin’s entry had been as smooth as silk but Deep’s was rough and demanding. He didn’t just thrust into her—he pressed deep, plumbing her depths and grinding hard until the head of his cock kissed the mouth of her womb. Then, instead of pulling out again, he held himself there, rock solid and steady inside her.

  “Feel that, little Kat?” he growled softly, pressing even deeper. “That’s me inside you, my cock deep in your tight little pussy. How do you like it, sweetheart? Does it feel good?”

  Once again, Kat couldn’t lie. “Yes,” she moaned, pressing her cheek to Lock’s chest. “God, yes. I can’t help it…it does. It feels so good.”

  “The only thing that would feel better is to have both of us inside you at once. Just imagine it…” As he spoke, Deep began to pump, setting up a slow, deliberate rhythm in her pussy that made Kat feel like she was going insane. “The two of us together, filling you. You think you’re full now? Think my cock is thick? Just wait, little Kat. If Lock and I entered you together, you’d be more open than you’ve ever been in your life.”

  “She doesn’t want that,” Lock reminded his brother, stroking Kat’s shoulders as she shivered against him. “Doesn’t want both of us inside her at once.”

  “Doesn’t want both of us? Hells, Brother, she doesn’t even want me.” Deep laughed bitterly. “But she’s got me, for a few more strokes at least. Isn’t that right, little Kat?”

  “Deep…” She wanted to tell him he was wrong, wanted to let him know that she wanted him every bit as much as Lock. But somehow the words wouldn’t come. “Deep, please…” she whispered as her pleasure built once more. Close…she was getting so close…

  “Just a few more thrusts inside your hot little pussy, sweetheart,” he growled, obviously misunderstanding her. “If this is going to be my only chance to fuck you, I want to do it right. Want you to always remember how it felt to have my cock buried deep in your tight little cunt.”

  “You’ve had enough.” Lock sounded almost angry. “Enough now, Brother. Stop it and pull out—the lady Kat doesn’t want you to come in her.”

  “Please!” Kat wanted to cry at the thought of him stopping now. True, it was frightening and intense to open her pussy and let Deep fuck her. But she could feel her orgasm building again, getting closer and closer like a thunderstorm over her head, about to break and drench her in pleasure. I have to come, she thought deliriously as she clenched the thick length of Deep’s shaft inside her. Have to come this time or I’m going to go crazy. I need to come.

  “Please,” she said again and then forced herself to turn her head and look at Deep. The expression on his dark face was utterly focused, completely intent as he drove himself into her. She had the feeling he could go on all night—if only she let him.

  “Please what, little Kat?” he demanded. “Please pull out of you now and leave you alone?”

  “No.” She shook her head, forcing the words out with an effort. “I’m so close. Please, Deep, I…I need to come.”

  Deep’s black eyes, so hard a moment ago, softened at once. “Of course you do,” he murmured, caressing her back with surprising tenderness. “And I swear I won’t stop until you do.” Looking up, he met Lock’s eyes. “Touch her, Brother,” he demanded hoarsely. “Pinch her nipples. Stroke her pussy. Do whatever you can to help—little Kat needs to come.”

  “With pleasure.” Lock kissed her forehead tenderly and then two large, warm hands cupped Kat’s breasts and he began to tug and twist her nipples in the same rhythm that Deep was thrusting into her. “Is that good, my lady?” he asked as Kat moaned and writhed between them.

  “Is it?” Deep demanded, before she could answer. “Do you like to feel Lock play with your nipples while I fuck you? Is that what you need?”

  “Yes but more,” Kat gasped. She felt like her entire body was on fire, like she couldn’t get a deep enough breath. And she was close, right on the edge of coming. She just needed a little more stimulation…

  “This is what you need, isn’t it?” Deep growled and Kat felt one large hand slide from her hips down between her legs where they were joined. It didn’t take much—two strokes of his fingertips against her swollen clit and then she was coming, coming so hard she saw stars flashing in front of her eyes as the thundercloud finally burst, drenching her in the warm, sweet rain of pleasure.

  It was intense—more intense than anything Kat had ever felt in her life. She felt her
self clenching around Deep, her pussy gripping his shaft like an impatient fist. At the same time she pressed her face into Lock’s chest, holding onto him for dear life as the pleasure took her to mindless heights of ecstasy, climbing higher and higher until the sky swirled dizzily above her and she couldn’t tell the light moon from the dark one.

  Lanare or Dakir, she thought deliriously. Which one should I choose? Why can’t I have them both?

  And then the light flicked and went out, leaving her floating in the smooth blackness of space.

  Deep’s heart nearly stopped in his chest when she suddenly went limp. “Gods!” he gasped, sliding out quickly and gathering her in his arms. “Kat? Kat?”

  “My lady?” Lock was distressed as well as he patted Kat’s cheek anxiously. “My lady, come back to us. Please!”

  My fault, Deep thought numbly as he and his brother cradled her still form between them. I was too rough—too harsh. I overloaded her with my need, my desire. I knew she wasn’t feeling well. Hell, just yesterday she was so sick she could barely move. But I still couldn’t stop myself from taking her too hard, couldn’t keep from rutting inside her like a beast…

  In that moment he hated himself more than he ever had. Even more than after what had happened to Miranda. It was apparent that Lock felt his pain and self loathing because he looked up briefly and shook his head.

  “No, Brother, don’t feel so. She wanted more from you—she asked for it. It’s just the incomplete bond between us that made her too weak to withstand the pleasure you gave her.”

  “The bond is no excuse,” Deep said roughly. “I hurt her. I killed her—”

  “Hey, you guys, I’m not dead yet.” It was Kat’s voice—faint but unmistakable.

  Deep felt a surge of hope. Gazing down into her lovely blue eyes he saw that she was looking up at them with a worried look on her face.

  “What happened?” she whispered.

  “You fainted for a moment,” Lock murmured, stroking her flushed cheek tenderly.


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