The Protectors

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The Protectors Page 10

by T. N. Simmons

  I was trying to be strong for her, but I couldn’t hold back my tears. I vowed to make that demon pay for what he had done to her.

  “Here, let me wash your back.” I grabbed the body wash and wash cloth. Her entire back was covered in shades of yellow, black, and purple.

  She hissed as I gently pushed the cloth around, and again I fought back tears. “There, nice and clean. While you wash your hair, I’m going to get Corbin to get you some ibuprofen to help with the pain and swelling. I’ll leave the bathroom door open, so I can hear you.” Then I walked back to the bedroom door.

  “Corbin, can you get some ibuprofen and a glass of water for me, please?” I called out loudly.

  “Sure thing.” He was at the door in a flash. “I thought you two might need this, so I had it ready. How is she doing?”

  “She says she’s fine, but she’s covered in bruises. I’m sure there are things she isn’t telling me, but I know Krista. She’ll let me know when she’s ready. Thank you for the medicine.” I gave him a quick peck on the lips and went back in the bedroom.

  I set the medication and water on the night stand, grabbed a soft robe, and took it to the bathroom. Krista stepped out and donned the pink bathrobe. She sat down at a little white bench in front of the mirror, and I brushed her long raven hair.

  Afterwards, we lay side-by-side in the bed talking and laughing about our childhood memories together. For that small amount of time, it was hard to forget everything that had happened, but we drifted off with happy thoughts.

  Chapter Eleven

  The Void Within

  “Hello again, Jai,” a recognizable voice said. I turned my head to see the Void standing behind me.

  “What is it you want with me?” I asked.

  “It’s not what I want. It’s what you must do.”

  “What is it that I need to do, then?” My voice dripped with sarcasm. I was getting irritated by its riddled answers.

  “You must allow me to help you fight the demons. You must give me permission to gain full control of your body when the time comes.”

  “What? No way you are hijacking my body.”

  “Jai, we both know you cannot control your powers and I can. You need me.”

  “I’ll be able to control my powers with a little bit of practice. Wait a minute! It was you, that talked through me at the park, wasn’t it?”

  “It was. And I am the one who sent the demon away. I just didn’t send him far. Perhaps a state over or something. Without your complete cooperation, I can’t tap into your full power. You were fighting me tooth and nail the whole time.”

  “If I can learn to control my power, I won’t need you. Who says I’ll need you anyway?”

  “It is essential that I help you. Let me show you something.” It sighed and lowered its hood, revealing the face behind the shadow.

  I gasped. “You—you’re me. I mean, I am you. How is this possible?” Confusion muddled my thoughts.

  “When you were born, there was a cosmic shift. Somehow that mixed with your mother’s power to harvest from the other elements and caused a part of your essence to merge with the amulet. That resulted in you being born on this side, while I was born in the void. We are intertwined, you and I.”

  “If I let you have full control, how long will that last?”

  “I will only take control when I am needed and leave when I am not. It’s exhausting for both of us, therefore, we merge only in extreme circumstances.”

  “What happens after all of this is over? Do you just go back to the void?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure. This has never happened before. All I know is I am a part of you, and you need me.”

  “Okay.” She was right. I felt her strength and knew without a doubt I needed her.

  “For now, you must continue training, so you can fight as much on your own as possible. We will have to save as much energy as we can to beat these things.” And with that, she disappeared.

  I woke in the bed with Krista sound asleep beside me. It had been another dream. How do I call on her? I’ll have to ask myself the next time I saw myself in a dream.

  What a muddled mess this turned out to be.

  I got out of bed and stepped into the shower. I allowed the hot water to run down my face as I ran my dream through my head. When the water cooled, I climbed out and got dressed.

  Krista still slept, but I didn’t wake her. I imagined she needed as much rest to heal as she could get. I tiptoed to the door and whispered Corbin’s and Shaun’s names. I promised I wouldn’t leave Krista’s side, even though I knew she was perfectly safe. But a promise was a promise, and I was in desperate need of coffee. I also needed to fill them in about my dream session with my void side.

  Corbin walked up, rubbing his eyes. He, too, looked like he had a restless night.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” He bent down to kiss my forehead. I loved that he could show me affection even though we weren’t a real couple… yet. I welcomed every sweet gestured he offered.

  Shaun walked down the hall carrying a tray with three cups of coffee on it, and we walked into the room. I piled the pillows on the bed, and we all sat on the love seat. I spoke in hushed tones, explaining my encounter with my other side. They both sat there speechless until I was finished, then they began responding in whispers so as not to wake Krista.

  “So, you are a protector, a werewolf, and the void?” Shaun asked.

  “I guess that’s pretty accurate.” I sighed, still confused about the situation.

  “Wow, Jai, we need to talk with your grandparents,” Corbin said.

  “At least now I understand who that voice was speaking through me at the park. That gives me some comfort and answered one of my many questions.” My stomach growled loudly, and my cheeks burned in response.

  Corbin chuckled. “I think that’s my clue to cook breakfast.”

  All I could do was smile at him in response.

  Krista woke, and we all ate breakfast without mention of last night’s events. We just enjoyed spending time with each other.

  Corbin and I cleaned the kitchen while Shaun took Krista on a tour of the compound. Afterward, we decided to meet up at the Weaver plantation.

  I needed to talk to my grandparents, and Krista still needed to have a checkup with the doctor. I was sure she could use some vitamins and perhaps a tetanus shot. Who knew what kind of germs and bacteria were in that filthy place she described?

  Mom and Dad were already training in the backyard when we arrived. We went out to explain about the void while Grams took Krista to the clinic.

  It was hard to talk with my parents with the urge to constantly hug them. I managed to control the urge, but it wasn’t easy. Too much time had been stolen from us. But I needed to make sure the red-eyed demon didn’t ruin the remaining time I had with them.

  After I finished giving her every detail of my dreams and visions, I said, “Mom, what do you think about the void being part of me?”

  “Well, it makes sense. The power displayed in that little cabin the night you were born radiated for miles and miles. It was astonishing and terrifying at the same time.”

  “I think we need to listen to what the void is telling you,” Dad said. His eyes turned the color of mustard. “And we need to begin your training. We should have had this time with you when you were little, but that little rat took that time away from us.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Training 101

  “While there are many different training methods used here in the compound, your mother and I tend to do all our training in the garden. Come rain or shine, we’ll be out there.” Dad gathered supplies to take outside.

  “We have very little time, and they’ll be searching for you,” Mom said. “We need to make sure you’re ready if they find you.” She laid out several notebooks neatly on a table.

  Mom worked on all things element-related while Grams tackled spells and potions. When she was able to leave the hospital.

taught me all things wolf-related. Corbin and Gramps watched and cheered me on. Jonathan chimed in a time or two, giving me suggestions and input where needed.

  Working with mom was amazing. She had so much patience with me.

  “Jai, honey, concentrate and try again. The water will respond to you if you respect it. Feel the current move through your body.” She moved her hands around in a wave-like motion. “Tell the waves what you want them to do. They are yours to command. Allow yourself to relax and let the power grow.”

  I did as she said. It was incredible! The water flowed through me as if I was the liquid itself. It moved when I willed it to do so. I did it! I had managed to conquer my first power.

  The element of Earth was my favorite but probably not much help in a fight. I learned to grow many different flowers and vegetables. I created a seat out of ivy and helped a dying tree blossom bloom.

  The element of Wind was a tricky one. I could control the temperature of the wind as well as its force and direction. It was realizing which one was which that was the hard part. Especially when I felt cold, then the wind’s temperature increased to warm me.

  “It’s all in the motion of your breath,” Mom demonstrated as she instructed. “If you want a spiral of wind, roll your tongue and exhale to the strength you need the wind to blow. When you inhale, the wind will settle down. If you exhale, it will get stronger. The temperature will come later once you master the trait itself.”

  I ran through every exercise and could tell I was getting stronger. I still struggled with it, but I knew I’d figure it out with more practice.

  The element of fire was easy to control based on my emotions. If I thought about demons, the flame grew bigger and bigger. To calm the massive fire, I simply thought of Corbin. So, if I could control my thoughts, I’d be great. But if I was irrational, I could burn down the entire state. That one needed a lot more meditation and practice. And I still couldn’t manifest it on my own.

  By the end of the afternoon, I could control every gift I was given. I even transformed into my wolf form. Corbin stroked my caramel-colored fur and kept giving me hugs until I was forced to turn back to my human form prematurely. I was a little creeped out at being a wolf and having him pet me. Because my thoughts got away from me, I ended up naked in his lap.

  “Whoa, umm…” was all I could get out of my mouth before Mom threw a cover over me. I looked up at Corbin and his face was as red as a tomato. I’m not sure which one of us was more embarrassed, but I found his blushing hilarious and busted out laughing. He joined me after a few minutes.

  “I think we have mastered a lot for now. Let’s take a break and go eat,” Gramps suggested.

  I was exhausted. I finally understood what the Void meant about how not having much energy would pose a problem. Magic took a lot out of a person. One would think having all this power would make a girl more energetic, not overwhelm her with exhaustion.

  “We only have one more day before All Hallows’ Eve.” How much more was there for me to learn?

  “We need to be ready for anything,” Corbin said. “Who knows how powerful they are?”

  “Let’s get the map out and see if we can figure out where to send the scouts. We need to get to that power source.” Then I took a bite of my turkey sandwich. After I swallowed, I continued, pointing at the map. “Look, there’s an underground railroad about twenty miles from the park. That might be the location we’re looking for.”

  Corbin stood up to take a closer look. “I think you might be right.”

  “How fast can you get our scouts out there?” Gramps asked.

  “I can send them right away.” Corbin grabbed his cell phone to make the call.

  “Jai, you need to go get some rest. I have a feeling we’re in for a long night.” Gramps patted my back.

  “I’ll rest once Krista returns from the clinic.”

  “Well, don’t wait too long. You need your energy,” Corbin said. He finished the necessary phone calls, and the scouts were on their way. Then he walked me back to his house and lay beside me while I waited to hear from my grandmother.

  “Do you think she’s okay?” I asked.

  “Don’t worry, sweets. I’m sure Mary would have called you otherwise. She most likely was dehydrated and needed fluid infusions. Get some rest. I’ll wake you as soon as there’s news.” He rubbed soft circles on my forearm as I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Jai, wake up,” Corbin whispered. “There’s news from the scouts.”

  I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. “Is Krista back yet?”

  “No. Mary said she’s doing fine but needs some vitamins and a lot of rest. She feels its best she stays in the hospital a few days to fully recover. She has also said no guests until this fight is over.”

  “What? What does she mean, no guests? I’m her best friend and nobody is telling me I can’t see her.” I jumped out of bed.

  “Settle down, Jai. You know Mary wouldn’t keep you away unless it was necessary.” He wrapped his arm around me in an attempt to calm me down.

  I sighed. “Well, can I at least call her?”

  “Absolutely, you can.” He queued up the number and handed me his cell phone. I quickly snatched it away, eager to hear my friend’s voice.

  “Hello?” a very quiet voice answered.

  “Krista, is that you?”

  “Jai, it’s you. Where are you?” Her voice perked up.

  “I’m at Corbin’s. He says I can’t visit until you are well. Are you okay? What are they doing to you?” My nerves tingled with worry.

  “I’m okay. Mary said I just need a lot of rest. She is taking very good care of me. I’ll be fine. She tells me you must go back out tonight. I’m so worried about you being in danger. Please come back to me.”

  I could tell she was crying.

  “I’ll come now if you want. They can’t keep me away.”

  “No, it can wait. Just please promise you’ll kill that thing then come back and get me.” Her voice quivered.

  “I promise, Krista. I will see you soon. I love you.” I struggled to hold in my tears.

  “I love you, too.”

  I hung up the phone and placed it on the nightstand, then I sat quietly on the side of the bed, trying to hold it together. Everything had finally sunk in, and I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.

  There were many people counting on me. I knew I must be strong and survive, one way or another. I would not let that demon destroy my one chance at happiness.

  “Jai, if we are going to get ahead of the game, we need to leave soon,” Corbin said.

  “I know. I’m ready. I’m just not so sure I can do this.”

  “I’ve seen what you’re capable of without proper training. And now you have it. I have no doubt in you.” He stood in front of me and combed my hair out of my face with his hand. “You can do this, and I will be right there beside you the whole time.”

  “No, you can’t. We didn’t get the dagger, and I won’t risk losing you.” I stood and pressed my face into his chest.

  “Jai, have some faith in me. I’m stronger than you think. I’ll be careful, but I won’t let you do this alone.” He pulled me back to look at my face. “In fact, half of the scouts will be with us. The other half will be at the compound should anything go wrong.”

  “I suppose it’s now or never.” I pulled my new warrior outfit out of the closet.

  Corbin kissed my head and exited the room to allow me to dress.

  I took a deep breath and pulled on the same black leather pants, sweater, and black leather jacket from before. I dressed quickly and sat on the stool in front of my bathroom mirror. I pulled up my favorite song on my cell phone and let the music help motivate me. I was ready. I exited the room and met up with the rest of the crew.

  We rode out via motorcycles, which scared the crap out of me. But apparently, it was the best way to get in and out unnoticed.

he scouts are going ahead of us to clear out as many guards as they can before we arrive. If this is the right place, it will be heavily guarded.”

  I heard fighting up ahead. No turning back now.

  Corbin stopped the motorcycle, and we crept up to the entrance of the railway.

  A dozen figures cut through the brush, eyes blazing red as fire. It was all struggle, all hell-a flashing, blinding chaos as men scrambled to find cover. Bodies both good and evil fell.

  The entrance was dark and appeared to be unkempt. That explained why they decided to make it their hideout for all those years.

  Our scouts were doing an excellent job at causing a distraction.

  Corbin and I snuck in unnoticed. It smelled of rotting flesh, and the ground was mushy under my feet. I was thankful for the combat boots. My stomach turned as we passed a decaying deer, the scent causing my nose to burn.

  “Are you okay?” Corbin whispered in my ear.

  “Yeah, just a little unsettled.” I swallowed and tried to cover my nose with my jacket collar.

  We walked about a mile, not really seeing anything that resembled an entrance. The passage was just a long train tunnel.

  “Stop.” I threw my arm to halt Corbin. My animal instincts had kicked in. “Do you smell that?”

  “No, I don’t smell anything.”

  “I smell something. Iron, maybe.” I took a few more steps and peeked around the corner. Two guards picked through the remains of what once was a young lady.

  The corpse lay on a table, her bony rib cage torn apart. Frantic fingers clutched and clawed at her mutilated belly as they sampled pieces of her flesh. I lost my footing and fell backward, but Corbin caught me before I made a sound.

  Vomit rose in my throat, and I bent over to expel the remains of my last meal. I tried to keep myself quiet as I retched. Corbin held me tight as we listened.

  “That’s the third one this week,” the guard said. His shirt was bloody, and his slimy brown hair was glued to his face with blood.


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