A Wolf's Love: A Paranormal Romance Short Read (The Flame Series)

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A Wolf's Love: A Paranormal Romance Short Read (The Flame Series) Page 3

by Caris Roane

  He could have continued running for the next hour, but there wasn’t time. After only a few minutes, he drew to a stop and shifted again. Once in his human form, he flew quickly with Lauren back to her house.

  He felt better than he had in a long time and he was grateful. Without the constant pain, however, he would have to work hard to remind himself why the witch, just like the rest of her kind, couldn’t be trusted.

  Chapter Three

  Sweat poured off Cole by the fourth attempt to enter then leave Lauren’s invisibility shield. He’d at least learned not to shout in pain when he moved inside. But it was as though his whole body was put through a meat grinder then reassembled on the other side.

  “Jesus H. Christ.”

  But Lauren’s lips quirked. “Yeah, you were never good at relaxing.”

  He narrowed his gaze at her. “It’s never the pupil’s fault.”

  She only chuckled at his reprimand. “Okay. Okay. Maybe I’m enjoying this a bit too much, but you hurt me, Cole. No, that’s not accurate. You broke my heart.”

  There was nothing manipulative in her tone. She’d stated a fact, which indicated how far past their relationship she’d moved. He couldn’t apologize, though. He doubted he’d ever be able to forgive her for wrecking his knee as she had.

  “Maybe you don’t understand what that was like for me. The first crime scene I ever witnessed was the aftermath of a dark coven sacrifice. They’d burned three wolves alive that night and I knew one of the wolves. He was a fellow Border Patrol officer, a good man, not on the take.

  “Later, I learned the witches had tortured the wolves for hours before they lit them up like human torches. I have a deep distrust of your kind that I’ll never be able to get past. When you used your killing power to destroy my knee, I woke up. I’d been in stupor for the three months we dated. I’ve even wondered if you’d used a spell on me to make me fall in love with you.”

  He saw a streak of horror cross her features. “You actually thought that? Do you still think I spelled you?”

  He once more crossed his arms over his chest. “Isn’t that the point, here, Lauren? How would I ever know?”

  Yet even as he spoke the words, he did know. Some part of him that had connected with her witchness told him she had never spelled him. What he’d felt for her was a profound lust then later a growing love. He’d even had thoughts he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, witch or not. But that night, he’d faced the truth about the situation. He couldn’t remain connected to a witch.

  She huffed a sigh. “I suppose I failed to see it from your point of view before. But I would never put that kind of spell on you or anyone. What’s done is done, however, and now we have a job to do. How about we try something else to get you less painfully inside the invisibility shield.”


  “This time, try closing your eyes and think about what it’s like to fall asleep in your burrow at night. You’re safe, your shift is over, you can rest.”

  For whatever reason, as Cole closed his eyes and gave himself to these thoughts, he finally completely relaxed. She’d chosen the right subject. He always felt safe in his burrow.

  When she activated her spell, she tugged on his arm then pulled him behind her shield.

  When he opened his eyes, “What do you know, it didn’t hurt.”

  She smiled. “I guess you’ve got it.”

  “Looks like I do.”

  But there it was again, her beautiful smile and the sparkle in her eyes. She was different in this way from every other woman he knew. An insight hit his mind about her, why he’d been so drawn to her. Lauren was full of life. Despite being consigned to the cordoned-off world of Five Bridges as an alter witch, she could always see the good in her life, even in him.

  He’d loved the way she saw him, as a man of worth and honor. She’d told him often and he’d savored every word of praise. His life since joining the Border Patrol had been one not just of facing death every night but of taking lives as well. So many of the people of Five Bridges had given into despair that they’d turned to the flame drugs for relief. But drugs made people do dangerous, terrible things, usually with weapons in hand.

  Defending himself with a drawn gun had become standard operating procedure.

  She brought him out of his reverie by suggesting they practice a couple more times then head to the Strip. When he successfully moved in and out of the shield with no pain he said he was good to go.

  “I’ll drive back to Savage, but we shouldn’t be seen together. How about you meet me back at Broken Bridge?”

  “Given its proximity to Savage Strip, it’s a good plan. See you there.”

  As he put his gun-belt back on then headed to his SUV, he wished like hell he could get past his severe dislike of the witch and warlock alters of Elegance Territory. Maybe then he could see his way to forgiving Lauren.

  For now, though, he couldn’t. There was too much water under the bridge.

  ~ ~ ~

  For a split second, Lauren had watched Cole’s heart open toward her then close. Hope had soared for that same brief pocket of time, then clamped down hard once more.

  She sighed once more as his SUV left her driveway. She doubted she would ever stop loving the wolf, but she’d resigned herself to the terrible chasm that lay between them. Each had a reason not to trust the other. In that sense, they were caught in a feud that had begun thirty years ago when the first alter humans had arrived in Five Bridges. Chaos, fear and hatred had erupted so fast that killing had become the order of the day.

  Kill or be killed.

  The US government had stepped in and divided up the territories. Five main bridges had been built to separate the five alter species. A Border Patrol had followed to keep the peace. Vampires lived in Crescent, spellcasters like herself in Elegance, wolves in Savage, fae in Revel and the deadtalkers in Shadow. Five separate territories.

  As she slid into her invisibility shield and took to the air, she crossed over the Graveyard. She could see the lights of Maeve’s Jeep as she made her final drive through the weed and cactus riddled area that also served to keep the territories separate. The Graveyard was a deadly hub for their world.

  She wondered now why she’d ever allowed Cole into her life in the first place. What could she have expected from her world except severe heartbreak?

  Nearing Broken Bridge, she drew a deep breath and steeled her heart against Cole once more. She focused instead on the job they had to get done. As she flew in, however, she was stunned to see that Cole was tracking her. How was that possible?

  She paused in the air and checked her spell. It was intact, so what did this mean, though it was clear he could see her or at least her aura. The few witches or warlocks who could use an invisibility shield always exhibited an aura to those with the heightened capacity to see it.

  She descended to stand next to him. She created her meditative state then stepped out of the shield. “You could see me?”

  He appeared dumbstruck. “I’m not getting it either and it wasn’t exactly you that I saw, but some kind of violet mist and very faint.”

  She knew her mouth had dropped open, but all she could do was stare at him. Finally, she said, “Cole, you shouldn’t be able to see anything like that. You’re a wolf.”

  “Well, I can. Does this mean your spell isn’t working anymore, or what? Will we be seen if we walk into the club?”

  She shook her head, but felt her brow grow puckered. “Unless there’s a powerful alter in the club, we’ll be invisible. Julio might be able to see us, but you heard Ralph. He’s not likely to be there and only his lesser wolves will stick around to close up.”

  Cole glanced at the sky. “We have less than two hours before dawn. If we’re going to do this, we should get going.”

  Lauren spoke firmly. “Oh, we’re going. First, though, back into the shield.”

  When he moved close, she took his arm and calmed her mind. Ready? She asked telepathically.r />
  Give me a sec. She watched him take several deep breaths then finally nod to her.

  Still holding his arm, she focused on her spell then moved them both within the shield. She met his gaze. No pain?


  Good. And while we’re on this mission, telepathy only. We can be overheard.

  I remember, and I agree.

  Then Cole did something that shocked her. He held out his arm and his booted foot.

  She looked at his foot, then his face. He was offering to fly her to the club, but she wasn’t sure she could handle that kind of contact. She understood extremely well that the last hour with Cole had brought back a host of feelings for him. No, we can fly beside each other.

  I’m sure we could, but I have some strong instincts yelling at me right now that tell me we need to be physically connected. This seems like the simplest way to do it.

  Now that he’d mentioned the need for connection, she was feeling it as well. They were going into a dangerous, unknown situation with an invisibility shield that offered no physical protection whatsoever to either of them.

  She needed to make sure Cole understood the limitations. The shield won’t keep us from getting hurt. If someone fires a weapon and we get caught in the crossfire, we’ll get hit.

  I understand. But we still need to stick close.

  He waved her toward him.

  She relented. Fine.

  As she’d done many times in the past when they’d dated, she perched on top of his foot and slid her arm around his neck. His arm became a vise as he pulled her tight against him and it felt so good.


  Her heart warmed up and started to blaze. She’d never thought she’d be this close to him again. It felt so right her eyes stung. Let’s go.

  He rose into the air and flew them swiftly to the Furred Up And Ready Club.

  ~ ~ ~

  Cole hated Savage Strip. It was the first exit street from the Border-controlled main bridge that connected Savage to the US in Phoenix. It was a mile-long row of sex clubs where humans arrived nightly, seven-days-a-week, to slake every perversion imaginable.

  A few were reputable places, like Ralph’s club. Most were controlled by cartel outfits which meant they sold flame drugs under the table. The flashing signs all down the street had an increasingly Las Vegas look.

  As he flew halfway down the strip, he descended to land on the now sparsely populated sidewalk not far from the front door of the club. Lauren immediately slid her arm from around his neck then stepped off his boot. Our timing looks good.

  Several Border Patrol cars were stationed every couple of hundred yards. The officers were encouraging the human customers to head home since the wolves would be going to their burrows well before dawn.

  Alcohol didn’t help matters either. A drunk near the club’s door slid down the wall to sit on the sidewalk. His eyes were open but glazed. An officer Cole knew well, who was on the take from the cartels, gave the drunk a cursory glanced then used his SUV bullhorn to again call for the humans to head home.

  Cole took Lauren’s hand to continue the necessary contact, then ushered her to stand next to the club’s door. He hoped someone would exit so they could slip inside unnoticed. A minute passed then another.

  He listened with his wolf hearing, but he could tell there wasn’t much activity inside.

  We may be here a while, he said. And we’re losing time.

  I agree. Besides, I’m not hearing anything going on in the club. Just the rustle of paper.

  You can hear that?

  I can.

  He’d heard it, too, but Lauren was a witch and didn’t have his sharp wolf hearing. On the other hand, he’d seen the mist trail of her shield so maybe they were sharing abilities. He’d heard this happened sometimes. It had definitely happened with Maeve. Because she’d bonded with a wolf, he often felt the need to acknowledge her with a slow dip of his chin as he would other wolves.

  Lauren squeezed his hand. I’ve got an idea. Let’s lift the drunk up and shove him into the club. Whoever is inside might be pissed a human has stumbled in, but we could slip through at the same time. How does that sound?

  Good thinking. It should work.

  Since the drunk was already getting up from the sidewalk, Cole moved toward him, with Lauren right by his side. He slid his hand beneath his arms, hauled him to his feet then hustled him toward the door.

  The drunk’s eyes rolled in his head. He slurred out a protest, but Cole kept him moving. He then shoved the door wide and pushed the drunk to the floor.

  Cole took in the scene at once. The customers were gone and three of Julio’s men were counting money at a nearby table. They glanced at the drunk but not at Cole or at Lauren.

  Cole levitated swiftly, as did Lauren and glided over the human’s inert form. Together, they moved off to one side.

  One of Julio’s men hurried toward the drunk, picked him up then threw him back out onto the sidewalk. He slammed the door shut and locked it.

  Cole took Lauren’s hand once more. As he did, he heard a woman’s muffled shout of pain.

  The men counting the money just laughed.

  One of them called out, “I don’t care what you’re doing in there, but you’d better keep her a virgin. Julio plans to auction off that young piece of ass.”

  He squeezed Lauren’s hand. Let’s go get her.

  Ready when you are.

  Chapter Four

  Lauren had never been so scared in her life, yet oddly exhilarated. Probably the adrenaline coursing through her blood.

  She held Cole’s hand tight as he levitated like a bullet through the room. She used her own levitation ability to stick right next to him knowing they had to act fast to get the girl out of the club.

  He reached the back of the building where a hall intersected and jutted both left and right. He waited, uncertain which way to go.

  But when the girl cried out again, he whipped down the hall to the right. Lauren saw that a door was open halfway down and on the left. She must be in there. Besides, I can smell the wolf from here. He’s worked up.

  You can smell him?

  I know. It’s weird, like I’m channeling your wolf.

  Cole slowed as he reached the doorway. She followed suit until he said, I need my gun.

  She released his hand but planted her hand on his shoulder. She understood now. The physical connection to him strengthened the invisibility spell.

  He drew his gun.

  From the doorway, she saw an overweight wolf with his back to the hall and his hand clearly at his crotch. He was close to the girl who sat huddled against the wall. Her hands were bound in front of her. “Just suck it, bitch. If you don’t do as I say, I’ll give you another good one across your face.”

  “Don’t. Please don’t.” The girl was crying.

  Cole moved swiftly. He raised his gun and brought it down hard against the back of the man’s head. The wolf fell forward onto the girl.

  She screamed again and tried to shove him off, but he was a big man.

  One of the wolves called out from the main room. “What the hell are you doing in there?” A scraping of chairs followed.

  We’ve got to hurry, Lauren said.

  Cole pulled the wolf off Vickie.

  Lauren moved close to her but addressed Cole. I’m going to leave the security shield and pull her inside. But she’ll have to be sedated with one of my spells or it will be too much for her. You okay with me using my witchness on her? She waited for his approval.

  Cole stared at her for a long second then dipped his chin. Do you what you have to do.

  She nodded then slipped out of her invisibility shield. She held a finger to her lips as the girl caught sight of her.


  “Yes, it’s me. Let’s get you out of here. Can you stand up?”

  The girl had a fresh, red handprint on her cheek. She nodded and wobbled to her feet but she listed. Lauren caught her and supported her with an ar
m around her waist.

  She put her hand on top of the girl’s head and sent her a wave of sleep-induced healing. The moment she started to fall, Lauren pulled her inside the shield.

  Cole immediately picked her up. Let’s get out of here.

  He whipped around, and she levitated to plant her hands on his shoulders from behind. I’m right with you. I say head to the back door.

  Just as they left the room, one of the wolves appeared at the end of the hall and headed in their direction. Though he gave no indication he saw them, Lauren had no idea how they were supposed to get around the wolf. Julio’s security force only hired big men. This one took up the hall side-to-side.

  Cole’s voice hit her mind. We need to back up so he has access to the doorway. He’ll probably go inside and when he does, we’ll move past him.

  She understood his thinking right away and stayed in sync with him.

  Cole said, The moment he so much as leans into that room, I’m moving past him, fast, before the others enter the hall.

  Got it.

  The wolf was almost at the door as he called out, “You’d better not be having too much fun, asshole.”

  Because Lauren was pressed the length of Cole’s back, she felt the tension in his entire body. Her heart hammered in her ears.

  The wolf reached the doorway then moved inside. The second he did, Cole bolted in levitated flight past him. Lauren stuck to him like glue knowing this was their only hope to escape.

  “What the hell?” the wolf now inside the room shouted. “The girl’s gone! We’ve got an intruder!”

  Once Cole reached the hall, he whipped to the right toward the rear service entrance. Lauren glanced back and saw that the others had come running. If Cole hadn’t gotten them out of the hall, they would have been trapped.

  Cole slammed the bar of the emergency exit door hard so that the door flew wide. We’re going straight up.

  As soon as he cleared the doorway, Lauren shifted her levitation to match his and up they went. The sound of bullets hitting the air followed. The club’s security team might not have had a target, but they were shoot-and-ask-questions-later types.


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