Fates Entwined

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Fates Entwined Page 16

by Jules Barnard

  The proprietress led them to a back hallway and up a narrow staircase. She pulled out a large key ring and unlocked a door at the end. The room was simple, with a large bed, a small chest of drawers, and what looked like a toilet curtained off. “Will you be needing food?”

  Reese shook her head.

  “Nothing for now,” Keen said.

  He gave the woman some sort of token or tip, Reese wasn’t sure, but as soon as the woman pocketed it, she quickly left the room and closed the door behind her.

  Reese pulled off the cloak and covered her face with her hands. Everything had gone so horribly wrong.

  She looked up at Keen, who was staring at her, concern on his face. “We have to help Elena. You need to go after her—find them. Help them with Theda…”

  He walked over and very slowly pulled her into his arms. She closed her eyes and sank into his warmth. They shouldn’t be touching like this, but she didn’t care about should or should not right now.

  Even if she scoffed at the notion of needing it, she always felt so safe and protected with Keen.

  Why him? The one she could never have.

  He pulled back. “I will find the others and bring them here.”

  She nodded and watched him walk to the door.

  “Lock it behind me.” He pointed to an extra key on a side table.

  And then he was gone.

  After about an hour of moderate silence, in which Reese paced the room and picked off the last of the red nail polish she’d applied weeks ago in the Earth realm, she heard crying. A muffled, keening crying—and multiple footsteps coming up the stairs.

  She pressed her ear to the door. Voices of men, women—and not just any women. She heard Elena.

  Reese threw open the door to find her friend walking beside a soldier…who was carrying her mother’s still body.

  It was real. Theda was gone.

  Elena looked up, tears streaming down her cheeks. The magnitude of sorrow pouring off her best friend had Reese’s chest aching.

  She crossed the hall and wrapped Elena in her arms, squeezing her tightly. There was nothing she could say. Nothing she could do to make it better.

  “This way.” Keen motioned to a room down from Reese’s. He must have gotten a second set of keys from the proprietress.

  He unlocked the door, and the handsome soldier holding Theda strode inside and gently sat on the bed with Theda in his arms. Reese had seen the man fighting alongside Theda earlier. And the way he was looking at her now—the mix of emotions… He loved her. Reese wasn’t certain what kind of love, but she suspected the everlasting, unrequited kind.

  The soldier brushed a lock of pale blond hair off Theda’s forehead. She was covered in blood—from the stab wounds in her torso.

  Reese swallowed and turned to Derek. “What happened?”

  Elena sat beside the soldier and leaned down, touching her forehead to her mother’s.

  Camille had entered silently behind them and now faced the wall, her arms wrapped around her chest. Anguish, despair, confusion—all rolled off her the way they did everyone else in the room.

  Derek stepped back, bringing Reese with him. “Theda saved Elena, but the girl she subdued… She didn’t survive. And neither did—” He looked at Theda.

  Reese pressed a fist to her mouth. “It’s my fault. I read Beatrice’s emotions before she acted.” She turned to Elena. “I thought I was helping…”

  Elena looked up, but she appeared to be in shock, her face expressionless.

  Tears filled Reese’s eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I heard Beatrice’s thoughts at the last minute as well,” Keen said. “You and Theda saved Elena. Theda knew what she was risking by attacking Beatrice, and she chose to save her daughter.”

  Derek rubbed his forehead. “The attack on Theda happened so fast, as if a switch had been flipped. Once the guards turned on her, she had no hope. Too fast—it all happened too fast. I couldn’t get to her in time.”

  Elena bent over her mother, her arms trembling. But she glanced up, some of the daze cleared from her eyes. “It wasn’t your fault, Derek. Or yours, Reese.” She stared down at her mother and cradled the queen’s head. “There was always risk—to all of us.”

  Reese walked over and sat beside Elena.

  Elena looked up at the soldier holding her mother. “What do we do now?”

  He finally pulled his gaze from Theda and looked out at the room. “We give her a proper burial.” His voice choked on the last word.

  Elena leaned over her mother again and kissed her forehead, her hands shaking. After a moment, she stood and peered around the room, looking panicked. “Keen? I don’t know what to do. With my mother gone…”

  Though Elena’s expression was panicked, her emotions were subdued. Depressed.

  Keen was leaning his shoulder against the wall with his head bent. He looked at her now. “You know what to do, Elena.”

  She swallowed and rubbed her eyes. “I can’t go through with it.”

  He eased away from the wall. “I am loyal to her majesty, but you have a claim to the throne, just as Derek took over Old Kingdom once his father passed.”

  Derek muttered an oath. “Are you saying Elena and I could be ruling opposing kingdoms?”

  “Has it ever been any different?” Keen asked. “You were the Halven prince of Old Kingdom, and now you are king. Elena was a princess to the rightful queen, and now she is queen—should anything happen to Portia.”

  Derek paced the room. “I’ll give up the kingdom—I’ll stay and help Elena.”

  “Derek,” Elena said, “that’s crazy.”

  “She must win it back first,” Keen pointed out. “And this is where I leave. I cannot help you and be true to the present queen.”

  Reese had been listening to the back-and-forth, but at this she stood. “You’re leaving?”

  His lips were stiff, and he wouldn’t look her in the eye. “An agreement has been arranged. As soon as I return to the palace, my engagement becomes official.”

  “You said you didn’t want it. And after everything that’s happened tonight… Why?”

  “The queen insists.” He gave her a hard, unfathomable look. “Without the betrothal, tensions between the kingdoms will rise. If I marry Radnor’s Fae daughter, the queen feels she can negotiate with Old Kingdom.”

  “What do you mean, negotiate?” Derek said. “As far as I know, I’m still in charge. The only person she should be negotiating with is me.”

  “Reese’s father is also of noble blood and next in line to the throne,” Keen said. “He will challenge your rule unless I marry his daughter. After losing Beatrice, Portia is bereaved—grasping. She believes I can convince you to renounce your claim to the throne and bring peace between the kingdoms.”

  “You mean let you rule,” Derek said. “And if I don’t want to play nice with you or Portia?”

  “I must kill you.”

  “No!” Elena yelled. “You’re still my bodyguard.”

  “I am not,” Keen said darkly. “I work for her majesty.”

  “If that’s true, why are you helping us?” Elena asked bitterly.

  He glanced at Reese, and so did everyone else. “It is time I leave.”

  “I don’t understand.” Elena looked between Keen and Reese. “Who is he supposed to marry?”

  Reese’s heart felt heavy as she waited for Keen to walk away. This time for good.

  He would marry another. Wouldn’t be there for her anymore. She’d told him she didn’t need him to protect her, but she wanted him at her side. Wanted to argue with him, and kiss him, and…

  Reese straightened her back, answering the question Keen wouldn’t. “He’s to marry my sister, Illa Radnor.”


  “I will walk Reese to her room,” Keen said, surprising Reese. She figured he’d leave, and she would stay to console her friend.

  But Elena turned and wrapped her arms around Derek, who was glaring at Keen.

bsp; Portia had destroyed so much, and now she was coming between the alliance Elena and Derek had formed with the Fae warrior.

  Keen was marrying her sister to prevent all-out war between the two kingdoms. He was more likely to negotiate a truce with Derek than anyone, but if Derek didn’t agree to the terms? He’d be forced to fight a friend.

  Reese exited and walked with Keen down the hall. She entered her bedroom, and he did too. “You can’t marry her. There’s got to be another way.”

  He closed the door and let out a light sigh. “It would not be my first choice.”

  “So it’s your second choice?”

  He ran a hand down his face, then gave her a look. He crossed the room and had her in his arms in seconds. His mouth came down on hers, hard and demanding.

  She squeaked at the suddenness of it, and he gentled the kiss.

  But she didn’t want gentle. She wanted him. Reese pulled back and held his head between her hands. “Don’t do it.”

  He set her down without letting her go. “There are whisperings that Portia has another form of the virus. One that Marlon created alongside the first that is just as powerful, but different enough that it would take time for Elena to cure. Whether or not the rumor is true, no one can be certain. But is it worth finding out?”

  Reese took a step back and turned away. Enid had mentioned a secret weapon Portia held over their heads. This must be it.

  She couldn’t refute Keen’s logic. But she also couldn’t agree with him. Because to do so meant she’d lose him.

  “I’ve searched for the second virus and I cannot find it. It would be easy enough to hide while Portia forces loyalty from people. And if the rumors are true… Our numbers were decimated with the last virus. Regardless of what I wish, Portia is in control at the moment. I cannot defy her.”

  All of his words made sense. Except to her heart.

  She turned. “Can’t you? Don’t marry my sister.”

  He closed his eyes. When he opened them, pure determination lingered in their depths.

  He stepped forward and swept her up and into his arms, kissing her as he carried her to the bed. He set her on the mattress and braced his body above hers. “I didn’t want to like you.” He kissed her throat. “I didn’t want to desire you.” He kissed her chin—square on the dimple in the middle. “But there was nothing that could keep me from you.”

  The things he was doing and saying had her head fuzzy, distracted, but not so distracted that she’d lost her mind. Reese shoved his chest. “Except the other woman you’re marrying. I’m no cheater. And I’m not someone you can use.”

  He rolled to his side, his brow crinkled as he held her hip. “I don’t wish to use you for my pleasure.”

  Very formal. And the way he worded his response had her wondering… “But you’ve used others?”

  He raised his eyebrow. “Only with their full acquiescence.”

  Reese shook her head slowly. “Are all men alike? Even Fae?”

  “Perhaps. But you are not like all women. Not to me.”

  He rolled back over her and kissed her lips gently. “This feeling that burns in my chest when I see you—that turns to murderous rage when you are in danger—it will not let me go. They search for you and your friends as we speak. They have not found the tavern, and the warriors who fought for Theda are hidden far away. But they will be discovered eventually. And so will you. I must do what I can, and agreeing to marry Illa buys us time.”

  Reese’s lip quivered, dammit. “So you’re saying it’s as good as done. Why make the sacrifice? I can protect myself.”

  He brushed a lock of hair off her cheek. “You are strong, little one. So strong. You are my heart. I will do what I must to protect that frail thing inside my chest that can’t handle the thought of anything happening to you.”

  A muffled cry erupted from her throat, and Reese grabbed his head and kissed him with everything she held inside. She didn’t want him to leave her. Ever. And for the moment, he didn’t seem inclined to.

  She tugged at his shirt, pausing for a moment, remembering the times he’d told her not to touch him.

  His large hand moved up and covered hers as he gazed into her eyes. Then he was kneeling back and tugging the thick knit shirt he wore over his head and tossing it behind him.

  Reese sighed and ran her hands down his chest. “I love your skin.”

  His hand skimmed down her waist to her hips. “And I love your skin, your face when you are angry with me—or desirous.”

  “I am not—”

  He pressed his finger to her lips. “Do not deny it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. I want you. Now will you please remove your pants?”

  He raised his eyebrow again.

  “What? You’ve teased me with your chest and I want to see the rest.” She grinned. But her grin faltered. “Is that a problem? Because if you suggest in any way that I’m loose, I might injure you.”

  “I did not say that you are—loose—if I’m correct in interpreting your meaning.”

  “I beg to differ. You’ve said my clothing is too revealing on many an occasion.”

  He smiled. “That is because I do not wish for others to see what lies beneath.”

  “You were—jealous?” She smacked his shoulder. “You jerk. You made me think you thought I was some floozy.”

  “What is a floozy?”

  “Someone free with her body.”

  A dark look crossed his eyes. “I do not wish to share you. Ever.” He dipped his head and nuzzled her neck. “Or hear of your past,” he murmured near her ear.

  She stretched her neck to give him better access. “But that was the problem with your jealous comments. The only guy I’ve ever been with scarred me something fierce with words like that.”

  Keen leaned back, his jaw tightening. He scanned her body. “Scarred you? Where? And who is this human who dared hurt you?”

  “Not physically.” She ran her hands down his chest again. “He was my first, but…”

  He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. “But?”

  “He never called afterward. Which hurt, I’m not gonna lie, though what he told his friends and their friends was worse. He said I was easy. It didn’t help that I dressed—Well—you’ve seen my style. I’m not ashamed of my body.”

  Keen looked off. “He used you, then made you feel that his actions were your fault.”

  She tilted her head, considering. “I internalized it more—but yeah, that about sums it up.”

  Keen’s eyes grew intense. “That man will pay for what he did to you.”

  This conversation was going in the wrong direction. “He doesn’t deserve more attention.” She slipped her hands to Keen’s stomach, where his body was taut with muscles that dipped and undulated in waves. She tugged at the waistband of his pants. “I want to move on, and I want it to be with you.”

  “Be that as it may, I will need a name.”

  Keen’s attention was way too focused on her asshole ex. She just wanted him to understand why his words in the beginning had hit her hard.

  She’d never wanted anything serious with anyone. Avoided it, in fact. But with Keen, she wanted everything. Absolutely everything. And it scared her, but not enough to stop what they were doing. “You said you have to leave soon. Let’s not waste time talking about the past.”


  She cut off whatever he was about to say by pushing him back and sitting up. She unzipped her dress. The gown was elegant and modest, but not so much when it gaped around her breasts in the lacy bra Enid had given her to wear.

  Keen watched her gown slip off her shoulders to her waist. He reached out and ran a hand along her arm to her wrist, where he twined their fingers and leaned over and kissed her. “Let me protect you. If it’s the only thing I can give you, let me give you this.”

  His eyes were so intense, so fucking loving. What was he doing to her?

  “What if I want more?” She ran her hand down the sm
ooth skin of his back and squeezed his ass.

  He growled. “You are breaking me.”

  “In a good way?”

  He leaned down and took her mouth in answer.

  She’d call that a yes.

  Reese tucked her small fingers beneath his fitted black pants, and squeezed that firm backside. “These pants really need to go.”

  Keen kissed a trail down her neck to her breasts, where he seemed to get distracted, pushing them together inside of her bra with his large hands and kissing them one at a time. She wiggled her hips, and he moved farther down until he came to where her dress pooled at her waist. He slid the gown down her legs and over her satin heels, tossing it to the bottom of the bed.

  His eyes never left her body. From her heeled shoes to her tiny bikini underwear to her push-up bra that gave the girls extra oomph—he took it all in. He settled his hand on her hip, where it shook above the thin panties. When his gaze locked with hers, his emerald eyes were so dark they looked black.

  Her strong warrior’s hands were shaking…because he wanted her. Wanted to protect her—wanted to touch her.

  Reese reached up and squeezed his biceps and smiled in what she hoped was a clear invitation.

  He scooted down, lifting one of her legs over his shoulder until his head was above the center of her.

  “What are you—”

  He kissed her there. Through her panties, which might as well have been made of organza, because she felt that kiss to her core.

  Reese’s head dipped back, an inarticulate sound escaping her mouth.

  She looked back at him, and he grinned. “I thought you were conservative. What happened to we only mate for offspring, and all that business. You said it’s not done for pleasure…” She trailed off as he linked his pinkies under the sides of her panties and pulled them down slowly, bending her knee to remove them.

  “That is correct.” He paused and licked her where he’d kissed her moments ago.

  She panted. “Keep doing that, please. I promise I won’t enjoy it.”

  He winked.

  Forget that bullshit about Fae being sired from angels. Keen was the devil. Because he spread her legs wide and did it again—licked her over and over.


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