My Regelence Rake

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My Regelence Rake Page 8

by J. L. Langley

  “Steven.” Sebastian chuckled and wished he hadn’t. Oh my head. He squeezed his temples with the thumb and middle finger of his right hand.

  “What?” Steven asked with a straight face. “He’s not. He’s quite pleasant to look at.” Adjusting his hat, he gave Sebastian one of those pointed looks that said Steven knew exactly what was what, but he was asking anyway. “What’s wrong with your head?”

  “He overindulged at the Hampton’s ball.”

  Sebastian groaned. “Thank you, Lord Tattletale.” He turned his attention back to Steven in time to catch his smirk. “I think it was the cigars actually.”

  Steven’s smirk grew into a full-fledged smile. “Colton smelled like cigar smoke when he came to plead a headache last night. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” His smile had disappeared, but the faint laugh lines at the corner of his eyes remained.

  “He went outside to talk to some of the racing set, and I intercepted him on the veranda.” Sebastian held up a hand, hoping to stall an explosion. “But he was only trying to learn some gossip for the auction today. Rourke and I sent him back inside and went in his stead. He was never in any danger.” That was a matter of opinion. It had been sheer luck that Sebastian had run into Colton and steered him back to safety. But Sebastian didn’t want to get him in trouble.

  “Very well. As long as he was with you I know he was in good hands. Did you get the gossip?” Steven asked.

  “Is there any doubt? We were RSR.” Huffing out a breath, Rourke managed to look almost bored. “Unfortunately, we didn’t get to torture the info out of them. There’s today, however. Who knows what needs may arise when I actually escort Prince Colton to Tattersalls.”

  Sebastian gritted his teeth, and a sharp stab of pain snaked up the right side of his face. Blasted hangover. He was not allowing Rourke near Colton. The flirting going on between them last night had set Sebastian on edge. Duke or not, Rourke was not good enough for Colton. “I’ll talk to Colton today before I send—”

  “Nonsense.” Steven grabbed Knighton’s arm and tugged him toward the door. “You can come with me to the haberdashers, and Sebastian will escort Colton and Dalton. You can tell me all about how you and Sebastian seduced the gossip out of those racing aficionados.” As the front door opened for them, the sounds of more footsteps filled the vestibule.

  “That isn’t necessary. I can get—” Sebastian trailed off when it became apparent they were not listening to him. He didn’t want to go to the auction.

  Plopping his hat on his head, Rourke hurried into his coat. “Lead the way, Your Majesty.” They stopped just outside the front entrance and stood silhouetted against the drizzly gray morning.

  Leaning in to whisper something to Rourke, Steven waved.

  Raising his hand, Sebastian strained to hear over the staccato of boots on the marble behind him.

  Steven and Rourke glanced at him and continued to speak in undertones.

  A lift pulled up, and the front door closed, blocking them from view. If Sebastian didn’t know better, he’d swear they’d been talking about him. Turning toward the staircase, he rubbed his right temple. He was getting his wish to stay busy, but somehow he never imagined staying busy would include being Colton’s personal bodyguard.

  Last night at the Hampton’s ball Colton had showed Sebastian a side of himself that made him even more appealing. The complete abandon with which he pursued gaining a foothold in racing was tantalizing. He was finding his way in the world, calling his own shots despite the consequences. Not many men were so brave. Most followed others, letting popular opinion dictate their actions. In a way, Colton had always forged his own path, but last night something had changed. He’d displayed a maturity he hadn’t had before. There’d been no childish tantrum when he hadn’t gotten his way. Come to think on it, Colton had gotten his way, more or less. The information he sought had been obtained.

  Side by side, Colton and Ashbourne descended the stairs. They were both dressed in black-caped greatcoats and black beaver hats. The two men topped six foot by a few inches and possessed lovely athletic physiques. But that was where the similarities ended. Not only were Colton’s shoulders wider, but he was night to Ashbourne’s day. Colton’s dark hair and complexion were haunting and untouchable where Ashbourne’s fairness was genial. Colton’s eyes were half mast this morning, lending the appearance of indolence. He looked…beddable.

  “Good day, Wentworth.” Placing his brass-handled cane on the floor in front of him, Ashbourne bobbed his head.

  “Good day, Ashbourne.”

  The fresh scent of the outdoors that always clung to Colton teased Sebastian’s nose as Colton drew abreast on the other side of Sebastian. “Morning, Wentworth.”

  Sebastian sighed. So much for his plan to fill Colton in and send him and Ashbourne on their way with two guards. “Thomas, please retrieve my coat, gloves and hat. I’m accompanying Lord Colton and Lord Ashbourne to Tattersalls.”

  Steven sat down in the lift and considered Rourke, who’d settled into the seat opposite him. Steven was pretty sure he’d found himself a coconspirator, but he wasn’t ready to confide in the man just yet.

  “So… Sebastian is one of your best friends?” Steven put the walking stick between his feet and rested his hands on the handle.

  Placing his hat on the seat next to him, Knighton smiled. “He is. We got our commissions at the same time and went into basic and RSR training together.”

  The lift door closed, and they started moving.

  That hadn’t been very revealing, and time was of the essence. Steven had truly planned to visit the haberdashers, but things had fallen into place too nicely. He’d been able to maneuver Sebastian and Colton together. Now he wanted to see if his scheming would pay off. How could he get the duke to reveal more? His efforts would be all for naught if Knighton blabbed to Wentworth. “Thank you for helping Sebastian corral Colton last night. The boy can be quite a handful I’m afraid.”

  One side of Knighton’s lip curled up, and his eyes narrowed. It was a sinister grin but filled with joy all the same. “It was no hardship. I rather enjoyed it.”

  Who would’ve thought a man so young would have laugh lines at the corners of his eyes? He was only in his late twenties.

  “Oh?” Steven leaned forward.

  “Mmm…” Knighton leaned back. The other side of his lip rose. He gazed out the window and began adjusting his coat.

  Ooh, the rogue. He’s playing me. Steven almost chuckled. Instead he whacked the man in the shin with his cane. “Give over, Knighton.”

  Knighton’s grin remained in place. His dark eyes shone with good humor as he met Steven’s stare. “Nice work back there. I was certain my offer to take Colton to the auction would’ve done the trick, but you played that quite well. Nicely done, Your Majesty.”

  “Oh, bah. Call me Steven. If you’re going to be accompanying me now and again.” Steven smiled. “Now talk.”

  Knighton chuckled. “Then please call me Rourke.”

  Rourke was Knighton’s family name. “Not your first name?” His given name was Hugh if Steven wasn’t mistaken.

  “I hate my first name.”

  Hugh wasn’t a bad name, but whatever. When Steven tipped his chin in acceptance, Rourke continued.

  “Last night I noticed Seb’s obvious if reluctant affection for your son. He doesn’t want to be attracted to Colton. He’s fighting it. And Colton—charming young man, your son—is quite smitten with Seb. I think they’re perfect for each other, if you don’t mind my saying.”

  Happiness bubbled up inside Steven. He smiled so big his cheeks hurt. “Can you keep a secret?”

  “Of course I can. It was part of the job description being in the RSR.” Rourke raised both brows. “Are we talking national security?”

  “No. Life or death. If Raleigh finds out, he’ll kill me.”

  “Then by all means my lips are sealed. I am sworn to protect my king, after all.”

n bit back a laugh. “Good.” Lifting his cane, Steven rapped on the ceiling and kept his eyes glued to the man across him. “To Tattersalls. Park a block away.”

  Rourke’s lips twitched, but he said nothing.

  “We’re going on a spying mission. Because I happen to agree with you. Wentworth and Colton were meant to be together whether they realize it or not. May I count on your help to make them realize it?”

  “Absolutely.” Rourke stuck out his hand. When Steven shook it, he continued. “I owe it to Seb. He deserves to be happy, and I blame myself for not trying harder to talk him out of marrying the viscount.”

  Having known Sebastian for the past seven years, Steven had already surmised Sebastian and his former spouse had not been at all compatible.

  Steven and Rourke continued to chat until the lift stopped and the doors opened. “We are at your destination, Your Majesty. The auction house is approximately one hundred and twenty-two point five meters to your right.”

  “Thank you. Wait for us here, and if anyone asks, we weren’t here,” Steven said.

  “Very well, Your Majesty.”

  Grabbing his hat, Rourke exited the lift first. He stood, blocking Steven’s way, looked around then turned and extended a hand. “Steven.” Somehow he seemed taller than before. Or maybe Steven just hadn’t noticed it. Rourke was a big man, easily Nate’s size.

  “Thank you.” Steven climbed down the steps. “Do you miss the service? What were you? A lieutenant?”

  “Yes and yes. Seb was our team commander.” Rourke kept stride beside Steven, scanning the area without being obvious. “RSR missions were pure hell at times, but damn it was a rush. Gave a man a real sense of pride to know he survived it.” There was a gleam in the duke’s eye. “I was promoted to lieutenant commander and was in charge of the team after Seb left.”

  “You liked serving your planet.” Steven had seen the same pride in many Regelence military men. It made him proud and humbled all at once. It was an amazing feeling to be a part of Regelence, to be able to keep this fine planet running smoothly and all of their heritage alive and flourishing.

  Rourke nodded. “I would’ve retired from the Regelence Navy if my family hadn’t died.”

  “I’m sorry it happened. Your father was a good man. I could always count on him to back me.” Knighton was an old title with a proud history. The Rourke family had always been supportive of the crown.

  Thunder rumbled overhead, and the frigid wind whistled through the alleyway they passed.

  Catching his hat so it wouldn’t blow off, Steven tilted his head back to see the clouds. They were definitely darker than they had been when they’d left the castle. Drats. “I didn’t think to bring an umbrella.” He was so concerned with his hat that his cane slipped out of his fingers and clattered to the sidewalk. Before he could even turn, Rourke had bent to pick up the walking stick.

  Steven waited, watching the duke. Goodness, he had a nice behind. Sebastian had taken it to heart when Steven told him he wanted a hunk.

  Out of the corner of Steven’s eye, something moved. He turned his head.

  A man dressed in a brown morning coat and top hat came up behind them. The man met Steven’s gaze and immediately detoured into an alley. The man must be meeting a lover. Or a prostitute.

  “Here you go.” Rourke held out the walking stick. A little quieter he said, “He’s been behind us since we left the lift. It could just be coincidence.”

  Steven blinked. Rourke already knew about the man? “I’m impressed. You’re very good.”

  Rourke grinned. “It’s my job. Besides, you don’t leave the RSR without a healthy dose of caution and a smidgen of paranoia.”

  Steven chuckled. Raleigh, Nate and Sebastian were like that as well. All three of them always seemed aware of their surroundings without even scanning around. At least Steven didn’t actually see them look. “I feel as though I’ve met the man, but I can’t place him.” Steven took the cane and pointed it toward the auction house. “Shall we?”

  “After you. It may have been someone you’ve seen at a ball or somewhere. He’s not behind us now.” They walked another few yards, and Rourke stopped at the street corner. “How do you want to do this? We can’t let them see us. If Seb finds out what we’re plotting, he’ll throttle me. And galaxy knows he has enough dirt on me to— Ahem. Begging your pardon.”

  Steven chuckled. “Agreed. I’m sure he has dirt on me too, and I wouldn’t put it past him to snitch on me to Raleigh if crossed. What gossip did you and Sebastian gain last night?”

  “Not much. Sebastian seemed to think Colton would want to save his money until next week when the senior Mr. Fareweather has some brood mares for sale.”

  “In that case, let’s go around back. Knowing Colton, if he’s not buying, he’ll be wandering the stables. Boy always has preferred horses to people.”

  They neared Tattersalls, and the first drops of rain began to fall. By the time they reached the stables it was coming down in a steady sprinkle.

  Just as Steven predicted, Colton and Wentworth were outside under the pavilion with the livestock. Colton walked the aisles looking at horses while Sebastian kept pace about three feet away from him. Ashbourne was nowhere in sight.

  Rourke pulled Steven into an empty stall and put a finger to his lips. “We’ve got to be very careful or Seb will spot us. Follow my lead.” Before Steven could even nod his agreement, Rourke situated Steven’s hat down lower over his eyes, did the same with his own and turned. Crouching, he peeked out the stall door and motioned for Steven to follow.

  Steven crept out of the stall behind Rourke.

  They pursued as Colton browsed and Sebastian stared out at the rain, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  Bloody hell, they couldn’t bond with that much distance between them. They weren’t even speaking. Steven frowned. They were mostly alone, so why did Sebastian have to be so honorable? He was supposed to be a rake, blast it!

  Rourke’s back stiffened, and he ducked around a corner. Once there, he put his finger to his lips again and motioned for Steven to keep up.

  Steven nodded and trailed Rourke around another corner. Where were they going? They were heading in the opposite direction as Colton and Sebastian. The hair on Steven’s arms stood on end despite his heavy frock coat. Something wasn’t right.

  As they rounded the next stall, Rourke stopped. He held a hand out behind him.

  Steven froze. They were now on the other side of the stall they’d started at, facing the opposite direction.

  Rourke waved his hand forward and scuttled to the end of the aisle.

  Steven tagged along close behind. At the duke’s hand signal, Steven drew up next to Rourke and peeked around the wooden wall with him.

  The same man who’d ducked into the alley stood in the middle of the stables gazing around like he was searching for something, or rather someone.

  He was hunting for Steven and Rourke.

  Chapter Seven

  Tattersalls Auction House, downtown Classige, Pruluce.

  No sooner had Sebastian and Colton stepped out of the lift and under the covered area beside the auction building that housed the stables, the rain had started in earnest. The place smelled like damp hay. But as luck would have it, the storm meant less patrons, and the ones who were attending today—including Ashbourne—were already inside the auction building.

  Having met up with a few of his navy friends, the young earl had abandoned Sebastian and Colton as soon as Colton had given the nod of approval on the gelding he wanted to bid on. He was supposed to be a sort of chaperone to Colton, and Colton to him, but in such a public setting, Sebastian wasn’t too worried about it. Ashbourne’s reputation was dubious anyway. Unmarried gentlemen were permitted to go unchaperoned with their friends, as long as they were in public view. Few parents allowed it, but it was perfectly acceptable. And even if it was a bit deserted, he and Colton were in public.

  They were passing the time browsing over the stock f
or sale. Up to this point the only outstanding mount they’d come across was the horse Ashbourne intended to bid on. The peace and quiet was doing wonders for Sebastian’s headache, but it was playing tricks on his mind. He’d had that niggling at the back of his neck, the someone-is-watching-me feeling twice already, and no one was there when he investigated.


  This time when a chill tingled up Sebastian’s back and uneasiness settled in his stomach, it was all Colton’s doing. “Yes?” Almost afraid of what he’d find, he turned from watching the few stragglers outside in the rain.

  Colton stared into a pen and removed his hat. “Hold this please.” He offered the black top hat without looking away from the stall.

  Taking the hat, Sebastian joined him at the door. “Why?”

  “Because I don’t like the way he’s prancing about.” Still, Colton did not turn.

  Oh bugger. They were not supposed to touch merchandise without a trainer or owner present. “Colton—”

  Before Sebastian could stop him, Colton opened the door and stepped in. Holding his hand out, he inched toward the stallion and crooned to him in an inflection much softer and deeper than his regular speaking voice. It warmed Sebastian from the inside out. What would it be like to have that voice whispering in his ear? The soft, warm breath caressing his cheek? It was the voice of a lover.

  Damnation. There he went again, thinking things he ought not. He shook his head to clear it and wished he hadn’t. The throbbing flared up with the motion. “What’re you doing?”

  The beautiful black horse danced out of reach, but his ears flew forward. Regarding Colton, the horse brought his front feet in close to his back. His stance was awkward, and most of the weight rested on his back legs. Blue wraps covered his front fetlocks, and black boots covered his front hooves. Most trainers wrapped all four legs for traveling. Perhaps this horse had sustained an injury to his front legs.

  “He won’t stand still. Don’t you find that unusual?” Colton stopped about a foot from the stallion. “Come now, sweets. I won’t hurt you. I only want to have a look.”


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