My Regelence Rake

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My Regelence Rake Page 10

by J. L. Langley

  Raleigh was obviously amused. “Since you and Colton are here, you didn’t elope.”

  “Good galaxy, the things people do for entertainment. I didn’t buy Colton a horse. I purchased the horse with him. And there was no invitation to a duel or any other violence committed. Unless you want to count Colton decking Plume.” Sebastian grinned despite the situation.

  Both of the king-consort’s brows raised, but the mirth never left his eyes. “Colton assaulted someone?”

  “Barnaby Plume, Viscount Leith’s heir. The man had it coming. He was abusing a horse. Colton and I could not in good conscience allow the animal to remain in Plume’s custody, and Colton couldn’t afford the stallion on his own.”

  Chuckling, Raleigh stood. “I’ve no doubt the man probably deserved to be planted a facer. Colton isn’t usually prone to violence. There’ll be speculation on why Colton hit the man. No doubt the speculation will have to do with someone’s honor, either his or yours, and him defending it. The rumors circulating already have the two of you engaged. I thought you should be aware, but you know how these things are. Given how wild and fantastical the stories are, I suspect things will blow over by tonight since clearly you’re both still in town and haven’t run off to get married.”

  Blast. Sebastian hadn’t considered the incident this afternoon might be seen, but Raleigh was likely correct. The ton had a short attention span, and surely no one would credit such asinine tales. “It couldn’t be helped. As I said, the situation was dire, so Colton has agreed to take the money as a buy-in for his racing stud. We’re going to be business partners. Nothing more.”

  “Is that a good idea?” Raleigh sat back down on the edge of the desk.

  Sebastian had asked himself the same thing at least half a dozen times since he’d made the proposal. “I don’t know, but I’m going to give it a chance.”

  “An unmarried man going into business with another older, widowed man? People will naturally assume Colton is your lover.”

  “I’ve no intention of announcing our business arrangement. I plan to stay a silent partner.”

  Raleigh watched him for several seconds.

  Sebastian fought the desire to squirm under the scrutiny.

  Finally, Raleigh stood again and nodded. “Very well, see to it that it remains a secret. I’ll trust your judgment.”

  Sebastian stared at the door until the sound of Raleigh’s footsteps disappeared. He grinned. He and Colton stealing a horse and eloping… Chuckling, Sebastian shook his head and returned his attention to his computer screen. He still had a shortage of staff he had to remedy. The idiocy of the ton would have to wait.

  “Jeffers, do you have an address for a Julian Towers? His family owns Towers Interplanetary, Inc.” It was a long shot. Julian was working with his father, but who knew? Maybe like Rourke, Julian needed a change of pace.

  “Yes, my lord. I have a listing. Would you like me to print it out for you, or would you prefer to view it onscreen?”

  “Just print it out, Jeffers.” Tonight he’d pay his old friend a visit. Sebastian went over tomorrow’s schedule again. It appeared that tomorrow there were plenty of people to cover shifts.

  “Seb, you won’t believe the adventurous morning I had.”

  Holy meteor showers. The interruption had the same effect as a firecracker being thrown into barracks after lights-out. Sebastian hopped in his seat and glared at Rourke, who sauntered in and flopped down on the chair in front of Sebastian’s desk. When his heart rate returned to normal, Sebastian asked, “How was your morning adventurous?”

  Rourke looked around. “Do I get an office?”


  “This place is rather bland. It could use some sprucing up.”

  The office was utilitarian. White walls, a metal desk, no windows and a computer. “I don’t spend much time in here. How did your outing go?”

  Putting his feet on Sebastian’s desk, Rourke interlaced his hands behind his head and reclined. “I was getting to that, but first…” One side of his mouth turned up and his eyes twinkled with mischief. “I heard you and Colton are engaged.”

  Growling, Sebastian leaned back in his chair. “We are not. Good grief, the gossipmongers are working overtime today.”

  Rourke chuckled. “Oh well. It was amusing anyway.”

  “Give over. Why did you have an exciting morning?”

  Clearing his throat, Rourke grew serious. “Steven and I were followed.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Rourke nodded. “We were followed. Not to worry though. He wasn’t a professional. He clearly had no experience tailing someone because he was blatantly obvious about it.”

  “Maybe he wanted you to know he was there.”

  “I don’t think so. Steven and I gave him the slip quite easily. The poor man couldn’t figure out what happened. He was definitely an amateur. Probably just someone who wanted a closer look at the king.”

  “Steven knew about it?”

  Rourke dropped his feet from the desk with a thud and rested his hands on the arms of his chair. “Yes, and he doesn’t want it mentioned to Raleigh yet.”

  “I really don’t think that’s possible. Aside from the fact Raleigh has an annoying tendency of knowing everything, he too could be in danger, as could the princes. And Raleigh is more than capable of helping guard our king. We cannot be too cautious. I’ve reason to be alarmed. Perhaps I should’ve told you before now, but—”

  Rourke held up a hand. “I know all about the mess with the IN. Steven filled me in. And I assure you I am not taking this lightly, but my instincts say this was not the IN. Besides, Steven agreed to allow me to accompany him, Raleigh and the princes to the ball this evening. I’ll also be attending the musicale tomorrow night that they’re going to.”

  Sebastian hadn’t realized he’d tensed at the news until his jaw began to ache. He forced himself to relax. He trusted Rourke. The duke had excellent intuition. But Sebastian would feel much better if Raleigh knew about this. “I should send more guards with you tonight.”

  “No. I can handle this. Trust me.”

  It went against everything in Sebastian, but he trusted this man with his life as well of the life of their beloved king. “Very well, but if you see anything—anything at all—suspicious tonight, I will not only alert Raleigh, I will assign Steven four guards and an armed escort every time he so much as looks out a window.”

  “Fair enough.” Rourke stood. “Steven has no more outings today, so if it’s okay with you, I’m going to go get ready for this evening.”

  “Fine. Everyone else is back, and no one has informed me of any appointments. Go get ready. I’m searching for Julian tonight. If you need me, contact Christian McGregor here at the castle. He’s in charge when I’m not here. He always knows where I am, but I’ll be sure to check in with him every hour tonight. I’ll drop by the ball after my errand.”

  “I wish you luck on your mission.” Rourke turned to leave.



  “There are phaser pistols and shoulder holsters in the supply closet right outside my office door. Take one of each with you.” To Jeffers he added, “Jeffers, allow His Grace access to any of the weapons he chooses.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Jeffers said.

  Rourke grinned. “You’re overreacting, but I’ll take a pistol with me.”

  Sebastian sure hoped it was an overreaction. He had to have faith in Rourke though. His teammate had never been wrong when it counted.

  Sebastian shoved away from his desk and followed Rourke. What a day. A nap would really hit the spot, but there was no rest for the weary.

  Chapter Eight

  Colton tossed the stick out into the gray drizzly afternoon and walked farther into the stables away from the cold. At least it had stopped storming. He rubbed his arms up and down his shirtsleeves to rid himself of the chill from standing too close to the open door. Thank goodness the stables were heated. “So, Dazz. How
do you like your new accommodations?”

  The stallion’s ears swiveled forward at the mention of his name.

  Grinning, Colton rubbed his nose. Colton had been in here since he arrived home, and he was reluctant to leave although Dazz seemed to be fitting in fine. The vet had given him a shot of painkiller, some nanomites to fight infection and heal the damage, and pronounced him good to go. With the exception of riding. Which Colton wouldn’t have done anyway. Doc Jones wanted him to wait a couple of days and see how Dazz was doing.

  The soft thudding of horse hooves reverberated outside, growing louder until Apollonia galloped into the stable heading right for him with a large stick in her mouth. If he didn’t know her, she would’ve startled him. She was huge for only nine months old. Not something you’d want bearing down on you at such a speed. The filly dropped her stick at his feet and looked at him expectantly.

  Colton picked up the stick, ambled to the doorway and hurled the piece of sycamore out of the stables.

  Apollonia turned slowly then took off in a full gallop after her makeshift toy.

  When Colton turned back to Dazz, Rexley was standing at the stall with a big grin on his face. He must have come in from the side door. “When did she start playing fetch?”

  “The other day when I was brushing Apollo. She came and dropped a small branch over the stall door. When I tossed it out, she brought it back, so I started playing with her.” He stopped in front of his oldest brother and reached a hand toward Dazz.

  “You do realize she’s a horse and not a dog, don’t you?”

  “Sure I do. I don’t think she does though.” Colton chuckled. When she was around three months of age and venturing farther from her mother, she latched on to him. If he didn’t let her out of her stall or wherever she was when he was outside, she got so riled up he was afraid she’d hurt herself trying to get to him. So he’d started letting her out. To this day, she followed him around like…well, like a puppy. “What’re you doing out here?”

  “I came to see you.” The corner of Rexley’s lip tipped up slightly. From Rexley it was a smile. A greeting.

  Colton smiled in return. “You found me.”

  “So I did. How are you doing? Have you made any more plans for your racing stud?”

  “I’m fine. And I talked to an architect a little over an hour ago. She said I’ll be able to look at preliminary plans by the end of this week.” The anticipation was going to kill him. “If I approve them, I’ll have the final blueprints by early next week and should be able to break ground on the new stables and training facilities a fortnight from today.” Colton bounced on his toes.

  “Good. Have you decided on a location?”

  “The west pasture. Halfway between the castle and Wentworth Park.” It was the perfect spot. Far enough away from both homes to keep it from feeling crowded. “Wentworth approved of the location from a security standpoint.”

  “Ah. Speaking of Wentworth…I just got back from town and heard an interesting rumor.”

  Dazz head-butted Rexley’s shoulder, jostling him until he was forced to catch his balance.


  “Yes. And I see there must be something to it given this one’s appearance.” Rexley turned toward Dazz, patted his neck and contemplated him. “I heard you and Wentworth assaulted some man and stole his horse.”

  Colton groaned. How had the rumors started? No one had been around to see. “They’re saying we stole Dazz?” Colton scoffed.

  “That’s what I heard.”

  “That’s preposterous.”

  The clip-clop of horse hooves echoed on the cement floor, and the scent of wet animal enveloped them. Colton wrinkled his nose. It must be sprinkling outside again. “That’s not what happened at all. Dazz was being abused. Wentworth and I rescued him. The only connection between Wentworth and me is I had to take him as a partner in my racing stud because I didn’t have enough money to buy Dazz on my own. If I had bought him outright, I wouldn’t have enough for a down payment for my stables.”

  Rexley’s eyes narrowed briefly, and his mouth pinched ever so slightly.

  Shifting his weight, Colton glanced away and tried not to squirm.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “I don’t know, but I couldn’t let Dazz stay with an abuser. It seemed like the only way at the time.” He’d been pondering it all afternoon. While he knew there could never be a romantic relationship between him and the viscount, Wentworth’s actions today reminded Colton why he’d always adored the man. It was going to be absolute torture having to deal with Wentworth on such a personal level and getting to see how honorable and kind he was on a daily basis, but Wentworth was wonderful with horses. And Colton had enjoyed himself. He’d found he actually liked Wentworth. They could be friends.

  “Jeremy said you spotted Wentworth in a compromising position and decided you no longer want him. It’s not true, is it?”

  Blast it. Why had Trouble said that? Colton gritted his teeth. He didn’t want pity. And that’s exactly what he was getting. Poor little Colton finally woke up and realized what an idiot he was.

  Rexley touched his arm. “He’s worried about you, Colton. It’s not like he’s gossiping. He came to me upset the night you saw Wentworth with Eugene Collis. Jeremy was ready to run Wentworth through for hurting you, even if it was inadvertently.” His hand slid down Colton’s arm, and he pried Colton’s fist open. He held Colton’s hand for a moment. “I’m worried too. Let me be your partner? I have the money to buy Wentworth out. I rarely spend my allowance on anything but toys for Muffin, and I save way more than I spend.”

  Rexley was not a man who showed affection easily, and for him to make such an offer meant the world. It was like saying, I love you, little brother. Warmth blossomed in Colton’s chest, and he surged forward and hugged his brother.

  Rexley stiffened, and Colton thought he would not return the gesture, but then Rexley’s arms wrapped around him. He rubbed Colton’s back and moved away enough to make eye contact. “Let me help. Please.”

  “That you offered means everything to me, but I can’t take advantage of you like that. You don’t even like racing. Why would you want to be co-owner of a stud?” Besides…he could do this. He could be partners with Wentworth and friends with him without wasting away for love of the man.

  “I don’t dislike racing.” Rexley cuffed him on the chin. “And I believe in you. This is something you love.”

  Colton blinked. How could he refuse? Yet how could he accept? It wasn’t fair to do something like this without talking to Wentworth first, even though it was only a verbal agreement between them. Not to mention, he didn’t want to use his brother to get him out of a situation he’d put himself into.

  “Just say yes, little brother.”


  “Say yes. Would you or would you not do the same for me?”

  “Of course, but—” Was it fair to force Wentworth into contact with him? “I can’t. It’s not right to just oust Wentworth without talking to him.” Even if it would make things more…comfortable.

  “Then take me as a partner as well.” Rexley held out his hand.

  Arguing with himself for several more seconds, Colton stared at the elegant hand. How could he refuse? The more capital he had, the more chances of success.

  “I’ll make you loads of money.” He shook on the deal.

  “I’m counting on it. Now, tell me about Dazz’s situation. How was he abused?”

  Colton relaxed, feeling better than he had in a long time. “Mr. Plume, or someone who worked for him, had driven nails in Dazz’s hoof walls. Wentworth and I more or less coerced him to sell Dazz to me. After I punched him.”

  “You punched him?” Rexley caressed Dazz’s velvety nose.

  “It felt wonderful.”

  “I’ll bet. I’ve no tolerance for cruelty.” Leaving one hand on the bridge of Dazz’s nose, Rexley brushed a hank of mane out of Dazz’s eyes with the other. “Where
have I heard the name Plume before?”

  Colton rubbed his new pet’s neck. “Viscount Leith’s heir.”

  A petite sorrel-colored head came up underneath Colton’s arm and flipped it off of Dazz. Satisfied her human was now paying attention to her, Apollonia dropped the stick in her mouth.

  Colton petted her and chucked her piece of wood toward the door.

  She scuttled backward out from under his arm and took off after the stick.

  Smirking, Rexley continued to pet Dazz. “Ah, yes. I knew the name sounded familiar.” He turned to face Colton with a serious look on his face. “Plume has a reputation for not taking care of his animals.”

  “How do you know?” Colton studied his brother. Rexley didn’t follow racing or any other sport.

  “People talk. I listen.” Rexley shrugged. “Lord Freeson had a run-in with Plume last year. Plume’s an outsider in the racing circles, but he wants to make a name for himself. From what I’ve heard, I’m surprised he hasn’t been blacklisted yet. He’s vindictive and will do anything to get ahead or get back at someone he thinks has wronged him. Freeson took issue with how Plume was handling a horse, and Freeson’s winning mare came up lame a week later. There was evidence the horse had been purposely injured, but not enough to pin it on Plume.”

  There wasn’t much of a chance Plume could get on Townsend property without being caught, but the thought that Plume was known for his abuse made Colton’s heart ache. At least he’d saved Dazz from the blackguard. “You learned all that from listening?”

  Rexley nodded. “More or less. Plume asked Jeremy to dance last season, and Jeremy refused. Freeson overheard Jeremy tell me Plume made his skin crawl, and Freeson was all too willing to tell us his tale. He seemed quite genuine, so be careful and watch your back.”

  Apollonia came back and stopped in front of them.

  Rexley held out his hand. “You’re quite a handful, my lady. Which reminds me…it’s Muffin’s bath time.” Apollonia nuzzled into Rexley’s hand and gave him her toy. He tossed it and turned his attention back to Colton. “I’ll get you a bank draft tomorrow morning. I need to get inside and find Muffin for Christy.” He slapped Colton on the arm as he started past. “You okay?”


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