My Regelence Rake

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My Regelence Rake Page 14

by J. L. Langley

  Stifling a laugh, Colton grabbed the harness and added his strength to Wentworth’s side. “Apollonia.” He tsked. “Drop it.”

  She turned her head slightly, eyeing him.

  “Why is she out of her stall?” Wentworth shook the ends of the halter, trying to loosen her grip.

  “Because she wanted out.” Colton tapped her cheek. “Just what do you think you’re going to do with this, young lady?”

  Wentworth groaned. “That’s the problem. You try to reason with her, and you think everything she does is funny. Training her is going to be pure hell because she runs right over y— Ahh!”

  Apollonia let go.

  Colton and Wentworth went down in a tangle of arms, legs and frock coat. Colton’s back hit the cement, and the air whooshed from his lungs. His head hit something soft. Gasping for breath and not getting any, Colton tried to grab his chest but Wentworth’s weight on top of him made that impossible.

  “Ow. My back. Are you okay?” With his coat over his face, Wentworth eased off Colton and fell to his side, leaving his arm under Colton’s head. He jerked the heavy fabric down with a grin. “Colton?” The grin faded.

  Colton shook his head, still unable to breathe from having the air knocked out of him. He needed air. Now. He had to breathe. He couldn’t… Air.

  “Shh… Relax. Calm down. Listen to me.” A feather-light touch brushed Colton’s cheek. “Calm down and take a deep, slow breath.”

  Staring into the blue depths of Wentworth’s midnight eyes, Colton willed himself to relax. The pain in his chest eased little by little, and air filtered back into his lungs. Closing his eyes, he inhaled several times before the burning let up entirely. “Dust, I hate that. I haven’t done that since I was a kid when Aiden shoved me off a swing and I landed on my back.”

  Now that his lungs were functioning properly, he was cold. Why couldn’t he have landed in one of the occupied pens where there was hay? He opened his eyes and was caught by Wentworth’s gaze. His breathing ceased normal activity for an entirely different reason.

  Wentworth’s hand still rested on Colton’s cheek. His dark hair lay over his forehead in disarray, and his face was flush with exertion. Sebastian’s blue eyes appeared deeper than normal. A man could get lost in those eyes. Bedroom eyes, Colton had once heard them called. It was fitting. The slightly lowered lids hinted at naughty secrets. They gave Wentworth a wicked gleam.

  Wentworth traced Colton’s lips, and his gaze followed his movement.

  Oh galaxy, he’s going to kiss me. Colton wanted to taste those lips again. For years, he’d fantasized about that mouth on him… He now knew reality was even better than the fantasy.

  “Wentworth.” The whispered word sounded needy.

  “Sebastian.” Sebastian pulled Colton’s bottom lip down with his finger.

  “Sebastian,” Colton whispered and closed his eyes.

  The soft press of lips against his wrung a moan from Colton. Or was that a sob? Sebastian’s tongue eased inside, tracing Colton’s lips. The sweet caress warmed Colton inside and out. It was like being surrounded by the glow of a fire on a blustery night. He was no longer cold. Contentment and excitement warred within him. His cock began to stir. His abdomen and legs tensed. He was wary of the attention, yet he craved it.

  Sebastian moved closer, settling his leg over Colton’s body until they touched head to toe. He took his time, caressing Colton’s mouth. It was as if he were trying to learn every crease and hollow.

  Their breathing, the shuffle of horse feet and the whistling wind became secondary to the sound of blood rushing through Colton’s ears. The scent of cedar and an earthy spice he’d always associated with this man teased him. The tender caress of Sebastian’s lips on his crowded out every other feeling.

  Wrapping his arms around Sebastian’s back, Colton returned the kiss. His erection under the weight of Sebastian’s thigh would’ve embarrassed him if he hadn’t been aware of the equally hard cock against his hip.

  Breaking their kiss, Sebastian stared down at Colton. “Say it again.”

  Colton’s lips were so sensitive he swore he could feel the air hitting them. “Say what?” He touched the beloved face, feeling the stubble under his fingers. He didn’t want this to end…ever. If that made him a ninny, well then he was a hopeless ninny.

  Sebastian caught Colton’s hand, dragged it to his lips and placed a kiss in the center of the palm. “My name.”


  “Mmm…” Sebastian released Colton’s hand and tugged at Colton’s neckcloth. “I hate you calling me Wentworth and my lord all the time.” He freed the ends of the cravat and traced a fingertip down Colton’s neck. When Colton swallowed hard, Sebastian grinned.

  He unbuttoned Colton’s waistcoat and spread it open to reveal his shirt. “We shouldn’t do this.” Sebastian rested his hand on Colton’s chest. “Damn me, but I can’t help myself.” Cupping Colton’s cheek, he brushed a quick press of his lips against Colton’s.

  “Why are you doing this?” Colton swallowed, and it was like glass going down his throat. “I gave up on you. Why now?” Sebastian’s hand stroked his stomach, but Colton didn’t take his eyes off Sebastian’s face.

  “I can’t get you out of my mind. I—” Sebastian closed his eyes briefly and shook his head before meeting Colton’s gaze again. “Tell me to stop.”

  Colton’s chest ached. He refused to get his hopes up, but he wanted this. Wanted Sebastian… Colton had no interest in marriage these days, but he had an interest in this. Maybe this would even get Wentworth out of his system once and for all. He lifted his head off Sebastian’s arm and poured every ounce of yearning into a kiss.

  Moaning, Sebastian returned the passion. He tangled his tongue with Colton’s as his bare hand touched Colton’s chest.

  The sounds of their wet, smacking kiss made Colton’s cock jerk and his testicles draw up. He lifted up against Sebastian’s thigh, and pleasure shot through him, making him itch with need. He wanted so much more, but he didn’t know how to ask for it or if he should.

  Sebastian sucked Colton’s bottom lip. He nipped his jaw and trailed kisses down Colton’s throat, sending shivers up his neck. Colton’s arms broke out in goose bumps. It tickled and felt divine all at once. He tangled his fingers in Sebastian’s thick hair, unwilling to relinquish him. For years, he’d longed to touch this man, feel him.

  Moving his leg, Sebastian pressed his palm against Colton’s cock and licked a line up his neck.

  Oh my galaxy. Gasping, Colton tightened his grip in Sebastian’s hair. He stared up at the ceiling, unsure what to do. He wavered between shock and melting into the floor. He’d always belittled the men Sebastian had liaisons with for being wantons, and he was no better.

  Sebastian sucked on Colton’s earlobe and began rubbing his hand up and down the rigid length of Colton’s prick. Colton wanted his trousers off…now. Gritting his teeth, he arched into the touch.

  “If you pull on my hair any harder, it’s liable to come out.” Sebastian chuckled in his ear and nipped his earlobe.

  “Oh.” Turning his head, Colton met Sebastian’s gaze. He slid his hands down to Sebastian’s back, which was still covered by his overcoat. “Sorry.”

  In answer, Sebastian gave him a soft peck on the lips then went back to his neck.

  The friction against Colton’s cock was too much and not enough. He should stop this, he didn’t want Sebastian to think him easy, but— Colton contracted his abdomen muscles, trying not to come. Was he supposed to come? Was he not supposed to? Was there a proper etiquette? Oh dust. A shudder shot through him, and he squeezed his eyes shut.

  Sebastian sucked at his neck so strongly it almost hurt, but it did nothing to douse Colton’s pleasure. Still rubbing, Sebastian pressed down harder with his hand. “Let go, sweeting.”

  The low breathy rumble in Colton’s ear was too much. Every muscle in his body tensed, pleasure exploded inside him, and he came. Colton swore he saw stars. His head was sp
inning, but he could no longer feel his other body parts. It was a catharsis that had been building for years. He hugged Sebastian to him, not wanting the moment to end.

  A groan broke the spell. “Cut it out.” Sebastian raised his head, leaving a cold spot where he’d been.

  Colton blinked open his eyes.

  Apollonia stood over them, nibbling at Sebastian’s hair.

  Sebastian’s gaze locked with his, his lips twitching, and merriment shone in his eyes.

  Trying to hold back his laughter, Colton pressed his lips tight together.

  Sebastian wasn’t as successful. His shoulders began to shake. He bussed Colton on the lips. “Your horse is eating my hair.”

  Colton snuck back into the castle as Sebastian was saddling Max. He made it all the way to his room before it occurred to him Jeffers had been quiet during the encounter with Sebastian. “Jeffers?”

  “Yes, milord?”

  Colton winced. Any moment now someone was going to bust through the door and ground him for the rest of his life. He couldn’t believe no one had done so already. How’d he forgotten about the spy? Not just him, but Sebastian too had forgotten about Jeffers. “Jeffers? Do you think we can keep this incident between us?”

  “What incident do you speak of, Lord Colton?”

  Pausing in the act of shucking his soggy trousers, Colton stared at the ceiling. It wasn’t as if he could see Jeffers, but… Maybe he should just keep his mouth closed. Jeffers didn’t have video in the stables. He only had audio and heat sensors outside the castle. Had Sebastian turned Jeffers off? No, Sebastian was more anal about security than even Cony. Maybe Sebastian bypassed Jeffers in the stables? “Jeffers? Will there be anyone coming to my room?”

  “Not that I am aware of, milord. Do you wish me to call someone?”

  “No!” If he got away with this, he was never going to do anything like it again. He had no idea what he’d been thinking. More to the point, he hadn’t been thinking.

  This path only led to heartache. Realizing he and Sebastian would never be anything to each other had hurt the first time. It would be so much worse now. He had to stop this craziness. He would not be a paramour to any man. Not even Sebastian Hastings.

  Colton kicked his pants aside. “Shower forty degrees Celsius.” He’d talk to Sebastian about Jeffers’s absence in the barn tomorrow. He could surely think up some reason to go to Sebastian’s office in the morning. They were business partners after all. Colton stepped into the shower. And business partners were all they could ever be.

  Chapter Eleven

  January 15, 4831: The Thompson Family Musicale at Thompson House, the Duke of Eversleigh’s townhouse, in Classige, Pruluce.

  Maybe he’d developed leprosy and hadn’t realized it. It would figure the way Colton’s day was going. Last night was a mistake, and today was a travesty.

  Colton sighed. Wentworth had been running errands instead of overseeing day-to-day security operations at the castle, and Colton hadn’t been able to ask him about Jeffers. Oh who was he kidding? He wanted to see Wentworth. He wanted to know if Wentworth was going to treat him differently after last night, and that made him furious with himself. He didn’t want to care because it didn’t change anything.

  A couple of men walked by on their way out of the ballroom, and they both turned to look back at him.

  When was the entertainment going to start? He didn’t envy Bannon having to play his harp in front of people, but at least it would take some of the focus off Colton for a bit. The rumors should’ve died down by now, but apparently they’d gotten worse.

  He’d only been here for half an hour and no less than six people had whispered behind their hands while looking at him. Lord Vale even gave him the cut direct. No one else had seen it, but still… It took every ounce of restraint Colton had to resist getting in the man’s face and forcing acknowledgment. The worst thing about this whole escapade was people wanted him to know they were talking about him.

  Two more men passed him, craning their necks.

  If Colton wasn’t mistaken, one of those men was Mr. Potts who had been involved in a scandal just last season. Potts had reputedly been caught taking Lord Higginbotton’s favorite jeweled snuff box. Hypocrites, every last one of them.

  “Having fun, Your Highness? I do hope you’re happy with your purchase. Was Razzle Dazzle worth what you paid?” The contemptuous tone skittered down Colton’s spine like nails on a chalkboard.

  Swiveling around, he came face-to-face with Dazz’s former owner. With as much scorn as he could muster, he said, “Plume.” He itched to wrap his fingers around Plume’s neck but settled for a warning. “If you so much as touch my horse—”

  A blur of dark blue fabric and auburn hair jumped between them.

  Blinking, Colton wobbled backward. Where had Bannon come from?

  Plume laughed and walked away. Gads, even his laughter sounded vile.

  Colton gritted his teeth and glared at Plume over Bannon’s head. He could not remember having this strong a dislike for another person before.

  Bannon sighed. “As much as I’d love to help you pummel that jackanapes, it will only make the rumors worse.”

  Chuckling, Aiden came up beside them. “You should’ve let him get in one good lick. Although if you did somehow or other, it would be my fault. So maybe it’s for the best because I can practically hear the lecture.”

  “I wasn’t going to hit him…again. Give me some credit.” It sure would be nice to hold him and let Dazz kick him though.

  Over the cacophony of voices, pianoforte keys jingled and a violin whined. The musicale was to take place in the music room across the hall. Colton sought Bannon’s gaze. “Aren’t you supposed to be warming up?”

  Groaning, Bannon snarled. His shoulders sank, and he huffed out a breath, making his auburn bangs flutter. “My parents hate me. They know I’m not a musician, but every year they force me to play with my brother and my cousins. I’m a sculptor, damn it.”

  Aiden’s eyes sparkled with mirth. “I told him I’d sneak him out of here.”

  A man across the room pointed at them, and his friend knocked his arm down. Colton gritted his teeth and tried to ignore them.

  “It won’t work. My parents are expecting it because of last year.” Bannon’s bottom lip pooched out. “We would’ve gotten away with it if you”—Bannon leveled a stare at Aiden—“hadn’t stepped on the hem of my dress, tripped me and slowed us down.”

  “His dress?” Colton’s eyes widened.

  “Rupert and I disguised him as a scullery maid.”

  Colton grinned. He vaguely remembered Cony fussing about it at the time and accusing Nate of letting Aiden do whatever he wanted.

  Was that Lord Dunsford staring at him from behind that potted plant?

  Bannon rolled his eyes and shoved Colton’s shoulder. “Leave off, Colton. It was a good plan.”

  “A scullery maid? Didn’t you think people would wonder why Aiden and Rupert were hanging around a scullery maid?” Colton frowned. That was definitely Dunsford. “Why not a butler or a footman?”

  “I don’t know. A maid seemed like a good idea at the time. Oh well. At least I won’t be entirely alone in my misery this year. My father is planning on asking Tarren to sing a few songs.”

  Aiden smiled. “I’d like to say I feel sorry for the brat, but anyone with a voice like Tarren’s owes it to the galaxy to use it. I can’t believe he hates singing so badly.”

  “I won’t argue he has a gorgeous voice, but at least he’s normal. My brother and cousins actually like performing.” Bannon scoffed. “Can you believe that?”

  Two more men walked by, not so discreetly watching Colton. The two men actually turned their heads to look over their shoulders at him as they passed. Unbelievable.

  Colton snapped. He couldn’t take anymore. Why was such an asinine rumor still making the rounds? If they wanted something to talk about, he’d give them something to talk about. Leaning around Aiden, Colton glower
ed at the lords and stuck up his middle finger.

  “Stop that.” Aiden slapped his hand down. “Are you insane? You’ll get us both into hot water. I can’t believe Trouble taught you that.”

  Colton shrugged. “They won’t know what it means anyway, it’s an IN thing. Besides, they deserve it. They’re fueling the fire. I’m tired of everyone staring at me and whispering. They don’t even have the bollocks to accuse me of theft to my face.”

  “What did that hand signal mean?” Bannon whispered.

  Ignoring Bannon, Aiden said, “I don’t think they’re still talking about your horse. I think Plume is spreading new rumors, but no one is stupid enough to repeat them in my hearing.”

  “He had to be the source of the first gossip too. As far as I know, he was the only one around when Wentworth and I helped Dazz. He’s trying to get even with me for punching him and making him sell to me.”

  Bannon growled and stomped his foot. “I’ve got to go, but I want to know what that hand signal meant when I get done with this stupid concert.”

  Waving him off, Aiden scanned the ballroom. “I’ll tell you later.”

  Colton fluttered his fingers at Bannon. “Break a leg or whatever it is they say.”

  What tales could Plume be spreading around? Colton searched the crowd for Plume. Was the dastardly man even now telling people falsehoods? Darn it, he couldn’t see over the heads of the men in front of them. “Blast, I’m not tall enough.”

  Aiden snorted. “At least you’re not the shortest man in the family.”

  “Neither are you. Payton is.” Technically, their nephew Garret was now.

  “Are you sure?” Aiden bounced on his toes, trying to see over the crowd.


  Aiden beamed at him. “I’m not the shortest?”

  Colton shook his head. He wasn’t sure what Aiden was so pleased about. He was only a couple inches taller than Payton. Which still made him pretty short. In truth, Aiden actually looked shorter unless he and Pay were side by side because Aiden’s shoulders were wider. Payton had more of a slim, sleek look, but no way was Colton going to dash Aiden’s happiness and tell him that.


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