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My Regelence Rake

Page 24

by J. L. Langley

  “Colton?” Fareweather turned toward him, and Colton realized he’d stopped.

  “Oh sorry. Yes, she is beautiful.”

  The revelers whispered as Colton started walking again. They never even looked at him. One of them pointed to something. “Look. He’s talking to Wentworth now.”

  Colton’s pulse began to race. His throat clogged up, and he followed the man’s finger.

  By the stables, Sebastian stood talking to none other than the man Colton had seen him with at the Marquis of Crestview’s ball, Eugene Collis.

  “I’m in a real hurry, Eugene.” Sebastian headed to the stables. Colton should probably be there with Apollo by now.

  Eugene jogged to catch up to him. He was dressed smartly in black Hessians, beige trousers and a dark green morning coat. His wavy blond hair was tamed by a black top hat. The chilly air added pink to his freckled cheeks. “Quite all right. I won’t slow you down. I’ll follow you.” Eugene reached for Sebastian’s arm.

  Sebastian sidestepped out of range.

  Eugene blanched. “Sorry. It’s a habit. I meant no disrespect to Prince Colton or you.”

  If Sebastian hadn’t known what a spectacular actor Eugene was, Sebastian might have believed the embarrassment.

  “My lord, I wanted to apologize for last night. I came on awfully strong. And…Knighton says you married Prince Colton out of affection, not to save his reputation.” Eugene’s big green eyes widened, begging Sebastian to contradict the information.

  Sebastian just nodded.

  “I suppose I was jealous. Do you think you can forgive me? I really do wish you all the best and hope you’ll be happy.”

  Stunned, Sebastian headed toward the barn where Apollo waited. He wasn’t certain what to say. He’d never expected this. He wasn’t even certain it was real. Eugene could very well be scheming something.

  “Thank you.” Sebastian stopped at the door, not wanting Eugene to follow him inside.

  Sticking his hand out, Eugene gave him a sheepish grin. “No hard feelings?”

  “No hard feelings.” Sebastian shook his hand.

  Eugene glanced at the door and at his feet before looking back at Sebastian. “Well then, I guess I’ll just get going. I need to get back to my friends, and I don’t want your consort to see me talking to you.” He started to leave but hesitated. “Sebastian?”


  “If you ever get bored with your prince…” Eugene shrugged one shoulder. “You know where to find me, yes?”

  So that’s what this was about. “Yes, Eugene, I know where to find you, but I won’t get bored.”

  Waving his fingers, Eugene disappeared into the crowd, headed for the stands.

  What an odd encounter. Shaking his head, Sebastian entered the stables.

  “Hello, Apollo.” Sebastian unlatched the stall door and went inside.

  Apollo flipped his head in greeting and nudged Sebastian’s chest with his nose.

  Sebastian pulled his watch out and opened it. Fifteen minutes till start. Where was Colton?

  Apollo snatched the watch out of his hand and dropped it.

  “Not what you expected?” Chuckling, Sebastian bent to pick up his pocket watch. “Be still, ole chap. No stepping on my hand with those monstrous feet of yours, okay?” He gripped the watch with one hand and used his other to steady himself on Apollo’s front leg.

  Apollo never even acknowledged he was being used as a support.

  “Such a good boy, even if you do try to eat my watch.” Sebastian rocked back on his heels and pushed to his feet. Wait. What was that? Stuffing his pocket watch back in his waistcoat pocket, he moved to Apollo’s side and crouched down again.

  Sebastian leaned closer and ran his finger under the girth of Apollo’s saddle. The strap was frayed on the edges. There was a thin channel on the underside of the leather. The inside had been cut almost all the way through. He unhooked the girth and pulled it away from Apollo to inspect it. The surgical incision could only have been man-made.

  Sebastian gnashed his teeth together. The slightest pressure would snap the cinch. If the culprit would’ve taken the time to clean the edges better instead of leaving shavings of leather clinging to it, Sebastian would’ve missed it. Icy tendrils of sensation snaked down his back. Someone was trying to hurt Colton. If Sebastian hadn’t seen this, it would have broken during the race. Galaxy, he couldn’t breathe.

  Why hadn’t he stationed someone with Apollo? He’d made certain there were no easy hiding spots for snipers, he’d made certain Colton was always watched, but he had not even considered someone tampering with the saddle and trying to hurt Colton that way. Dizziness made Sebastian’s head swim. He rested his forehead against the saddle.

  “Lord Wentworth?”

  Sebastian turned his head but left his face against the cool leather saddle. This race meant a lot to Colton. The image of his expression when Fareweather had invited him to this race popped into Sebastian’s head. Sebastian should take Colton home right this instant.

  “My lord?” Brooks opened the gate and cocked her head. Her forehead wrinkled. “Is everything all right?”

  “Brooks, go get the girth off of Max’s saddle and bring it here.” He should have his head examined. Every protective instinct in him screamed this was a bad idea, but he’d be damned if he’d disappoint Colton since Sebastian’s logic said the damage had already been found. He’d already determined the grounds safe.

  Sebastian unhooked the girth from the other side of the saddle and tossed it to her.

  “I just saddled him about ten minutes ago. What’s wrong?” Brooks fingered the old girth. Her brow wrinkled, and she gasped. “This was cut.”

  Sebastian was certain she had nothing to do with the cut. He’d known her since she was a young teen and starting work at Townsend Castle as a groom. “Yes. When you go get my cinch, make certain Colton doesn’t see you do it. Tell Knighton and Julian to keep quiet about it. Also, bring the duke with you and tell Julian to watch the horses and Colton carefully.”

  She nodded, laid the damaged girth over the gate and jogged out of the building.

  As Sebastian walked around Apollo, the stallion turned his head to follow Sebastian’s progress.

  Sebastian ran his fingers over the white star on Apollo’s forehead. “Too bad you can’t talk.” Pulling the saddle and saddle pad off, he checked them both for more tampering or anything that would pain Apollo. Satisfied neither item had been damaged, Sebastian laid them over the wall.

  “Here’s the girth.” Out of breath, Brooks stopped at the gate.

  “Good, check it well and put it on the wall with the saddle.” Sebastian grabbed Apollo’s right front hoof and rested it on his knee.

  Rourke stopped next to Brooks, looking like a giant in comparison. “What’s going on?”

  “I found that.” Sebastian bobbed his head toward the girth that lay over the gate.

  Rourke picked up the strap and examined it. “I’ll go talk to Fareweather and see if there are any cameras in this area. Even a heat signature might give us a clue as to the size and shape of the perpetrator.” He strode off, carrying the girth with him. Turning around, he came back with a scowl on his face. “Are you letting him race?”

  “What do you think?” Sebastian valued his friend’s opinion on security matters over anyone else.

  The duke didn’t say anything for several moments, then nodded as though he’d come to a conclusion. “I think it’s safe. I suspect whoever did this thought this would do the trick. Even still, I think we should keep him away from people. I’ve already told Julian to bring him back to where we’re camped out and watch him closely.”

  “I don’t think we should let Colton race.” The worry in Brooks’s voice came through loud and clear.

  “We caught it. Just help us keep an eye out. I agree with Knighton, I don’t look for anything else to happen today,” Sebastian said.

  She sighed but didn’t argue. As Rourke left, she opened the
gate. “Do you see anything? Do you need a pick? Who would do this?” Her skirts swished about Sebastian’s legs as she glanced over his shoulder.

  “I don’t see anything. This hoof is clean.”

  “I cleaned them before we left.” She leaned in close. “I did not see that cut when I saddled him. It had to be made after I put it on him. Someone came in here and tampered with it.”

  “Yes.” He dropped Apollo’s foot and patted Brooks’s shoulder. “The next time we will bring a groom to stay with our horses at all times.” Maybe he could have Digby trained to work in the stables. Since the boy started working at Wentworth Park the morning after Sebastian had met him and offered him a job, he’d shown an interest in the horses.

  She nodded. “I agree. We need to hire grooms and run a thorough background check on them. I should’ve thought of something like this. Racing is a big business, and it can get cutthroat. I just never imagined anyone would want to hurt Colton.” She petted Apollo’s neck and walked around to the other side of him. “I’ve got this hoof.” She lifted Apollo’s front foot, messed with it for a minute and dropped it. “Check his back one.”

  Sebastian checked out his last hoof and set it down. “Brooks?”

  “Yes, milord?” She ran her hands over Apollo’s stomach, looking at him rather than Sebastian.

  “You’re certain Colton didn’t see you take the cinch from my saddle?”

  “I’m positive. He was talking to the younger Mr. Fareweather and some of his friends.”

  “Good. I need you to keep this between us for now. Just me, you, Julian and Knighton.”

  “I agree. It would only worry Colton, and he’s already nervous.” She pulled the saddle pad off the wall and placed it on Apollo’s back.

  Sebastian did likewise with the saddle, and together they saddled the stallion.

  “I don’t like it though. This is scary stuff.” She bit her bottom lip and idly twined and untwined her fingers in Apollo’s mane.

  “We’re going to get to the bottom of it. I promise you, I’d never let Colton go through with this if I thought he was in danger.” He patted her shoulder. “Try not to worry.”

  “I’ll try. Will you give me a boost? I’ll ride him to Colton and make certain we didn’t miss anything. This way I can see if he’s acting like himself.” She led Apollo out of the stall.

  “Good idea. You know him better than I do.” Sebastian gripped her waist and hefted her onto the horse’s back. She weighed next to nothing.

  “Thank you.” She hooked one small boot heel in the stirrup and sat sideways in the saddle.

  Sebastian handed her Apollo’s reins and steered Apollo out of the stables.

  Even riding sidesaddle in a saddle not meant for riding sideways, Brooks had a nice seat. She was easily as good a rider as Colton, maybe better considering she was riding in an awkward position. She’d make a heck of a jockey, and her size was a bonus. She probably didn’t weigh much over six stone.

  She led Apollo on a stroll around the barn, and Sebastian went in search of his spouse.

  Colton waited at the hitching post where Max, Dazz and Julian and Rourke’s horses were tethered. Rourke and Julian stood around Colton. Colton laughed at something one of the men said. His eyes practically disappeared. It was a deep belly laugh that tugged at Sebastian’s heart.

  Sebastian knew he’d made the right decision. No way could he ruin Colton’s day, not when he was fairly certain the attack was over. Whoever cut that strap had meant for it to come off during the race. Fear cut through Sebastian sharper than the cold wind. He kept an eye out as he walked toward Colton. Max’s saddle, minus the girth, sat unfastened on Max’s back. None of the men seemed to have noticed.

  Colton spotted him first and waved.

  Rourke and Julian glanced over their shoulders.

  As Sebastian waved back, Brooks came up beside him. “He’s acting fine. I even had to keep him from running. He’s raring to go.”


  Sebastian had the best vantage place in the small stands, he had two trained ex Special Forces soldiers playing lookout along with him, but he was still nervous.

  With her hands primly in her lap, Brooks sat in front of them. She too seemed to be studying the crowd.

  “Splash of Spirit isn’t racing,” she called over her shoulder.

  “Is that a good thing?” Julian asked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. It will make Colton feel better, but to be honest I think Apollo would beat him. I’ve no doubt he’s going to win this race. Apollo does twelve furlongs in under 1:25 consistently. We’ve clocked Apollo at eighty point four kilometers an hour. Granted, that’s with me on his back, and Colton weighs a good six stone more than I do, but I expect him to come in somewhere around one minute thirty-five seconds even with the extra weight.”

  Rourke let out a long whistle.

  Julian’s eyes widened. “Damn.” He slapped a hand over his mouth. “Begging your pardon, ma’am.”

  Dumbfounded, Sebastian couldn’t say anything. He’d had no idea Apollo was that fast. Holy meteor dust. Why hadn’t Colton raced him sooner? Most racehorses started racing about two years of age, Apollo was already four.

  Brooks chuckled. “Don’t apologize. Damn is quite fitting. Apollo’s speed is impressive. He won’t do eight kilometers for the entire race, but I’m fairly certain he’d do it down the stretch with a lighter rider on his back.”

  Before Sebastian could even digest that info, the gunshot sounded. Reflexively, he reached for his weapon. Bugger. It was just a starter pistol. Since Rourke had spotted someone following him and Steven, Sebastian had taken to carrying a fragger in a shoulder holster whenever he was anywhere with the royal family, including his consort. Could the saddle incident be related to the guy spying on Steven?

  The horses were off. Colton and Apollo were in the third spot.

  Brooks jumped to her feet.

  Rourke clapped his gloved hands. “Go.”

  Sebastian bit down on the insides of his cheeks. He alternated between watching the crowd, the other side of the track and Colton.

  “Why isn’t he winning? I thought you said he was fast?” Julian held the camera in front of him. “Go, Colton.”

  “It’s okay. Colton’s holding him back.” Brooks cupped her hands to her chin. Her lips tightened, and she bounced on her toes. “If it were up to Apollo, he’d try to run full out. This way he won’t tire before the final stretch.”

  Sebastian pulled his eyes away from Colton and back to the crowd. He was here as bodyguard first, husband second and silent partner in Olympian Stables third.

  The small crowd was on their feet, cheering and yelling. There were a few women but mostly men. Several of the faces were familiar. Sebastian looked for anyone acting out of place.

  Rourke, Julian and Brooks grew louder, pulling Sebastian’s attention back to the race. Colton and Apollo were in the lead by a good half body length and gaining. The wind whipped through Colton’s hair and Apollo’s mane. Colton’s cheeks flushed red in the chilly air, and he smiled. Even from here Sebastian could make it out. Sebastian’s chest swelled with pride.

  “Yes!” Brooks jumped up and down.

  The stands vibrated under their feet with all the stomping.

  Apollo crossed the finish line a whole horse length in front of the second-place winner. The crowd undulated with motion, everyone screaming and clapping.

  Sebastian smiled so big his cheeks hurt. As Colton slowed Apollo and headed toward the side gate of the track, something caught Sebastian’s eye.

  Off to the side, next to the kids who were playing, stood a man with his back ramrod straight. He’d drawn Sebastian’s gaze because he was not cheering like everyone else.

  Who are you? Sebastian glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed the man.

  Rourke caught Sebastian’s gaze and dipped his chin. He started down the stands toward the man.

  As if the man sensed their attention, he turn
ed and looked up. The side of his mouth lifted in a sneer.

  “Bloody hell.”

  It was Barnaby Plume.

  Chapter Seventeen

  They’d done it. They’d really done it. He and Apollo had won. Already people were begging for Apollo’s offspring. But some of Colton’s excitement was dimmed by the chance Sebastian might still be keeping that light-trousers Eugene Collis as his paramour.

  If Colton hadn’t known they’d been lovers in the past and seen them talking today, he might’ve discounted it. But he couldn’t erase the uncertainty from his mind. It gnawed at his heart and ego. Sometimes he could almost think Sebastian cared for him, and other times, like now, gaining Sebastian’s love seemed hopeless. First, there was the Regelence birthmark on his thigh, then his upbringing and now this. How many other things was Sebastian hiding from him? How could Colton get Sebastian to open up?

  “I thought we’d celebrate your victory.”

  Colton turned.

  Sebastian walked into the study with a bottle, two glasses and a corkscrew. “We needed something special to toast your win.” He held up the bottle. “A thirty-six-year-old Bordeaux, reputed to be the best.” He grinned. “And it better be for the price.”

  So that’s where he’d gone, to get wine. Colton breathed a sigh of relief, but what came out of his mouth was, “Is Eugene Collis still your lover?”

  Sebastian froze.

  Biting his lip, Colton sat in the chair in front of the fireplace. He wasn’t sure he wanted the answer to his question, but he wouldn’t take it back. He’d never been one to shy away from speaking his mind, and he wouldn’t do so now. The fact that a lot of husbands kept lovers, and he and Sebastian didn’t have a prior arrangement that they wouldn’t, did not lend him comfort. Colton wanted a marriage like his parents. Maybe he wanted too much.

  “You saw me talking to him.”

  Colton nodded.


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