Mutiny's Rebellion

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Mutiny's Rebellion Page 6

by Lina Jubilee

  The lights flicker off almost immediately—and it’s not like someone flipped a switch. They’ve been drained right out of existence.

  “Vim, it’s me,” I say, dropping my purse and tablet on the stand by the door and kicking off my shoes, making sure to lock the door behind me.

  A dark mass appears before me at the end of the hallway and before I can blink, Vim’s clasped me in his arms, placing his forehead to mine for a few moments before peppering me with kisses—slowly at first, then more greedily.

  We’ve been there a few minutes before there’s the sound of a key in the lock again. Clive often gets off shift after my last class of the day.

  Vim leans back just slightly, his breath warm and intoxicating on my face, and puts himself between me and the door.

  “Clive?” I call out as the door opens, trying to step around Vim. He’s the one in hiding, not me. Mutiny was declared missing, unknown—not the Josephine O’Shea the precinct thought she might be, according to the lead investigator on the case.

  “It’s me,” comes Clive’s reassuring, husky voice. He steps inside and locks the door behind him, tossing his key on the table and kicking off his shoes as he loosens his tie. “Bit dark in here, don’t you think?”

  Vim mumbles something and leads me back to Clive’s living room, lifting a hand and letting all the lightbulbs flicker back to life.

  Clive slides his arms around me from behind, laying a kiss on the top of my head. His aftershave fills my nostrils and makes me collapse into him, moaning.

  Vim steps back and wraps his arms around me from the front, clutching the sides of my ass as he plants another kiss on my lips.

  “You guys hungry?” asks Clive in a throaty voice, and I know, depending on my mood, we can break apart and order takeout or I can grab their hands and go to the bedroom to satiate that other kind of hunger.

  But tonight, I’m ravenous. Only I don’t think I have it in me to wait for Torynt to join us to see just how satiated I might get.

  I grab hold of both of their hands. “Can I have you both?” I ask, my lips sticking out just a little in an intentional pout.

  In answer, Vim flicks out the lights once more. Clive massages my sides, running his hands up and down my sweater, then sticking them beneath to reach the skin, his warmth sending a tingle straight to my toes. Vim steps back and guides me through the dark to the master bedroom, though I don’t need any help finding my way there.

  My eyes blink rapidly as they adjust to the darkness, to the red glowing lamp Vim has left unblemished when he sucked out all the condo’s light. The black quilt atop the bed is covered in rose petals and the scent of jasmine and wisteria hits my nose from the smoking incense over in the corner. There’s a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs among the rose petals, along with all sorts of interesting-looking toys.

  “I have to do something to occupy my day,” says Vim, a little growl escaping his lips. “Though Clive had to shop for supplies.”

  I grab hold of Vim’s cloak and unlatch it beneath his throat. “And helping me look for an office I can rent after I graduate isn’t enough to keep you occupied, I see.” The cloak slips to the ground, right out of my fingers.

  “I’ve been bringing him case files to sort through, too,” says Clive softly as he steps back to grab me from behind. “Natches who may have been convicted unjustly, who need a heroine lawyer to hurry up and get her law degree to get them new trials.”

  I tilt my face up and he leans forward to push his lips on mine. “So is that how this is going to operate? We keep Vim in the shadows—no pun intended—while Torynt’s out there walking the line between legal and illegal and Clive is our guy on the inside?” It’s hard to get all that out with the kisses both are peppering on me just then, on my temple, my lips, my neck.

  “No one knows who Vim is,” says Clive. “Let the heat die down a bit, then I say Mr. Derek Beitel can be a Typical working as your legal assistant.”

  Vim pulls back and makes a little retching sound. “Do I have to keep my legal name, though?”

  “You do if you want to keep off the police’s radar again. And I’d avoid using your powers.” Clive whips me around, my hair flying outward around me, and claims my lips.

  As much as I want to give in, I rest a hand on his chest and pull slightly away. “I have an idea about that,” I say. “Take me to work one day and I can wipe everyone’s memory of Vim to begin with.”

  Vim perks up behind me. “Really?”

  I peer over my shoulder to look at Vim. “It’s not fair Torynt’s out there being himself because he’s under the Renegades’ protection. You haven’t done much worse than he has.”

  “Much worse,” emphasizes Clive with a chuckle.

  I turn back to him. “He’s not a Viper. He made a mistake teaming up with one.”

  “I know.” Clive’s hands are roaming back up under my sweater again. “I know. But it’s not just the cops who know who Vim is.”

  Vim yanks me out of Clive’s grasp. “Let’s figure out the details another day.” A wide grin lights up his lips, the mischievousness reaching his eyes. “Besides, I don’t mind there being just a little Vim and Mutiny infamy out there. Maybe we can work the Renegade angle for immunity.”

  “As long as we leave the infamy in the past,” I say, rolling his black T-shirt up and over his head. He raises his arms like a good boy and together, we fling the thing off. “We’re going to go legit now. Legal. And my memory wipes can come in handy when we might need to skirt the truth just a little bit.”

  Clive slips behind me, his own shirt gloriously already off when I wasn’t looking. “Skirt the truth, huh? Is that what you’re calling it now?” He grabs my sweater from behind and Vim takes it from in front.

  I oblige, raising my arms and letting them pull it right off.

  “Maybe the law isn’t so black and white,” I say as they both move to kiss one of my shoulders, a shiver wracking my body. “I was wrong to ever think it was. So sue me.”

  “Oh, I’d never go up against you in court,” says Clive. His erection presses eagerly through his pants into the small of my back. “My little formidable minx.”

  I whip around and stick my hand down those pants, taking hold of his moist, stiff member. “Nice to know I can still make my superhero weak in the knees.”

  He growls like a dog and nips at my ear. With a laugh, I let go and run to the bed, slipping off my bra, then my jeans and underwear with a careful shake of the tush, enjoying both sets of eyes soaking me up. I pick up the fluffy handcuffs, lying down amidst the sea of rose petals and vibrators and every other thing they seemed to have raided the local porn shop for.

  “So who gets to be detained?” I say, leaning up on one elbow and twirling the handcuffs above my head. “The superhero or the supervillain?”

  Vim and Clive exchange a conspiratorial look.

  “The shades-of-gray lawyer, of course,” says Vim gruffly, launching himself forward and seizing the cuffs. He stares at me as he wraps one around my wrist, as if waiting for me to contradict him. Biting down on my lip, hard, I grip the bedsheet with my other hand, a rose petal breaking into delicate, satin-soft pieces in my grip.

  Vim takes that as a yes and clips the other end of the cuff to a decorative hole in the middle of the headboard, taking out the key and teasing me with it by running the cold metal between my bare breasts and down my abdomen. Then he tosses it onto the nightstand, my head thrown back and my thighs squeezed together at the absence of the sensation. Clive is shifting over in the red-tinged darkness at the end of the bed and moves in closer, his naked body on full display as Vim steps back and removes his pants.

  Clive gently seizes my jaw with a single hand as he leans over me. He directs my face toward his. “Uh-huh,” he says. “No looking around when I’m right here.” He kisses me, pushing his tongue into my mouth. With my free hand, I reach up, my hand trailing down his toned abs to his cock.

  “Now I see why you two left one hand free,”
I breathe as Clive pulls away. I give his thick, plump erection a quick, teasing stroke.

  He groans and leans back, sitting on one side of me as Vim appears at my other side, his body heat enveloping me as I continue to stroke Clive up and down.

  A moan rips free of my mouth as Vim moves in from behind me, flipping me onto my side, his hand tracing where his teasing play with the key left off, his fingers sliding into my curly mound, down between my labia to massage my clit.

  The body heat coming from them is overwhelming, the bestial sounds escaping from Clive’s throat combined with the feel of Vim’s fingers at my apex making me so hot, so moist, so dizzy.

  Clive moans more and my own hollow echoes rise up to join his, Vim’s erection growing stiffer and stiffer against my backside.

  Clive pulls back and my hand reaches for him as he runs a hand through his sleek, dark hair. “Hold on just a moment, little minx.” He gets off the bed and rifles through the open drawer, and I miss him, I miss the feel of his velvet skin beneath my fingers, but Vim is going down on me now, his fingers sliding up and down my slit, a tip of one sliding in my pussy, then out, followed by another up my anus.

  A guttural growl escapes from me, almost overshadowing the toss of a condom wrapper at Vim and the crinkle of plastic that follows.

  Neither man is touching me now as they get ready and I’m writhing, trying to reach Vim, who’s closer, but the damned handcuff is keeping him too far out of reach. I growl and yank at the handcuff, swinging my foot out to caress his thick, muscled leg.

  He grins and teases me, sitting on his knees just out of reach of all but my toes.

  “Let’s light up the stars,” he says to me, then he dives forward, his lips on my face, on my neck, on my breasts. His feathery kisses make me shudder and it only gets more violent as Clive slips in behind me. I lie on my side, a familiar, rubbery plug sliding up and down my slit from behind, settling in at my anus.

  “Can I come in?” he whispers. He always asks, my ass fairly used to the stretching by now but nonetheless always craving it.

  “Of course,” I breathe back between kisses on Vim’s fuzzy scalp as he moves lower and lower.

  The next few minutes are an overpowering intoxicating blur as Clive wiggles the plug up my ass, twisting and pushing, twisting and pushing. Vim moves lower and lower, his tongue sliding up and down my slit, around my clit.

  I squeeze onto the top of his head with my free hand, the other digging into the fuzzy cuff, needing to feel something, to grip anything before I float right out of this room and away to nothingness.

  My ass is as full as it can get and I find my breaths growing shallower and shallower as Clive unwinds the plug out, slowly, teasingly, as Vim’s mouth moves back up and to my navel.

  With a pop, the plug is out and before my ass has even a moment to recover, the tip of Clive’s cock is driving in, going slowly into my anus at the same pace as the plug.

  Vim takes his cue and straightens himself, guiding his erection with a hand to my pussy, clutching my thigh and maneuvering my leg to wrap around behind him, lifting my waist slightly off the bed. My trapped arm strains at the movement and my free hand moves to his tight, perky ass. As I let out a helpless mewl, they both shove harder, deeper with one last thrust until I’m fully filled with both of their thick, long cocks inside me.

  Their breaths carry down on top of me and for a moment, no one moves until Clive’s hand reaches across and caresses my breast, pinching at the nipple, Vim’s hand clutching my leg tighter and tighter as the both of them begin to rock in a tandem rhythm.

  They pull slightly out together, only to dive back in—harder and harder, faster and faster each time. My grip grows tighter on Vim’s buttock as we all rock together, and I can feel them inside me, thrumming to life inside me, the two cocks working together, grinding up against one another through my inner walls. Harder, deeper, faster until I can hardly stand it anymore.

  As I let out a wicked yelp that the neighbors no doubt will hear, they both shudder inside me, releasing their seed into their sheaths, their hands digging into my skin as we hold the moment forever, but not for long enough, until finally, with shallow breaths, we have to let go.

  With two slippery, suction sounds, the cocks retreat and I’m able to collapse onto my back, my arm still handcuffed above my head, my abdomen rising and falling rapidly as they both settle in on either side of me.

  “That was… wow,” says Clive between shallow breaths at my ear. He traces a finger along the arm that’s kept up by the cuff.

  Vim nuzzles my neck. “I just wish I’d known you’d accept me back into your life,” he says. “If only I accept your insatiable thirst for—”

  “Justice?” I say, grinning.

  “I was going to say ‘cock,’” he says instead, laughing. He kisses me.

  “I know,” I whisper. “But it’s not just any cock, Vim. You, Clive, Torynt—you’re special to me. For the first time ever, I feel… complete. Like I recognize the good, the bad, the gray parts of me…”

  “And you have a boyfriend for each part,” teases Clive. His voice grows more gravelly as he kisses my jaw, my lips. “Just as long as you don’t forget I’m no damsel in distress. I just had to let you think that to keep my cover. And then you go and use those magic hands of yours to make me forget…”

  Vim chuckles and Clive shoots him a look, but then he smiles, too.

  “Oh, I’d never forget,” I say, trailing my free hand along Clive’s cheek and then Vim’s. “And I’m going to make damn sure none of you ever forget me, either.”

  I meant that in ways both related to my Natch abilities and not. I’d start by searing another little love-making session right into their brains right now. “Now uncuff me,” I say, tickling Clive’s chin. “And I’ll see if these magic hands can give dual hand jobs.”

  The Succubus Sirens Series

  Read more sexy reverse harem stories set in the Succubus Sirens world of superpowered heroes, villains, and elves:

  Succubus Lips – Succubus Heart – Succubus Soul


  These standalone, interconnected novels can be picked up in any order, but if you want to avoid spoilers, start with Book 1!

  Praise for Succubus Lips:

  "This is probably one of the most bizarre yet satisfyingly creative books I've ever read... If you're into kickass heroines and book boyfriends that make you swoon, this one is for you!" -The Lovely Books

  "Succubus Lips is well-written and subversively funny, willing to toy with the reader's expectations and do the opposite... sexy without being tedious." -The Romance Reviews

  Praise for Succubus Heart:

  “This book kept my interest from the very beginning, and I enjoyed every scene. Absolutely recommended." ~The Romance Reviews

  About the Author

  Lina Jubilee loves reading, writing, drinking tea, and rooting for her favorite fictional romances. When not lost in a book, she cooks dinner at lunchtime, plans errands in fewer trips, and does everything she can to get back to romping through fictional worlds ASAP.

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  My Racy Reverse Harem Book Club

  Standalone contemporary reverse harem

  Nothing can keep Rose away from Romance Book Club at the library—not even the snowstorm of the century. Catching a ride home through the storm with Lance, the stunningly attractive librarian who happens to be her neighbor, and Vaughn, his chiseled, alluring housemate, Rose takes them up on their invitation to drop by sometime and join them for their own book club. Rose gets more than she bargained for when she’s introduced to Rafael, their magnetically charming third roommate, and the surprising genre of books they love to read and discuss. As the blizzard rages, Rose joins the Racy Reverse Harem Book Club, whose members are open to trying just about everything together to get war

  A standalone novelette by Lina Jubilee, author of the reverse harem urban fantasy series Succubus Sirens.

  Buy your copy for only 99¢!




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