Kiss My Boss: Plot Twist I’m Pregnant

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Kiss My Boss: Plot Twist I’m Pregnant Page 3

by Callahan, Kelli

  “Rick, please,” I corrected.

  “Not Godrick?”

  “No, I don’t prefer the family name,” I said simply, lazily continuing my strokes.

  “I understand.”

  The way she said it, all cool and in a disregard told me she might fight me on that. Good, I wanted her to. The deviance in her voice made me leak like a sieve. She wanted to test me. Lucy wanted to call me Godrick right now, but she held back because right now, I was the authority, her future job prospect, she wasn’t allowed to disrespect me.

  “I would love to set up an interview,” I said. “Can you come to the office at eleven tomorrow?”

  “Eleven? Tomorrow?” she repeated. “Really?”

  Oh, that excitement. I loved hearing it. I sped up my fist, thrusting my hips up to squeeze my cock through the hole I made with my hand. Fuck, it was so good.

  I loved that I made her happy.

  And since when did I care about that?

  “Really.” the word was a pleasurable groan that I had been burying in my chest during this entire conversation.

  “Oh my god! Yes! Yes!”

  I knew the words were for the job, but they went straight to my shaft, wrapping around the orgasm that built within me and yanked. I thought about slamming my hand on the mute button so she wouldn’t hear me, but I wanted her to hear me. She needed to hear what she did to me.

  And I knew when we got off the phone; it would be a question that lingered in her mind all day: Just what was I doing on the other end of the phone?

  I groaned when the first rope of come hit my palm. Her breathing picked up on speakerphone, and a small whine escaped her, one of shock, like she was on the cusp of asking me if I was okay, but it stopped on the tip of her tongue.

  “I’ll see you first thing tomorrow, Lucy.”

  “Thank you, Mr—Godrick—Rick—” she stuttered and corrected herself a few times. “I look forward to the interview.”

  “Have a good day, Lucy.”

  “You too,” she whispered.

  “And Lucy?” I reached toward my desk to gather a few tissues to clean myself up. I hissed when I wiped the come off my oversensitive cock.


  I imagined her pale cheeks red from a flush. I bet it traveled down her neck to her chest.

  “I look forward to seeing you.” I pressed the red button that ended the call, and when silence fell in my office, I immediately wanted to call her back to hear her voice again.

  I had it bad, and I had never even met her.

  Looking at her picture again, I noticed a droplet of come right on her mouth. A feral grin spread across my face when I saw my come on her. I planned on making that happen one day. I used my thumb to swiped the cream off her lip and opened my desk drawer to place her file in there. I wanted access to her picture whenever I wanted.

  And soon, I’d have all the access to Lucy Green in the flesh.

  A knock at the door made me tuck myself back in my pants. Standing, I zipped myself up and strolled toward the door to see Barbara. “You have a meeting in five minutes, Mr. Stoneridge.”

  How the hell would I sit through a meeting with Lucy on my mind, shouting to God as I drove my cock inside her?

  Chapter Three


  “How does this look?” I twisted from side to side as Maria stared at my reflection in the mirror.

  “Damn girl, you have some wicked curves.” Maria clapped as if I was putting on a show.

  “Shut up. I have to be at Stoneridge in an hour and a half. What do you think of the outfit?” The bright yellow A-line skirt was high−waisted, and the shirt I wore was a simple, V−cut, white blouse with slender sleeves cupping my biceps. My nude heels were short, with a strap across my ankle. My hair was done, and half of it I wore pinned back with a pearl clip. Light makeup, mascara, and pink lip gloss completed my look; I was ready.

  Ready to meet the man that made me toss and turn in my bed all night. I was anxious for the interview, but all that kept running through my mind was what happened on the phone. His voice was deep— the deepest I had ever heard— like when someone takes a shot of whiskey and the burn makes it difficult to speak, and I wanted to drink it down. It wasn’t the only thing that had me questioning the man. He grunted, a pleasurable grunt, not one of curiosity or question, but one of pleasure.

  The man intrigued me. Surely, he wouldn’t masturbate on the phone when he was calling me for an interview, would he?

  “You aren’t telling me something….” Maria leaned against the door and crossed her arms. “And the outfit is perfect. Don’t change. You look hot.”

  “That’s not why I want the job.”

  “That’s why you will get the job, Lucy. Welcome to America, where women only get where they are going by how they look.”

  “Jeez, so cynical.” I walked over to my vanity and grabbed my bottle of perfume. I had this love for old perfume bottles, the one with the puffer ball attached to it. I wasn’t sure why, but it made me feel prettier. I loved the vintage style; it made me feel classy in a sense.

  She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “I’m just saying how it is.”

  “You’ve never told me what you do. We have known each other for an entire three days, and I don’t know everything about you. Spill,” I teased Maria. She always asked about me, but she never told me anything personal about herself. It bothered me.

  Maria glanced at her watch, and her brows lifted. “That’s because I usually work Wednesday to Saturday. It’s Tuesday. I’m a tattoo artist. I ink people for a living.”

  “Now, that makes a lot of sense.”

  She spread her arms out, showing off all her ink. “One day, I’ll have you in my chair.”

  “No. Way. I am not getting a tattoo. Me and pain? We don’t mix well.” Carefully, I grabbed my single pearl earrings from my jewelry box, the one that I didn’t throw at Brian; I ended up buying a new one.

  She took a step into my room and sat on my bed, crossing her legs in a more feminine gesture than I thought she’d ever do and tossed her hair back. “You know, they make numbing spray and gel now. You’d hardly feel a thing.”

  That peaked my interest. “Really?”

  Her left foot started to bounce. “Just think about it.”

  I stood in front of my closest and tried to decide which purse I wanted to take. There weren’t many things I had an addiction too, but vintage perfume bottles and purses? They were the way to my heart.

  “Use the black lace one with that cool clasp. It’s cute.”

  I took her word for it and unwrapped it from the hook, changed all my cards and driver’s license from one of my other purses, and then hitched it on my shoulder. “Good?”

  “Who are you trying to impress, red?”

  “What? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I searched for my car keys, flipping over pillows and blankets. That was one of my worse qualities. I always lost my keys. Every single day. It was an annoying habit that I tried to change. I had Logan install hooks on the wall and even got the little beeper thing to attach to them. But then I lost the remote for that, and I never remembered to place them on the hook.

  She tossed a pillow at me and gasped. “You liar. You looked up Mr. Stoneridge, didn’t you? You are looking all hot for him. All tall, dark, and handsome.”

  “No.” Yes.

  “You’re going to be late,” Maria said and stood. “Your keys are in the popcorn bowl by the sink.”

  I jerked my head to her, removing my eyes from the inside of one of my boots. “Why would it be there?”

  “I don’t know. I saw them when I raided your kitchen for some snacks. I’ll be here when you come back.”

  “You aren’t going back to your apartment?” I made my way through the apartment until I got to the kitchen. “Bingo,” I snatched the keys from the bowl and wiped off the butter on them.

  “Uh, no. I’m going to wait here for your really hot brother.”

rolled my eyes. I did every time she mentioned my brother. “Alright. I’ll see you later. Wish me luck.”

  “Believe me, wearing that? You won’t need luck.” Maria winked and fell onto the sofa, turning on the tv to some useless reality show.

  I hoped she was right. I not only wanted and needed this job, but I wanted Mr. Stoneridge to notice me. I gave Maria a final wave goodbye and closed the door behind me, making sure to lock it. One press of the button to the elevator and seven floors later, I was in the lobby and out the door. It was a beautiful day, blue skies, no clouds, and the sun was high, but it wasn’t too hot. The cool breeze grazed over my skin and fluttered my skirt.

  The faint smell of hot dogs lingered in the air, which was a daily thing, and it always made me hungry, but I didn’t want to go into a job interview with food in my teeth, so I decided to bypass every hot dog cart. The one thing I hated more than anything though, was the subway.

  I pranced down the steps that were stained with gum and spit and whatever else that I didn’t want to think about and waited for the next train. So many different people were here, so many cultures and ethnicities. I loved that. I saw a new face every day. People swiped their cards to get let into the gate to get to the platform.

  The concrete was filthy, reminding me of a basement, and the yellow accents were chipped and old. When the train squealed to a stop, and the doors opened, a sea of people came out while people trying to get in the train crashed through them. It was like a wave hitting a wave.

  “Sorry,” I said when I slammed against someone’s shoulder, but they didn’t even blink at me. They were so used to being pushed and shoved that when someone apologized, they didn’t care. I sat in one of the grey seats, placed my purse on my lap, and continued to wait. I sat back and watched people to ease my nerves for my job interview. One lady breastfed her baby, no cover, not caring, and no one blinked.

  I liked that.

  Another man read the book The Art of War.

  A toddler cried a few seats down, tugging on his mother’s shirt, but all she did was shake her head and ignore him while she flirted with the man in front of her. Poor kid. He just wanted his mother’s attention. I tore my eyes away, feeling like I was witnessing some sort of mental or emotional neglect.

  When the train came to a stop, I hurried off, and music bounced off the acoustic walls. That was when I noticed two men playing the guitar, and it was beautiful. Another reason why I loved the city. I wanted to watch them play all day, but I only had thirty minutes to get to the Stoneridge Corporation building.

  I ran up the steps, and when I emerged from the hole of the subway, the buildings surrounding me glittered from the sun reflecting off of them. These are the buildings my brother built now? Wow. They are so tall?

  What if he fell?

  No, I couldn’t think like that. He was safe. He had to be. With a deep breath, I powered through more people, crossed the street, glanced lovingly at another hot dog cart, and one block later, I found myself standing in front of Stoneridge.

  It was different than what I thought it would be. The building was tall like the others around it, but the design reminded me of a triangle, and the glass that made up the windows was so dark, they were nearly black. It stuck out. The others were nice, but not as nice.

  I had a feeling that was intentional. “Ugh, more steps.” I dragged my feet as I climbed the steps. I really needed to work out; these steps were killing me. I felt winded, and I really wanted a damn hot dog. Maybe after the interview, I’d get one as a reward.

  My hand fell on the silver handle of the door at the same time, a security guard pushed it opened, and I nearly fell backward.

  “Oh, I am so sorry. I saw you and wanted to open the door,” he said. He seemed kind, tall, a bit older, with soft blue eyes.

  “Thank you,” I stepped forward, and the air conditioning hit me right in the face, cooling my sweat against my skin. “Oh, that feels good.”

  “It’s a hot one, but at least it isn’t a humid one. Those are the worst.”

  I smiled, tilting my head back as I stood under the vent. “I never want to leave this spot.”

  “You’d be late for your interview if you did that.”

  I lifted a brow at him, wondering how he knew when I saw the earpiece in his ear. Wow, this place was serious. “Do I need to sign in or something, sir?”

  “My name is William, and no, Ms. Green. Mr. Stoneridge is expecting you. I’ve had strict orders to escort you to the conference room.”

  “That isn’t necessary,” I said. “I can find it.”

  He placed his fingers against the earpiece and nodded. “No, Ms. Green. I have to escort you.”

  Weird. There were people coming inside and walking right by me, and they didn’t have an escort. “Lead the way, William.”

  “Perfect. This way.” He held out his arm, and I followed its path with my eyes to see big golden elevators. In order to get there, I had to walk by the front desk, right by a slender blonde woman with brown eyes. She was gorgeous in a supermodel way. Maybe what Maria said had some value. Did Mr. Stoneridge only hire women if they were pretty?

  My heels made a soft click sound against the onyx tile. The woman at the desk was on the phone, but she eyed me with a curled lip. She was judging me. I looked at my outfit and back at her while William pressed the button to the elevator. It dinged with every floor it descended by.

  Me and the woman held gazes, and if there was one thing I learned over the last year, it was I’d never let anyone get the upper hand on me again. Breaking eye contact was considered a weakness. I might not be five−foot−ten and a hundred and twenty pounds, but I wasn’t going to let her intimidate me. I was confident with myself, and I wasn’t going to let this woman think she was better than me.

  After a minute, she looked away.

  Ha. I won. It was a small victory, but I’ll take it.

  The elevator dinged, and the immaculate doors opened to reveal a luxurious space. It was impressive for an elevator. High ceilings, wide to hold many people, and instead of carpet, it was tile beneath my heels again. There was one mirror, and it went from side to side on the back wall. The buttons to the other floors were matte black and surrounded by a gold rim. William pressed floor fifty.

  There wasn’t a number above that.

  I gulped, trying not to think about how high that was. William gave me a small smile, laced his hands in front of himself, and watched the elevator climb. My heart hammered in my chest, and this time, it wasn’t because of the height, it was because I was about to meet the man that had me waking up in the middle of the night with my hand shoved in my panties and my orgasm screaming off my lips.

  I had never had a wet dream before, and Mr. Stoneridge had been the star in every single one of them last night.

  The elevator finally stopped and when the doors opened, who I saw waiting for me was the last person I expected.

  Chapter Four


  Waiting for William, the security guard, to bring Lucy to the fiftieth floor was like waiting for fucking paint on a wall to dry. Watching her through the security feed only made me yearn for her more. She was in my building, the one I designed with my own two hands, and there was something oddly erotic about that. It was like I was hugging her in a way, touching her, caressing her with the skills I possessed.

  I almost considered it foreplay.

  I wanted to meet her at the elevator, I did, but I didn’t want to scare her, so I sent Melody to take her to the conference room instead. I needed to get ahold of myself before I interviewed her. My cock was already hard, and my balls ached with how many times I’ve come in the last twenty−four hours from her beautiful face haunting my dreams. And of course, she had to be wearing an outfit that accentuated her curves, her breasts jiggling with every step she took.

  She was beautiful, and I wanted her.

  And always get what I want.

  Melody walked her to the conference room, and Lucy look
ed around the floor, clearly impressed with what she saw. It stroked my ego, and my chest inflated with pride. I pulled at the collar of my shirt, sweating. It was suddenly hot in here. I loosened my tie, but still never took my eyes off the screen as Melody opened the large conference room doors. Lucy looked around again, and it made me lean closer to the screen.

  “What are you looking for, baby?” I asked her, hoping she could hear me.

  When she didn’t find it, she seemed disappointed and gave Melody a tight smile before vanishing into the room.

  Where she waited for me. I licked my lips and ran my fingers through my hair at the same time. Something about this girl set me off in ways I didn’t understand. Maybe I just needed to fuck her, get her out of my system, but a voice in the back of my head told me that wouldn’t be enough.

  It would never be enough when it came to Lucy.

  I stepped away from the screen when I couldn’t see her anymore, and I didn’t like that. There weren’t cameras in the conference rooms, and now I regretted that decision. What if something happened to her while she waited for me? Choked on water? Tripped over one of the chairs? I pressed the button on the desk phone. “Barbara. Reach out to the company that installed the cameras. I want them in all conference rooms and elevators. No questions.”

  “Yes, Mr. Stoneridge. Right away,” her old voice trembled.

  I let go of the button, breathing a little easier, but I knew the only way my lungs would be satisfied was if I went into that conference room myself, so my eyes were on her. I took her file from my desk, her picture still stained from my come, and I grabbed my coffee mug, hoping it made me look a little more presentable and approachable.

  People liked people who drank coffee.

  Taking a deep breath, I cracked my neck and took the first step toward what felt like the rest of my life, which scared the shit out of me. I wasn’t ready to settle down, but I wasn’t ready for her to settle down with anyone that wasn’t me.


  Yeah, but I didn’t give a damn.


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