Black Scarface 2

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by Jimmy Dasaint

  Black Scarface-II

  The Rise of An American Kingpin

  A Novel By

  Jimmy DaSaint & Freeway Rick Ross



  Jimmy DaSaint

  First and foremost I give all my praise to God, my strength, soul and savior. I would like to give a big thanks to my co-writer Freeway Rick Ross.

  Also I’d like to thank the following list of people: my mother, Belinda, my sisters, Dawn, Tammy and Tanya. My brother Sean. To my two sons-Marquise and Niguel. Thanks to all my good friends for their support and encouragement. It means a lot to me just knowing you have my back.

  Wallace “Duke” Gray, and the entire Gray. Robert Hennigan, Sekue Clark, Duran-Norfleet, Kenneth “Cheese” Johnson, and my entire ICH family-Colossus, Reese, Sport, Bossman, Scarfo, A-Town, Shorty-Raw, HH-Spady, Var, T. P. Dollarz, and Young Savage.

  To my fans, you truly are a blessing and I thank you for your continued support. I write for you.

  To all the bookstores and vendors, thank you for keeping your shelves filled with my novels. Empire Books, DC Book Diva, Black & Nobel, Street Knowledge Books, Amaiya Ent., Expressions, Divin Books In the Hood, and Xanyell and Quada, from Horizon Books; thanks for holding me down always.

  To all the men and woman incarcerated in the State and Federal prison across the county, I’d like to say thank you for all your support and uplifting letters. Stay positive in your moment of darkness, as the light always shines on those who believe.

  R.I. P to Man, Mark, Troy, Rob and Harold “Georgie” Johnson.

  Jimmy DaSaint



  Freeway Rick Ross

  First I would like to thank my mother, Annie May Ross-McGee, for showing strength and support through the dark times in my life. You never left my side for one moment.

  To my seven beautiful future kings and queens, always remember your father loves you more than anything in this world: Tommy, Vick, Rick, Carrie, Rickeya, Kardo and Jamal. I also would like to give a shout out to their beautiful mothers.

  To all my brothers and sisters that’s doing time under these unjust laws-be strong and never give up. Keep your heads to the sky!

  To all my fallen comrades, may y’all rest in peace and know that you’ll never be forgotten. To all my brothers and sisters that are out committing senseless crimes-Wake Up!

  A very special shout-out to all my fans and supporters who have and continue to write and support me. Thanks for visiting my website , I truly thank you.

  If there is anyone who may feel left out, don’t. You are always thought of and acknowledged within me.

  Freeway Rick Ross



  PSALMS 34:19


  All Rights Reserved © 2010 DASAINT ENTERTAINMENT LLC.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without written permission from the Publisher.

  Sale of this book without the front cover may be unauthorized. If this book is without a cover, it may have been reported to the publisher as “unsold or destroyed” and neither the author (s) nor publisher may have received payment for it.


  This work is a work a fiction. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, actual events, establishments, or locales are intended to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Those fictionalized events and incidents that involve real persons did not occur and/or may be set in the future.


  Po Box 97

  Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004


  Edited by a very talented woman and my dear friend-Panzie R.


  Ardmore, Pennsylvania, a small town right outside of Philadelphia...

  Face, Reese and Doc all climbed inside the tinted black Lexus. The two suitcases filled with money were lying on the back seat. As Reese pulled his car back onto the road, Face sat in the passenger seat with his arms folded across his chest. His eyes were closed but his mind raced with thoughts.

  While Reese drove back to Philly, feelings of relief and satisfaction roamed throughout Face's body. He had just killed and robbed his number one enemy; Hood. The same

  man who murdered his father, Norman, and beat up and raped his mother, Pamela.

  While inside the house, Reese, his best friend since childhood, shot and killed Hood's wife Britney. The only lives that were spared in the house had been their own and Hood’s scared young children, Robbie and Arianna.

  The reason Face didn’t kill them along with their parents was because Arianna was an innocent little girl and Robbie was his younger brother. And since they had both been tied up, blindfolded and gagged, neither one of them knew who the killers were.

  Face sat back thinking about the good, bad and ugliness of his young life. At 19 years old he had lived a fast and violent life. Face had seen it all, from mayhem and drugs to murder.

  So had his partner and best friend, Reese. Although they were totally opposite, they both possessed total love, respect and loyalty towards the other.

  Images of faces flashed inside Face's head. They were of his loving and overprotective mother, Pamela, Tasha, his beautiful young girlfriend, Veronica, Pamela's best friend and the woman who had taken his virginity when he was twelve years old, Momma, his surrogate Grandmother that he loved with all his heart, and D.J., his close friend and Reese's younger brother. Face also imagined Jay. Jay was his mother's boyfriend who had been brutally shot 19 times by Hood's men and was now paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

  In the car filled with complete silence images of others continued to flash inside Face's head. Gloria, his attractive sex partner, that moved back to New York to finish her law degree. She had moved to get away from Face, the man she had fallen deeply in love with, but could never have for her very own. Truck, his good friend and former drug boss, that was now serving a 25 year Federal prison sentence after getting set up by his nephew, A-Rock, in an FBI undercover drug sting. Quincy, his close friend from Los Angeles, California, whom he loved like an older brother. Face couldn't wait for Quincy to get out of prison, come to Philly, and join his crew.

  When the image of Killa-D appeared, Face smiled. He and Reese had both enjoyed shooting and killing Hood's top street enforcer. Thanks to Passion, Reese's attractive stripper girlfriend, killing Killa-D was a lot easier than they had originally expected. His death had been long overdue, and with all the information Killa-D told them about Hood's drug operation, it was well worth it. The final image that appeared in Face's mind was of the crooked cop, Ron Perry. He was another one of Hood's loyal soldiers that Face couldn't wait to one day kill.

  When Face finally opened his eyes, they were back in Philly, driving down Walnut Street. Face turned around and looked at his strange white friend, Doc. He glanced at the large black bag Doc was holding on his lap, and smiled. Inside the bag was a large glass jar that contained Hood's freshly removed heart. Watching Doc surgically open Hood’s chest and remove his heart was the ultimate revenge. Deep down in his soul Face knew that it was just the beginning. Now, the legacy of the man who would become known as 'BLACK SCARFACE' had begun…


  Two days later...

  The news about the violent murders of Hood and his wife t
hat took place in their Ardmore, PA home had spread throughout the city. People in barbershops, hair salons, neighborhood bars and pool halls were all talking about it.

  As for Hood's crew, it was quickly disintegrating; the 'Big Boss' was now dead and Killa-D, the top lieutenant in Hood's crew was nowhere to be found. Without its two leaders, Hood's

  drug organization was in complete chaos.

  Inside the FBI building...

  Agent McDonald paced back and forth across the room holding a rolled up copy of the Philadelphia Daily Newspaper. His partner, Agent Powaski looked on as he sipped his coffee while McDonald vented frustration.

  "What the hell is going on! I can't believe it, Steve! As soon as the boss gives us the okay to start a new investigation on Hood and his crew, the son-of-a-bitch gets murdered inside

  his own house! And whoever did it took his fucking heart out!"

  "He must have really pissed somebody off " Agent Powaski calmly replied as he took another sip of coffee.

  "We can’t seem to catch a break! In the last seven months we have lost two of our informants! And now this!" Agent McDonald walked over to his partner and unrolled the newspaper.

  "Look at this Steve!" he said showing him the front page headline. "PHILLY DRUG BOSS SLAIN INSIDE HIS HOUSE!" "Somebody robbed us of getting revenge on Hood!

  And now they're gonna pay!" McDonald stated seriously.

  "But, we ain't got a clue who did it. The investigators said the job was spotless! No prints, clues, or suspects! Nothing!" Powaski replied. "Maybe it was an inside job," he added.

  "I thought about that, but Hood had a very tight circle around him," McDonald said thoughtfully. "He had that no good Philly cop, his body guard, Big-C and his right hand man, Killa-D."

  "Maybe Killa-D is behind it. He ain't been seen around since Hood's murder," Powaski said.

  For a moment McDonald considered the idea, then said, "No, I doubt it. Killa-D would never cross Hood."

  Powaski stood up from his chair and said, "Well partner, one boss is down and we'll see who rises to the top to take his place. When that happens, that will tell us everything we need to know."

  South Philly...

  On the corner of 23rd and Tasker, Ron Perry pulled up and parked his black Chevy Tahoe. A large heavyset black man, standing around six feet, eight inches tall, quickly walked over and got inside. They shook hands, then Ron Perry slowly pulled off and drove down the street.

  The big man's name was Big C and he had been Hood's number one bodyguard. In fact it had been Big C who discovered Hood and Britney's dead bodies and their children who were bound, gagged, blindfolded and terrified. Detectives had questioned him, then let him go, because they couldn’t conclusively finger him in the murders. But, to the police, he was still a suspect. Robbie and Arianna were taken downtown to Child Protective Services. Later Britney's parents arrived and gained temporary custody of them while the adoption proceedings were pending.

  "Where the fuck is Killa-D?" Ron Perry asked Big C, as they drove down 23rd street.

  "I been callin' him for the past two days," Big C replied, looking wide eyed and gravely concerned.

  "He ain't call me back. It's like he disappeared from the face of the earth!"

  Ron Perry looked over at Big C and said, "We gotta find out who did this!"

  "I been on it Ron, but nobody don't know a thing. Hood kept his circle tight and small. It was only you, me, Killa-D, and Hood. And I was just the body guard. My job was to check

  up on him every morning and keep an eye on his children."

  "So, you didn't see anything strange at all on your way over to Hood's house?" Ron Perry asked, as he turned his truck down Broad Street.

  Big C sat back pondering the question for a moment.

  " You know what? Now that you mention it I did see a strange black car pass me as I was headed for the house."

  "Do you remember what type of car it was?" Ron Perry asked. "Not really. It was still kind of dark. But, if I had to guess, I would say it was either a Lexus or an Acura Legend…Until now it had completely slipped my mind."

  "Did you see how many people were inside?"

  "No, I remember the windows being tinted," Big C said.

  Ron Perry shook his head and said, "Maybe the people inside were responsible for killing Hood and Britney."

  "Maybe. Or it could have been just someone rushing off to work" Big C replied.

  Inside Pamela's living room…

  She was sitting on the sofa with Face. Reese had just dropped Face off and told him he would be back in an hour to pick him up. Pamela was dressed and ready to go to work. But, whenever Face came to see her, she would stop whatever she was doing and give him her undivided attention.

  Face reached over and grabbed Pamela's hands, then he stared straight into her eyes and whispered, "Mom, I got him."

  Pamela looked at Face's excited expression and smiled. She didn't have to ask any questions. She already knew what he meant. Tears welled up in her eyes and started falling down the sides of her face. " on...the news!" she cried.

  Face reached out and gave his mother a long warm hug. "I did it for you Mom. For you and Jay. And my father," he whispered into her ear.

  "Thank you, Baby. Thank you so much," Pamela said, finally feeling some relief inside her grieving soul.

  "Where's Jay?" Face asked. "I have a surprised for him."

  "He's upstairs in the bedroom," Pamela replied sadly.

  "What's wrong?" Face asked noticing the sad expression on her face.

  "Jay has gotten a lot worse since he came home from the hospital. All he talks about is dying, and it's starting to get to me. I've been doing everything I can to make him happy but he won't let me" she replied, wiping her tears away with the back of her hands. "Face, it's really starting to stress me out. "

  Face reached out and hugged his mother again. "Don't worry Mom, everything will be all right."

  Face hated to see his mother in pain or crying. She was the most important person in his life and seeing her hurting had always taken a toll on him.

  "Mom, you go ahead to work. I'll go and talk with Jay," Face said, as they stood up from the sofa.

  "So, is Jay’s surprise inside that backpack?" Pamela asked, pointing to the bag that was strapped around Face's shoulder.

  "Yeah," he smiled.

  "Well, good luck. 'Cause I ain't been able to make him smile once," she said as they walked over to the front door.

  After Face walked Pamela to her car, they kissed and hugged before she got inside and drove off. When Face walked back into the house, he headed up the stairs with a smirk on

  his face. He couldn't wait to show Jay his big surprise.

  Southwest Philly...

  Pamela pulled over and parked her car on the corner of 53rd and Chester Avenue. She just sat there letting tears stream down her face. The news of Hood's death had finally brought

  her the relief she longed for so many years. A part of her still couldn't believe that the monster was actually dead; the man who was responsible for most of her pain.

  After a brief moment, Pamela smiled, started her car and drove off. She was headed to her job; working at Tasha's new and successful real estate company.

  Lewisburg federal prison...

  Truck laid aside the Philadelphia Newspaper after reading the entire story of the savage murders of Hood and his wife. There was no one that he hated more. With a smile across his face

  he thought about Face, wondering if his young friend had anything to do with killing Hood. Truck knew that Face also felt hatred towards Hood, but he had no idea how deep that hatred

  actually went. Since coming to prison, Truck had wanted for nothing. Face had kept his word and made sure Truck was straight. Every single month Tasha would send Truck a money order and several new books to read.

  Truck was one of several names on a list that Face had given Tasha. The list contained friends of Face's who were doing time, either in fede
ral or state prison. And Face wanted to make sure they were all well taken care of.

  Back at Pamela’s…

  When Face walked into the bedroom, Jay was sitting in his wheelchair, staring down at his legs.

  "What's up, Jay?" Face said, waking him from his daze. Jay looked up and tried to muster a smile.

  "What's up, Face?" he said solemnly.

  Face smiled and said, "I got something for you," taking the back pack off his shoulder.

  "Is it a gun?" Jay joked. But a part of him hoped it was.

  "No, I came to bring you this," Face said unzipping the back pack and reaching his hand down inside.

  When Face pulled out the large glass jar containing Hood's recently removed heart, Jay surprisingly stated, "What the hell is that?"

  Face brought the jar closer and said, "this is Hood's heart! I promised you that I would get it for you… remember?"


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