Black Scarface 2

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Black Scarface 2 Page 5

by Jimmy Dasaint

  stomach. "You all right?" Joey asked concerned. "I don't remember you drinking all that much," he added.

  White Chocolate opened the back door of the car and stepped out of the car. Inside her hand was a loaded .380 pistol and she slowly approached Joey from behind. At the same time a tinted Dodge Caravan pulled up behind Joey's Bentley. When Joey turned around to see who it was, White Chocolate had the .380 pistol pointed directly at his head.

  "What the fuck is goin on?" he asked.

  "Shut the fuck up you raping muthafucker!" Passion said as she pulled a .22 caliber pistol from her purse and stood straight up.

  "Y’all two bitches set me up!" Joey angrily said, standing there with both his hands in the air, watching as the two men got out of the Caravan.

  "Get the fuck in the van!" Reese told him.

  "Look man, just tell me how much money y’all want..."

  "Nigga, shut the fuck up and get in the van!" Face said cutting him off in mid sentence.

  "Bitches!" Joey mumbled under his breath as he walked over to the van.

  With his .9mm to Joey's back Reese pushed Joey inside the van, then got in beside him and closed the sliding door.

  Passion and White Chocolate got into Joey's car and drove down the dark street. Then Face walked over and got back inside the van. When he got back inside Joey was handcuffed and sitting on the back seat with Reese.

  "Look, just let me know how much y’all want!" he pleaded as Face drove in the darkness of the night.

  Joey looked at both men and even though neither one of them spoke a single word, he knew that they were serious and feared for his life. His intuition told him this wasn't a typical robbery/kidnapping in exchange for money. As sweat from nerves and fear poured from his body his breathe began to run a race with his heart.

  Twenty minutes later the van parked in a dark secluded area, underneath the Benjamin Franklin Bridge. A few feet away was Joey’s Bentley Azure. The doors on the van opened and Joey was pushed to the ground. Face and Reese stood over his tall, slim body with their pistols aimed at his head.

  "Please man, don't kill me! I'll give y’all whatever y’all want!" he begged, cried and pleaded.

  "We don't want shit from you, you coward!" Reese said in an angry tone.

  "Joey, do you remember a girl named Tasha?" Face asked.

  "Who? Man I know lots of girls named Tasha! Just tell me what's this all about!" he cried out.

  "It's about the Tasha that you raped! Her name is Tasha Daniels, muthafucker! Do you remember now? You raped her inside your truck, you bastard!" Face shouted.

  The old memory instantly came back to Joey. He sat on the ground shaking his head in confusion and fear. "She gave it to me!" he lied in desperation.

  "Stop lying muthafucker! You took it!" Reese fumed. "And now we gonna take something from you," he added.

  "Your life!" Face said, as both he and Reese aimed their guns at Joey's head and squeezed the triggers. Tht! Tht! Tht! Tht! Tht! Tht! Six quick near silent bullets entered and exited

  Joey's head and chest. Face and Reese watched as his body laid on the cold ground. In the darkness of the night they got back inside the van and drove off, leaving behind another

  dead victim who got what he deserved.

  West Philly...

  D.J. was inside the living room laying across the sofa watching TV. Momma’s and his personal belongings were all stacked up against the wall in large brown boxes. They were planning to move into their new home in Springfield, Pennsylvania, early the next morning.

  Just like Momma, D.J. was also looking forward to getting out of the city and enjoying a change of scenery. As his eyes started to tire and close he heard the sound of voices. He sat up on the sofa and looked toward the front door. As soon as he stood up, three armed and masked men crashed in the front door and quickly ran inside.

  D.J. was completely caught off guard. It happened so fast that he didn't know if he should run or scream. But before he could make any decisions, all three men had already aimed their pistols at him and began firing bullets into his unprotected body. He was dead before his lifeless body slumped hard to the floor.

  "Upstairs!" one of the men yelled.

  Hearing the loud commotion coming from downstairs, Momma quickly woke from her slumber, sat up in bed, and reached for and grabbed her shotgun-Betsy. Momma had ole' Betsy cocked and aimed, ready to shoot the first person that came through the door. Suddenly her bedroom door was kicked open and a tall, masked man, dressed in all black was standing there holding a pistol.


  Momma pulled the trigger and shot the man square in the chest. In an instant, the powerful impact completely knocked him off his feet. But, before Momma could get herself and Betsy ready for the next intruder, the other two masked men rushed into the bedroom firing their pistols.

  Momma was shot twice in the stomach. Her old body fell to the floor with Betsy dropping beside her.

  "Oh God! Oh God!" Momma cried out feeling the hot burning sensation now running throughout her elderly body.

  In the fetal position Momma laid on the floor holding her bleeding stomach. She could feel her 67 earthly years quickly coming to a tragic end.

  “Oh God! Oh God, please help me!" she painfully said.

  Ron Perry stood over Momma's dying body and grabbed a handful of her hair. Lifting her body high off the ground by her hair, he pointed his glock at her head and said, "I'm sorry, but God ain't here to help you right now!" He shot her in the side of the head then he let Momma's dead body slump to the bedroom floor.

  "Come on Big C, let's get the fuck outta here!" Ron Perry said, and both of them turned and ran out of the bedroom, passed their dead friend Zeno, straight down the stairs and out the front door to the waiting Ford Explorer pickup truck.


  One month later...

  The tragic deaths of Momma, D.J. and Jay left everyone in a dark and gloomy mood. However, no one seemed more hurt than Reese. For weeks he had distanced himself from everyone, trying to come to terms with his loss. His sadness was profound! He saw his grandmother and D.J. as his only remaining true family.

  At Momma and D.J.'s funeral, Face had to grab and comfort him from his loud, screaming outbursts. His eyes were bloodshot and glassy from the lack of sleep and his heart carried an indescribable feeling of loss and pain.

  Reese knew he would never rest until he found and killed the people responsible for murdering Momma and D.J. He and Face already suspected it was members of Hood's former drug organization but, they had no solid proof…Yet. And finding Zeno's dead body inside the house proved that Zeno wasn't working on his own. He could have been hired by someone else and was killed by Momma in the process. Either way Reese and Face swore to find and kill whoever was responsible.

  They also felt that Detective Ron Perry and his friend Big C were somehow involved in the killings. Now, Face was using all his power and influence to get them back for what they had done. It was personal. Very personal! Ron Perry and Big C were now wanted men and neither Face or Reese would rest until they were both dead.

  The Range Rover drove slowly through the cemetery, headed towards Momma's and D.J.'s grave sites. Inside the Holy Cross Cemetery their caskets had been buried right beside one another. When the Range Rover stopped, Face and Reese both got out and walked over to the large headstones and stared in silence and disbelief. Reese fell to his knees and put his face in his hands and started to cry. A river of tears streamed silently through his fingers and ran in rivulets down his arms and dripped from his elbows. He slowly looked up at Face and said, "It's time for my enemies to feel all my pain, Face. Ain't no mercy for none of them!"

  Face fell to his knees beside Reese and put his arm around his shoulders.

  "I'ma kill'em!" Reese shouted out.

  Face looked deep into Reese's watery, tired eyes and said, "Reese everything will be all right. Ron Perry and this guy, Big C are both on our shit list and death is the only way off o
f it! Just remember, the way we think will determine the way we walk. And the way we walk will determine the way we succeed. And we will succeed, I promise."

  After they both stood up from the ground, Face watched as Reese stepped forward and gently kiss both tombstones.

  "I love you, Momma," Reese said before he turned and walked back over to his Range Rover. When he and Face got back inside the truck, Reese slowly pulled off and drove down the small dusty cemetery road.

  On the back seat of Reese’s truck there was a large black suitcase with a million and a half dollars in cash inside. They were headed to Atlanta, Georgia where their good friend Roberto Chevez was patiently waiting at one of the Gomez's many safe houses. The Gomez Brothers had safe houses all around the country; Miami, Florida, Laredo, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, New York City, Los Angeles, California, Detroit, Michigan, Baltimore, Maryland, and other places that were too numerous to mention.

  As Reese drove out of the cemetery he looked at Face and said, "Thanks Face. Thanks for everything."

  Face placed his hand on Reese's shoulder and smiled. "What are brothers for?" he answered sincerely, then watched as Reese returned the smile and pressed the play button on the CD player. Seconds later the powerful voice of The Notorious B.I.G flowed out of the speakers.

  Inside the FBI Building at 6th and Arch Street...

  Agent Powaski stood in front of the white board looking at a pyramid of faces. Since Hood’s murder there had been a major shake-up in the streets of Philadelphia. New faces and names emerged from nowhere. But among the flock of new young drug dealers, two new names circulated heavily on the streets; Norman 'Face' Smith and Maurice Daniels.

  Agent Powaski walked over to a chair and sat down beside his partner. "So, what cha think McDonald?" he said.

  Agent McDonald shrugged his shoulders and said, "Right now there's only a lot of talk and guessing. We still have to wait for awhile to find out the whole truth about this guy Face and his partner, Reese."

  "But, our sources on the streets are saying that Face is the man," Powaski argued.

  "Maybe so, but we still need more proof," McDonald replied, as he sipped his cup of hot coffee.

  "Where the hell did this kid come from?" Powaski said.

  "No one knows and he has absolutely no juvenile or adult criminal record. He is squeaky clean," McDonald replied.

  "How about his partner?"

  "He’s had a few run ins with the law but, nothing real serious. His grandmother and younger brother were recently murdered inside their West Philly home about a month ago. And one of Hood's former street soldiers was found dead inside the house as well."

  "There's something big going on that we know nothing about. And I don't like it!"

  "Don't worry, partner. In time we'll both find out everything we need to know. But right now, we just have to wait and see," Agent McDonald said.

  Agent Powaski stood up, walked over to the white board, and snatched down the picture of Face. Then he held it in his hand and just stared at it.

  Northwest Philadelphia...

  The elderly white man opened his front door and let Ron Perry in. He'll be right down," the man said smiling.

  Ron Perry watched as the old man turned and walked away. Moments later Lil' Robbie was smiling as he walked down the stairs. They met at the foot of the stairs and gave each other a long warm hug. Since Hood's tragic death, Ron Perry would occasionally drive to Britney's parent’s home and check on Lil' Robbie and Arianna.

  "Where's your sister?"

  "She's out food shopping with Grandma," Robbie replied, as they walked over to the couch and sat down.

  Nine year old Robbie was tall for his age and was the spitting image of his father, Hood. "Did you find out who killed my parents?" Robbie asked curiously.

  After a long sigh, Ron Perry said, "If I tell you Robbie, you must keep it between me and you."

  "Alright," Robbie promised, anxiously waiting. "I believe the person who murdered your parents was your older brother. His name is Face," Ron Perry said, watching as Robbie's eyes filled with tears.

  "Is that's my real mother's other son," he tearfully asked.

  "Yeah, Robbie, the son she didn't abandon. The one she loved," Ron Perry replied.

  "When...When...I...I was little, I remember him. He used to hold me a lot," Robbie cried.

  Ron Perry reached out and gave Robbie a hug. "I just wanted you to know the truth, Robbie."

  After they talked for a short while, Robbie watched Ron Perry walk out the front door and get inside his truck. Then, he ran back upstairs into his bedroom and closed the door to finish crying.

  Inside his truck Ron Perry looked at Big C and smiled. "I told the kid," he said, pulling away from the curb.

  "Good, now Face will one day add a new enemy to his list. His own brother," Big C said as he and Ron Perry burst with laughter.


  June 16, 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii, one year later...

  Inside a lavish and beautifully decorated beach house situated on two acres of land, Face and the love of his life, Tasha, were married. The two million dollar home was owned by the Gomez brothers; one of the many they had situated around the world. They had allowed Face and Tasha to use it for this special occasion and only their immediate family members were invited to the private wedding ceremony.

  The Gomez brothers also allowed Face, his new wife, and their close family members the luxury of using their personal yacht. Face was now considered 'family' and there was nothing within their power that the Gomez brothers would not do for him.

  He and Reese were bringing in millions of dollars a month, helping the Gomez brothers expand their already powerful drug cartel. But what had impressed the Gomez brothers more than anything else was Face's loyalty and ambition to succeed. They saw such determination in Face…determination that they had never seen in anyone so young.

  At just 20 years old, Face was in a league of his very own. Not only was he a tall and handsome young man, he was also humble and caring. And when it came to handling his business he was always meticulous and cautious. He only trusted a few people, and he kept his circle small and tight. Face learned from many men that came before him. He studied their strengths and their weaknesses. This was one of the reasons why he never put his name on anything and his phone conversations were always brief and coded. He also stayed abreast of the world around him.

  Face enjoyed watching CNN and read several newspapers a day. He liked the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and the New York Times. He was like a sponge who soaked up every vital piece of information that would strengthen his intuitive young mind. Although he liked sports and entertainment, his focus was primarily on politics and even philosophy. He read about men like Rupert Murdoch, Steve Forbes, Steven Jobbs and Bill Gates; all powerful billionaires. He also read and studied the lives of famous drug kingpins like Pablo Escobar, the king of cocaine; Freeway Ricky Ross, the king of crack; and Aaron Jones, the leader of Philly's own J.B.M. (Junior Black Mafia). Face read about these men and so many others and he was destined to one day out do them all.

  After their wedding and three week honeymoon, Face and Tasha flew back to Philly on the Gomez's private jet. Reese was waiting at the airport inside a tinted black limousine. When Face and Tasha had got inside the limo Reese gave them both a long hug. While Face was away on his honeymoon, Reese had been running things in his absence. Face noticed the big smile on Reese's face and said, "What is it?"

  As Tasha laid her head in Face's lap, Reese leaned over and cupped his hand around Face's ear, "We got Big C! And you won't believe who he is!" Reese whispered. Face looked at Reese's beaming expression and nodded his head. He smiled and relaxed in the plush soft leather seat and ran his fingers through his wife's long black hair.

  Bala Cynwyd, Pa...

  Forty five minutes later the limousine pulled up and double parked in front of a beautiful new home. The house was owned by the T&F Real Estate firm. Face had Tasha purchased a few lu
xury cars and homes in the company's name. They had homes in Drexel Hill, Springfield, and in Cheltenham, Pa., and they also owned an elegant condo in Center City Philadelphia.

  Not only was Face's illegal drug business prospering, but the T&F real estate firm was doing extremely well. In just a short time, Tasha had turned their small real estate company into one of the most successful companies in Philadelphia. At twenty-four years old she was highly respected by her peers and had already established a reputation as a shrewd and clever business woman. Her colleagues loved her, while her competitors showed envy and fear. And just like her husband, she would allow nothing to stand in her path to success.

  After everyone had gotten out of the limousine, Face gave Tasha a passionate kiss and hug and watched as she walked into her new home. The limo driver followed her inside the house, carrying two large suitcases.

  When the limo driver returned, he got back into the limo and drove away. Face and Reese walked over to a brand new all white Lincoln Navigator and got inside. Reese got behind the wheel while Face rode shotgun. Reese started the engine and headed for a house in the North-Philly section of the city, near Broad and Susquehanna Avenue.

  * * *

  Inside the master bedroom, Tasha walked over to a large window and looked outside. The morning sky was a crisp blue with a few sluggish clouds passing overhead. The master bedroom overlooked the tennis court and surrounding woods. The lavishly built home had six bedrooms, an exercise room, and an elaborate entertainment room, complete with a theatre, bar and video games.

  Tasha stood there letting the warm wind blow against her face. At that moment she had never known such happiness. She rubbed her hands around her plump round belly and smiled. She was three months pregnant with Face's first child. Their baby was due in mid December and neither of them could wait for its arrival.


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